If you thought cyclists were cunts before, it’s about to get much much worse!
Can you imagine the stupid shit those fuckers are going to do safe in the knowledge that the law will be on their side.
Still it won’t matter much when they are paralysed from the nose down, at least they can lie in their bed thinking the new rules meant I had right of way, so that will teach the Range Rover driver I decided to try the new rules on, at least I can still communicate with my solicitors by blinking my eyes….. Yeah that’ll teach em.
The shame of it all is a can’t climb on my soapbox any more, at least you can download the footage from my go Pro for the police,,,,,, blink, blink, blink, that means WTF do you mean the memory card is damaged where the Range Rover drove oner my head….
Motorist 1
Cyclist nil, no matter what the rules are…. Cunts
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
If ever there was a science fiction film that I would love to actually happen in the real world, and that’s the 1975 classic “Death Race 2000” starring David Carradine.
It’s a bit like Grand Theft Auto, where you actually get reward points for killing pedestrians and other drivers. But I would update this to include cyclists, skate-boarders, escooters, and other cunts who basically clog up the road network while not paying anything towards its upkeep, or having to take any tests, have insurance or anything that makes them have to earn the right to use the road!
I drive a tanker for a living, back in work tomorrow can’t wait for the idiots to gamble life and limbs who will come out better, if the roads aren’t bad enough, oh well just takes more time to get anywhere , more cost to the customer and more overtime for me, assumption is the mother of all fuck ups , excitement cunting
Could not believe Bluecunt tanka driver. Is it not up to him to avoid squishing people outside his cab?
Forx sake it’s shite enuff for ‘regular cyclists’ suffering arrogant insufferable ‘I’m rich so you can fuck off , driver
Pushbike cuntery, nowhere to park, and the Presbyterian Church…
(though it’s really part of Miles’ scheme to get the Prods out of Dublin)
In my younger days I’d ride on the roads often. Back then it didn’t seem to be too much of a problem for either me or the other road users. The roads are a lot more congested now and people are very impatient in their vehicles. It’s all about them and no one else. These days, if I go out on a training ride, I drive out to the country and ride along country lanes and back roads. Safer for me and less aggro for drivers to deal with.
I do understand car driver angst though. You routinely see cyclists flout traffic regulations like they somehow don’t apply to cyclists. I also agree that if you’re using a vehicle of any description on a public road, you should be licensed and insured. By not having that stipulation sends entirely the wrong message. I’d stop short of saying cyclists get what they deserve on the roads. I’ve seen (and been the victim of) aggressive driving while riding my bike safely and respectfully. It’s not a game – a cyclist could actually be seriously injured or even killed. The bravado of ‘yeah I’ll fuckin’ ‘ave that fuckin’ biker cunt’ isn’t funny. Someone could lose their life. A family would be forever changed and you’d have someone’s completely unnecessary death on your conscience for the rest of your days. Not very clever.
Overall, I’d say cyclists need to up their game, pay attention, obey traffic regulations, ride safely and not antagonise drivers. Drivers need to calm the fuck down. The road is not a race track and you are not the most important thing in the universe.
Afternoon IY.
Do you bother to do much cycling in the U.S, IY? We all know how much the Americans love their cars and the thought of seeing many outside of the big cities cycling for pleasure is like seeing a Texan ordering a mung bean salad.
Arf’noon LL.
I have my own Spinning bike LL, so I rarely venture out on my road bike these days. Spinning is a great, low impact workout and very safe. Zero chance of me being mowed down by some ignorant muscle car driving freakoid.
Since we moved relatively recently, I haven’t looked into safe and out of the way cycling routes yet. I have seen large groups of cyclists around these parts, probably members of a local club I’d imagine. There are also road signs around which state cyclists can take up a whole lane! Most of the roads are at least 2 lanes. Seems a bit greedy, but at least they’re trying to make things safer for road users who don’t have a steel box around them.
The problem here is two wheeled modes of transport don’t seem to register with the ignorant trash who drive cars, trucks, etc. In the UK, bicycles and especially motorcycles are a common everyday vehicle and UK drivers have an awareness of them and (mostly) see them. In Yankland, motorbikes especially are mostly a leisure vehicle used most often on weekends. They’re not a common part of commuter and everyday traffic. Consequently, Yank drivers do not have the same sense of awareness of 2 wheelers which makes riding them much more dangerous. Add to that the abysmal standard of driving and you have a recipe for death and dismemberment. No joke.
By way of example, Yank drivers don’t know how to safely merge onto highways and freeways. The tactic here is ‘I’m merging so either fucking brake to let me in or move out of my way’. Despite a) highway traffic is travelling much faster than them, b) do not have to yield to merging traffic and c) have the right of way meaning the onus is on the merging vehicle to merge safely while matching the speed of other traffic. I’ve been riding my motorcycle in the inside lane (where the acceleration lane merges with it) and cars have pulled into my lane along side me like I’m not even there, forcing me into the next lane over. I’ve lost count of the number of times some fucking idiot Yank cunt has almost killed me because they can’t fucking drive properly and have zero observation skills.
I was taught to ride in the UK and my instructor told us to always assume 30% of the vehicles around you do not know you’re there. In Yankland, you have to assume 90% don’t. A safe, confident and skilled motorcyclist in the UK can (to a fair degree) control the traffic around themselves using speed, manoeuvrability and road position. For example, if the car in front of you is being a cunt and driving like they’re oblivious to your presence, you can move your bike from one side of the lane to the other and back again. This has the effect of moving your headlight around in their rearview mirror. That catches their attention (hopefully) and hey presto, they know you’re there can will hopefully up their game and stop driving like a cunt. In the US, tactics like that don’t work as well because Yank drivers are oblivious and/or don’t give a fuck. I sold my motorbike last year because it’s too damned dangerous on the road. A large % of the traffic here is pickup trucks and they drive like they’re a law unto themselves. It’s a rare thing to see a pickup truck driver use their signals or drive at an appropriate speed or not change lanes suddenly and without warning or not tailgate or not pull out in front of you causing you to slam on your brakes or not be using their cell ‘phone. Put a cyclist in those situations and it’s only a matter of time before you’re dead or seriously injured.
Morning IY.
Many roads are too narrow to accommodate both the increased amount of cyclists and these sodding wide SUV vehicles, which results in tailbacks and frustrated drivers.
These days they’re going at high speed out in the dark, fog, rain or snow, with thin tyres on pot holed roads with heavy traffic.
I struggle to have any sympathy for them.
What are they trying to prove?
Hi MMS –
Agreed. Cyclists who choose to cycle on narrow, fast, congested roads are simply asking for trouble. I’m not wishing ill will on anyone, but if a cyclist puts themselves in that kind of situation, they are endangering themselves and potentially involving another road user in a collision which could have been avoided if the cyclist had used a little thought.
If you’re a serious cyclist there’s no excuse not to drive somewhere with your bike, then cycle a quieter and calmer route from there. I did that for many years and never had a problem (apart from getting lost once or twice).
Obeying traffic rules seems to be a huge problem for many cyclists…
I am ONLY a pedestrian, haven’t owned a car/driven for ages.
Bastards cycling on pavements really superheats my urine. That’s for toddlers, under parental supervision, not for spax delivering shite takeaways.
Most cyclists are alright, I reckon. The motorists who hate them are usually poor drivers who aren’t secure in their ability. The only fuckers I despise are those sunday morning fuckers wearing leotards.
I ride alone always, it’s just me and the road drivers
I’m cycling since childhood and I still hate these two abreast fat arse cunts taking up the road for their leisurely spin , chatting and paying fuck all attention.
Group rides are a worse shower of cunts as the arrogance climbs to new levels
Racing cyclists are usually a different breed as they train their nuts off to compete and they know the danger only to well.
I’ve cycled London ,Amsterdam and many other cities even Marrakech (nearly died from fume poisoning at rush hour) for years on end. There all dangerous in there own way.
Take the bull by the horns and drivers won’t even notice you were there.
My Dad was a semi professional.
Road for Sheffield on a cinder track.
Some cunt from the National, soon to be Olympic heaved him off, because he was winning.
He got married two days later with a black eye and gravel rash.
What a man!
They never show the pain and the suffering it takes
I take my hat off to your Dad Jeezum
I’ve had some serious hoppers when young , I’m glad I’m not young anymore??
Think I’ll pass thanks, prefer the standard proven way of doing things, see a cunt on a bike and do my hardest to knock it off into the gutter, ideally one wearing half a melon on its libtard bonce and a BLM t-shirt.. luckily for sooties they can’t ride bikes or i’d make them a diversity priority
They can ride bikes TC. Dark keys usually ride up the street ghe wrong way, in the dark with no lights and wearing black in London. You only see the cunts if they smile.
Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan bike-sharing scheme, run by Next Bike, was abandoned about two months ago, owing to theft and vandalism. Local fingers on local people have been pointing at scatters and drug dealers…
’nuff said…
Enfield, North London tried a similar scheme two years ago with Beryl Bikes. All the bikes got stolen within a month at the cost of £1200 each. Scheme collapsed.