Just when you think the fuckwittery of London can’t get any worse, along comes a group of wimminz on Hampstead Heath (led you will notice with a darkie in front) who want to draw attention to how the poor downtrodden wimminz have suffered most during Covid, with their brats and their monthlies.
Such heroism deserves something really especially shitty and laughable, so may I present for your piss boiling several Mother Xmases:
I thought it was all the BAMEs and trannies that had suffered most during Covid?. Not to mention the poofters, who can’t use their favourite public lavatories to get acquainted?. Never mind – wimminz – it’s yet another group close to the heart of Dame Keir, whom, I am sure, will adjust his truss and get down to take a knee.
Nominated by: W.C. Boggs
(This nom is obviously covid-related. So please no personal attacks or any other aggressive actions that we saw in a previous Post. Thanks – Day Admin)
I fuckin knew they’d come for Father Christmas.
A white, straight, kindly man.
Adored by millions.
Cant have that!
Well im all for white robes,
And flames on a umbongos head,
But mother Christmas can get fucked.
Hampstead Heath?
Isnt that where politicians walk their dogs at 3am with no undercrackers on?
I very much doubt the Hampstead set need an excuse to be entitled cunts. Wimminz must hate the fact that Santa is a man, in a few years the poor bloke will have had gender reassignment and will be non binary ?
Saying Father Christmas will become a hate crime.
The n I g n o g s suffer more because ‘dey don’t trust da white man’s medicine.’
Better to take some herbs and dance around some chicken bones.
Anyway I’m outta da thread, it’s about to be taken over by the usual crowd.
I’ll try and keep things on an even keel using my favourite linchpins of either Dianne Abbott’s fanny or Michael Barrymore’s fist.
Morning MMC…you need to watch this fillum trailer…
Morning Thomas,
What film trailer?
Is it filthy?
With close up shots?!!
D’oh! My apologies:
Hehehe ??
Well done Mr Cunt Engine.
The creator of this wonderful festive entertainment has said that anyone who doesn’t like this film is a white supremacist.
A Christmas film written by a Rushfield (Rushfeld) starring Rogen, Silverman, Senreich, Grossman, Goldberg etc…
what do they all have in common? the one who answers first on a dreidl earns a discount latke
All left-handed?
All Sagittarius?
I remember reading a comment somewhere a few years ago that made me laugh.
It went something like – “Every time you watch pornography, it’s the equivalent of being given a hand job by a four by two”
(alluding obviously to the four by two influence in the porn industry)
Oi Miserable! I’m left handed and a Sagi.
Seth Rogan built his early career on taking the piss out of women, geeks, gays etc and now the fat twat is some kind of SJW cheerleader? Your a four by two, cunt, they will never accept you.
nothing wrong with the ladies getting a leading role in the Santa patriarchy, but someone should tell them the right way to go about it:
Good old Convid and it’s convenient variations.
Where would we be without it and them.
Some cunts will use Covid to promote any old bullshit.
W C is usually spot on with his cuntings but this is a miss, if the empirical evidence is to be believed. Whilst covids are no directly to blame, covids vakzines are reportedly causing, spontaneous miscarriages (eg 28 times higher than normal stillborns in Canadian study – Waterloo, Ontario, of fully vakzinated mothers), vaginal ulcers, greatly prolonged menstration (eg five weeks long rather than five days), post menopausal re-onset of menstration….
Some articles are available through links included in this article:
Good morning, everyone.
‘Menstruation’ ffs.
Here is another link:
There are plenty of cunts to go around in this Covids shambles, but not ordinary folk who accepted the jib jab because of the Government’s fucking lies and have been suffering ever since.
The Government had fuck all to do with my (or my missus or friends) decision to get vaccinated.
Morning Twenty. ?
My periods haven’t been affected.
Nor my decision not to, RTC. But many people seem to have.
I think I might pop out for a couple of pints of Courage this lunchtime, to help out! Have a great Sunday…
Good for you Twenty.
I’m off to a Christening do to hopefully partake in some pre yuletide merriment before the “Moronic” strikes.
Got to say lots of testimonies on Mumsnet about irregular periods, inability to conceive and such like according to Mrs P.
That could be for any number of reasons: fear, anxiety, depression, not least brought on by the Government’s prolonged mishandling of the situation.
Scaremongering from both sides of the argument, in fact.
Don’t forget cannabis, climate change, and ‘post lockdown syndrome’. Fucking lol..
I have a female family member who is having issues post jab who was above average health and fitness. I suspect the true number is substantially higher than we know because many women haven’t made the connection or are too embarrassed to discuss it.
And the usual lies and bullshit.
‘My periods haven’t been affected.’
I’m going on the Pill Miserable.
This new Covid pill.
Who do these wimminz think they’re kidding, Mr Boggs?
Men have always been at more risk from Covid than women.
Mendacious, misanthropic cunts.
Fuck me. If i didn’t visit this esteemed site, I’d not know this was a ‘thing’ anyway having read the nom, I conclude that I Don’t give a fuck about them or their COVID bollocks.
That’s all.
Good morning and good luck to Lord Fiddler in the frozen north. I hope the hounds are not getting restless.
They look like extras from The Wicker Man.
Although I don’t recall there being any unsavoury effnik types in that.
One of my all time favourite films Terry.
Bet nowadays Summer Isle is ruined?
Health & safety and fire brigade attending,
Ethnics complaining its not inclusive,etc.
It was my dream holiday destination.☹️
Edwoodwoodwood and Christopher Lee, superb!!?
The original Wicker Man has to be one of the best films ever.
Great film spoiled a bit by the weird musical bits I thought. Edward Woodward showed great restraint I recall when he got the ‘orn with that bird getting her kit off and tempting him.
I’d have banged it senseless. The bird with her big tits out, not Edward Woodward I hasten to add.
Would’ve saved his life an’ all. Should’ve emptied your load lad. Never turn down a fit piece of totty when it’s offered up on a plate.
The remake was a fucking abomination. Most films with Nicholas Cage usually are a bit shite.
I quite enjoyed the music to be honest.
Weird and a bit creepy but good.
In my opinion.
Aways found this amusing:
Thought it might be an IsaC piss up! ?
Watch the Nicholas Cage remake at your peril…
A shocker BB
Although Nicholas Cage couldn’t act his way out of trouble if his life depended on it.
Nicholas Cage couldn’t act the goat, hes fuckin terrible isnt he?
The balding twat is Francis ford Coppolas nephew or something?
Otherwise hed be another hot dog vendor in the park.
I pissed myself laughing at the NC remake. Got to be one of the worst films of all time.
They can’t leave a classic alone, can they?
Edward Woodward was also turned black in the film adaptation of The Equalizer. If its not shit actors bastadizing his work then its Denzel Washington.
I’ve heard there’s a new version in the pipeline called ‘The Woker Man’, where they burn Harry Halfwit.
Let’s hope so Ruff.
The music makes it imo.
Sets a great pagan tone.
The fit bired was Britt Ekland if I recall correctly wasn’t it? Has been a few years since Ive seen it.
Britt Ekkand in The Man With the Golden Gun. Phwoaar!!! Followed by Dr Goidhead in Moonraker.
Not Grace Jones as Maidez in A View to a Kill?
Sort of…the nude fit bird wasn’t Ekland, she refused to do the nude scenes and they filmed them with a stand-in when she was off set/location.
Seemingly she was rather pissed off about that,
I had heard that Ms E had a body double for that scene but I couldn’t say forr sure because strangely enough I never looked at the face while she cavorted about.
Slightly off topic, but there’s a suggestion that there will be some more Smiley on TV with Gary Oldman. Whilst Alec Guinness is unbeatable, Oldman was v v good. But if it’s got Bendadick Cuntypatch in it again, no fucking way.
Suffered during covid?
Would they swap the 10 days with no electric and cold some poor fuckers are currently enduring for their entire period of Covid suffering in Hampstead? I sincerely doubt it.
Every cunt wants to be a victim these days. Period poverty v female genital mutilation, I know which females are the victims there.
These twats are actually complaining about life, nothing out of the ordinary for women throughout history but now it’s suffering. Life is not a bed of roses and all of us will encounter times of hardship and suffering.
Anyway girls the term mother is now offensive to the LBGTalphabet you’re post natal persons now. Why? Because cunts like you turned normality on its head and embraced victim hood. Because some women like to transition but retain their lady parts so they can still give birth but because they have a male hair cut and call themselves John men can now have babies.
You’ve made yourself irrelevant ladies, now fuck off!
PS I don’t know what Covid bollocks has gone on here recently as I don’t get much time these days. I don’t care if you’ve had the jab or not. Freedom dictates both options are acceptable does it not?
“After a time like no other, mothers have felt the strain more than anyone.”
I would have thought the people who found lockdown the worst, were people diagnosed with cancer or other life threatening disease and having to wait an eternity for their treatment or not get any at all. Then the folk whose businesses went under because of lockdown. Everything else is just an inconvenience.
What a bunch of self-absorbed cunts at this Mother Christmas festival bollox.
Just more whiney self-pitying victimhood, especially coming from some liberal cunthole like Hampstead where the local artisan bakery and free trade coffeehouse closing for a month is a national emergency for these tone deaf wankers.
Have a laugh at Bill Burr ripping them a new one;
Morning all.
Wimminz suffering more than men and children? Don’t worry your pretty little head about it love. You’re just getting all worked up about stuff you simply can’t understand. Now why don’t you go and rustle up a nice dinner before you iron my shirt, there’s a good girl.
Some bloke in a white robe has been upset by the EU over Christmas
Surely it’s transgender people who have suffered the worst?
It’s usually the case with everything else.
No, fair do’s GJ.
You can tell from the picture that those wimminz are finding things REALLY grim down Hampstead way.
You’ve got to feel their pain.
Just period pains,
A hot water bottle will fix it.
Their problem is theyre soft.
Sad bints grow up
Fuck ’em they didn’t die so where’s the problem? Cunts!
It isn’t this bunch of whiney, self absorbed fuck flakes I have sympathy for.
It is the soppy beta cucks that married them and had to listen to this bollocks every day under lockdown that I feel sorry for.
Remember those freakish birches in red robes and red face paint at the XR marches, doing that weird “modern dance”?
I bet you a pound to a piece of shit, it was the same bitches.
Thought Wimmin had been wiped out by transfascists.
I think the World Wildlife Trust has listed them as an ‘endangered species’.
It’s tough being a wimmin these days; you really need balls.
Was listening to Talksport the other day. There was some discussion programme about football coming up and the bloke was introducing the guests. One of them was Courtney something or other ( some double barrelled name) the Sheffield United striker.
I thought….who? Sheffield United? Striker? Never heard of the cunt.
Of course it turns out to be a Wimminz. Yeah, I really need the thoughts of some cunt who would have rings run round her by a boys under 13 team. Fuck off with this shit.
The black woman is race appropriating, by taking our North west European pagan tradition of the mid mid winter festival.
On wait it only works one way !!!