Look at the links please first-
“Jeepers creepers | Madison Smith | The Critic Magazine”
I am lost for words. But I’ve got to think of something to somehow do a Nom.
Never ever in my wildest imaginings…no
Sulley is her name. He is a man of course. How to start….?
I know a pun. The leadership of the Girl Guides have sullied the reputation of the movement by employing ‘Monica’
They are going to do a ‘probe’ Cunters. I’ll ask you first. Ok, if there was an identity parade and a line of average looking people came in and then ‘Monica’ appeared wouldnt you just get the slightest suspicion cunters that was something was up? Wouldnt you feel just the slightest bit uncomfortable having ‘Monica’ around young girls? Or young boys for that matter.
I would like to ask the leadership of the Girl Guide movement are you all such slaves to the modern lunacy to accept such a thing? Wasn’t there one amongst the whole lot of you to stand up and simply say ‘THIS IS CRAZY’
You are supposed to protect the girls them from strange men.
I am lost for words again
Well your ‘probe’ can be done in a jiffy. All you have to do is look on ‘her’/HIS social media pages. It wont take long as I say, doesn’t need an in-depth investigation. Just look at the fucking photos!!!
And I tell you what even after the ‘probe’ I bet he won’t be removed.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
What’s all the fuss about. It’s the new normal don’t ya know.
Still at least the wet and windy weather will stop the dinghies for a few hours.
That is all. Good morning, dog help us and get to fuck.
This is so disturbing and deeply wrong.
It’s obvious he’s a bad ‘un. Are they out of their tiny minds?
What a fucking dirty bastard.
Of course, scouts, guides, Cubs & brownies*, all reek of traditional English childhoods, from a more innocent time.
“They” are determined to infiltrate and dismantle from within, such organisations.
*Are “brownies” still a thing? I imagine it must have been changed to something less “offensive”?
‘“They” are determined to infiltrate and dismantle from within, such organisations.’
I think that’s the truth of it, I was going to write something similar.
Any and every wholesome tradition or institution is to be erased by infiltrating and destroying from within. Can’t have people reminiscing on better times after year zero. Cunts.
I think that he will welcome being probed- again and again.
Why gave you got a photo of Harold Bishop, from Neighbours as a header pic?
And why is he wearing Kylie Minogues dominatrix costume?
He is a perverted autogynephiliac with a prediliction for young girls. There, probe over.
Excellent Smug, a new word in my vocabulary. Though I think I would settle for “nutter”.
Got moderated for a few hours
Just goes to show how fucked society really is …
I suggest that that seeing as how you probably can’t have something clearly as decisive as Boy Scouts or Girl Guides we revert to a mandatory children’s outdoorsy group along the lines of the Hitler Youth …. by 15 or 16 they’d have a whole different perspective on what the future looks like and holds for them … ?
Is it a bird? Is it a plane ? answers please.
Are the people of Nottinghamshire blind? When my daughter was growing up I wouldn’t have let her get within 100 miles of this fucking MALE pervert.
Yep: another organisation being pulled down from within:
Dirty, disgusting, degenerate.
Give you the horn, did she?
He has got your badge for mushroom foraging ready Ruffers, once you have earnt your needlecraft badge first so that you can sew it on.
Morning LL.
Not a lot of people know this, but I was a cub in 1959. Hated every second of it, only managed a week.
I can beat that Ruff,
I never got in!!
The prejudice cunts.
Self identify as a 35 year old child migrant, Miserable. You’ll be a shoo-in! ?
Same experience of the cubs here Ruff and I think even in the same year! And teamwork is what’s needed for people who are no fucking use on their own. I guess that’s why I thrived in field service for so many years.
I’m guessing authority issues RTC?
That, and a complete aversion to teamwork.
The nascent totalitarian state probably not going to be to your liking then.
Perversion the fucking entire world seems overwhelmed by deviant cunts left right and centre. Terry fire ? up your oven please. Maximum heat. Cunts.
Worthy cunting, Miles.
Mrs Twenty used to be an Akala. She told me that the rot really set in a few years back when social services recognised that children who took part in scouting had ‘good outcomes’. This led to the making of rules that troops were ‘required’ to accept problem kids. This undermined the whole voluntary ethos and fucked up her troop. She quickly found herself becoming a stand in for social workers, refereeing in disputes over which parent was or was not permitted to pick the kids up after meetings and other nonsense.
Scouting was a fine institution, now it has been irreparably smashed by cunts. This latest outrage will not be then end.
Good morning, everyone.
Shades of putting problem families into good housing estates; the end result is always disaster.
In the 1960s Nottingham City Council moved a few of these families into a lovely village five miles outside the city boundary. Part of the village was transformed from a rural idyll to a cesspit overnight and the exam results of the previously excellent school were hit.
But, Guzzi, it is worth noting that it is never where the council cunts themselves live. Fucking champagne socialists.
This Guzzi, was a manifestation of the change which fucked up council housing. Allocation used to be to decent people who could be expected to respect the property and their neighbours and who had waited their turn on the list. When this was changed to allocation according to need the work-shies, wasters and m0h*med with his six disabled sprogs went straight to the top of the list. The result can be seen in any big town you care to name.
Does she have a penis?
She looks like Vic Reeves?
The guides as standard procedure erect a net around their camp to deter predators.
On most mornings tangled in the net are foxes, wolves, and Jimmy savilles.
They need to tighten security with this creepy cunt about!
Issue them all hand grenades.
Or a cervix in its CUNT? Dame Kweer could undoubtedly elucidate,
If the man has all his tackle removed that’s a good start to pursue the female dream. Problem is so many Pervy cunts just want to wear wigs and work with girlies and vulnerable ladies whilst still sporting a full set. Because of this self identifying bollocks the filthy deviant bastards have free reign to carry on with their sick fantasies. Does this leader of guides still pack a full set? We should be told.
The Cloak of “progress” to hide outright deviance.
Someone considering this even 20 years ago would have never bothered as they knew it would have fetched the attention of the authorities.
Now it’s completely unfettered.
It’s enough to induce vomiting.
Like a fudge packing Father Christmas, a transbender dominatrix Girl Guide leader is the way forward. Like women’s sports or the use of bathrooms, its always trans ‘women’ who are at the forefront of this shit. I wonder if they still have w*ggles in the scouts?
The rise in deviants and mentals is accelerating.
In a week ive encountered 2 lunatics while working.
And seen a grown man burst into tears because his tie was creased.
Theres a cure for all mental health issues and identity problems
Its half a house brick administered sharply yet firmly to the back of the head.
If no better within 24hrs repeat dosage.
What a cunt Miserable. Wait until he sees what I left on his back patio.
He is a pædophile.
That is all.
Spot on Thomas.
How could this thing change his birth certificate classification?. All I can say is this “boy” as I was and remain (albeit a bit decrepit now I am inclined to age) thinks that “girl” probably has something most other women don’t have – she just has that little bit extra that Nottinghamshire council though would be an inspiration to their younger girls. If – God forbid, “MOnica” tries it on with her little charges the council will throw their hands up in horror and announce “a full investigation” and after that – come on – all join in “LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED” – The Lords Prayer of Officialdom.
I bet she is a close personal of Kim Leadbitter and “Mrs” Jess Phillips – popping into each others cottages always borrowing each others dildos and jockstraps.
The fucking internet is to blame for all this being around. At least back in day ( not that long ago ) it took a lot of effort to find other deviants to satisfy your needs.
Now they openly engage in child organisations and activities and woe betide anyone who is critical.
IT may lose its position but some other deviant will employ IT somewhere else or at least get in contact.
They are now embedded into the system and openly flaunt it.
Wasn’t that Hamilton fellow of Dunblane infamy a gun obsessed scout leader who’d been barred for kiddy fiddling? That being the motivation for his final day’s to-do list?
See any parallels here anyone?
And by the way, is that fucking weapon and pistol real? If so where the fuck did he get them? If your average cunter turned up at plod asking for an assault weapon and sidearm license they”d be on a fucking watchlist before you know it. Perhaps if you call yourself ‘Monica’ they just give you the gun there and then, loaded.
The Police donated a cabin cruiser to Hamilton, enabling “boating trips” for him, “associates” and “troubled” young boys.
After he managed to sink the boat, Police divers raised it, Police resources were used to get it seaworthy again.
A nest of fucking Pea-dough-file rats?
But were lessons learned?
This nom would suggest not.
It sounds a bit like an Asda SmartPrice version of epstein’s island. We’re any of the associates from plod perchance?
Cough YES cough!
And more senior “establishment figures. Hence the 100 year gagging rule?
“…Hence the 100 year gagging rule…”
…you missed out the word UNPRECEDENTED 100yr gagging order!
Oops, for some reason I can’t quite put my finger on, I used a male pronoun to describe it. It’s obviously a girl, it says so on it’s birth certificate.
I’m guessing I will now be hunted down the. Trans death squads, who are armed like this presumably.
Hamilton was (allegedly) a close “friend” of Gordon Brown PM. A brace of utter CUNTS!
Bin please
All down to “Diversity & Inclusivity”.
LGBTQP cars played. What the fuck has has sexuality got to do with the scouting movement?
I thought it was all about teamwork, resourcefulness, community service and physical fitness.
*i was never a member of the scouting organisations, as I thought it was full of geeks. I was too busy messing about with motorbikes, guns and pussy. Not necessarily in that order??
All the nonces and Jimmey Saville’s are still hiding in plain sight and given protection from the government with human right laws against hurty words and scrutiny, whereas kids are constantly put in harms way of being buggered or groomed/converted by these deviants.
Put the vat of piss on the boil and fir up Terry’s oven because I fancy cooking nonce tonight.
All the n0nces and Jimmey Saville’s are still hiding in plain sight and given protection from the government with human right laws against hurty words and scrutiny, whereas kids are constantly put in harms way of being buggered or groomed/converted by these deviants.
Put the vat of piss on the boil and fire up Terry’s oven because I fancy cooking n0nce tonight.
Yet again a situation where judicial use of a Gatling gun deals with the problem.
Is there nobody but me deeply suspicious of this creepy freaks motives?
Did he change his name from Peter Phile?
Dirty bastard.
I suspect the vast majority of society, shares your views, Mr Fox?
Toggle the woggle makes me boggle ! And what about “Scouting for Girls” eh..?
Our Mother never bothered with the Scouts (formerly an excellent organisation I say) – we were all straight into the military cadets – if the scouts had Lee Enfield .303’s to mess about with (Fk me – .303’s have some thunder – no wonder Friz wasn’t keen on them!) I might have joined – but not to get bummed in a tent by a deviant!
As a nipper and just turned 13, I joined the Army Cadets (16/17 Kings Hussars I think ) 303! Christ what a fucking weight to carry let alone fire ! Them were the days, and the only puffs on the street were Woodbines.
Humanity has to all intents and purposes reached the extreme depths of depravity. Everywhere, without exception, that you look someone is at it … something sordid, perverted, corrupt and generally lacking in morality. 24/7 fuckwittery … we really are in the true hell of our own making. I’m of the opinion that no man or woman is now capable of bringing mankind back from the edge … I suspect that only AI could write the new rule book and enforce the policy and procedure that might lead to something better.
Well according to analysts today it now appears very likely that Russia will attack Ukraine in early 2022 ? … that’ll focus a few minds I’ve no doubt. Please hurry up and get on with it Vlad … there’s nothing like a bit of extreme global conflict to hide what goes on when everyone’s eyes are looking elsewhere. Time to clear up … maybe. LOL … if only. ?
It’s like Sodom and Gomorrah have gone global.
Who, in their right mind would allow a child anywhere near these fucking n*nce bastards?
How irresponsible a parent do you have to be to leave your child in the care of these Jimmy Savile wannabees? Maybe these organisations have their hands tied by the laws made by the House of Kiddyfiddlers but the parents have no excuse.
Vote with your feet.
Exactly Freddie. That’s why I always discouraged our kids from getting into sport. It’s common knowledge that organised sport is replete with theese p*rverts.
I think that’s possibly the idea. If you want to destroy an institution like the girl guides from inside, what better way to do it than appoint monsters like this. What better way to decimate membership.
Why not appoint Roy Whiting or Ian Huntley as part of their rehabilitation back into normal society? After all, their kind of depravity is becoming normal society.
Don’t you love a woman in uniform?
Unfortunately, this is a cunt in a uniform.