Greater Manchester Clean Air Zone

What a big load of stealthy cuntishness this is.
Just a glorified term for Congestion Charge, which Manchester voted against years ago.

On my way out of our town to do some shopping, I noticed the sign for it.
At first I wondered what it was, and later conducted a Google search.
The sign is that small, that it is a case of blink and you will miss it.
Unless this is the whole point.
Don’t see the sign, then you’ll pay a fine!
And I bet even with the extra income the roads will still be a shit show.

What makes me laugh is, as you leave Partington, and enter the Zone, a few hundred yards from the sign is a paper mill.
Keep travelling and you will pass Air Products, a gas fired power station, and lots of other industry, manufacturing sites, etc.
There’s irony for you.

Our councillor is a fucking traitorous, treasonous bitch.
Unfortunately, all the thick as pigshit, inbred, six fingered types, glad handing, bottom feeding, sycophants, will still crawl to her, saying that she is the best thing that happened to our town.

The best thing that could happen to our town is selective covid.
Fucking cunts.

Nominated by: Andy

(More info here, Day Admin – Daily Express News Link )

78 thoughts on “Greater Manchester Clean Air Zone

  1. Is Manchester going to have a cull of all Parking-Stanley, Knee-Grow and other swarthy types?
    That is the only way to “clean up” our Cities?
    Well done Manchester.

  2. The only clean air places like Rochdale, Bury and Oldham need is to clean out all the fucking Stanleys. That would improve air quality.

  3. This what happens when you let left wing bureaucratic cunts meddle in things they don’t know nor care about,ie:people trying to make a living for themselves.
    Clean air?
    Fuck off,fill the coffers more like.

  4. Andy? Not nominated by Andy the Mayor of the Greater Manchester region is it? Burnham….you’re a CUNT!

    • How dare Burnham have the same first name as me?
      And that allegedly paedo prince as well.
      I reckon Burnham is allegedly boning our resident traitor as they are incredibly pally.

  5. Commies ripping everyone off by stealth yet again?
    Ballbag Burnham in “charge”?
    We all know what and who needs cleaning in this fucking dump, and it ain’t the air.
    “The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money to spend”.
    Margaret Thatcher.
    Joe McCarthy and Enoch Powell were Men ahead of their time.

  6. ‘Car Tax Zone to cut down on vehicle emissions’. My arse.
    It’s just another revenue-raising scam. Thank fuck I live in the sticks.

    • My local hospital operates that sort of shit. Pay through the nose to park a car, but motorbikes are free.
      Last time I went there, I purposefully went on a mid 70’s 2-stroke 750, belching vast amounts of blue smoke everywhere and making a hideously wonderful crackly din.
      And it dropped a nice puddle of gearbox oil on the tarmac too.

      • TtCE – Fked gearbox sprocket seal always makes for a self lubed chain! (wheel, tyre, swinging arm etc as well) – just pull up in the motor and place a sign on the windscreen “self identifying as a motorcycle, issuing a ticket is racist and will probably contribute to climate change”!

      • Surely post-Coulson trial means that you can just ignore any fines as you thought parking charges were racist and, hence, can be ignored?

  7. Being serious (briefly), I find it frustrating that caring about the environment has been hijacked by utter cunts. Personally, I want to have a clean place to live, with no litter, clean energy and good air quality. The solution to climate change is technology – replacing carbon with nuclear for example.

    But the daft bastards who most people associate with environmentalism want to turn back the clock to when there was no industry and everyone lived a ‘pastoral’ existence. Did they fuck! Life was shit and most people were dead by their 40s. Technology and cheap energy has raised masses of people out of extreme poverty. Fuck these weekend hippies – let Dick’s hounds chase them to give the foxes a weekend off.

    Sorry to rant. This is an issue I care about passionately and I hate to see it fucked over by complete arseholes. You will notice that our morally-superior lords and masters are in no hurry to give up the perks of the Industrial Revolution.

    Thought #51 for the northerners …

    • Emperor@ – The climaloons and enviro mentals want that whole “rickets and straw huts” for US – not for them.
      That’s how socialism masquerading as environmental concern works.
      I wonder of Leonardo Di Caprio mentions that his super yacht burns nearly 300 gallons of diesel an hour as he flies around the world by private jet to browbeat people who can’t afford an airline ticket?

    • Spot on comments there – COP26, electric cars, gas boiler bans, heat pumps, house sale embargo’s (unless you have a “C rating” which 80% of the UK housing stock doesn’t) are not going to make one blind bit of difference to the state of the planet. It’s all virtue signalling at the taxpayer’s (great) expense and (severe) inconvenience. The shit in this nomination is just the thin end of the wedge.

      When the only voting options are hypocritical, virtue signalling lefties how do we stop this nonsense? Can’t drive your (old) car anywhere, can’t afford to heat your house and banned from selling it, taxes ramped up well beyond the point where it hurts. It’s all coming at us in the next couple of years.

      Some people are already taking a hands on approach to this looming issue.

      I don’t condone it, but what the fuck else can you do, and if it’s OK to vandalise historic statues why the fuck not?!

  8. I might buy myself a Trabant and just go for a spin to Manchester to give the “working classes a lungful of real Socialism”, before being sent back to a dark ages feudal type existence, the Parking Stanley’s will really feel at home then, in fact they might fuck off then when they realise that Britain is worse than fucking Somalia, its a win/win situation!!!

    • That harelipped cleft palate commie Burnham needs shooting!!
      This greater Manchester zone effects me, £10 a day!!!!?
      For fuck all.
      That little champagne socialist should be fed to the dogs.

      Ohhh im angry.?

      • MNC@ – What? WHAT? Spending money?
        That’s it – I am sending a few big lads from “the tripe squad” to have words with “not a bumboy at all” Burnham!
        This will never do..

      • Someone needs to set fire to Manchester town hall with all of them in there. I’d pay a tenner to watch them burn

    • Word of advice to all cunters

      IF you ever find yourself in the company of bird from those parts,.. (highly unlikely I know).. whatever you do.. . don’t mention trabants.

      Not if you treasure your Hamptons anyhow.

  9. I live in London. “Clean air zones” are revenue raisers. London has the cleanest air it’s had for 500 years. Just remember that in your council tax only 25% is spent on services. The rest goes on pensions and wages. Fucking insane.

  10. They tried this stealth tax before with congestion charges. Two rings, each with a charge to access and then again to get out.
    Burnham is an absolute cunt blaming it on central government. If he was ‘with the voters’ he’d take the fucking cameras down.

    • As much as I hate Burnham with a passion in a way he’s right. The government lost a series of court cases brought by a pressure group, Client Earth, which forced the governments hand on air quality.
      The governent has simply passed the buck to Local Authorities to take measures no doubt with the threat of witholding funding / grants of some description if they do nothing.
      What Burnham cannot get away with blaming central government for is the scheme he and the 9 Gtr Manchester authorities have come up with covering the whole region, not just the most polluted areas. He and his scouse crony, Chris Boardman, must have creamed their pants at this chance to implement their failed congestion charge scheme under a different guise (though Burnham denies it is Congestion Charge MkII).
      Private cars will be exempt from the clean air charge at present but no doubt in a couple of years or so that’ll change with the argument being taxis, vans, HGVs etc have been paying so why shouldn’t cars.

  11. Suck Dick Khan is planning on extending the Congestion Zone right out to the M25 in London and basically charging £3.50 to come into London and this is on top of the Low Emmission Zone which is about £15 if you have an old car. This is to off-set the amount of money TfL are looseing due to the scamdemic.
    They want to think about road taxing these fucking electric cars which are free at the moment. This is obviously a stealth road pricing plan as everyone will be forced to have an electric shit waggon in a few years time. A much better earner to get between £3.5 – £10 a day out of cunts than £180 a year.
    This cunt is already killing London as 125,000 have moved out in the last two years with London loosing £50 billion in revenue.
    Make travel cheaper and force people back into the office before all major cities become Ghost towns.

  12. Another way for the cunts to target motorists pockets on top of the numerous other taxes levied, coming to all UK major cities soon once the rest of the cunt Mayor’s and Councils realise how much money they could make.

    Uncle T you’re going to have to build a bigger oven….

  13. Burnham is a cunt. Years ago, we had a referendum as already mentioned, the idea of a congestion charge was comprehensively rejected.
    So what does Burnham do ? He brings in a clean air zone that covers the whole of the made up ‘ County ‘ of Greater Manchester.
    It’s still Lancashire to me, always put Lancashire on my address, fuck them.
    Apparently, you can apply for a few thousand pound grant, to put towards a very expensive electric van.
    Fuck off, I’ll keep me Land Rover’s, thank you very much.
    Pocket picking socialist cunt, aided and abetted by fifth columnist ‘ Tories ‘.
    Prices are going up.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Guess whos exempt from this?
      ….fuckin council vans!!
      Not leading by example then Andy you cunt?.

      No way im getting rid of a perfectly ok vehicle to buy some ‘eco’ version,
      Spunk £10-15k to carry on as normal?
      Oh and you get a grant towards it?
      Only from authorised dealers.
      So either Andy’s family members or some cunt whos slipped him a fat brown envelope.
      Fuck that ?
      Ill up my charges and carry on polluting.
      Oh and yes Andy it is me whos been mailing you dogshit.

      • I bet you a pound to a pinch of shit that Suck Dick Khan’s bullet proof Range Rover is exempt as well.

      • MNC@ – Got a mate who does sign printing – just getting him to knock up a couple of “Greater Manchester Council” signs for the van! ??

  14. Leicester considered a clean air zone but scrapped it last year because of’improvements in air quality’. It’s the one the mayor has done which I agree with. What he doesn’t mention is that air quality has improved because he’s made it so difficult to drive around Leicester that no cunt with even half a brain wants to come here anymore. These wankers seem determined to close down all city centres.

  15. I live in a suburb and have noticed a proliferation of charging points in people’s front walls. Fair enough if you can afford it but wtf do you do when you have a flat?

      • Smart arse. Afternoon Mis. The system can barely cope with the power we use now. Wait until these cunts start plugging their bloody cars in. Brown outs all over the place. I read, somewhere, that one reason smart meters are being pushed is so the elite can cut down the amount we can have whilst making sure they get what we need. I believe it.

      • Afternoon Moggie ?
        I don’t doubt it either.
        It’s ok saying we’ll replace vehicles with electric versions.
        But call me negative,
        Might be best to wait till you have a viable, tested vehicle to offer,
        Rather than something that does 17miles after being charged 24hrs.
        These things are like the Sinclair C5.
        Useless and dangerous.

      • Some Swedish bloke blew up his eight year old Tesla sports car with dynamite after getting a quote for thousands to replace the batteries, which according to the dealer “might” have cured it’s multiple faults and glitches.
        That’s progress for you…???

      • The Swede had the right idea BB. New batteries would not have fixed his Tesla; they are like that from brand new.

      • Just been to see the demise of the Tesla on YT. The deed was actually done in Finland and is well worth a look. Tesla turned to shrapnel in an instant, Fucking superb!

    • 8.5million eople Park on the Street in this country. That is a fucking lot of charging points that Boris is going to have to install especially as five of our nuclear power stations are due to be decommissioned.

      • Just do what the krauts do…
        Burn filthy lignite.
        Buy gas from your friendly Russian dictator.
        You know it makes sense.

        Wire Greta into the mains. She’d make a fairly dim pygmy bulb.

      • Don’t forget the new Highway Code rules that will come into effect this year: no charging cables across pavements, if they cause a potential hazard to pedestrians or cyclists ?

  16. Most people who rant about the environment these days are middle-class morons who don’t have a scooby what they are on about or what the practical solutions could be. They just make a cunt of themselves attempting to look cool by looking concerned. You saw these sanctimonious saps during that… oh fuck, what do they call themselves again (?)… Extinction Rebellion! Had to search my synapses for those cunts, are they still on the go? Are they a legit organisation, by the way? The got permission to cunt-up the streets in 2019, that’s for sure. Remember that spongoloid who glued himself to a train? If only it had taken off, he would have made Buster Keaton look like a lightweight!

    Anyway. Anyone have shit comedian and actor, Bob Saget in their Deadpool?

    He was actually really funny in real life, in person, behind the scenes, but on stage he did that classic lightweight stand-up that we all fucking hate, but somehow he became huge. And at 6 foot 3 he was far too tall to do stand up for a white man. Tall people don’t need to be funny, it’s a short man’s profession. There’s a fucking awful 6 foot 8 dude who does “does comedy” interspersed with his classically-trained piano playing, can’t recall his name, God is he awful. It seems like anyone who ever got a laugh for farting or saying, ‘How about that Donald Trump asshole?” is now a stand-up in America and has had three specials filmed in 4K, all over Netflix, all over everywhere, awards, movie deal. There are probably a few George Carlins level geniuses out there we have not heard of, living in motels eating cheese, who just don’t “fit the bill” in Wokeworld. Sorry for digressing. Fucking January is such a boring month. I have old World Cup matches on from 2pm via this awesome free subscription site…

    • WEST Germany v Platini’s France, Semi-Final 1982, English commentary…

      (2 hours 20 minutes)

      As I say, you sign up via email for free. Finding matches is tricky ar first but you get the hang of it. Most matches are in the language of the winning team, but not always. I watch via laptop-HDMI-TV.

      • Just remembered that the Africa Cup of Nationals football is on, started on Sunday. On Sky Sports, but BBC are showing two of the quarter final games, the semi, the final and five other matches on red button. Great tournament if you love the live soccerballings. Maybe a bit shit right now, but the knockout stages are great. Algeria are a great side. Any of the “Big 8” teams (Senegal, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali) could win it, though. South Africa shit the bed in the qualifiers, got beat 2-0 in the last game with fucking SUDAN.

        Just good to watch international fitba without having to worry about Scotland and England! And no taking the knee pish!

      • I watch any premier league match-it’s like watching fucking Africunt fitba-so no thanks ?

  17. All this ‘Green’ bollocks will go down in history as one of the biggest con-jobs known to man, along with ‘New Labour’ and Mr Bliar of course.

    • Well to the good people of Manchester,
      You have a delivery in the city Centre?
      Don’t phone me.
      A shop in Manchester needs something collected?
      Get fucked.
      Blame Burnham .
      Also if your taxi fare to work jumps from £15 to £45.
      Blame Burnham.
      Hope you fuckin starve.

      Dont look back in anger!?

      • MNC@ – I was watching Fifth Gear Recharged (electric vehicles) they had a VW and a Merc electric vans – both useless and one was down to less than 30MPH with just a small load.
        Terrible performance in every area and just not useable for a tradesman.
        And about double the price of the diesel equivalent.

      • Better off with a horse and cart Foxy, like my grandad did.
        And its green!
        Probably bring in a equine tax.

      • Is it any surprise that all this green bollocks is going to fuck things up for a great many small business concerns?
        We’ll be in the fields tilling the soil by hand while the likes of khan and Burnham cruise past in Bentleys.

        Or a Mercedes Grosser, if your local party top dog is an admirer of Pol Pot…

  18. This fucking bollocks will affect me, I’m just over the border in sunny Yorkshire, my 95 year old mother is in a care home in GMC ” LANCASHIRE ” therefore every time I visit “weekly” boom £££ in cunty burnhams pocket…TWAT….☠️

    • Evening John?

      I come out of our house, turn right im ok, turn left £10.
      It covers a massive area, and im on the border of it .
      Most of my work is in the zone though ☹️
      Stealth tax masquerading as a green innovative.

  19. I was in Neasden a couple of weeks back, I have a 1 year old Petrol Hybrid motor but still had to pay £17.50 for the pleasure despite the fact that during all the time I drove within the ULEZ the electric motors were in charge. Literally!

    Here’s a little known exception from the entire TFL racket, Circus Vehicles, I wouldn’t know how you go about registering a vehicle as one but you can literally drive through the City of London with a 50 year old Foden belching unlimited amounts of No2 to your hearts content and it won’t cost you a penny, just like the diesel you’d siphoned!

      • Don’t mean to wind you up further Mis, but if this new charge follows the pattern in London it will be increased regularly and by a margin far ahead of inflation.

    • Why not just get some number plates made up with two digits transposed? In the unlikely event you get pulled over and queried about “blame it on that useless garage”!

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