Dominic Cummings

Dominic Cummings is a Cunt.

I’ve had some harsh words to say about Dominic in the past and I stand by them but I will say that my respect for him now continues to grow….he really is an Armageddon class of Cunt who can only be admired.

His sticky, vicious pawprints are all over the torpedoing of his former boss, Johnson, and I for one tip my hat to such a grudge-bearing Cunt….most people lack the sheer vindictiveness necessary to be a True Cunt….not our Dom…in a world of petty,run-of-the-mill Cunts, Cummings stands like a true Colossus…an example to us all on the pleasure of taking revenge.

I salute you, Mr. Cummings.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

And supported by Dioclese

I’d like to second the Fiddler’s excellent cunting of Dominic Cummings.

You have to admire a man who can stick the knife into Boris over the so called Partygate Affair whilst at the same time conveniently forgetting his own restriction busting cummings and goings ( see what I did there ?!? )

When reflecting on our Dom, the words ‘Castle’ and ‘Barnard’ spring readily to mind.

I could almost forgive Boris for holding a party to celebrate the demise of this weapon’s grade cunt. And not just a cunt – an arrogant, hypocritical weapon’s grade cunt to boot…

71 thoughts on “Dominic Cummings

  1. Domino invented the 500 mile roundtrip eye test.
    A textbook creepy schoolgate kiddy drooler .
    And a grudge bearer only a spurned homosexual could even.
    This Jarvis Cocker of political spin should be allowed to meet Boris in the arena.
    Give both a broken bottle and half a brick each and let them settle it almost like men.

    Televise it for our pleasure and donate any money made to Help for Heroes .

    • My money’s on Domino.
      He’s looks like a streak of piss, but I bet he’s a right nasty little fucker who knows all the dirty tricks.

  2. The fact that all this unprofessional in fighting occurs, just compounds they’re not fit for purpose and should not be running a country, that covers all current party’s that don’t have the countries best interests at heart.

  3. Barnyard Castle and “alleged”meetings with pharmaceutical directors were not his only reason for his journey.

    Oh no!

    Step forward Dominic Cummings, whose mothers maiden name was in fact, “Foxchaser-Fidler”.

    That’s right, he is the 2nd Cousin of our very own Lord Richard Foxchaser-Fidler.

    Our Lordship is proud that at least one of his bloodline, shows the qualities he most admires in a cunt?

  4. Dominic Cummins, Alastair Campbell?

    Are they related?

    Similar morals and their respective puppets have similar policies.

  5. Top cunting chaps.
    In my opinion the other cunts in the Cummings Barnard Castle affair were the ignorant radio and TV reporters who called the place ‘Castle Barnard’. I heard it several times. Hopeless, thick as mince twats.

  6. All cast from the same die.Twats.Pickle them in vinegar.Doris the shit weasel wants binning.I despair at our weak country.Maggie wouldn’t stand for no shit.

  7. Women are from Venus.
    Men are from Mars.
    Cummings is from Ur-anus.
    Whitty hails from Vulva, near the constellation of Be1f curta1n2

  8. Hell hath no fury like a Moby scorned..
    Symonds finishes (S)Cummings (oo err Madam!), Cummings ends Johnson.
    Which particular part of this rat theatre is not to like?

  9. In better and perhaps simpler times backstabbers ended up in a dungeon.
    Or had a date with the axe.

    Nowadays the soppy cunts all tie each other up with never ending waffle.

    Pistols at dawn.
    Have done weasels.

  10. He’s always comes across as an arrogant cunt.
    Is a bum bandit ?
    There are two types of bummers ,
    The ooh ducky get you camp types and the nasty malicious hell hath no fury like a tutti fruti scorned ,struggling with their Gayness types.
    He firmly fits the second description

    • funnily for turd gardeners they always have an ex-girlfriend lurking in their past, usually it’ll have a face like a cat’s arsehole desperate to hold in the trots…ming the merciless cunt has a sprog by one such lefty lesbo, it’s as if they want to spread their seed in much the same way that triffids do

  11. Fool who combs his hair with a balloon hires shifty rat to do shifty rat type stuff, gets sacked by balloon hair’s balloon head wife, then annoys his previous employer by being a shifty rat, doing shifty rat type stuff against them.
    That’s about it, isn’t it?

  12. He made me laugh when he said Barnyard Castle was his family home.??
    Get to fuck.

    One look at hims all you need.

    Roswell born an bred if I ever saw one.

    • More like he was grown in a lab somewhere and Michael Gove is his twin brother. It would certainly explain the act of knifing Boris in the back.

      • I think they both had daggers between each others shoulder blades.
        Think Domino saw it as being thrown infront of a bus because he was let go.
        Hes probably the one who released the “party at no10′ story amongst others.

        If he wants to get even with the Turk id suggest focusing on Princess Nut-Nut,

        “Hor doeuve madam?
        Hows your seafood allergy?”

      • Yeah and on the roof with a telescopic lens photographing the garden party.

        Microphone planted on baby Wilf and hears incomprehensible babbling before he realises it Boris.

  13. He’s an evil vindictive cunt, who will stop at nothing to fuck up the albino Turks plans!!!!

    I like him, he reminds me of myself!

  14. Boris should have had him taken to the basement and given a right fucking kicking and told if if ever spilled the beans he would be eating his own cock and balls. ?

  15. They cannot use the basement, that’s where the Man Baby Nursery is, you’ll find a lot of nappy clad MPs down there, just do him in a field like Bliar the Butcher did to poor Dr David Kelly to cover his ass.

  16. There’s a history of duplicity and treachery among Durham – educated politicians, as I am sure you will agree, Dick. Blair (Chorister School) being another. 458,951 signatures agree so far.

    • Evening,K.

      I remember playing Durham Choristers at rugby when I was at Prep. school..we were getting beaten because they had one particular lad who was a fucking good player…my “coach” ( English teacher who was the only teacher that I ever liked or respected) suggested that I “slow him up if you get the chance”…I did just that. When he was on the bottom of a ruck,, I raked him and stamped on his ankle….certainly slowed the Cunt up….to the point that he was carried off LOL.

      Happy Days.

      • Evening, Dick. I wish I had had an English teacher like that. Ours was a Mtr Chips type, who dribbled and wrote bad poetry – two stotting daughters, though.
        Happy New Year, and I hope you bagged a few ramblers at the Boxing Day shoot.

  17. The vicious, vindictive quality of the attacks simply convince me that Cummings career as a politician was purely about WIFM, and not any noble notion of serving his country, or giving a voice to those who have none.
    A true, blue cunt.

      • Dominic Cummings probably thinks that Boris Johnson is a total cunt and Johnson probably thinks the same about Cummings. I’d have to say that on this occasion I’d probably agree with both of them.

  18. There was a time, not long ago, that ‘Cummings’ was a word that put you straight into moderation…… FACT!

    As did any word incorporating the word ‘cum’.

    Happier, simpler times.

    • It does sound like the ideal surname of one of those “well blessed” ladies, employed in W.C. Boggs cinematic enterprises?

  19. Doesn’t ‘Dominic’ mean, ‘of God’? So his name is, “the Cummings of God” or “God’s Cummings”. So you should obey this man who is Divine Jizz!

    • Of God, Divine, or of the Lord.
      Obviously decided he was all three, and therefore above judgement.
      Hence the sight test, etcetera.
      Otherwise, a total cunt.

    • Saint Domonic was a hard so and so. I think the Dominican order are supposed to be the same.

      Saint Domonic was sent in to crush the Albigensian heresy.

      I think he was the Saint who started the Rosary.

      Yes in the 12th or 13th Century we had the gentle Sain Francis of Assisi and the battle-hardned Saint Dominic. Two sides of the same coin type thing I am trying to say.

      • I just like the concept of Divine Jizz! Some cosmogonies start with that – God spunking all over Earthly Egg to fertilise it with LIFE!

        It’s basically impossible to have an explanation for LIFE without it sounding mental, isn’t it? The Big Bang is wrong simply because it isn’t mental enough. People who buy into tedious mainstream $$$cience explanation for the Cosmos, humans, the whole shebang should be mocked much harder than any religious person.

        Big bang, balls of gas, globes, slime, electrical strike on slime, ape-creature gives birth to a human, NASA explains all, obey all authority, then die ye cunt! Great philosophy that, ain’t it? Complete nihilistic shite, but it has caught on! Fuck Scientology as the number 1 wacko system!

      • Evening CG. Deep stuff. Beyond a certain point with cosmogony, you may as well believe in anything. The literal interpretation of the bible, the Bhagavad Vita, the big bang theory, the Copenhagen or many worlds (multiverse) interpretation of quantum mechanics and so on. You may as well believe in the stuff posited on just about any episode of Ancient Aliens.

  20. A fully rigged ocean going cun indeed, and yet he wasn’t wrong about everything – the civil service in dire need of a rocket up its arse being a case in point. Even a stopped clock etc etc

    • I think youre right there.

      So disapponting that he turned out just an old style conniving politico rather than an innovator which I thought he was.

  21. What kind of clown world permits somebody with dodgy eyesight to drive 5 hundred miles to see an optician anyway?
    Total simp, bullying victim for life.

    Boris is a cunt, tenuously associated with the Nom but needs repeating anyway.

  22. In this evening’s spat on the Knighthood, I wonder if the hand of Dom is at work? Just imagine, an unstoppable petition of a million plus, setting Johnson against Liz and Tony? What a delicious dirty scrap that would be.
    Just thinking of course…

    • I looked at that petition, when it had around 300k signatures.
      I went onto the Desktop to sign it and the total had hit 450k.
      In a few hours,
      I thought no a million hits is possible ?

      • Do you think it will actually change anything though CG?
        I don’t think it will make any difference whatsoever and Tony et al won’t give a “tuppeny fuck” (D. Fiddler Esq. 2022) about 450k signatures on a website.

      • Harold: probably not.

        At least we get to tell him what he knows-we all think he is a cunt.

      • Nearly 523,000 when I signed it a minute ago and still climbing. Shows how well loved he was…… Cunt.

  23. Thatcher love or hate her would of slapped this childish corrupt rabble into shape, or sacked the fuckers. Stop fucking this country up you wet bastards, the shit will reach your door aswell you MP cunts.

  24. Cummings is the sort of cunt that was required. We wouldnt have had this ridiculous green shit. But he didnt fit Carrie’s recipe for total fucking disaster, so he had to go.
    My kinda cunt.

  25. I have said it a few times, but I like Cummings because he is such a cunt.

    The fact that the civil service hated him, and the SAGE refused to speak around him, prove what colossal cunts they all are.

    He knew, it and he had their cards marked. It’s a shame because he really would have burned all of them to become king cunt.

    Except he was undone by Uber cunt princess nut nut. Now that is a walking talking super cunt.

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