(Warning: Moose Alert – Day Admin)
(Jeepers creepers! Is that a photo from that Avatar movie from a few years back? – NA)
Whilst watching the idiot box with the beautiful and fragrant Mrs Cunter the other night, this pile of shite came on once again.
For those not wanting to view the link it is the perfume advert where a dozen or so of the most horrendous women you could ever imagine tell you that they are ‘perfect’.
I asked Mrs Cunter how the advert made her feel.
I said, “You can make the effort to keep in shape and you always have done. You have always looked after your hair and your teeth and been careful about what you eat, so how do you feel about these fuck ugly women telling the world that they are perfect?”
She thought about it for a while and said that she couldn’t give a fuck.
Weary acceptance.
When I was a young man I was actively involved in sport at a national level.
Not just a six pack, I had an eight pack, was devilishly good looking and had absolutely no problem with pulling the fittest girls.
I was a fanny rat, a minge hound if you will.
If I were to have seen a group of ugly, overweight, balding men with rotten teeth who thought that they were perfect, I would have made it quite clear that no they are fucking not.
But now we seem to have accepted the wierd as normal.
We accept The Gays holding hands and kissing in the streets.
We accept their obscene ‘Pride’ marches.
We accept the lunatic men who put on a frock and a wig.
The new acceptance is to call them ‘she’ and ‘her’, even when it is abundantly clear that they are not female.
We now allow this shit to escalate and unless we abandon our weary acceptance who knows where it will stop.
There is a nutter who lives somewhere near the parade of bars and restaurants close to where I live.
He is one of the most unconvincing transsexuals that you would ever see.
We watch him trying to walk in his huge, high heeled shoes, wearing his mini skirt and crop top along with his badly fitting, cheap wig.
He is English.
He will settle himself into a corner of a bar terrace and spend an hour or so trying unsuccessfully to look demure whilst sipping a glass of wine.
He will then lurch off in the direction that he came.
The bar owners and waiting staff have wearily accepted this nut case.
But on one occasion it was raining and there was a kid’s birthday party going on.
Everyone, including the nutter were inside the bar.
The bar owner told the wierdo that he had to leave.
He told him that he was upsetting the children.
There was no acceptance from the bar owner.
It was a leave, or I will throw you out.
That made me question myself.
Being one of the few people that use the bars and who speaks English, I should have confronted this lunatic years ago.
It should have been me that should have told him that he looked and acted ridiculously and was not welcome.
But I was victim to weary acceptance too.
Nominated by: The Artful Cunter
You are talking about tolerance: the sad cross dressing twat-you feel you shouldn’t tolerate his proclivities?
As long as he wasn’t harming you personally or anybody else, it is his freedom of choice.
Of course, if he felt it was his freedom of choice to dress that way and go into a nursery school and “twerk” or lecture about tranny activism, then it is would be the civic duty of any right minded adult, to intercede.
The whole thing is not just black & white-who claims to know “naaaafink abaaht it”.
That Marc Jacobs advert made me wet the bed.
Its a assortment of freaks PT Barnum would of been proud of.
Some seriously scary looking cunts on it.
Instead of ‘we’re perfect’ it should have the Addams Family intro
“Oh we’re creepy and we’re kooky…’
Indeed: as young chaps, we referred to such wimminz as “One Armed Coyote’s”?
I’m sure I heard some unnaturally deep-toned utterances of ‘perfect’ in there.
Perfect trannies. Silence of the Lambs. The lotion in the basket is perfect.
Fuck off.
A Vulcan with crazy eyebrows….
Not seen this but just another group of coke head execs and marketing men trying an “angle” to get the great (ugly?) unwashed to part with their benefits money in exchange for trash.
I prefer not to see ugly people on the Television so she can eat shit and die and then beg for another bowlful.
Do they have a lot of children’s party’s in bars, near you?
The last fucking thing I would want, while out for a drink.
Exactly. Pubs and bars should be the domain of adults and English eccentrics only.
Common in Spain.
Unfortunately children are welcome everywhere.
Very good cunting.
You are correct time, media pressure and social media pressure!!! But mainly lefty media on telly have made acceptable many things that just shouldn’t be. Pile of Cunt
? Crazy pops! ?
I don’t know what country you are in but that bar owner couldn’t do that over here. The tranny would get on the phone and Strapon’s boys would be around straight away with the handcuffs. The next day there would be a crowd of wokies outside screaming about tranny rights and gluing themselves to the windows. The bloke would be bankrupt within a fortnight and probably end up in the nick.
It’s a question of the law, not acceptance.
People are simply too lame, too cossetted by modern society, by how easy/rubbish technology has made us into willing slaves, too comprimising with the march of social media.
Our English stiff upper lip has dissolved, eroded by 40 years of uncontrolled immigration, fa99otry and undending goverment (of both stripes) lies about every facet of life.
But us, we middle-aged or older white, indigenous men still have spines, some fire in our bellies.
We see cunts for what they are, all around us, trying to beat us down with their progressive narrative.
I for one will never give into their shite, I will always hold transbumders, kiđdie-fiđdlers, the mordibly obese, lefties, commies, feminists and politicians in utter contempt.
A very Merry Christmas to all real cunters and fuck the establishment.
Wotcha Thomas-I has an interesting conversation with some younger gentlemen last week.
These chaps are in their mid 30’s and despite all the current wokery-pokery, they feel exactly the same way as you an I.
I feel this current culture war is a “fashion”-the vast majority are as pissed off as you and I ?
I agree CG.
The problem is the majority don’t realise they ARE the majority due to the sheer scale of influence from the media and politicians.
Younger people (and plenty of the middle aged) tend to remain silent, or adopt idealistic, naive views so as not to risk being ostracised. We see this with leftie students who change their stance later in life once they’ve lived a little.
The sooner the majority no longer stay silent, the sooner this wokism fad will end.
They should be pissed off. Assuming they are of a pale hue and not into the bumfuckery (aka ‘the majority’), they are being systematically eliminated and replaced. When does the tipping point come where this group wake up and realize their survival is at stake?
Well said Thomas and a very Merry Christmas to you mate! Have you considered going into politics?
Tolerance by force is more like, taking the piss is no longer allowed meaning all these cunts get given slack that would never have happened in the past.
Subsequently wierdo, s now bring the odd behaviour outside to the masses who are expected and do tolerate it, subsequently the wierdo are free to up the anti and that’s where we are now, they were given an inch and have taken a mile.
Maybe a bit of bullying wasn’t always a bad thing….. Good nom AC
I genuinely feel sorry for these people, as they are obviously mentally deficient, and would no more make fun of them to their faces than I would someone with Down’s syndrome. It’s the cunts that think this is normal healthy behaviour that piss me off, and have pushed them to some sort of iconic aspirational status that is destined to fail miserably, as with a lot of these causes, people are happy to live and let live, but not have an ideology that doesn’t concern them forced upon them.
Everything weird is now normal.
Everything normal is now denigrated.
Morale sapping cunts.
The concept of Weber’s frog comes to mind who got boiled. Also the slippery slope.
History teaches us that people want to maintain their comfort zones and will accept small incremental cpreepings toward destruction.
A most worthy cunting.
The fact of the matter is women in the workplace have made all this acceptance of queerology possible
Women have championed the causes of the weak minded with their deep seated hatred of men
Not all women but a fucking lot of em.
They now hold us to ransom with their stupid reasoning of “ no no you mustn’t say that ,it’s hurtful for the poor Pedeo to hear such truths “
Like my lefty neighbour – always going on about “Strong wimminz”, yet anything that goes wrong with her house or car, she’s on the phone to me (whose views she knows and hates).
LC@ – Just tell her you charge £30 an hour – she will soon stop asking.
From my experience.
Just tell her you accept payment by “Hairy cheque”-she will either shut up or suck up??
Last year’s Marc Jacobs advert was extraordinarily repulsive -three giggly schoolgirls (or they looked like schoolgirls) holding hands in a semi-circle and then the silly cow who seemed to be putting on the accent just said “Pissjuice by Marc Jacob”(or whatever the malodorous concoction was called. A suggestion of lesbianism I thought, doubtless it might have give SOME IAC-ers”the horn” but give me a real woman, like Margaret Lockwood.
WC-I knew a grand old dame, just like Margaret Lockwood-old school, quintessential eccentric old English dame.
She worked in her garden for hours every day, well into her late 80’s.
I used to keep an eye on her and do all the jobs that had become “too much”.
This was 30 years ago-I wonder what she would make if the current cuntfoolery?
Miss Lockwood was a beautiful woman. I have remembered the name of the Marc Jacobs perfume last year -Daisy”, and the silly tarts just kept repeating “Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy” etc on and on. Very sapphic, I felt. I had half an idea of including them in my current Lesbian Horror film “The Curse of the Thornberry Bloomers”, where Jess Phillips meets a sticky end in an old castle impaled on a 15″ dildo, covered in bats blood.The massive Emilythorous picks her up, and bites her head off, just like eating a jelly baby.
You can order a copy (despatched in a plain sealed envelope) by writing to Boggs Porno Productions, P.O. Box 666, Transylvania.
Afternoon WC, afternoon all.
Yeah, that ad always reminds me of that rum cove of a photographer, David Hamilton (not the DJ), who photographed very young girls, nearly clothed or not in blurry ‘artistic’ poses during the ’70’s and 80’s.
Er… I only mention this as it may be of interest to fellow cunters. ?
She famously had a beauty spot Mr Boggs as evidenced here:-
Funny that. A beauty spot. Thought to be a signature of beauty in times past.
Of a ‘society beauty’.
I think ladies even put false ones on.
Probably seen as a blemish now to be cut off.
Well I have to defend this perfume. It comes in gallon bottles and after a few pints I`m also perfect.
Did you get the blackened face by trying to light a cigarette after downing a pint?
By all that’s holy! I clicked on the nom and nearly had an aneurism!
Definitely perfect, that is, the perfect example of when to put a paper bag over the head before going out in public!
Want to get the kids in bed early? Show them this photo and tell ’em it’s coming round at 7pm.
These advertisers are absolute cunts, are they are trying to assert that every fucking family is mixed race then every white family have black friends, I don’t think so.
I guess the more it goes on the more we believe this shit to be true, I feel guilty that I don’t have any black or Asian friends (just joking) but it cannot be a coincidence that every advert has this theme (tinfoil conspiracy alert).
This particular advert seems to be the wrong way round, not everyone is perfect, but what is perfect. My idea of perfect isn’t the same as other peoples ideas but that is life. The assorted weird looking women in the advert can’t help looking weird, well maybe the fat one could lose 30 kg but the idea that this is somehow normal just doesn’t make sense on any level.
It’s a perfume aimed at designer women, get some nice totty in there and stop trying to be edgy.
I am perfect, I know this because the nanotechnology contained in the vaccine has told me, get the booster it makes you perfect ?
I like this advert. It makes me think that maybe I didn’t do too badly after all by marrying Mrs Twatt.
Me too, my wife is 18 years older than me but even at 76 she knocks the spots of that collection of fucking wierd looking trannies.
President Macron! I always suspected we had royalty amongst us here!
You forgot to claim your £5 ?
Non, ce n’est pas vrais, mais je suis absolutement un grand cunt.
18 years older!? Damn! You grave robber.
There’s a fair bit of weary acceptance around.
I feel that there’s fuck all I can do about dingy divers, wokery, Covid restrictions, the BBC, the SNP, the loony left et al.
It’s all part of life I suppose.
We can thank social media for the rise of this bullshit. Everyone has a voice on the likes of Twatter and Wankbook, backed up with the middle-class wokery idiots from leafy Islington and similar places.
The marketing people see this as a new opportunity to exploit these Alphabets as a new market for their advertising. They know it will piss off a lot of traditional “normal” people, but that’s a risk they’re prepared to take. Moreover, chances are these marketing execs are the same wokey cunts that live in leafy Islington!
In addition, the marketing twats and the wokey spokespeople secretly despise the Alphabets, and see them as most normal people do. But they would never admit to it if it means missing out on a big juicy profit.
I’ve mentioned before on here that I have a good circle of friends from all religions, races and genders (including a transsexual), and of all the ones I have spoken to as of late, they are in complete agreement and find this “woke representation” from a small minded minority distasteful, embarrassing and unhelpful.
Agree totally Techno. We have a trans in my office and they completely hate this minority of cunts supposedly speaking for him/her. Just wants to be left alone and get on with life.
As with a few alphabets around the hospital, totally sick of it all.
We have a few “ pride “ devotees that are proudly displaying their open gayness to everyone with their “pledge” and picture on the corridor walls but no one give 2 fucks.
Box ticking everywhere at the NHS including BAME and Alphabet meetings once a month.
I might cunt my place of work soon.
Oven oven oven please Unkle Terry
As nauseating as “Daisy (x5) Marc Jacobs
…. inane giggling.”
We have all these “days” now so we should have a national “fancy dress day” so we can go up to all these transformers and say how ficking stupid they look in their fancy dress outfit and how it makes them look like a cunt. Won’t get done for hate crime because you didn’t know they did it for a living.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Boris and his Cabinet all morphed in unison and turned into Lizard People anytime soon!
It may be Marc Jacob’s Ratner moment – woudl you buy your bird a perfume that is associated with munters? Most people wouldn’t. Love to see the sales figures in the New Year! Same with anything they use dark keys to sell.
Oh, I don’t know, sales of knives skyrocket when the dark keys see ads for them.
Off topic, but some stupid cunt has just put up a post on faecesbook to buy an illegal immigrant a Christmas present this year.
My suggestion that the only present these cunts deserve is a one way ticket back to whatever third world shithole they plopped out of has not been well received. ?
I note that one silly bint who was brave enough to respond to my post has a rainbow flag with ‘Brexit is a crime’ as her avatar.
Gonna troll the shit out of that one until I get banned, or she does the world a favour and tops herself.
She should invite one or two of these “migrants” back to her home for the Christmas holiday (24th to the 28th) and see how she gets on first hand!
It wouldn’t be 24th to 28th.Once they’ve got their feet under her table it’ll be 24th to12th of never.
Sounds like a devilishly good plan. Keep us posted. I want the wokie dead!
I think I made the stupid splitarse cry. ?
If anyone else wants in, the faecesbook page is called ‘freedom from torture’.
Odin@ – Ordering the Novichok and fancy wrapping as we speak..
Or, failing that – a one way ticket back to the third world at gunpoint.
Yes! Go for it Odin!
Les perfume de las mingers……..
Nothing a dark room or bag over the travesty won’t solve.
Nature may have balanced it out by giving them world class snappers too. Waste not want not.
Give it another 10 years and we’ll all be living in the dark so they have a chance. It’ll be like the cunts in I Am Legend coming out of the woodwork during darkness to pounce on some poor unsuspecting bloke.
Moggie@ – The book by Richard Matheson is superb.
The film with “Diversity Smith” is terrible.
I quite like Will Smith. I never even knew there was a book but I’m always up for reading rather than watching. In my experience my imagination is better than somebody else’s. And generally cheaper.
Tee hee, played and played again – “You are ugly bitches, you stink and no Man will ever go near you unless you buy our shite – and we will make a fortune preying on your feminine insecurity”.
“Boss! Boss! We are missing out on the munter market – losing a fortune”!
“What? FFS – make an advert for the weirdos and pigs as well then – may as well rinse those dumb bitches too. Round of golf”?..
I of course only wear the most exclusive colognes – “Canal Number Five” and “Sex Offender” – I’m proper classy, not like you lot! ?
Looks like a selection box for the peacefuls to throw off roofs, when they take power. You could say their PERFECT.
Haven’t been on here for a while but i saw the picture for this nom and openly said ‘what the fuck is that?!’
Looks like the lovechild of the Count from Sesame Street and Frances de la Tour.
That my friend is an example of everything wrong with the world, the lunatics have taken over the asylum.