Don’t Get Involved

A woman was stabbed to death by a bloke in Maida Vale, London, last night. Witnesses tried to intervene but then the bloke tried to stab them too.

It would appear one of the witnesses then got into his car and intentionally (allegedly), ran the attacker down and subsequently killed him.

Regrettably, the woman died of multiple stab wounds.

The police have arrested the driver on suspicion of murder!

If this stands in the courts, then clearly it sends out a message to anyone witnessing any kind of serious crime – Don’t Get Involved!

In future if you see someone being stabbed to death, raped, mugged, set on fire etc, just stand well back, get your phone out, record it (do a selfie if needed) and upload to YouTube for the likes and attention!

Seems that Plod always ask for people to come forward when helping them solve crimes, but if this particular case is upheld and the driver/hero is sent to jail, then plod can go fuck themselves!

BBC News Link

Nominated by Technocunt 

96 thoughts on “Don’t Get Involved

  1. Ridiculous. Instead of giving him the medal he deserves, Plod arrests him.

    The World has turned upside down. Criminals get sympathy whilst well meaning members of the public are criminalised.

    I suppose if Plod can’t pin him for murder they will charge him for being white, instead.

    • I watched an episode of the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters” on YouTube, last night.

      A 53 year old women, on a disability scooter, arrested by plod, for the heinous crime of putting up posters saying “women are still the victim of domestic abuse”.

      Arrested and detained for 12 hours, house searched and mobile phone confiscated, for voicing a genuine concern.

      No mention of race, religion or sexuality.

      Probably detained under “terrorism” legislation.

      Probably offended a local tranny!

      In Wales.
      Drakeford you cunt.
      Welsh plod, you cunts.

      I hope she gets lawyered up and takes then to the fucking cleaners.

    • Well, he would have to be arrested, wouldn’t he? That’s the law. The police don’t know what happened, they came to the scene and saw bodies lying around and people going mental, so they have to establish what happened. Why use your car? If you are feeling brave, then run at the cunt with a knife. But he ran them BOTH over. He’ll need a good lawyer. It’s justifiable homicide of the knife cunt, not sure what that gets you these days – 7-10 years? But he rammed into the victim woman too!. He’ll probably get 7 years.

      Leon McCaskre, 41 – knife cunt, he was wanted by police.
      Yasmin Chkaifi, 43, ex-wife of knife cunt, study for Master’s Degree. Ex-husband was a ultra-psycho it seems who had been stalking his ex for ages.
      Car dude, unknown who he is.

      Horrible story. These types of madness have been on the rise in the past few years. Lots of damaged people just snapping and reaching for a blade. Steer clear of nutter when you clock them.

    • was it white? I thought it was black, its called abo dildo bongo or some un-white name…driving a clown’s car like a PG tips extra

      • You’re a seriously stupid cunt, tinkers cunt. You are not a welcome addition to this site. These thoughts are based on your recent posts, which basically show you to be a complete racist twat. Don’t post here again.

        You both know the rules. SM – don’t cunt the cunters, so knock if off. TC – no trolling/deliberately trying to get a rise out of other cunters. There are plenty of other places on the interweb for that kind of shit. Not here. Consider yourself warned. – NA

  2. This “soft-on-crime” bullshit is undoing our society. The criminals have more fucking rights than the victims. Everything is backwards.
    I’m working on keeping a deep hole dug on my property so I can disappear any cunt who tries to fuck with us.

    • Police in england have been shit for years. Their yo-yo policy on alleged rapes, their harrassment of innocent people, how about being arrested, charged AND convicted for carrying something that THE LAW says you can carry? Oh, and dont forget that cop who recently raped a woman. NOW the cunts are recruiting. Advert should say ‘join the UKs biggest gang’

  3. From experience, most cunts wouldn’t go out of their way to help people in need.

    “Community spirit”-another victim of B.liars failed social experiment?

    • Ive stepped in once or twice. If its not the legal ramifications, its the cunt getting all his pathetic mates to come after you. Pointless. No wonder we’re seen as a country of twats

  4. I glanced at this story on the waily fails webshite.

    I’m not sure any of those involved had British/English names (tho I may be wrong) but there in lies the underlying problem.

    Import the turd world, become the turd world.

    Sadly even the bloke trying to ‘help’ gets tarred with my same brush.

  5. The police have to investigate, I imagine they have to decide if their is a case to pass to the CPS who will decide if it’s prosecutable.

    It’s not like you can just kill some cunt and head hole for tea and toast is it? I believe a firearms officer has to justify every time they fire their weapons.

    Charles Bronson in the car did well but the law still has to be applied.

  6. The knifeman run down by this hero was stuck under the wheels of his car crying “help me, help me”.

    Bystanders did nothing and ignored him – they were rightly concerned with the victim. Will Plod be arresting them as well?

    • Most of the eyewitnesses have described the driver as heroic.

      Apparently it was the victim’s coat stuck under a wheel. Not her entire body.

    • Leaving the stabber pinned under the car until the police arrived was absolutely the correct and only sensible course of action.

    • Glad they did that, and no, I don’t think ignoring a cry for help is a crime, but if it is then the police need charging with it on a daily basis.
      Arm us and carry on dancing at gay pride events, Plod.

  7. Let the public have right to carry sidearms again and allow reasonable force in situations of violence to others.

    Conditions: Must have at least 115 IQ, pass psychological examination, over 25, and full name must not include the word Mohammed.

    It’s fucking retarded that a person, especially a woman, can only legally carry a rape alarm in this country. Even more so when the police barely patrol anymore.

    • Most Muslims hate guns, it’s against Islam to carry weapons! Yeah, I know, doesn’t stop a lot of them, does it?

      I’m not for a British society with conceal-carry of handguns. No way. Too many hotheaded nutters out there, wide-boys who would act like Billy the Kid with them. Most people in Britian HATE guns. It’s scary as fuck to fire a gun, I’ve tried all sorts on a gun range. Pointing a gun at someone is terrifying for YOU as much as the other person and firing lead at 3000 miles per hour into someone is so fucking traumatising to the person firing. Nah, guns don’t solve anything. There is no solution to the violent people in society. Identify them and put them in an institution. Guns in society add all kind of added tensions, make it harder for people to trust each other. The solutions of fixing society are so complex and that’s why no one ever brings up this subject in a serious manner.

      Fuck it, it’s Friday, let’s all chill out! Play a record…

      • I don’t like the idea of my life or someone I love being snuffed out just to maintain this illusory utopian fantasy that doesn’t even work. It’s all fine if you live in a peaceful posh area with good police presence, but it’s no consolation to those who don’t and to those who can’t defend themselves in a life and death situation.

        If I want to carry a gun for personal protection, why shouldn’t I be able to? Why should I have to rely on state protection?

        Make the bar really fucking high. If some yahoo police officer can have a gun then I can too.

      • When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
        Violence must be stopped with violence or better yet, greater violence. Stop a knifer with a well placed bullet.

    • I carry Mace pepper spray at all times when I go out. Just in case. I don’t care about the law.

    • When someone is being murdered in front of you proportionate force means lethal force. If this happened in America the cops would have given him a commendation by now.
      I hope in a similar situation that I would have the presence of mind to react in the same manner. Then back iup and run over the cunt again just to make sure. If our hero gets jail time I will be on next train to London to join the mainly peaceful protest against the verdict.

    • It is still LEGAL to carry a swiss army knife in england. I carry two 1ft-long chains with a padlock each end. If cops ask, its my bike lock officer.

  8. Does anyone conclude that the ever rising tide of brown effluent that pours into our sagging country could be driving increasingly violent crime?
    Or are the population too engrossed with Facefook to even notice what is happening around them?

    Anyhow I hope the chap who squashed and killed the fucking maniac gets off scot free and is awarded the British Empire Medal.

  9. I often have to fight with the wheel if I’m passing a gentleman of a dusky hue who’s on the pavement. For some reason my car wants to veer towards them…..I don’t understand it?

  10. A black career criminal killed while committing a crime?…Fuck me,we’ve got our very own Saint George Floyd….expect looting and stabbing to begin soon as da communidee blame wicked whitey for everything and anything regardless.

    Black Lives Matter.

    • Aye, Leon sounds like a great guy, pillar of the community! Fuck me, how did this cunt escape the police for so long? Meanwhile, they sound up other, not dangerous petty criminals pronto these days. That cunt should have been in prison ages ago. Lockdown put coppers brains to sleep.

      • Joking aside,regardless of his colour, I can’t muster a jot of sympathy when I read about someone like him meeting a sticky end…in fact,reading about some smack-rat burglar who dies after taking an overdose or some “joyrider” killed while trashing someone’s car actually brings a smile to my face and a “Good Riddance”

  11. Interesting how the BBC are reluctant to show McCaskre’s face in their latest report. Can’t imagine why!

    I suppose the BLM will get involved and declare the driver a racist murderer who should be hung, and everyone should bend the other knee, especially premier league footballers

    Black Stabber Lives Matter!

  12. Criminals do have their rights! Unfortunately often more rights than the victim, or in this case ‘A have ago hero.’ I would have done what he did, especially if it was a Sand N….r. But it would of course “Not been intentional, Your Honour! I have heard he has since been let out on bail. That’s promising for a “murderer.” More good news is the public outcry in his favour. Good on him!

  13. Where I live is violent and unpleasant – walking around on a night alone is inadvisable – the dirty little smack and crack rat muggers all carry knives and use them, and I have little time for the “day chavs” either.
    I do not waste time calling the law, they are a joke.
    And I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.

  14. It won’t be too long before criminals will have the right to carry weapons and attack people with impunity.

    The innocent, of course, will be left stranded by not only a police force more interested in acquiescing to any woke virtue signalling protest group who bleat about victimhood, misuse of pronouns and hurty words; but also the Justice system, who again seem to be made up of Islington types hell bent on screwing over the innocent plebs (mostly white working classes) so as not to appear biased by those very same woke groups (groups that probably consist of those very same judges lawyers and jurors)

    • Techno@ Two murders and a couple of dozen attempted in the last six months where I am – a supposedly “posh” satellite of York taken over by drug gangs.
      There is no law present or visible here.

  15. Putting on my legal hat now (proprietor of Samuels, Rubenstein, Cohen, Boggs and Hyams – most of our time is spent defending our artistic films from the DPP – the latest case being the “Angie Rayner SexTapes a.k.a Angie Does Doggie In Ilford”) – I think the words here which might get the car driver in trouble is “Reasonable force”. Does driving a car AT somebody constitute “reasonable force”?. Will be interesting in juris prudence circles. You are allowed to use reasonable force in detaining a suspect and making a citizens arrest. Thankfully this is not one for me to judge. I am a pornographer, not a barrister.

    • After fucking up the aftermath of the Lee Rigby murder the Met now operate a keep shooting until you’re sure the cunt is dead policy to deal with stabby peacefuls. Armed cop on scene would have shot the cunt, end of. It is our sacred duty as cunters to support those who aid the authorities in this endeavour.

    • Give it a few more years and just “driving a car” will be an arrestable offence.
      Unless you’re rich of course…

    • Reasonable force can be used in ‘prevention of a crime’. Guy is stabbing someone, he is armed attacker, so running the guy over may be justified. Reasonable force can also be used to assist in an arrest, so pinning the guy under your car…fine, I say. But WHO judges what is ‘reasonable’? The person, the cop, the judge?

  16. Said it before, I’ll say it again
    Plod by name Plod by nature.
    Total useless Cunts.
    P. Please
    L. Let
    O. Offenders
    D. Decamp.

    • Yep – was a darkie – hadn’t even read the story before I previously posted, you just know…

      • People like myself should be deputised to carry guns.
        Im a business owner
        Im white
        Great cheekbones
        Level headed.
        And no sense of guilt or remorse.

        Its a arms race and we’re lagging behind!
        Criminals have some great weapons,
        Don’t see why us taxpaying citizens should be unarmed?

        If your in a certain tax bracket you should receive anually a sheriffs badge
        A handgun of your choosing
        And a box of 8 hand grenades.

      • I want you clearly marked and visible though. Some black jack boots and one of those snazzy skull emblem hats should do the trick.

        Keep my neighbourhood clean. Real clean. Heil!

    • It was heavy and had an amazing kickback, but you’d pretty much always hit what you were aiming at. Ammo was bloody expensive though.

      • I once fired a 44 magnum revolver Moggie. Christ, that was impressive! If I had one of those in my pocket, white as I am, I wouldn’t be concerned walking round Tottenham alone at night.

      • My weapon of choice would be a H&k MP5K SD3, withtwin magazine and a Short mag scope plus a lazer pointer for close range target acquisition?

        Fuck yeah?

    • My choice, Colt Combat Commander .45, had to be careful if carried cocked but what you hit felt it. Think the good old .45 acp has been banned in California, too hurty on the misunderstood or some such wankery

  17. I’ve got a small problem with the universal opinion here. The driver clearly broke the law, whatever the appropriateness of his action. If I say that the Colston cunts were correctly arrested and should have been convicted of criminal damage – and I do – I have to acknowledge that the driver should face trial at least for driving without due care and attention, and probably worse. A magistrate might hand down a token sentence…£5 fine and don’t do it again. But the law is the law, and you can’t bank on not getting a cunt magistrate.

    Alternatively, if the driver opts for the Crown Court, he may well find a sympathetic jury which will return a not guilty verdict*, as happened with the Colston Cunts. Which means I have to endorse the Colston verdict, whose legal basis, such as it is, is similar.

    *even if there is abundant evidence, and he pleads guilty, as they did.

    • “… the Colston verdict, whose legal basis, such as it is, is similar.”

      Don’t think they stand comparison Komodo because what was clearly absent in the Colston case is hugely applicable in this one; namely ‘exigency’.

    • I think they stand comparison in that there are sufficient grounds to believe the law was broken in both cases. And, exigency or not, some recognition has to be made of that. I am saying that the correct operation of the law was sidelined in the case of the Colston Cunts, for the worst possible reasons, and in the face of the evidence. I objected to that, and I am forced to object to ANY other case in which due process is similarly waived, for what are, I am sorry to say are emotional rather than justicial considerations.

      IOW, yes, bloody good guy, but you broke the law, which applies to bloody good guys and cunts alike.

      BTW, Maida Vale must have gone to hell since I lived there.

  18. Look at the good old USA. DA’s let scum out with no charge, police gunned down, defund the police…. same happening here. Pigs chasing “hate” crimes,, Joe Public fighting for the streets, good job the guy who done the George Floyd got off with it.

  19. There seems to be a pattern both sides of the pond of violent black men taking out their rage on wives and yellow people,.

    • White men do it too, but we tend to just bury them silently under the patio. No noise or litter, very considerate.

      • TBCC@ – If some gal cost me the price of a patio I would hide her under it!
        Oh, wait a minute..

    • primitives, no brains, can’t argue so they just lash out, like chimps leaping about flinging turds, horrible creatures, their cubs are just as disgusting, all tantrum and shit throwing, sooties shouldn’t be allowed to live wild amongst humans, they make dreadful pets

  20. Just to add to the roll-call of Diversity & Inclusion, a psycho-nutter, Andrew Ramdeen, who drove rou d shooting at people with a crossbow, is likely to end up in a secure hospital. Clue? Lips like boat fenders, and turd-coloured.

    • it needs shooting like a rabid ape, crate them all up and return to the forest so they can evolve for another million years, disgusting animals, cats and dogs are smarter and cleaner

  21. I wonder if all the other culture enriching parasites standing around went through the perp’s pockets.

    Shit eating shit and as long as a blind eye is turned on black crime for the sake of correctness they will just keep stabbing each other and using knives for anything other than buttering a slice of toast.

    • i was outside a club decades ago waiting for a cab when a sooty got stabbed, cops asked me to be a witness, innocently said ok, then they treated me like shit took me to the police station and finger printed me and “interviewed” me like i had been involved in the stabbing!!…got to court months latter i retracted my witness statement said it was too dark so i couldn’t see the blackman and cops had forced me to say stuff and threatened me, grinned at the fucking cops and walked out of fell apart no witnesses…fuck em all sooties and cops

  22. I stopped scooter riders a couple of years ago who came up behind a woman on a footpath who was on the phone and they tried to snatch her phone. Lights and horn blazing I aimed at the cunts and they missed her phone. Dozy bitch was oblivious to what was going on behind her.

  23. Stay the fuck outta it. These things just spring outta nowhere … you would rarely have time to assess the risks which means you’d be exposing yourself to extreme danger. Unless you’ve got the means to drop the aggressor in front of you from a distance whilst at the same time scanning for unseen threats all around you … leave it. Of course if you really can’t leave it … kill everyone and claim it was self defence and there was a bit of collateral damage along the way.

  24. lol sooties, right comedians, driver should have kept going the pavement was packed with them he could have wiped out dozens of them in one strike…oh well hopefully next time.

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