Up Norwegian Santa’s Chimney

(FFS – is there nothing sacred anymore? – NA)

I’d like you to consider this tearjerking advert from Norway. Santa meets his new boyfriend in this rollercoaster of an advert, he warmly hugs his nee partner before disappearing “up the chimney”.

How much more of this utter crap do we have to put up with ?

Link to festive gay porn.

Nominated by: MiddleEngland

80 thoughts on “Up Norwegian Santa’s Chimney

  1. I suppose if you were to object to this crap on Twatter, you’d be branded a ‘homophobe’ or a hater.

    Come to think of it you’d probably have your front door kicked in and arrested…

    I suppose it would be better than having your back doors bashed in by these botty obsessed wankers.

    • PM@ – I think these foul festive deviants would be more minded to “smash your back doors in” than “use the normal entrance” ?
      “Stranger danger! Don’t get in a car with a pak, er, “adult”, don’t wander off with creepy strangers in the park etc – but when a weirdly dressed stranger smelling strongly of drink appears in your bedroom at 1AM DON’T MAKE A SOUND”! – We should have rumbled his game years ago, the dirty fker!
      “MUM! MUM! Santa bummed me”!..?
      There is nothing good, wholesome and traditional these evil deviant bastards will destroy – but payback will be elongated and excoriating when it comes.
      And it will.
      BTW – it is the time of year when I invite all my fellow contributors to donate to “The charity of the Fox”, a most worthy cause – cash and postal orders to be sent to “The Cave, 22 Tripe End, Yorkshire, I say bloody Yorkshire” and please this year – no death threats, parcels of dogshit or cheques – last years postman was off for 3 months with a hernia and I was chased out of Barclays after depositing Sir Fiddlers last year!

  2. It’s a clever trick to try and keep the Peacefuls out of Norway.
    They needn’t have bothered, they’re all welcome in good old U.K. anyway.

  3. Only fifty years since decriminalizing The Gayness in Norway? I thought they called themselves progressives? What’s next, the Easter Bunny goes dogging?

  4. You do know this is based on a true life love story? – Dame Keir meets Mandy – and Mandy is ecstatic because Santa Starmer has given Mandy what he has always wanted – his very own gold-plated queening stool.

    You are lucky you didn’t see the bit they edited out – where Mandy bashes Dame Keir’s back doors to get at his present.

    Happy Xmas, duckies.

  5. So it’s an advert for the Norwegian postal service! I wonder what Cliff Clavin would have made of that? Nobody thought of the postie sticking his cock up your arse back then.
    Well, nobody I knew anyway.

  6. I saw some advert for Amazon where a sooty family apparently gets upset due to white Santas everywhere. Christmas has turned into a shit-fest.

    Anyway, re the gay Noggy Santa, he could slip down (or is it up?) a few gay-goiner chimneys.

    • LC@ – Well they could always fuck off to Africa and await the arrival of “Black Santa” – I’ll even help them pack – it’s amazing what you can cram into a suitcase using a sledgehammer!

  7. The message is that in Norway you can love whoever you want.

    But for that statement to have any validity then it must be acknowledged that you can also hate whoever you want.

    I don’t particularly hate The Gays, as long as they keep their deviant practices behind closed doors and don’t frighten the horses.

    What I do hate is the TV ad producers who use every opportunity, even the celebration of the birth of Jesus, to promote homosexuality.

    But I suppose that if the Christian Church in Norway can’t be arsed to protest about this obscenity, then why should I.

    • I’ve been a member of the Essex Wildlife Trust for years. This month’s magazine replaced any mention of Christmas with “the holiday season”. I emailed them and cancelled my membership, and told them I was not going to be part of their woke agenda. Got an acknowledgement from some twat who put “pronouns he/him” at the bottom of his reply. Q.E.D!

      • Well done Lord C?
        Take up pest control, instead-that wat you can spend many happy hours in the great outdoors, enjoying nature.

        Then you can cook and eat it?

      • Well Done.

        Defund the bastards.

        I did the same with the National Trust.

        They asked why I was cancelling and I told the bloke on the phone.
        “Just look after the properties and stop your political posturing”

        The ban on drag hunting across their land was the final nail in the coffin for me.

      • I called out our contractors when they had St Patrick’s Day and St David’s Day on their calendar but no St George’s Day on their calendar a few years ago. It was on there the following year. Cunts

    • I thought Justin Archcock of Canterbury was chucking out the white jesus and replacing him with sooty of Nazareth…old justin loves sooty cock

    • Don’t forget to leave out a Mince (r) pie and a tube of KY Jelly, on Christmas Eve. ??
      Morning, Paul.

      • Morning Jack.

        I think Santa may be also expecting a butt plug and gimp suit this year…

      • If I was Rudolph I’d be very uncomfortable, having that brown hatter sat behind me.
        I suspect I would be in danger of having more than a red nose. ?

      • Morning Jack?
        Blasphemy and heresy aside,
        Santa doesn’t even put up a fight!
        And he doesn’t look as jolly or fat?
        In fact hes lost a lot of weight?
        Bet it’s AIDS?!!!
        Can catch Christmas Aids off tinsel,
        And elves are riddled with it

      • Morning, MNC. ?
        Frankly, I’m disappointed with the Norwegians.
        Could understand it from the Swedes, being
        dodgy déviants.
        Things are obviously worse than I thought.
        You’re right about elves, I always set the hound on them, dwarves too.
        It’s like ratting.
        But with more blood.
        Warwick Davies is top of my hit list.
        His days are numbered.
        The cunt

      • Me too Jack.
        Norwegians used to be vikings.
        Intrepid explorers, expert shipbuilders, fearsome warriors,
        Slavers, and all-round good laugh,
        Decent blood thirsty marauders.
        Seducing father Christmas!!!
        The bunch of cocksuckers.

  8. They could bring out a set of Xmas postage stamps……. blokes with cocks up their arses, in their mouths, in their fucking ear’oles, it would be great.
    The more expensive ones could have delightful pictures of trannies noshing each other in a 69. The possibilities are endless.
    You would actually look forward to getting all those Xmas cards that end up littering the planet and killing all the Polar Bears.
    Fuck me, the world has gone fucking mental innit? ?

  9. No doubt about the various undercurrents here.
    Including the implication that the kids shouldn’t be afraid of the shirt lifting Santa.
    Fast forward a few years and they’ll be showing Santa developing a ‘ meaningful relationship ‘ with some young, deliberately androgynous looking lad.
    All perfectly normal, in the emerging ‘ New Normal ‘.
    When it’s established. God help you if you’re a straight white male.
    Tolerance will not be in the playbook.
    Good morning.

  10. So Father Christmas needs Postman Pat to help him empty his sack nowadays. I don’t remember adverts in the past celebrating Santa kiddie fiddling in his grotto. Would that really have been any worse than this celebration of perversion?

    That’s Norway deleted from my ‘must visit’ list.

    • Its disgraceful.
      Father Christmas isnt a sword swallower.
      And I dont want any
      ’empty his sack’ jokes either.

      Its disgraceful.
      Dirty Norwegian bastards.

    • Trust me – you wouldn’t want to go there. Spectacular scenery, but the most miserable cunts on God’s earth.

  11. If homosexuality has been accepted in Norway for 50 years then it’s only because normal, heterosexual people have tolerated it.

    But they never get appreciated for that.

    Seems a little ungrateful to me.

  12. Fuck me. If Santa really looked like that he could fuck off with any presents, I’d rather go without.

  13. So it’s ok to appropriate gayness with a Christian festival, despite the teachings of its book. Yet it’s fucking suicidal to appropriate gayness with a Muslim festival because of the teachings of its book.
    Not only that. Santa Claus is, in effect, a children’s character. Well done Norway you fucking perverts. I bet the heroes of telemark would be very proud.

  14. Well,I for one, am taking no risks….old Mr.Robinson who has played “Santa” at the village children’s Christmas Party for years will get a punch on the sneck next time I see him at the Pub. Must admit I never had him pegged as a predatory Gay…it’ll come a a nasty surprise to his wife Muriel and their 4 children too,I expect….probably the Philip Scofield type of Homosexual,I suppose….still,I’ll take no chances….a swift kick to the bollocks for every Santa I see, afore I’m duckified and anally invaded by some fat,red-faced,white-haired old Cunt lurking in Santa’s Grotto….should probably rename them “Santa’s sado-masochistic,sordid sex-lair”….I bet the Cunts touch up the Elves too.

    I’m frankly outraged.

    • Funny you should mention Schofield, I just had the misfortune to see him on an advert dressed up as Father Christmas… ?

      Fuck knows what he was pushing, I was too traumatised to notice.

      Good to see they’ve got your power back on. No doubt you loaned your diesel generators to the more vulnerable members of your community, you old softy you!

    • Well I for one am glad you are not stuck under a fir tree.
      We need a steady Bulwark against Santa and his sodomite minions.

      Gemma is in the papers today BTW.
      Wearing clothes unfortunately.

    • Fiddler@
      These lot were about to launch a search party for you!
      Me, I stayed calm.
      Knew youd be ok.
      Probably made a snow cave and hunkered down to weather it out?
      I helped myself to your Deadpool nominees and some biscuits youd left in the canteen.

      • Aye,most of the Cunts on here were probably planning an early Christmas party at the news of my disappearance…planning to raid my vast wine-cellars,store cupboards and sexually abuse my highly valuable collection of stuffed “endangered species of the World”,no doubt….I dread to think to what purpose they’d have put my antique grape-peeler.
        We’ve been busy….whistlestop tour of Northumberland,Durham and Cumbria.


        (It’s okay, Dick. Your sordid secret is safe with us at Admin Towers. Your whistlestop tour “stopped” at a certain lady’s retreat while said lady close to your heart blew your “whistle” – Day Admin)

      • Well your lucks in Dick.
        Another big storm hits today.
        Forecasting snow and high winds.
        Nice little Christmas earner!!££?

    • I read somewhere he was making an appeal for his release. I expect a fair number of norse would welcome him back to put an end to this sort of shit.

    • ….and a dark-hued, differently-abled* rug muncher as well, no doubt.

      *NB ‘Disbaled’ does not appear in my woke dictionary.

  15. I think it’s lovely.

    Imagine their surprise on Christmas Eve when their AIDS test results arrive.

    Put that on your stamps you fucking evil swine.

    • I forgot about that old aids scam since its been replaced by a different scaremongering

  16. I can see what is going on here, isn’t is obvious to all..!

    With the ‘ol chinky flu running through the veins of our society and with more refugees / migrants / aliens / illegals coming to Europe than ever before I think there has been a realisation that the world is overpopulated. The plan; nothing like a bit of mother nature to reset the equilibrium.

    And what better way to do that than to stop men fucking women and from a young age teach these little snowflakes that is ok to be a fudge packer for Cadburys.

    Simple plan, convince the younger generation that it’s ok to bat for the same team and viola, enough might become gay, stop procreating and in about 10 years we will have a population decline, quite clever really.

    • Joking aside, that same thought crossed my mind.
      Is it an insidious plan for population control?!?

    • I’ve said similar many times before on ISAC. Promoting the gayness at every opportunity cannot only be about ‘duversity’. In the case of Norway, it will help speed up their replacement by peacefuls.

      Shame really,, those blonde scandinavian ladies are much easier on the eye than letterboxes

      I wonder what your average norse makes of all this fyckwittery? There aren’t many of them to begin with so their replacement will occur quickly. Maybe the sand people won’t get enough vitamin D up at those latitudes and will get rickets and die off.

  17. “Hello, kids it’s Santa here”

    “Please don’t leave a mince pie or a sherry out, this Christmas”

    “A butt plug and some anal beads would be better, with a tube of lube, thanks”

    “Sorry about the brown stains on your presents, and the jizz on the hearth this year, it will come off with a cloth, ask your mum.”

    “Also ask your Dad if he can slip down at midnight, and please put on the early Christmas present headphones I sent you, thanks.”

    Filthy bleeders.

  18. I wonder what the peacefuls would do, if we incorporated shirt lifting into their Eid celebrations?

    Mohamed depicted as a raving poof*ter, with a little man bag?

  19. If that ain’t a good enough reason to cancel the shit fest that Christmas is/has become I don’t know what is. Said it before will say it again ‘Christmas is for cunts!’

  20. 2021 has been a total shitfest.
    Superman is gay, Robin and Spiderman are gay, Philip Scofield is a bummer, Strictly Come Dancing has a bummer partnership in it, what next…..The baby Jesus is born non-binary?

    • Didn’t you hear? He converted to “His-lamb” and opened an Halal butchers, just outside Huddersfield ?

  21. Santa Claus comes from Northern European and Siberian shamanism. The shaman would visit the houses in winter to leave presents for children, but sometimes the door would be blocked with snow, so he would climb down the chimney to gain access. In later times, children would leave their stocking hanging on the outside of the window for the gifts to be deposited.

    Amanita muscaria mushrooms would be collected and kept safe by hanging them on trees and this is where the Christmas tree with baubles comes from. Reindeer will eat the mushrooms as well as we do and this is where the hallucination of flying reindeer comes from.

    There’s also another esoteric meditation practice where you generate a fluid in the brain that than descends the spine and this might also be where the metaphor of Santa coming down the chimney comes from. Once this fluid is transformed into the Chrism/Christos/Christ/Krishna, it ascends back up to Heaven (the brain) and you achieve Christ-consciousness, enlightenment, Immanence/Immanuel.

    So in our modern Christmas or end of year festival (which goes back into time immemorial), we are pretty far away from what it’s really all about.

    • Supposedly, the Santa/Satan fluid is red and the Krishna/Christ fluid is blue. All of these figures from ancient times are metaphors for parts of the body, the fluids, the changes in consciousness. Never talk them literally, though that is what billions of people have done for the past 2,000 years. D’oh!

  22. To think these twinkle toes are the descendants of the Vikings, the guys who sailed countless oceans on leaky boats, rampaged across virtually every country in Europe, founded Russia, sacked Constantinople and discovered America hundreds of years before Colombus. They must be sharpening their axes up there in Valhalla as they look down and prepare to emerge through the chimneys this Christmas.

  23. All Norwegian folk are weird cunts stands to reason their Santa is off the grid.

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