How is it that a avalanche of black men beating up Chinese in New York is never reported as black men beating up Chinese? White privilege? White supremacy? What could possibly be the motive? Covid, jealousy? .
Could it be black people in New York are more violent than everyone else? Come on msm give us a clue.
Nominated by: Smugcunt
Supporting link provided by: Liberal Liquidator
Cos it ain’t waycist innit. Only waycist when whitey does it. Innit.
Maybe they think their bananas?
Aye up Miserable.
Afternoon all.
Afternoon Ron.
Think this is just in the US?
Not heard of any Jackie Chan attacks round here.
Way I see it,
Nowt do with me.
Victimless crime.?
Yellow and bruise easily ?
My fellow you seem to be missing the agenda.i India has a caste system where the ‘lowest of the low’ are deemed to be untouchable- the U.K. has turned this concept on its head.
sits back, eats popcorn, can’t decide if jackie chan or Ray Ray the pimp with win…gonna be a close call but guessing hand gun will beat chopsticks
Talking of black thugs, I don’t think the BBC, Guardian or Daily Mirror will be keen to report this disgusting attack on two elderly Jewish bakers:
Its called muslim privilege.
The Muslim vermin attacking our Jewish chums will come to an abrupt halt when they pick on some ex Mossad operative.
Can’t wait to see the video of that one to be honest.
Krav Maga will sort the fuckers out??
I sometimes wonder how our own Krav is keeping…. I liked the mental Cunt.
Lots of cunters seem to be having a holiday away from IsAC?
West Indians hate the Jews and blame them for slavery.
The only people responsible for black slavery are black people
And people of a certain religion…..
The generally lazy, feckless and workshy schwartzers are the antithesis of the generally hard-working and family orientated Jews.
“A Nazi symbol was stuck on a lampost next to the bakery”
hmmmm… was it really??? wow.. well what a fucking surprise. So they’ve already spun this piece of groidal violence as somehow linked to/inspired by the supervening evil they call ‘white supremacism’. Fuck ’em all!
“…Shomrim, a local (i.e. religio-specific) volunteer police force…”
That crossed my mind too, bung in a bit of white supremacy to even it out.
Don’t know where the white supremacy bit comes in. The swastika is used by many who just want to piss them off, for obvious reasons.
The Palestinians love a bit of Hitler, lots of them wish he hadn’t been stopped.
Mind you, there’s plenty of stupid cunts in the U.K. who think the same unfortunately.
Both the swastika and Adolf are big in India.
Its like beatlemania!!!!
fuck em all, the jew that bought ann frank a drum kit for christmas gets my vote
If the facts don’t fit the woke narrative, don’t report the facts.
Simple really.
The rinky-dinks ought to gather en-masse and attack the apes. Then get the scumbag Jen Psaki’s involved too, preferably with some taxpayer-funded bladed weapons involved.
Hopefully all the unwanted guests of all non-white colours will wipe each other out and the only loser will be the increasingly useless NHS.
Promote black on yellow on brown violence!
This dleadful and outlageous, homeboys!
I demand the police consider doing something about it – like having a nice placard saying “enough of this sort of thing” in the prisons so the black chaps can’t say they didn’t see it.
And as I consider this important I am only giving the police two centuries to think about action.
Maybe if all the Chinese wore police uniforms the darkened types would stay well away from them?
Shaft or Balcula would sort this out…or maybe Blade?
This story is a few years old but think it is relevant regarding the MSM and its selective reporting regarding their favourite pets.
You Tube
The kid is now worth millions after suing the like of CNN and the Washington Post for defamation. Meanwhile the likes of Chicken George are lionized as hero’s and role models.
Apologies, the cunts at You Tube have taken it down. Try this one.
Covington Kids
Nice one Lib. Glad I wasn’t the only one who caught this shameful piece of reportage. These black ‘hebrew’ Isn’traelites really are a gang of fucking mentalists, proper religious extremists.
imagine a black jesus curing the sick, handing out loaves and fishes, creating wine for thousands – for free? sorry wouldn’t happen, too much like hard work…now robbing and looting temples, stealing get away donkeys and raping ppl called mary.. thats more like black israelites
There were 2 elderly Jews attacked this week in London. The attacker clearly black but this wasnt mentioned in reports.
I wonder why?
because the Front Wheel Skids tried to steal the poor Sootie’s gold tooth when he grinned and kindly offered them a chiggun nugget……fucking media haven’t mentioned that either.
?Nice one Mr F. Just spat my dinner out !
On the plus side, at least they’re on the right side of the oven door these days.
because the jews are destroying western society, they want to live in their golden banks with negro slaves…torah tells them the jews will inherit the earth and us goys are just cattle…stop licking jews arseholes they want all whites dead
I doubt Toyah said anything of the sort.
Fuck me. Whites? Get a fucking life.
I don’t know what this Toyah said.
It’s a mystery.
Tinker I’m pretty sure my Jewish Mrs doesn’t want me dead you fucking bellend. Go back to your book of conspiracy theories you fucking prick
My Missus is from Leek, and has wanted me dead on many occasions.
“…torah tells them the jews will inherit the earth and us goys are just cattle.”
The thing is he’s not lying… that’s exactly what it says, describes and prescribes… repeatedly.
I thought the quote is ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ which is in the New Testament.
ps Moses married a dark skinned person with a Cervix
The woke are not interested in racism by bleks against whiteys, Asians or Jews. They don’t count. Ironic as bleks are some of the most racist people on the planet.
And the most savage. Seems to be built into their DNA.
I actually agree with that hypothesis.
I was, indeed, thinking about posting a comment that, in my humble opinion, that males, and some females, of African ethnecitity are just, quite frankly, savages.
Its very sad really. We have sunk into a world of practically zero respect in general of late. Although very few and far between in my area during my schooldays, I had black friends that were terrific people and went on to be successful in adulthood despite being 3 brothers with a single mum following the death of their father at an early age. I get sick of hearing the absent parent mantra too. But in recent times there seems to be an inherent desire to break as many laws as possible and cause as much damage (inc death) to anyone that dares look at them or get anywhere near them irrespective of colour, creed or demeanour and for what? To demonstrate their supremacy? How ‘hard’ they are? For dis-respecting da hood? And we are supposed to respect BLM. Madness.
if it aint white it aint right chuck it in a pit and let it fight itself to death
How can I put this politely, and in a sensitive, supportive way, without appearing aggressive or threatening?
I’ve really, really struggled and have decided that a direct approach is best.
Fuck off, Tinkers, really, really not engaged with your views.
There’s been a lot of black v Asian trouble around Brum in the past, but the reporting of it seems to be very low key. Wonder why? Perhaps one of you guys could enlighten me.
I read about attacks in Birmingham,but to be fair it was carpet kissers attacking the sooties.
Gangs of PJ wearing teenagers trying to run the chiggun nuggets out of town.
I read it, but then just didn’t care one way or another.
Yeah it’s a win/win.
RK@ – Evening Sir Ron – do you know if anyone is selling tickets?
Ron, Plods hiding in the canteen, hoping that
A. It’ll blow over
B. They’ll all kill each other.
Hopefully, all will be quiet for the next Gay Pride march, featuring a rainbow painted police car and some police things dancing to Jimmy.
cos jews control all media, jews are taught they will inherit the earth, no need to fight to win just make your enemies fight each other, the media encourages blacks to attack whites, whites to attack arabs…so on and on untill we have a full scale race war coming…jews will then pick through the corpses on the battlefield….its the art of Roman warfare 101
Evening lads;
Yes I heard that there’s a big event planned down at St Andrews (home of the not-so-legendary Small Heath Alliance FC) in June.
Asians v Blacks; The Rumble.
It’ll be held under floodlights even tho it’s the height of summer, to make it easier for the crowd to see what’s going on.
Tickets are £10, seats unreserved. Get yours asap, as SHA say they’re expecting a capacity crowd (750) at their state-of-the-art late 19th century stadium (ticket holders are advised to wear an anti-stab vest and bring a plastic bottle to piss in).
I think basically, the chinks currently control the heroin supply, and our coloured brethren want to take over.
Well the blacks might be a bit yay, bit rrrrrgh, bit gangster! The gooks tho’ fuckin’ triads man … all tats n Kung Fu n shit! ? They’ll present ya with ya nuts on a plate just for lookin’ at ’em a bit funny like.
I bet it’s about da turf … da hood … drugs n shit n stuff!
Blacks attacking an Asian? I think I’ve seen that documentary on
This disgusting race hate by sooties against the chinkies has been going on for ages.
“Dey eaten sumbitches dog!”
-Martin Luther king
“Dem noodle knitting, kung fu mudderfuckin chingchongs”
-Malcolm X
“Rice field grinning custard coloured prawn crackers mofos”
– Rosa Parks
MNC, you are a student of History.
……and this brings me onto the work of up and coming cunter, Miserable Northern Cunt.
His use of racist invective, combined with genuine, laugh-out-loud prose, elevates him to the top table of modern cunters!
Melvin Bragg.
Mnc@ – “I ain’t gettin’ on no plane Charlie Chan”! – Mr T.
I don’t blame the Sooties attacking the Chinky types…..they caused Covid and one poisoned me when I got a takeaway off him.
Evening Dick,
Your saying theyre doing it on your behalf?
Revenge for a trying to kill you with a iffy beef sweet n sour?
They owe you allegiance?
I like to think that Black+White Cunt has become King of the Sooties and hasn’t forgotten his old pal,…Fiddler.
Black “friends” from my past, hated Asians-were openly racist, calling them “towel-heads” & “slanty’s”?
I actually believe the Chinese are the most racist people’s, followed closely by Indians, Peacefuls, then blacks.
Then me??
I used to work nights with stanleys and africunts,
And they hated each other.
I obviously tried to cool this tense atmosphere and show them that we are all brothers no matter what,?
I remember a Ghanaian lad had to be restrained because a Stanley said
“Youve got aids
All Africans have aids
Because you have sex with monkeys!”
He was terribly upset.
I couldn’t breathe for laughing.
One of the perks of the job, no doubt!
“more funny when they can’t breath” – derek chauvin
The Maida Vale stabbing which occurred this last week in broad daylight was a right soup of foreign muck.
Some sort of North African type lass stabbed to death by her Dark Key ex boyfriend who was then in turn run over by a Chechen mudslime.
Again this sort of news is promptly buried as it fails to meet the woke media agenda.
Disgusting vile vermin abound.
I imagine if either the stabber or car kamikaze were white this would be headline news for at least a month.
Filthy cunts.
Chechens are are from the Caucasus. Which may well make them Caucasian, no?
Not unlike the Bosniak and the Kosovan Albanian.
Good Evening Komodo.
usual for London – no Brits live there.
so long as no humans, ie whites, were hurt i couldn’t give a fuck
Not a white man problem is it?
no, if it was white man’s fault we’d have been blamed already, mind you we did invent guns and knives when sooty was still up a tree picking his arsehole with a stick, and chinks did invent gunpowder first for fireworks and forgot to put a label on the box “Keep out of sooty’s reach”
The Chinese actually invented the firearm you pig thick cunt
“The Chinese actually invented the firearm you pig thick cunt”
But we developed it into a viable weapon.
It was already a viable weapon. They used it from the 1100s
I like the thought of Blacks slaughtering Stanley’s and Vice Versa, Win Win for me.!!
needs televising really, in a deep pit, sooties fighting chinkies bare knuckles with dwarves and trannies getting thrown about holding up the score cards
Naked dwarfs surely!
Arr well, its Friday and no matter if your roundeye or squint,
Vanilla or chocolate,
We all like some music!
Heres Sabbath.?–qaHWSw
gives me headache that noise
Most excellent choice.
Her you go Mis-Lord Fiddlers cousin, playing drums on this-(white man in realistic “black face”!)
Music to nod off to.
Fabulous, I haven’t heard that for years.
Thank you, Mi’Lord.
I love a decent cover version.
Especially hillbillies!
That’s a brilliant cover that Mis. ?
I was very impressed when I first heard those fellas.
How about
@JP…..I know it’s been said before but I wonder how much “modern ” music will stand the test of time
Lord F-watch Rick Beato’s channel on YouTube-he recently did a series of videos, highlighting how the modern music scene is total Shite.
Not just his view-youngsters are going back to the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, to find decent music ??
I did a massive response, but I must have put a hurty word in it, Mi’Lord.
It’ll be published, totally out of context, or I’ll be banned.
Hey ho!
I can’t see any modern music standing the test of time.
Adele, Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga, Coldplay, Stormzy… etc etc.
All complete bollocks.
In terms of recent bands, I’ve always been a fan of Radiohead.
Despite them obviously not being a lot of people’s cuppa they are still a shining example of musical craftsmanship.
After they decide to call it a day, where’s the next band of a similar ilk or anything like their quality going to come from?
There is still a lot of decent music out there but it is probably harder to find than it maybe once was. I don’t know.
I do think we’ve been spoiled rotten over the years though and now all we’re left with is is the equivalent of freeze dried drivel.
Captain Beefheart or Harry Styles?
Beef heart, every time.
Music is Dead…
From last year, and part of what my family lovingly refers to as ‘that freaky shit you listen to’
Here ya go………
Superb ?
For my fellow space cadets:
Haven’t found anything better lately.
K, reminds me of this!!
Meanwhile in Canada dictionaries now state that RACISM is hate towards people of colour perpetrated by white ppl….presumably same dictionary says white is no longer a colour
And your link to any report that supports this statement?
Jeezum. I dont think this moron will last long.
JP@ – 2020 ADL Statement: “Racism is hereby defined as the marginalisation and/or oppression of people of colour based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people”.
I’d like to thank you for your comments about 4 by 2s,
Very insightful.
As a 4 by 2 myself, I try to let it wash over me, but sometimes, and this is one of them, I really cannot let it lie.
Knock it off.
I don’t want to hear it any more. I’m not a fucking demonic rich banker, intent on destroying your economy or world.
I’m a normal, previously working class, person, who is pissed off like you.
Damn right, JP.
Most of us on here enjoy a bit of light-hearted racism, sort of a relief valve for the crapness of life in England, if you like.
But we don’t really mean it, for the most part. Just a bit of harmless/harmful banter.
We’re all human (apart from Dianne Abbott’s son) and we’re all going to die soon in the grand scheme of things.
Tinker’s Cunt, this is a humour site, for fuck’s sake, take your full-on unpleasantness elsewhere please.
I don’t know how it hasn’t been banned already.
I dodged this mom all day because l thought it would just turn into a hate fest.
I hate being right sometimes.
Nil desperandum, GJ!
Fingers crossed that rosey- fingered dawn will conjure up more lighthearted tomfoolery to our breakfast tables.
At least there’s been some music.
I am Diane Abbots son and I claim my KCF family bucket.
” I’m not a fucking demonic rich banker, intent on destroying your economy or world.”
Here’s a thing: I’ve always been intrigued by your u/name JP and I’d be genuinely interested in its origin.
I quite like the Chinks in this country.
Never cause any hassle, and keep their heads down.
Can cook you anything in 10 minutes, and love dealing in cash and swindling the tax man.
People of my own heart.
Wholly agree
I’d have to check again, but there was a Chinese section in one of our local cemetaries, the earliest graves now being something like 150 years old.
So, in this part of Britain, 150 years, and no bloody ‘ethnic’ trouble with the Chinese, in fact, the last time one of the local neds tried being a racist wee cunt to the lass serving in one of the takeaways, the other customers dragged him outside and, as one of them said, “..we gave him a fuckin’ doin’…”
Local attitudes to other ethnic groups are a bit more ‘complex’, as an example, a shop run by an Indian family for something like 50 years in a very rough part of town, it became a local ‘Institution’.
The family sell up as the current generation weren’t interested, eventually the shop was purchased by some Pakistani group…less than 3 months it took before the neds torched the place.
Tinker Cunt. You really are a moron. Go crawl back to whatever rock you were under.
I’ve seen the media and academia blame this on honkies. You see, the poor innocent dark keys are influenced by the honkies racist ways and copy them. Or it has also been blamed on Trumpy for blaming the bat munchers for Covid and winding everyone up.
It’s always us honkies to blame, didn’t you all know this?
Normal service has been resumed.
And four be twos are ok with me.
A few bad eggs of course (there are some very anti honky ones), but there are loads of honkies who are cunts.
I do though think it is racist to blame the very many dark key and peaceful transgressions on honkies.
Fuck that shit.
We’ve bent over backwards for the cunts, so in my opinion, they should shape up or ship the fuck out.
It mostly makes me laugh, honestly I’m rarely offended, but that idiot is getting on my last nerve.
There are forums for titsuckers like that, but this isn’t it.
Aaaah i get it; so the degree of censorship required is in direct proportion to the hurtiness of “muh feels”? Because, as history tells us, that works every time doesn’t it.
You’re on thin ice too CC. This is a humour website, not a website designed for people to bash others for being born how they are.
Let’s hope it escalates
I have a theory here and it’s all our fault, these eggs and spoons are ginetically programmed to always play the victim and be angry at the honkies for shit that happened hundreds of years ago.
Therefore nowadays thanks to the snowflakes they don’t get the results from honkies they want, so can no longer play the victims, so they no longer have the outlet for their historical rage and violence.
So now rather than turning each other, they are now targeting the rinky drinks, and using Covid as the excuse, which is laughable really.
The rinkydinks treatment of animals and food production is truly discusting, but African Bush meat isn’t any better really and they have unleashed their fair share of horrendous deseases, let’s not forget AIDS, HIV, Ebola virus, all linked to eating food that shouldn’t be eaten, monkeys, apes, bat’s, pangolin and hundreds of other things that should be left well we’ll alone.
One group of cunts is no better than another bunch of cunts in my book…
“One group of cunts is no better than another bunch of cunts”
Disagree. There are gradations of cuntitude and rather the cunt you know!