The Incompetent Foreign Office

Hold the front page.

”Afghanistan: Foreign Office chaotic during Kabul evacuation – whistleblower”

It appears that the FO is incompetent.
Dominic Raab is useless.
And bears shit in the woods.

By and large the whole Whitehall Civil Service is incompetent. How could it not be when selection and advancement is based on who you know and snobbery? A huge salary and knighthood is the norm, regardless of competence, for those that creep their way to the top. The FO’s ineptness contributed to the Falklands invasion way back when. So no surpríses here.

However, consider this:-
We shipped in 16 000 Muslims for whom corruption is a way of life. Johnson considers this a great achievement. As do the hotel owners of the UK.
But the total number that could have come is said to be 75 000 but for the FO’s bungling. So for once give thanks for the useless, timeserving London cunts who presided over this shambles. And wanker Raab.
In the spirit of Christmas, — bless them, one and all.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

22 thoughts on “The Incompetent Foreign Office

  1. I’d like to think that they were making the pretence of ineptitude to prevent thousands more sand people turning up in Blighty, but I know that’s not true.

  2. 75,000? That’s a hell of a lot of “interpreters” don’t you think? Who the fuck were they talking to? Not the FO that’s for sure.
    Still, at least we got those animals out, couldn’t leave them behind to be arse raped by the Taliban.
    Don’t worry, for every FO fuck up that works in our favour there’s half a dozen that go the other way. Personally I don’t want a single one of those primitive motherfuckers in my country.

  3. Of all Government departments, this one is surely the worst for the bungling incompetence of the supercilious, public school-educated knobheads who run it. The Boulting Brothers, Terry-Thomas and Peter Sellers ripped the piss out of it in 1959 with ‘Carlton-Browne of the FO’. Made as a comedy, it’s as true today as it was then, though now I’d classify it as a documentary.
    Some things never change.

  4. Quite sure if our leaders had the logistical capabilities of the United States then they would have fetched tens of thousands more.
    In fact given the craven woke attitudes of everyone with hands on the levers of power in our once great country I suspect the airlift of the Goat Fuckers would still be ongoing.
    Foreign Office?
    Britain becomes a foreign shithole more like.
    Fuck Off.

  5. The Foreign Office? I thought that was Lambeth Housing Department. It could also be my local GPs surgery I suppose.

  6. Of course, the incompetent Foreign Office is situated right next to the incompetent HM Treasury. Fuck knows where the Ministry of Levelling Up is! This ‘Government’ is a sickening mess led by a sickening mess.

  7. By the time those 16000 have brought over all of their ‘close’ relatives it’ll be more like 375,000.

  8. You never know Raab could be the next Prime Minister. Could he be any worse? Of course he could. You know it.

    • He wouldn’t be the worst choice either – what about the devious cunt who ought to be running a corner shop?

  9. The Foreign office and the Home office are not incompetent. They know exactly what they are doing. They are the creation of Blair and the Tory party has no intention of changing anything.

    • Spot on Smug.

      Nail. Head. Nicely summed up sir.

      Bliar should hang for what he inflicted upon us, and through his legacy continues to do.

  10. I think most ministerial government departments are poorly managed. But then we’re talking about the mardy civil service, who can do no wrong; and a government minister parachuted into the Department with little or no experience of how to run that particular office.

    Inevitably when things go shit-shaped, there’s some arty-farty internal investigation, the findings are always the same, a few minor heads role, and the asshat Minister ends up demoted or moved sideways to some other badly run Department.

    Even though its 40 years old, Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister, are still pertinent even today!

  11. An incompetent FO. Who would have thunk it????? Every time I read Terry Fuckwit in Viz, I think if our Government.

  12. I read about this National Guard base in Indiana being used to house 8,000 Afghans. A whistleblower on the inside has leaked details of cunts fighting each other, pissing and shitting everywhere, nicking metal stuff to shape into home made shanks and, of course, hundreds of fuckers melting into the night.
    The local politicians have denied it all, there’s not a single word of truth in it.
    Yeah, of course.

  13. I would sooner have the patients from the film ? one flew over the cuckoos nest running the cuntery ( country) than any of the window ? s in Doris’s government. Cunts I tell you thick greedy cunts the lot of em.

  14. The whistle blower, Raphael (obviously a cunt with a name like that) 25 years old so obviously was an expert on the FO.

    Thousands of emails went unanswered, well not surprising if the inbox is hit with Thousands within the space of a few days.
    How the fuck can anyone expect even with a 100 people checking the mails and validating them to get through thousands, it wouldn’t have made any fucking difference because there was limited time and the Brits were sharing airport space with the Yanks and other countries.
    Getting 16000 out was a right result, if you want to see it that way, but I agree with the nom, maybe incompetence did slow the flow but not by much

    Enough is enough, too many fucking rag heads and other assorted crap here already, time to shut the door and bolt it!

  15. I wonder how many Vichy collaborators were invited to live in Germany after WW2?
    Fuck all I reckon.

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