When I read this article in the Daily Fail my piss started to, boil at truly scalding levels!
I often watch morning news on ITV and BBC whilst enjoying my morning cuppa in bed but I fail to see why a rampant talentless left wing loon like Sussanah Reid gets paid £1.1 million a year for sitting on her arse reading an autocue and interspersing it with own propaganda driven drivel.
But that’s not the point of this cunting. Scroll down and your piss will really boil. Two talentless Georgie ex children’s TV presenters have signed a £40 million three year deal with ITV to arse around presenting shite TV shows like “I’m a has been, please relaunch my career”, “Saturday night shite” and now a new quiz show “Limitless boredom”
Yes, you read that right. Ant and Dec are going to cream in £6.6 million a year each for fucking about on telly as only they can.
FFS. The world has gone truly fucking insane…
Nominated by: Dioclese
The warm pile of shit I’ve just picked up from my Dog has more talent than these pair, for one the prick with the massive forehead can’t take his ale and II bet he gets pissed up on alcopop’s, the other Dwarf probably couldn’t knock out a wank.!
I’m a bit late to this thread but the Fail link supplied appears to be mainly about Susanna Reid.
I’d do her bareback in all three holes before spaffing the Fussells condensed milk all over her face and titties???
Dry or lubed ?
And in what order ?
I just gots to know.
Good evening, Paul.
Good evening Jack,
Must be dry in the two lower holes for me as there is a slight hate element there.
Lube for between her scrumptious titties.
A master at your craft.
Hurrah !
Don’t forget to use the armpits……..
If it’s dickhead companies paying them while promoting their multiculti-bumlove and transbender relationships in their adverts, then let the Geordies rinse them.
Ant and Dec ?
Fuck that.
Watch this.
Is she really going out with him ?
AH !!!!
I had to stop it at about 15 seconds.
It was making me feel sick, but wtf do they eat?
Prima ballerina diet?
Splendid stuff. Shame that the good Captain is morphing into Paul O’Grady’s double.
The real cunts, much more than these two are those that watch them. They serve a proper cunting.
‘ave another.
You lucky, lucky cunts.
Ethel likes Cunt and Prick, as I call these two irritating twats.
I think I’ll call in The Fiddler.
He can burn her at the stake, on the Green in front of the Rookery.
It’s probably for the best.
Get To Fuck.
Another one I had to call a halt to!
I can do that. I can scream or/and shout incomprehensible garbage down a mic.
Indeed I have, karaoke night after many pints, no cunt ever gave me a recording contract!
My punk version of the Fields of Athenry is still much talked about.
Excuse me while I.. bleaugh.
Sorry, sorry, I’m fine. Just a little over emotional.
I hate the spacky looking one who you’d like to punch and also the other one.
Lydon at his spiky best.
I loved punk.
Its energy.
Its irreverence
Its sarcasm
God bless those little urchins the Sex Pistols
You just know that after ” all useless” he said cunts!
Bless his little cotton socks.
I presume it’s the same 50% of the population that watch this pair of stains that want to stop the rest of us going to the pub because of a waning virus?
I like this
Is that a young Tony Blair in his (alleged) ‘Charles Lynton’ non de plume/cottaging days?
“Fill your muscles
Up with gravy”
Very apt.
Good Evening Mis
Must have good paymasters at least is isn’t coming out my tax. To the wall with them they gooooo.
Speaking of overpaid talentless Geordie cunts. I wonder what that jabbering lard arse Charlotte Morefat earns.
I think if I found out I might actually turn into Travis Bickle
Enough said!
Runt and Dick used to frequent The Greyhound pub on Kew Green.
John Leslie too.
A pub so la-di-fucking-da that on Burns Night they served haggis on a bed of rocket.
Everything is cuntish here.
Time Trumpet were spot on about Ant and Dec:
I imagine this is how they’ll look in 2050.
Eddie Braben refused to write for Ant and Dec when they were up and coming and seen as the new Morecambe and Wise because he said they were not funny and had no talent. Also Morecambe and Wise never presented gameshows.
Should be in Jail the pair of them, people ringing up to enter a competition when the winner was already picked, therefore pocketing the money raised from the phone calls after the winner was picked, fraud by these two cunts.