Stella Creasy MP [5]

The Hon member for Walthamstow is reported as ‘being surprised’ at being told she can’t bring her sprog into the House of Twats.

FFS there is already a free on-site crèche and expense allowances to pay for an external nursery but this madam insists on bringing her baby into the chamber as if she has a divine right to do so. What a fucking shitshow. (Link provided by Ron Knee)

Nominated by: Isaac Hunt

And this from Cuntstable Cuntbubble

”Parliament will review whether MPs can take babies into the chamber after an outcry when a Labour MP was told off for bringing her three-month-old son into the Commons.”

”Mothers in the mother of all parliament are not to be seen or heard it seems” So said the aforementioned and ever so entitled Labour loon.

How many places of work can you take a 3 month baby into? Factory? Office? Police? Hospital? Not even fucking virtue signalling Sainsburys will allow it.
Probably sums up how hard working and devoted this cunt is if she can carry out parliamentary duties with a fucking squalling 3 month old in tow. What a cunt. Walthamstow deserves the fucker.

MSN News Link

Expect to see a play creche, swings, toys, baby bottles, dummies, and used potties strewn across the Floor of the Commons (or soon to be rebranded, House of the Entitled) – Day Admin

45 thoughts on “Stella Creasy MP [5]

  1. Who the fuck got that up the duff? Courage above and beyond the call of duty i’d say.

  2. Having infants in the House of Cunts will get the honourable members ? used to the lingering odour of piss and shit, this will ease their transition to the House of Frauds, further down the Gravy Train line.
    Good morning.

  3. Attention seeking feminazi bitch.
    Parliament has a perfectly good crèche, subsidised by the fucking taxpayer which most people would be very grateful for. Not this old slapper….so desperate to be a victim. You ain’t fooling anybody you posh fucking slag.

  4. THis attention seeking old hag is probably just sorry she isn’t a lezza and had to suffer the indignity of lying on her back with her legs apart and being inseminated by a………MAN! (ugh the sisterhood will never forgive her) she would rather have used the turkey baster method with Kim Leadbitter gripping her warmly by the arse.

    To pay the male sex back she now relies on getting hr tits out in the chamber and let the bairn do his worst, screaming the while. Poo lad not only has to put up with the noise of Parliamentarians (just the same noises he would hear in a creche) but in years to come will learn to realise he had to suck on her frazzled old teats.

    Seriously does the entitled cunt think women who work on the tills in Poundland or Lidl can take their babies on to the shop floor?. What would is she living in?

  5. Nothing brings out the entitled cunt in people more than having kids. And, if you’re a cunt to begin with, the sky’s the limit.

  6. Imagine the old hag changing nappies during Prime Minister Question Time.
    You wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from the stink of the nappy shit of the bull shit coming from the MP’s

    • At least she can nip over to the House of Lords if running low on nappies and baby food puree.

    • Babies are noisy annoying little cunts and they fucking stink. Therefore every mp should be forced to bring a child to work in retaliation for all the shit they’ve made us endure, the corrupt lying bastards. They can leave them at home once they’ve sorted out the french. Struggling to think of any mp whose tits I would like to see though, under no circumstances try to imagine what Angela Rayner’s pendulous veiny dugs look like, you will wake up screaming tonight.

  7. This is just the beginning, and it will get a whole lot worse should Labour come to power in the next couple of years!

    All of the traditions upheld within the Palace of Westminster, will be gradually eroded for all the usual reasons. And we will be left with two Chambers full of entitled, uppity, virtue signalling cunts from all genders and what-have-you.

    Calling someone “Right Honourable Gentleman” will be banned; as will “The Speaker of the House” and “Usher of the Black Rod”

    Cunts like Creasy will insist on lowering the voting age to zero, so that no one should feel excluded; even prisoners and illegal immos will have the right to vote without having to prove anything.

    The House of Commons will be called “The Home of Love and Opportunities for All”; and the House of Lords, “The Green Home of Inclusion, Diversity and Hope”

    All MPs will have to bend the knee before speaking, along with wearing a rainbow armband.

    Creasy has set the precedent, and I expect some or all of the above to actually happen within the next 10 years.

  8. Our next door but one neighbour’s a nurse, and she’s just finishing her maternity leave.
    I bet she’s looking forward to taking her sprog with her on her first stint back on A and E.
    As the header pic says; ‘smug entitled mutha’.

  9. So brave
    So progressive
    So fucking what!?!
    The next time you hear the chant of getting your tits out for the lads
    Just don’t

  10. Stay at home and look after your kid. Be a mother If you had a real job you wouldn’t be able to take it with you you cunt. You’d after pay for child care or like I said stay at hone and be a real mother. Cunt

  11. She is a real shit stirrer and it’s always ‘all about me’, take your baby to work ffs, this cunt really annoys me with her bullshit. MP for Walthamstow, I can guarantee that 80% of the cunts who live there have never heard of her, the place if full of illegals and scumbags. Guess where they found that Albanian cunt who had been deported three times. I bet she was proud of that one ?

  12. Well thank dog that this fuckwittery was not around when the Flabbott spawned her son. He would need to be chained outside with a muzzle and spit hood.

  13. No doubt she’ll still put in claims/expenses for things like attendance allowance, child care ,baby food and changing room facilities, additional maternity leave allowance, 2 days off to look after baby at home allowance.

    All paid for by a grateful taxpayer!

  14. Another fine display of the ignorance and arrogance of MPs. They’ve completely lost track of the fact that they have been placed in a position of some standing in order to represent, before all else, their constituents. They have have gone out of their way, with serious attitudes, to make it all about them. Virtue signalling and bringing their personal and on trend issues to the fore … fuck all to do with UK PLC which is what we require them to be diligently dealing with. Keep ya personal shit outta the workplace … we ain’t fuckin’ interested. Cunts … one and all!

  15. The kind of attention seeking pointless shite you expect from wimmims of the Labour Party. Stella, the worlds moved on, babies are old hat.

    You should of gone in wearing a mini skirt and started wanking midway through proceedings,…….. oh wait you can’t. Stella is a second class woman, born female, still identifies as female and no penis to be found, unless standing next to Kweer counts?

    Up your game Stella, have a stickadicktome or get back in your box.

    It’s deliciously ironic that women’s liberation should be defeated simply by men putting dresses on or indeed simply identifying as women.

    I see your vagina and raise you one penis…..

  16. Two things here. Some cunt impregnated he, sends a shiver down my spine that thought, unless she is a right old goer in bed and knows how to please her man, gobble, gobble.

    Second point, the sprog hanging off her tit probably talks more sense.

  17. Breastfeeding next and then it’ll be demanding the right to change a jamrag or give birth in the HoC.

    Imagine Flabbot changing her jamrag on TV? She’d pull what looks like Ted Bundy’s mattress out of her skiddy knickers.

    • Or giving birth – waters breaking would be like Niagra falls, everyone in the house would be washed away in a tsunami of flabbot juice.

  18. Nobody wants to see this born again christian looking fucker with her fruit bats out feeding her fucking brat, on top of that nobody wants to hear a baby squawking through what should be important goings on [ i know thats bollocks but its supposed to be important].
    This is all made yet worse by the fucked that gormless cunt is worse than fucking useless as an MP and cant afford to have any distractions as she has already proved she cant do her job and that was before the brat was in the picture.
    Get some childcare, or go back on maternity leave, get your blind hubby to look after it, or better still retire, get a mirror and some make up, that should keep you busy till the brats in high school…..

  19. Why don’t all MP’s just fuck off? If I never see another one as long as I live. Sick of the bastards.

  20. Kids at work? In a factory, down a pit, up a chimney, pedalling a shit load of Hovis up a cobbled street? Marvellous idea, can’t really see why we ever stopped it – it’ll stop the little fkrs stabbin’ each udda up and preaching socialism!
    Children in a work environment? What the hell is this taxpayer funded Karen trying to prove except what utter dross we have “representing” us?
    Never have I known such a conglomerate of cunts.

  21. I’m surprised the nipper is not coffee coloured, surely only a gimmigrant wanting to stay in the country at any cost would fuck that ugly old cow.

    • Oh so shes allowed to breastfeed in work?
      Yet when I do it it’s all over the Stockport Express?!!

      Double standards yet again from the Westminster elites.

  22. I worked in a founder, non of the women there took their spots to work. Fucking pretentious bitch wants to grow up.

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