This article is just rife with cuntfoolery. They has just completed yet another stint in rehab. (Not a typo). The Daily Fail likes to accommodate the insane, including this sick bird, and HER desire to be called “They, them, their.” Reading the story makes you think that the staff proofreader is on holiday but no. These plural pronouns are intentional FFS.
Then you learn that “California Sober” is a thing. I guess it means you avoid the worst narcotics but still use the ones that are supposedly not as bad like Marijuana and alcohol. In other words you are not sober at all. “…As they continues their journey to sobriety…”
Sounds like Golem from Lord of the Rings who was a fucking Schizo.
The Mail going along with this cunt’s madness is the worst of all.
They continues to be in my Dead Pool nominations as they is teetering on another attempt to rid the World of themselves.
Did I say that right? Fuck off!
Nominated by: Meat Curtains
Why do mental birds always shave their head?
Sinead o connor
Britney spears
Demi Lovato
All got a head like a roll on deodorant.
All fuckin puddled.
Do they shave their vaginas? Or have they got meat and two veg? Asking for a friend…
Shaved up like a racing Hamster! Just how I like them! Nothing worse than a mouthful of watch springs after dining at ‘The Lazy Y’.
You ever had a natural blonde beauty, with a golden bush?
Or a Latino with a lovely deep black bush?
Perchance a Korean lady, with a long, springy mott?
Surely you have experienced the delights of peeling down a redheads panties, to reveal the splendour of a fire crotch ??
This socially driven obsession with removing the signs of puberty, must stop!
What’s ET doing on ISAC?
These desperate attention seekers will plunge the depths of self-humiliation and total fuckwittery just to grab a few more headlines in order to stay relevant and in the social media eye.
For her/him/it/whatever’s next stunt she’ll climb up to the roof of the tallest skyscraper in the US, take a selfie and jump off taking a few more selfies on the way down until everything turns a darker shade of brown, red and concrete.
Might be worth a like or two on her SM pages I suppose,
The End
Photo shopped or what?
Fuck me sideways, it doesn’t half spew some shit from their gob ( or should that be gobs?).
California sober must be like California sane,
A misnomer.
Chronic narcissism and brain damage. A wonderful combination. Should know better at 29 years old. Truly puerile.
Fuck off.
I’d still most assuredly give her one.
Mostly because she’d utterly hate it if a hetero man touched her, the daft cow.
She’d still be tasty (at least physically) if she grew her hair to a proper wimminz’s length.
She used to be pretty tasty:
Morning Thomas, morning all.
Thomas-riding Demented Tomato would be like participating in a travelling rodeo:
You will be battered, bruised but none the richer, for the experience ?
Good Morning TCE
I think non-binary really means that she is just bi-sexual so she would probably welcome your kindly meant intentions but you would have to get in the queue behind me.
I had Woman’s Hour on in the car just now, not a programme I would normally listen too, but there was an American bird on there advocating more open sexuality and I thought that’s very public spirited. She was primarily heterosexual but enjoyed a bit of muff diving now and again..
How many STD’S to the inch do you recon?
The media and their PR teams always use these terms.
California sober-pissed up &stoned.
Troubled- mental
Tired and emotional- mental and drugged up.
Im expecting troubled Demi Lovato to be attempting suicide soon,
The tired and emotional star was found dead in her home in LA.
The world mourns!?
Should be in a sanitarium .
Crayons only
“Suffering from mental health issues”- a moose limb.
California sober? What bollocks, alcohol is probably the most destructive thing you can put in your body, simply because it’s so accepted and encouraged and the toxicity is ignored until a person’s liver turns into styrofoam.
All this “They is” stuff is so unwieldy…perhaps They could come up with a new word combining bits of She,He and It….”S.H.It” would cover all the bases and also have the benefit of needing no explanation.
Bravo Lord F.?
By Jove, I think you are onto something ?
I wonder how long this bollocks would last if some quick-thinking tax official decided that ‘they’ can be taxed as multiple people. I reckon they would soon change their their tune when presented with a tax bill for 5.
Brilliant! Call their bluff. Charge her err them for 2 seats on the next flight too.
Reminds me of a rhym:
Roses are red, violets are blue,
I’m schizophrenic and so am I.
Didn’t they do a porno once?
Demi does Dallas.
The bloke she was gobbling was saying “Demi, Moore!”
Bring back the word gobble! It rolls off the tongue for Geordie wimminz. See what I did there?
As it’s California related I’m surprised that useless ginger cunt and his yacht slut wife didn’t shave their empty heads!
Is this Demi Tomato loon still trolling the world with her mental health problems? A waste of air. I hope she falls into the crater of a volcano, like the aforementioned Gollum.
The Mental Elf strikes again. He gets about a bit in California……..and fills up a lot of media pages. He’s a cunt.
I’m of the opinion that the state of California should declare itself independent from the rest of the US. It’s as mad as a very large box of frogs, and totally devoid of common sense, humility or a basic grasp of how to live an ordinary life.
Not only that but it seems to be occupied by looney tune Lefties, Liberals, wokes and other assorted odd-balls.
They are not of this earth; they’re all fucking aliens or summat. Perhaps it wasn’t the Spanish who conquered California back in the day, but a bunch of ET aliens landing in San Francisco and impregnating Native American wimminz. And jump forward 250 years and here we have the end result!
Oh and on the subject of the Spanish invading South America and then parts of North America hundreds of years ago, where are all the protests about Spanish colonialism in the US MSM?
Why isn’t that cunt, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, apologising for what her ancestors did to Native Americans back in the day? Why isn’t Spain getting the same kind of shit thrown at it from the offended wokes and race-baiters as Britain is?
But that’s for another day and another nomination
California could never be independent.
Two words: water supply.
Other two words: everything else.
This mental cunt is just the tip of the iceberg of self obsessed deluded M.ongs.
This one might be loaded living in a mansion but all the way down to some obese single mother in a damp council flat in Luton their behaviour is identical.
Look! I’m stoned.
Look! I bought a Ferrari.
Look! I had fish for my lunch.
Look! I’ve taken a selfie with the bloke who came round to cut off the electric.
Spot on analysis! My fat cunt mate in Canada is a fucking boring, self obsessed social media abuser. Fat, boring cunt spends all day putting pics of what he’s having at every meal, where he’s unloading his truck, where he’s going with his truck and also his fucking pathetic gay looking ‘handbag’ dog! Push the fucking Onanist in the oven! Might have to take a few out to get the lard bucket in there!
Erggghhhh…modern life, culture and the dependence on attention seeking is horrible.
I used to fear dying but gimboids like this fishy example make me think it won’t be so bad.
They them their=cunt.
… no one cares whether cunts like that live or die …fuckin’ POS. Actually I do … I’d prefer that they were all dead.
They need a new Governor in the region … how about Rodrigo Duterte … he loves to clear shit up proper like.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Duterte was the bastard son of Prince Philip and the current Avatar of Yasur. Once he’s finished his term limit as President he should tender his services as a fixer of shitholes, London, San Francisco and Johannesburg for example.
Left hand photo-look at the eyes!
Fucking mentalist. I rescued a Patterdale Terrier with eyes like that, years ago.
It was fucking mental-wanted to ear everything that wasn’t human, that “moved”.
Any gentleman foolish enough to put his pride & joy within 10 feet of this bitch could end up with a free gender reassignment, he didn’t request?
Lol. Gotta love a crazy Patt. The one I rescued ten years ago ended up losing both eyes (lens luxation). World’s most expensive rescue I call him. Even blind he still goes for dogs 2-3 times his size, and leads me on a walk like he knows exactly where he’s going. Then comes and curls up on my lap of a nighttime like a cat. Mad cunt. Best dog I’ve ever had.
Morning, CG
Morning, all.
The Patterdale terrier: I would best describe lead-walking one like flying a kite in a hurricane?
Good man-you get 10/10 for rescuing and persisting with your little bugger.
Brings a tear to the eye, to know that my fellow cunters have good hearts?
“We are just good men, feeling bad, about the world we knew.”
I have a solution for mental health and should really invest more time and money in the idea of opening my own 1 to 1 retreat. My solution is simple.
1. Hold the patient by the shoulders firmly
2. Shake the patient violently
3. Scream “SNAP OUT OF IT YOU CUNT!” at the patient
4. Repeat with slaps around the face in increasing intensity
Cured. CUNTS!
You could include some electricity to aid recovery
We could charge that as a supplementary therapy
Sustainability produced electricity obviously ?
Demi Lavatory, who the fuck is she/it/whatever, not really worth a mention in any rag except something like ‘Dopey women r’Us’
Does anyone give a shit ?
Katie Price with palm trees.
Good head for a facial though
I saw a clip of her on Joe Rogan last year going on about this “California sober” pish. Someone with her history and state of mind should stay off booze. Other than that, who gives a frig about this D-list doofus.
I don’t even know what a whole levato is is, never mind a half.
Fruit? Vegetable? Turd?
Silly fucking tart, piss off – there’s more important things to worry about. Can’t believe this tripe makes it to the news.
See another silly Oz Actress Cunt Blanchett has made it into the news (the others being Russel Cunt, Nicole Cuntman & Hugh Jackcunt)
Who gives a fuck that your daughter asked you to dress up as your daughters teacher and got you to teach to her teddy bears too (bet the stuffed toys have more grey cells). You’re a lying slag, it was really hubby (or whoever you shag) that asked you to dress up while he took you up the Shard – piss off!
Anyway, must dash, off to No. 10 for a drinks party (ahem, work party…).
Russell Crowe will headbutt you for calling him an Ozzie!
I’ll call him a cunt to his face then LOL – hasn’t the cunt spent more of his life in Oz than hobbit land?
I would have known nothing about this topic or the halfwit pictured if it had not been for IsAC. Shame on you.
California is a shithole, and Lavato an utter freak.
California sober sounds fucking ACE!! Get stoned and pissed all day and tell every cunt your tee total hahahha works for me!!
total hahahha works?
Not wishing to seem confrontational next time you’re asked for your pronouns, try “it” and “its” and see what happens.
Is she another of the wretches of the project monarch conspiracy, i wonder?
Calls herself they
Shaves head
Claims to have been visited by aliens