Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman

It’s Christmas time, so let’s make an animated Christmas show about Christmas being misogynistic and a white supremacist racist festival. And let’s make lots of references to excrement too, for some bizarre reason.

Somebody thought this would be a good idea for some reason. I think it’s appalling that something so blatantly anti white has been allowed on television (HBO). It’s dangerous is shite like this.

Roger, who plays a major role with Silverman in this abomination, has been quick to call the universally terrible reviews as ‘white supremacists review bombing the show’. It’s just horrible racists who don’t like his show, you see.

No Seth, you unfunny racist cunt (yes, just like everyone else, four be twos can be racist too) the racist here is you and the other cunts responsible.

Thing is, this sort of shit will send a few more down that ‘Let’s invade Poland’ rabbit hole. I’m not going down it just yet, but he is a racist anti white J-boy. End of. Most aren’t like that though in my experience. But once enough people are sent down that rabbit hole due to shit like this, Seth and others like him might have something to really complain about, the stupid fucks.

DailyHive News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

43 thoughts on “Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman

  1. I once bumped into Seth Rogan’s family members, whilst on holiday in Kracow.
    I apologised profusely, as it resulted in several of them being knocked over.

    The proprietor of the antique lampshade shop, insisted there was no harm done, as I was the only customer in his store.

  2. ‘White supremacy’ has joined the list of phrases, along with ‘racism,’ ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘transphobia’ that have become essentially meaningless. Like being called a witch in the Middle Ages or a Communist in early 1950s America, the best way to respond to such an accusation is either with a sarcastic affirmation or a resounding ‘fuck off.’

    Thought #46…

    • Seth and Sarah can sit Christmas out, maybe count their coinage?
      I for one am going to enjoy this white supremacist festival!
      Anne Frankly they can get fucked?

  3. If they want to pick on racist and misogynistic men with beards who have an interest in children, I could think of more relevant ones.

  4. I am astonished -considering how woke and multi-diverse all is IACers are that npbody has yet commented on the sad death of bell hooks (why not Bll Hooks?) a ladee of color (soc) who, as a scribbler, did so much to make black wimminz hw aware they were that they were so downtrodden.

    No doubt the flag and the bloomers will be flying at half mast, and the blinds drawn in the Wmminz Hour studio this morning.A nation mourns…..

  5. Sarah Silverman is an irritating, unfunny arse who wants the whole world to know she is a 4 x 2.

    Her and the equally irritating Michael Sheen were well suited.

    Fuck off.

  6. Wow just viewed link (never heard of the cunts before)

    When will these stupid luvvies understand that most people
    1 like the status quo
    2 don’t want it changing just to
    Appeal to the twatter fools.

    I reckon it will be when Santa ? is actually a one legged dwarf woman of colour with a liking for muff and the reindeers are turtles ? saved from all the plastic the ocean. Santa will thrill you by ravishingly having adventures with all the moms whilst verbally abusing all the dads, before nicking all the presents ?. Pile of Cunt

  7. Never heard of these nonentities. All I would say is, from reading at his tweet he seems to be barely semi-literate.

  8. I don’t really do popular culture (does pornhub count?) so have not heard of this pair of cunts. However they look like a pair of cunts so that’s good enough for me.

    Off to the coast now to get the lines out. There is talk of an armada of invasion dinghies coming today. Let’s hope they all have three jabs, houses and roles as doctors, architects or world class footballers to head to…

    Good morning and fuck off, especially Boris and SAGE. Cunts.

    • Lines ?
      Shouldn’t that be mines ?
      Big round ones, bobbing along on the briny.? ?
      Morning, Mr. DiCunty.

      • Morning Jack, I trust all is well? I’d like some mines, I have however lashed a sharpened blade to a length of pole, with the plan to pierce the hull of any RIB should they get close enough. The notion of those in peril on the sea now means nothing to this particular son of Albion. Sadly I’m not close to the Dover immigration lanes being a bit west of the IOW. However I’m prepared !

  9. A few weeks ago, I said to Ethel that it wouldn’t be long before we had a ‘ right on ‘ Father Christmas, maybe even a black one.
    She laughed.
    She isn’t laughing now.
    Get To Fuck.

  10. Only Hitler clones dislike his latest “creative” turd?
    From what I can see it’s universally panned.
    The faux outrage has only made the giant shitcake worse.
    Go woke go broke wins again.

  11. Never heard of the cunts. My thanks to Mr Cuntybollocks for selflessly ensuring I don’t ever feel inclined to check them out.

    Good morning, everyone.

  12. Travel to and from France, for Brit’s, is banned from Friday. According to Le Frogs.
    Expect this to be policed rigorously.
    Unlike dinghy riders.
    It means fuck all to me.
    Never been.
    Never likely to go.
    Good morning.

  13. The cunt went out of his way to incite a segment of the gen pop. Just as bad … the TV company showed it without doing any kind of critical analysis. Keep this shit up you mother fuckers and your worst nightmares will be with you quicker than you’d hoped. This non stop bullshit is the best recruiting sergeant that you can find. You can see and hear the tension in the wire and when it inevitably snaps the you’ll get the full fruit flavour of what irreparably divided society looks and feels like. I’ve always been a zero tolerance kinda guy but up to recently I’ve worked tirelessly to try to keep it contained … I’ve now stopped trying!

  14. Don’t like the cunt, fat ugly cunt, BLM lover.

    I you make shit TV expect that people will say it’s shit.

    White Supremacists Rule.

  15. Who are these people?

    Morning all.

    (They are part of the very tiny minority who seem to be dictating right from wrong to the majority, and doing so almost unchallenged – Day Admin)

  16. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Santa by getting pissed and brawling with Family – what Rogan has done is somewhat undignified!
    I wonder if Seth will be spending Christmas on any “islands”?
    When I run the world people like Rogan will be silent or liquid.

  17. For fuck sake Christmas celebrates the advent of the greatest man who ever lived – a Jew! And the story includes his brave and faithful mother – a woman and a Jew!
    His work on The Cross was for – the entire World! (All inclusive)
    What the fuck could you possibly complain about?!
    Cunts are never happy.

  18. Considering Seth Rogen is on Family Guy he’s the last person who should be complaining about things being ‘offensive’.

  19. “Somebody thought this would be a good idea for some reason.”

    oy veeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy

  20. Is the target audience 11 – 13 year old?
    This is the kind of shit my 12 year old granddaughter thinks is hilarious.

    Any adult with a functioning brain would have switched off after 20 seconds. The clip on the link confirmed I was right.

    Stupid cunts! To think they got paid to put this shite on TV.

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