No big surprise that the BoE increased bank interest rates from 0.1% to 025% as it admitted it was completely on the back foot with the way the Consumer Price Index has spiralled out of control over the last 6 months, and gone way over the BoE’s forecast of 2% by the end of 2021. And is currently at its highest rate since September 2011
However, the BoE warned that further interest rates were likely if inflation is not capped, especially in an uncertain economy of labour and material shortages in certain sectors, of continual covid worries, increases in National Insurance Contributions and taxation, higher energy & fuel bills and a steady rise in unemployment in skilled industries.
A rise in interest rates should be very good news for hard-pushed savers. But we all know this is not always the case, especially with CPI inflation currently at around 5.1% (11/2021), which is a jump of almost 1% on the previous month, and could rise to as much as 8.3% by mid 2022 before levelling off.
Inevitably it will be the borrowers who will be the main target, especially those coming to the end of a fixed-rate, or are on variable or discount mortgages. The ripple effect when the banks put up their rates on credit cards, loans and mortgages could be quite devastating, especially for those who have overstretched themselves.
Of course it would help if we had a proper Tory PM at the helm, rather than dithering Boris, who has already lost a by-election, and has 100 backbenchers on his back, with more to follow if he doesn’t get a grip of things fast.
In the interim 2022 is going to a be a cunt of a year for most ordinary people, especially if interest rates rise to 1% as has been rumoured. (And don’t forget that’s the bank base rate, not the rate the banks charge consumers, which is often quite a lot more!)
Interest Rates
Foreign Debt
Energy Bills
National Insurance and direct/indirect Taxation
Labour shortages
Brexit failures
Uncontrolled Immigration
By-election defeats and a disillusioned Tory grassroot support
Backbench revolts
Unrealistic & hugely expensive Green policies
Covid uncertainties
A Crumbling NHS and incompetent government Departments
… yes, 2022 is going to be a cunt, but none of the above will be enough to shift the biggest cunt of all out of No. 10!
Nominated by: Technocunt
If one was in favour of lockdowns then one has no right to complain about the financial pain coming down the pipe. We voluntarily fucked ourselves, and still continue to do so. Totally self inflicted.
Like many, I’ve worked all the way through the Covid Era in the field, not at home. I don’t want to pay for the Zoom loafers who thought lockdown would allow them to get paid for doing fuck all but walk the dog.
Life’s a cunt. Then you die.
Take pleasure where you can find it.
I’m off to sniff the wife’s pants.
I’ll post them on for you.
Nice one CC.
Indeed Mr Knee.
2022 is going to be a shitty mess.
So I’m going to watch Where Eagles Dare with some fine English ale.
Nothing raises the spirits like the sight of The Hun getting his arse kicked.
I’m ‘minded’ (previous nom refers) to dig out ‘The Battle of Britain’ for later.
‘It’s like shooting fish in a barrel!’
‘You’ll be in a barrel if you don’t look out for the fighters!’
God that scene where the Spit does the victory roll over the airfield never fails to choke me up.
Classic film.
Afternoon Unkle
And you sir.
Where Eagle’s Dare in HD:
The Battle of Britain in HD:
I am confident the rich and privileged will step up and take their share of the thirty year financial burden this disastrous duplicitous comedy bastard has dumped on us – it will not fall on those with the least to pay the most – what cynic suggested otherwise?
Keep voting for the same shit, keep getting the same shit.
How much has to be destroyed before we finally admit this and do things differently?
I am stuck with my MP until the next general election, I would say he isn’t bad but who do I vote for, there isn’t a credible alternative, if there were I would change my vote.
If there was a credible right wing party who had a chance of getting some MPs into parliament I would vote for them.
The Conservatives sent out a questionnaire recently with various questions about what is important to you, the usual stuff and there was one question about voting intentions for the next election, the main parties listed and you were asked to score 0 to 10 on if you were going to vote for them.
I scored them all 0, if enough people do that it may wake some cunts up, there was also a question on how you voted last time.
Write to your MP and moan like fuck, my next letter will be going out in the new year. Bombard the cunts!
A Poundland economy.
The insanity of woke appeasement and mindless government has left the cupboard bare.
Who else would raise taxes amidst one of the greatest periods of economic uncertainty the country has faced in decades.
Fucking Doris and his rabble.
Cunts for oven.
Absolutely Unkle
There should be minimal unemployment but there seems to be over a million on the dole. Labour shortages? The whole cushy system is a farce.
We have overseas vermin in hotels because barracks that were good enough for British squaddies are deemed unfit.
The green policy is fucking suicidal.
We are a fascist, racist country that every fucker will cross continents to get to.
We have our own gas but lunacy forbids it’s extraction. Far better to trust Putin.
Johnson is a shambling fucking idiot.
Be fair to Boris CC , he fucks up everything he touches, why should the economy be spared?
If all else fails, identify as a Somalian drug-dealer and demand the top suite at the Scarborough Grand. Remember, the lift is for shitting in.
Ha ha?
You really couldn’t make it up, Cap?
Very well put CC, the millions of jobs allegedly advertised and 1.7 million or so on the dole, it’s a bit like the rail excuses when the trains don’t run, the wrong type of snow on the line ?
Worries about job loses from hospitality until they open up and then they can’t get enough staff to open fully.
A smart bomb on Downing Street, put up a portakabin with some PG Tips chimps for policy makers and start again.
My solution:
Scrap Zero Carbon, Green Taxes and heat pumps – anything we do will be a piss in the Thames when you see what the Chinese and Japs get up to with their industries (why doesn’t Greta Thundercunt go and protest in China _ “how dare you?” as a tank approaches her.)
A REALLY serious refusal to accept any more rubber boat invaders – fuck what the Guardian and what Starmers poofters and lezzies think about it.
Stop old Mother Creasy getting her flabby tits out in Parliament to feed her brat.
Show Labour up for the liars they are – Rachel Reeves wants not to waste public money – but she is in favour of accepting the rubber boar ponces.
Implement Article 16 on January 1st. 2022.
Sack Boris – he has had his chance now and fucked it.
If I can’t be leader, then give LIz Truss a chance – she could do no worse
Mr Boggs, you took the words right out of my iPad ?
I would add that we need to start investing in our own gas and oil supplies, fuck the tree hugging cunts and put all the wind farm investment into nuclear.
Nuclear warheads, aimed at China, Pakistan, Arabia and of course, France. ?? ?? ??
All of the above us so obviously in Britain’s interests it will never happen.
I have been saying similar things my entire adult life and the country has gone in the diametrically opposite direction the entire time.
Liz Truss would get my vote. My God, Margaret Thatcher had her faults but I wish we had someone like her in charge now. Can you imagine Sage, Whitty etc laying the law down to Maggie and dictating policy? Maggie would have feared them a new arsehole the fucking cunts.
Teared not feared. But she could have probably feared you a new arsehole if you got the wrong side of her.
We really needed her these past two years – Macron would have shit himself, if Mrs T had taken exception to the mischevious little midget – and she would have done,
Remember the French armed the fucking Argentinian’s during the Falklands war.
I don’t remember an anti-french fallout, in the aftermath ?
I don’t know about a new arsehole but she would have certainly scared my cock off.
The French didn’t arm Argentina during the Falklands war. The sale of Exocets was agreed long before the conflict, and they had only limited stocks before the invasion. After the Falklands fell, the French held up the remaining supply of missiles until after the conflict had ended. As late as 1979, the British government was trying to sell them Sea Harriers, but luckily the Argentinian government bought surplus US A4 Skyhawks because they were considerably cheaper.
The French also allowed RAF and Navy pilots to fly back seat training missions in the Super Etendard, to assess their capabilities, as well as crucial intel on the deployment and jamming of Exocet.
The argies had plenty of our kit too.
True. I knew that post about the French arming the Argies during the war was incorrect, but couldn’t be arsed to check the details and reply myself.
I’ve been into military history all my life Ruff, most of this stuff is on tap. To be right into it you have to get into geography, normal history, politics, both social and political, economics, you name it, all human life is there.
Dog help us what folks will say if they ever find out we couldn’t have retaken the Falklands without the huge assistance from America. From fuel and missiles (the newest sidewinder), to satellite imagery and communications, they gave us shit loads. Big Ronnie was going to ‘lend’ us an aircraft carrier staffed with reservist volunteers if we lost one of ours.
And Chile, Australia, etc…
Liz Truss is about as convincing as the new Thatcher as Boris was as the new Churchill.
Still, we live in hope.
Never trust a woman with the word slut in her name.
I agree, Sir Ruff. Remember when they promised Theresa Hunchback would be tough and she turned out to be as robust as a French duke.
Like Hunchback, Truss os a Remainer cunt too so completely untrustworthy.
Problem is, they all shit in the same pot.
Just under six million EU citizens in the UK with settled status, after a government estimate of 3.5 million, it’s no wonder we are in fucking mess, many returned to their countries during the pandemic. How many, no fucking idea because it’s all guesswork, the government haven’t a fucking clue, how many are working, how many are claiming benefits.
Any cunt who has been out of work for 6 months should be called in to explain why, if they are EU citizens stop the benefit and tell them to fuck off, what’s the point of them being here is they aren’t working.
If they are British get the cunts into a job, no fucking excuses, even if it’s picking up fucking litter.
Even when they’re claiming housing and unemployment benefits, they’re working cash-in-hand work which all adds up to a tidy sum. These EU rats must piss themselves laughing at how Britain dishes out the folding stufff.
The extent of the black economy in the UK, particularly agriculture, is fucking staggering.
Considering how strapped for cash the country is and the appalling state of the economy, it was very comforting to read that the moronic Insulate Britain cunts cost the tax payer £4.3million. Why the fuck don’t they make them pick up the tab? Maybe it would make them twice about their brainless and infantile acts in future.
I saw that, 4.3 million, fucking joke.
How the fuck does it cost 4.3 million to drag a few slags of a road. It only took a couple of coppers 5 seconds to shift the twats who tried to stop Boris going to Buck house.
Hope the cunts enjoyed Xmas in the chokey. Bread and fucking water if I had my way.
That would probably be the salaries and bonuses of the agitators within MI5 and the police force who helped organise and coordinate the whole affair.
Be organise and coordinate I do mean of course they have controlling influence in this particular protest group, for the sole purpose of using them for a political purpose. That is, accelerating legislation designed to curtail ALL protest against the establishments interests: ‘Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill’.
It doesn’t take plod more than 5 minutes to clear road blocking cunts and laws already exist for it. The whole thing was the most blatant charade, I can’t believe people haven’t clocked it!
Paid actors or useful idiots.
With emphasis on the “idiot” bit.
That £4.3 million is far less than the true cost- people delayed, businesses unable to meet commitments etc.
If I suffered demonstrable costs as a result of the antics of these fools, I’d be pursuing them for damages.
From what I’ve seen of the Insulate Britain/Extinction Rebellion brigade, those cunts (or their aging crusty parents) can afford to pay a good few hefty fines.
Rinse the twats and squeeze them dry…
‘think’ twice – guess I’m a brainless cunt as well
Boris relies on a fiscal think-tank including Viv Nicholls and Mickey Carroll.
When running anything especially a country its best you dont put the number dyslexic and maths blind, in charge.
The Turkish pale slug should be watched around money.
Our money.
He seems a untrustworthy type.
His grandad was stoned to death off a mob,
Whilst on his way to stand trial for treason.
Boris takes after him.
“Boris takes after him”
Greetings MNC, all.
With luck Jellyfish will take after his grandpop in the manner if his demise too, he’s going the right way about it
MNC@ – “Hello, Katy Price”?
“Oo the fack is this”?
“Brr, brr, bit of Latin – Boris Johnson”
“Ain’t you dead”?
“Probably after the people find me out, but anyway – I need some advice on how to utterly fuck up everything I touch, have loads of kids with different partners, lose a fortune and be a shameless, discredited public laughing stock”
“U don’t need moi advice u muppet – u doin’ great! ‘ARVEY! Get off Mummys tits”!
Inspired Vern!
Get tracking. It can be online within three months. Cancel overseas aid, cancel HS2, bring in an NHS like the one they have in Holland, end subsidies for “green” energy,
Any serious Conservative party would get stuck in. Unfortunately we have a corrupt party in power and the opposition is even worse. 2022 is going to be a cunt.
I agree.Same old stale shite.
Who’s willing to swap Boris and Co for Corbyn and his shadow cabinet? That’s the choice we were given.
Democracy depends on the quality and quantity of choice after all. It’s been reduced to having to vote for the least worst option.
Come on now cunters, who knew that running the electronic money printing press as fast as the electrons could vibrate would lead to massive inflation?
Well I for one foresaw it, it’s a financial law almost as certain as the law of gravity. So either jellyfish and Rishi ( an ex-banker) are comple morons who don’t know this, or it was deliberately intended to wreck the economy. What better way to usher in a great reset. Cunts.
Johnson is one hell of a cunt, that’s for sure.
The Bank of England are cunts too. Years back, with inflation ramping up a couple of points, they’d increase interest rates by .5% to 1% at a time until inflation was contained. Now inflation is heading for 6% odd what do they do? Increase rates by .15%. It’s like they were in a small car with a full petrol tank and have swapped to a big, thirsty V8 with an empty tank, so they put 1.5 litres in it to stop it running out of fuel. They will then run out at the end of the road and walk back to the petrol station to get a cab with another 1.5 litres in it to cover the next two miles.
.15% is purely a gesture to look as if they are doing what they ought whilst letting inflation run riot to ameliorate Government debt (of which there is a lot since Johnson’s mob pissed money into the wind knee in deference to the Chinky Flu).
This Government are what lampposts and barbed wire were invented for?
Agreed.We all lynch the traitors
“The Government you elect is the Government you deserve”.
Mickey bleeding Mouse has a better chance running our country instead of the Jellyfish.Stuff the SAGE and Onion party.Stuff Bojo the rat.Repeat repeat repeat bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks.All bollocks.Traitors.Come back Maggie all is forgiven.
Won’t argue against that EW
We need Guy Fawkes back!
Noel Edmonds should run the country. His track record over the last 50 years has shown that he knows how to get the job done. He ran Swap Shop like a a fine Swiss watch. Telly Addicts showed he has the common touch as did his visiting kids at Christmas philanthropy. House Party showed that he knows how to deal with fat pink useless beings. Deal or No Deal showed that he knows how to handle large amounts of money. And he is no stranger to violence…
The man is perfect for the job.
The government has executed Brexit as well as Edmonds executed that bloke on the Whirley-Wheel.
The UK is currently £2,613,405,312,564 in debt to the rest of the world.
Or just under £42 per person or £72 per UK taxpayer, according to the link below.
Those numbers don’t look right – way too low.
The linked article states UK is over £1 trillion in debt (A). Population is 68 million (B). A/B=£14,706.
Assuming half the population don’t pay tax that’s roughly £29k per taxpayer.
That’s where we are now – the Net Zero commitments will cost another couple of £trillion on top. That’s £87k per taxpayer spaffed on sweet FA☹️
That “UK National Debt Surpassed £1 Trillion” part in the link is way out of date, and has not been updated for nearly two years when I first posted the nationaldebtclock on here.
The true NatDebt figure, as can be seen from the clock itself, is currently over 2.6 Trillion and rapidly rising.
2.6 Trillion divided by 70 Million = approx £37k per head of population. If only half the population are “taxpayers” that works out at around £70k per taxpayer.
Interesting – do you have a link for the “national debt clock”?
It’s the one Techno posted above.
PS: The current annual interest payment on the National Debt is a staggering £100 Billion, which gets added to the debt, of course.
Thanks – should have read it in a bit more detail
Ahh – numbers are at the top (I thought that was an advert’ and skimmed past it).
That means the 37k and 70k in my earlier post are actually £ 96k and a staggering £182k!!!
Why does the inflation clock site only state £42 & £72? (daily rate spread over 6 years without cumulative interest or did Boris ask them not to frighten the plebs?)
Re your “PS” – that’ll be why the cunts are keen on ramping inflation up☹️
Yes I did think the debt per person was extremely low. It should be more like £32k per person according to the link below
“What is the difference between the deficit and government debt?
The deficit is the difference between government revenue and spending, usually measured over a single financial year. Debt is the total amount owed by the Government which has accumulated over the years. Debt is therefore a much larger sum of money. At the end of 2020/21 public sector net debt was £2,136 billion (i.e. £2.1 trillion), or 94% of GDP. This is equivalent to around £32,000 per person in the UK.”
I’m not sure how those two figures are calculated, I think they too are unchanged from two years ago. All my calculations are based on the clock itself. However you slice it we’re in big, big trouble.
My above post was in reply to Mikdys @7:02pm
Very true – and, on top of this pile of debt, the Tories have committed another few £trillion to be spent on Net Zero.
Taxation at record levels and due to rise even higher, personal freedoms being eroded at an unprecedented rate, and stagflation just around the corner. “Get Brexit done”. “Get fucked” more like!
… can’t wait for the banks to turn up the heat on the fuckers that abuse everything especially credit. Most of the millennials and all of the Gen Z cunts have no idea how to cope with rampant inflation and meaningful interest rates. The shock and horror of a runaway economy is gonna test their mettle … need their game faces on or they gonna get their arses smacked and handed to them on a plate. Mental health and wellbeing crisis on the way … standby for the wailing and stuttering as they realise that the last twenty years have been based on flawed and false economics. Fuck ’em …
I’m with you on this one. First (and only) mortgage in ’87 … and got hoofed in the bollocks what seemed like every other month on an interest rate increase.Holidays and fancy cars (motorbikes) on hold for a few years …. I’m a firm believer in .. ‘What comes around, goes around’ … Fast forward 30+ years … mortgage gone, a bit of savings in the bank at an obscenely low interest rate … maybe now the tide is turning to be at the right end of a shitty stick. Sorry kids, but it’s not all milk and honey in the world of borrowing money.
TBH I think that stick has a bit of shit on both ends of it. ?
They will scream blue murder if they think the older generations might benefit in some way …
Back to the future and 1979: 17% interest rates and and 13% inflation (down from 24% a couple of years before). That ‘d give the cunts some focus!
If we borrow from the Bank of England, and the B of E is owned by the Government ( on behalf of the People ) then the debt ( to the Bank ) can lie dormant in perpetuity or until better times. it is ridiculous for the Government to Charge itself Interest.
As these cunts in Government caused the mess, they should at least commit suicide in the age old custom of ” My Honour Demands it ”
Will they ? Nah. They’ll make us pay and they will skim
Christ, glad it’s not all doom and gloom!
Anyone got the link on how to make an exit bag? I’ve got a feeling I might need it shortly.
Just renewed my rip-off energy Tariff, “FUCK ME, 2022 IS GOING TO HURT!” I’ll have to burn some peacefuls to keep the castle warm next year.
Good idea Wobbler.
Aren’t that many mat-kissers in this neck of the woods so I’ll need to relocate.
Tower Hamlets maybe. Or Leicester sounds nice.
I’ve heard they’re importing them at dover, going cheap, clean burning aswell, the channels pre-washed them.
You can fuck off Marcus, Leicester’s peacefuls are mine!
No need to be like that Moggie.
There’s plenty to go around.
Interestingly the whole world is more or less in deep-shit-debt, so let’s all have a party and declare ourselves bankrupt
Interestingly the same link has a further link for “energy output”, world’s worst offenders. The UK doesn’t even make the top 10, and yet China, India and the Ruskies are all up there!
Simple reason, China, India, Russia just say to the end of the world groups “interesting, Now fuck off, unless you want a war or your secrets exposing”. everything goes quiet then and they fall off the survey.
Aa I see it, Boris might be a cunt but Starmer is an even bigger cunt and God help, us if Rayner manages to knife home and get the job.
Do Labour even have any policies?
And even if the Shropshire swing is repeated nationwide at a general election (which it won’t be) Labour still don’t have the number without SNP support. LAB/SNP coalition? Worse option still…
Yep! we luckily have the best of a mess, but that’s apparently not a bonus for the patriots out there. Brewsters Millions springs to mind “VOTE FOR NONE OF THE ABOVE!”
Who is this patient as fuck cunt who is owed all the dosh. I’d be fed up by now and would’ve called in the bailiffs. I’d at least get a few decent tellys