If you thought cyclists were cunts before, it’s about to get much much worse!
Can you imagine the stupid shit those fuckers are going to do safe in the knowledge that the law will be on their side.
Still it won’t matter much when they are paralysed from the nose down, at least they can lie in their bed thinking the new rules meant I had right of way, so that will teach the Range Rover driver I decided to try the new rules on, at least I can still communicate with my solicitors by blinking my eyes….. Yeah that’ll teach em.
The shame of it all is a can’t climb on my soapbox any more, at least you can download the footage from my go Pro for the police,,,,,, blink, blink, blink, that means WTF do you mean the memory card is damaged where the Range Rover drove oner my head….
Motorist 1
Cyclist nil, no matter what the rules are…. Cunts
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
So once again, the cunts who pay nothing receive priority over those that do?
These green transport roadwasps pay nothing toward the upkeep of the highway yet get treated like theyre special?
Fuck em.?
This is the time of year when you can get some payback.
Snow, black ice, arent conducive with happy cycling,
A large puddle of dirty water hit at speed can nearly wash one over his handlebars.
And a emergency stop when its snowing can give you a happy warm feeling as you hear the gentle thud of helmet hitting the back of your vehicle.
Dont look back in anger
Dont offer first aid
Just keep driving.
WTF – whose stupid idea was this?
So the obvious question is – how close to the juction does a pedestrian have to be before they can no longer walk out into the road with gay abandon? Because presumably at some point the old rule of “look right, look left, and look right again” still applies?
How close to the junction does the jay-walking pedestrian have to be in order to have priority. HC doesn’t tell us this – Fucking idiots !!!
You have to give way to the pedestrian as soon as he puts his shoes on in the morning, and the cyclist if his tyres are inflated.
Reverse over the cunt.
Good Morning
Anyone who thinks that cycling in any major city, especially London, whilst ICE and electric cars and lorries are about is fucking stupid. That cunt Khan won’t be happy won’t be happy until he has banned all cars from London.
Khan , I’m told is thinking of a car knife ? exchange scheme. Called self protection for predestinarians
Except for his own 4×4 and a bevy of motorised bodyguards, when he wants to drive a few miles to walk his dogs.
I saw a large 4×4 American pick up style truck slow down then accelerate through a very very large (could have been a lake actually) that spread across most of the road right in front of half a dozen Lycra clad cunts yesterday on their Sunday morning outing. I was coming the other way. Such a joy to behold seeing the enormous bow wave ? drench the fucking cunts ? ?
I wonder if any of their GoPros caught that
With all these changes to the Highway Code, I just wonder how many drivers (of all vehicles) bother to read up on such things?
Clearly the HC is way different now compared to when I passed my motorcycle tests back in the late 80s, but I don’t know if there’s a legal requirement on your licence that says you MUST familiarise yourself with latest revisions.
So a driver with a perfectly clean licence and a good standard of driving could face fines if he doesn’t follow the latest rules about giving priority to cyclists. (obviously such fines and penalties won’t be made against our friendly “overseas” brethren who don’t have a licence, don’t have insurance and don’t have a clue about the HC, but will be exempt anyway)
Thing is though, some belligerent/entitled cyclists still won’t bother reading the HC unless it affects them personally, and then its hell to pay for the offending driver.
I wonder if Princess NutJob and Greta Thundertits devote ALL their travel time to riding bikes? If so, does anyone know how to drive a 44 tonne artic next time either of them are passing through?
That would come under the heading “Ignorance of the law is no excuse,” I’m afraid. Which, admittedly ought to be, and isn’t, applied to pushbikers.
It’s a pity “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” cannot be equally applied to those MPs who fiddle their expenses and then get found out, only to bleat “Oh I didn’t know about that ruling. Please forgive me, I’ll be your best mate!”
Bollocks to the highway code and their new rules; I shall continue to treat cyclists with dangerous and utter contempt, giving them as little room as possible as I pass them, unnecessarily revving the shit out of my diesel car, hopefully causing them to breathe in carcinogenic soot.
The Galaxie would be a better option mate. All those Hydrocarbons enveloping them lovely.
Ho ho, indeed CM! Although I do pay the same amount of road tax for the Galaxie that cunt cyclists do…proving that the goverment’s enviromental policies are nonsense. £0 road tax on that and my shitty mk2 Cortina and between them, they must spew out loads of pollution even when their carbs are perfectly tuned!
Have a quick Google video search for … ‘Rolling Coal’ … God Bless Amerricurr !!
The only time I would give priority and let cyclists take up the entire lane is if they were blonde Swedish tourist wimminz in extremely tight-fitting Lycra, denim jeans or very short skimpy skirts. (very similar to what actually happened in August of last year, and my wife and I getting stuck behind 3 ladies on bikes riding through Wasdale at a leisurely pace -all three were wearing cut-off denims, socks and probably some other clothing, and that’s all I remember.
If only to be a bicycle seat
Good job the wife was driving!)
Did it give you “Wasdsle Head”?
(Lake District joke)
Morning Techno, all?
This will give that arsehole and cyclist Jeremy Vine sufficient material to fill a whole radio show phone-in.
Fuck off with you.
Should have added the word ‘militant’ before cyclist.
I caught some of that mad cunt on wireless radio 2 the other lunchtime. He seems to shout permanently into the microphone and the all the topics he was ‘discussing’ were designed to find victims, cause division and do down this country.
A truly evil piece of broadcasting shit.
I’ve nowt against cyclists in general but hearing this cunt had been crushed by a bus whilst tootling about on his no doubt vastly expensive pushbike would be a huge morale boost.
Bugger has no silvery moon stabbed the cunt yet? Here’s hoping.
Silvery moon, fucking excellent, I like that one…
“Produce your papers”
“Spy on motorists with Go Pro”
“Keep tuned to wrong speak”
these fucking cyclists are in the main communist subversives, they’ve been trying to change these laws for donkeys by creating martyrdom out of Darwin award recipients, the cuntishness they’ve displayed for years and its now paying off for them, the lycra clad cunts!!!!!
I can see a few bumps happening on the new “give way” at junctions. And in any busy town, turning left at a junction will not be possible unless Joe Public gives you a break. Why can’t these fuckers leave things that aren’t broke ?
I can think of numerous junctions in Londonistan where this will be next to fucking impossible.
I smell more insurance scammage.
Expect loads of peaceful types to get ‘hit’ by vehicles at such places. Hopefully, they’ll have cameras (needed because of these cunts) at potential hotspots, but don’t bank on it.
Probably an easier scam than the slam on and get shunted trick. Dashcams have become essential because of these fuckers. Never claim against others of their tribe if you notice.
Tell me, what good are they for our society again?
It’ll more likely be compo scammage of course.
‘Why can’t these fuckers leave things that aren’t broke ?’
Breaking the system that works to replace it with a commie totalitarian one is the whole point. Expect much more of this. This being the outlawing, or modification of rules and norms the Indigenous population have lived with for generations. Cunts.
If Road Safety is the prime concern, what in fucks name are they doing about those untaxed, uninsured e-scooters?
The great thing about these electrical scooters are that most are made in China and last about a week before they conk out…cheap shitty things causing more damage along with disposable face masks, wet wipes, tumble driers, dish washers etc
All fads of the lazy and wealthy and stuff they use even though they pretend to despise them.
Seeing that the mental and physical state of most pedestrians, cyclists, scooter riders and motorists out there is incompetent nay, brain dead, then this should work well.
Especially with the mongs walking and driving with their mobiles.
Give way to traffic from your right, unless their is a cunt on your left…. Who the fuck dreams this utter walk up.
Must be all part of the plan from Doris and Carrie to get ya all on yer bikes. Haha.
Any sane person (pedestrian not cyclist because if you cycle on the roads you have to be insane ) will always be wary of stepping into a road at a junction without looking first.
Self preservation isn’t it?
If a a pedestrian just walks into oncoming traffic without looking deserves to get trimmed out of existence.
If you have a love of cycling why not fuck off to China to be with other 2wheel communists?
Or if you have a fetish for brightly coloured tight fitting lycra why not relocate to San Francisco where your unholy lifestyle is tolerated?
There’s somewhere for everyone.
Cyclists is lying in twisted metal on a badly lit road with no cameras.
The Chinese have embraced the car in recent years. Fucking hundreds of millions on the roads now.
CO2 you say? They couldn’t give a flying fuck.
Greta also doesn’t care. It only matters when whitey does it.
Hopefully this new highway code rule will result in a plethora of useful internal organs available* for people who deserve transplants!
* organs that haven’t been crushed to paste under the wheels of an artic.
I’d pay good money for a Jeremy Vine GoPro snuff video.
Anybody have any info on his defamation case btw?
I think Bellfield goes to court again on July 4-scheduled for 6 weeks at a crown court-miltople claimants against him.
I just read one link (lefty website, pro immigration etc) where they were slagging him off and claiming he had yo pay £25k for Vines “legal expenses” in October.
They also claim Bellfield is bullshitting, when he waved a piece of paper, claiming it was the answer in full, to his F.O.I request up the BBC, in relation to the £1k he alleges Vine spent on hospitality.
Another blogger, details his attempts at clarification, here:
Thanks for that. Very much appreciated.
i’m a cyclist, also a motorist , thats why when I’m cycling I keep a very low profile and not be a cunt when riding amongst cars.
There is nothing more that winds me up than Lycra wearing Jeremy Vine types that think they have this moral authority over cars.
If I saw the cunt I would be very tempted to send him flying over the bonnet of my transit van then reverse over him for good measure and if his bike is worth anything flog it on eBay.
A laudible aim Fenton, good hunting.
Interesting they do this at the same time local councils get the power to fine for moving traffic offences.
The thing that makes these people even more cuntish is that almost all of them are part time cyclists.
You can’t get your shopping home on a fucking bike.
So when they are in their cars, just like us, they know how dangerous and annoying cyclists can be.
But when they are on their bikes they act like cunts anyway.
Cyclists? Love ’em – give it another month and I can start buying all the bikes they rode once on Christmas day and reselling in April for a tidy profit.
And with this new fuckwit law there should be a few to pick up from the inevitable RTA’s! ??
Cycling used to be cheap transport, now hijacked by chavs and socialists so as you drive over their miserable skulls shout “take that you lefty soap dodgers”!
Give way to pedestrians at junctions?
That is the single, most insane update ever! Of course, many considerate drivers do allow pedestrians to cross safely-schoolchildren, moms with prams/small children, dog walkers.
This new rule is a cunts “charter”☹️
Nose diving, phone readers are dangerous, as it is. I dread to think what may happen.
That article was very sinister: electric car users must ensure charging cables pose no danger to pedestrians.
That effectively eliminates ownership fro anybody without a driveway?
Very sinister…
“Give way to pedestrians at junctions” really reads as “give way to stupid airhead cunts glued to their fucking phones and can’t be bothered to look up when crossing the road”
I thought about two years back that new laws would be introduced to protect the brain-dead snowflakes that maunder round paying no feckin attention WHATSOEVER to their surroundings, and absolving them of absolutely all responsibility for their fuckwittery.
We need a nationwide army of Tufty Squirrels, armed with machine guns.
The more densely populated our cities become the more cluttered become the pavements and roads in and out of the city centre.
City planners think nothing of approving 50 storey residential skyscrapers in the middle of city centres, but never consider parking allocation, and even when they do it way short of actual demand, thus penalising the driver and forcing him into buying a bike.
This means less car traffic in the city centres, which means less pollution, but ultimately less revenue for multistory car park owners, and perhaps even less tax revenue for councils that use a congestion charge.
So where will this drop in revenue be replenished from? Cyclists? Of course not. Council tax and or other forms of indirect local taxation, or even an extra couple of pence tax on fuel duty, thus fucking over the driver again!
Won’t be long before only the rich will be able to use the roads; the rest of us will be working from home out of sight out of mind (other than as a revenue stream)
Which I suspect, is the end game☹️
Indeed. It’s not an oversight, it is the plan.
Though I would say the true endgame us that AI ends up doing many of those jobs people will be sat at home doing Then they can be used as fertilizer. That’ll solve the congestion problem.
This looks like it has been though out by a fucking some cunt who has never been near a road.
On the one hand the rules encourage cyclists to ride in the middle of the lane but at junctions a car/truck turning left (so will obviously be in a left lane or on the left hand side of a road) has to give way to a cyclists coming from behind, the only way that can happen is if the cyclist is undertaking in the fucking gutter.
Good luck with that one, encouraging undertaking will lead to more fatalities but at least the Lycra cunts will die for the cause ?
I bet there is nothing in the code about cyclists being required to obey road rules like red lights ?
Yet more anti-car shite from the Elite’s War on The Motorist.
They are probably aiming to make motoring so joyless that, when cars for plebs are eventually banned altogether, nobody will miss them.
Do these new rules apply to virtue signalling cunts in Teslas also?
Thaw automatic breaking system on Tesla’s will be ducking essential, if this bill passes.
What about pedestrians that press the button at pelican crossings when there’s only one car coming . Christ that irritates me ??
Worse still: the crossings that change to red, when the highway is deserted and a solitary pedestrian is walking away?
Agree with you Fenton about those cunts who push pelican crossing buttons. I cunted this practice a while ago. Saw one this morning who immediately pressed it without even looking first. The road was clear on both sides.
Rather than being in rediculous, impossible to implement rule changes, funds would be better spent educating pedestrians.
At a legal stroke, survival of the unfittest. I foresee gridlock on East Anglian roads come summer, as the lycra cunts prevent all attempts at getting past. I also see cycle shelters flowing with much blood, law or no law.
But I am very glad to see that the rules for passing horses are now statutory and not optional. A couple of years ago a local – decent guy, not a toff – had to have his horse put down after some cunt broke its legs with his Range Rover. Just ran straight into it. I’d add – if the animal’s been spooked, just stop and wait till the rider re-establishes control. Common sense? There’s no such thing, sadly.
THough cunts will remain cunts, whatever the law says.
I fucking despise Range Rovers, and the ‘keep up with the Joneses’ cunts that own them.
They’re just a status symbol, a must have.
Fine if you’re on Route 66, otherwise into the hedge with you and mow down that lycra clad twat while you’re at it.
You’re dead right there Marcus. I’ve met a number of people over recent years who aspired to or actually bought/leased a Range Rover. Without exception the incentive was to impress the friends, neighbours and relatives. The joke is that they handle like a cross-channel ferry, cost a fortune to maintain and like Teslas, are about as reliable as the English weather. Must admit my view of the world is the opposite. My V6 Mondeo has Y-rated tyres and no badges. I like to be anonymous and as for impressing the neighbours, can’t be bothered.
God alone knows how many cyclists go against the Highway Code every minute of the day; ride on pavements, jump the lights, don’t give way on crossings, ride without lights, cycle down the wrong side of the road…
Yet more and more, the powers-that-be seem positively in thrall to the Vines of this world.
Why do so many cyclists act the cunt? Because 99.9% of the time, there’s no comeback. I swear if I saw an accident involving a car and a cunt cyclist, I’d be a witness for the car driver whatever the facts of the situation actually were. That’s how much I despise these entitled, arrogant cunts. And that goes double for all those dressed up like fucking Spider-man.
Morning all.
I’d take the opportunity to run over and get a few kicks in.
Speaking of kicks, I’ve seen a few instances recently where a bike’s been left chained to a lampost or rail, and the spokes on one or both wheels have been kicked in.
Anyone else seen this?
Could be the start of an anti-cycling guerrilla movement.
Not seen that Ron, but a few years ago I saw on the Wellington Road outside Lords cricket ground a man who I believe had come out of said ground, examining what I took to be his bicycle. It was chained to a Belisha beacon and had obviously been smacked by a vehicle and pretty badly mangled.
How about educating pavement ballast not to walk into the road without looking?
Any damn fool walks in front of me before I can stop has nobody but themselves to blame – roads are for vehicles, not pedestrians.
When did we devolve responsibility for our own actions and safety?
Never see dark keys or peacefuls riding bikes in full lycra. Never see dark keys in the Tour de France either.
Is riding a bike like swimming for them?
It’s a mystery Cuntybollocks.
For the purpose of scientific research, and gladiatorial entertainment, Spasticus proposes a race from Dover to Calais via either wheels or water.
3rd party insurance – compulsory for all powered road vehicles – should now be mandatory for cyclists. And to make it easier to tame their inconsiderate behaviour, perhaps a registration plate too, preferably large, sharp-edged and positioned to decapitate the rider in an accident!
mingebiter@ – A good idea – a bicycle is a road machine and if I damaged a car when out on mine I would foot the bill out of my own pocket – my fault? – I put it right, but there are plenty of idiots who do not seem to get this.
Ride legal, ride safe, ride considerately, or don’t cycle on the road.
And if the cyclists stink, wear berets and have a string of onions on the bars – ENGAGE ATTACK MODE!
Now that would require some common sense from the house of cunts.
IMO pushbikers using the roads, as opposed to the pavement, should have to take a riding test. (The ones on the pavement should be made to do community service at least: this used to be an offence.) And I see no reason why they shouldn’t pay a bit of road tax, either. Some of the cunts behave as if they own the fucking road, and the new legislation only increases their sense of entitlement. So let them pay for it, like everyone else.
Lycra cunts didn’t need enabling, this is shite and I will plead ignorance if I accidentally crush one performing such a cunt manoeuvre.
I do wonder if these spandex jockeys apply the same cyclist curtesy when they drive their own cars and find themselves in a 5 car 10mph crawl because of one of his twatty bretheren.
They actually want cars but are prisoners of their own “virtue signaling” arrogance, hence they hate those who are doing what they so desperately want to do themselves. Thirty years ago they likely would have got themselves a nice set of wheels without a second thought
Not everybody with a pushbike is a cunt of course, but if the law is essentially handed to these resentful inadequates as a plaything, how many do you need?
In the situation you describe I’m sure they could find some rationale – not the right sort of pushbike, not the right circus clothes etc – for their hypocrisy.
More than once from the air conditioned comfort of my proper mode of transport I have seen one of these lycracunts ride very close to or cut up in some way somebody else on a pushbike who looks like they are using it for its intended purpose.
If I saw somebody get out of their car and twat one of these creatures back to the stone age, I wouldn’t if you get my drift.
Other than to do the stout fellow the favour of checking the blood and snot covered remains to ensure all recording devices had been removed of course.
In the past one of this expensive bike gits, was seen hanging onto a bus at the lights so he didn’t have to unclip from his pedals, the same bad road skill practices transfered from car to bike, even worse when there’s a group of these berks.
They give cycling a bad rep.