Party politics is a system that no longer works, not just in the UK, but elsewhere as well.
There are many areas in the UK where a person will get elected to parliament purely on the colour of the rosette that they wear regardless of their abilities.
There can be nobody in their right mind that would vote for a racist, retarded, black woman who can’t dress herself correctly.
Dianne Abbott for instance, is a Member of Parliament only because she represents a party that the majority of her constituents have always voted for.
She may be the prime example of the system failure, but I don’t think that there are more than a handful of Members of Parliament that would have been elected on their own merits.
The elation that these people show when the election results are received is not because they are finally in a position to make positive changes for the lives of the people that voted for them.
They are elated because they have won a lucrative job, far in excess of their abilities, and they can live their own lives with their snout in the public trough for the coming years.
There can’t be many members of the tax paying public that agree that they should pay for their chosen candidate’s food, drinks, housing, travel, duck houses and every other expense that can possibly be claimed.
But that is what comes with the job.
Out of the rabble that get elected a Prime Minister will create a Cabinet of croneys who, for the most part have absolutely no qualities to do their jobs.
A Health Secretary who is not a medical professional.
A Foreign Secretary who can speak no other languages.
A Defence Secretary who has never served in the armed forces.
The list goes on…….
When a Cabinet reshuffle is called for the stupidly continues.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, who was given that position despite the fact that they could not balance their own personal finances is moved to the position of Climate Change Secretary, having no background in science whatsoever. For instance.
The role of the opposition party is now ridiculous.
They see themselves as being there to criticise every action of the ruling party.
Even when it is clear that there is a solution to a particular problem the opposition will argue purely out of principle.
The solution to this complete fuck-wittery is to do away with party politics all together (although I realise that turkeys do not vote for Christmas).
Each constituency should be given a list of candidates to choose from based on their abilities and vision for the future for the electorate in that constituency.
Any mention of an affiliation with a political party will immediately bar a candidate from standing for election.
A reasonable salary and scrutinised expenses should be the reward for the job.
If you divide the population of the UK by the number of Members of Parliament then each elected member would be responsible for just over 100,000 people.
For an intelligent, motivated and independent Member of Parliament, with vision and determination, that is not such a big deal.
Nominated by: The Artful Cunter
Agree with the sentiments. I wrote something similar somewhere once.
We are governed by self serving cunts that appear safe ; mostly; once elected.
A fucking sham. I don’t believe in revolution because in reality it kills innocent people but as things stand western democracies are well and truly fucked. And so are we, the people.
Being a sad individual I calculated recently that The House of Commons is over represented by lawyers by a factor of 53. It seems obvious to me and most normal people that the country would be served much better by MPs who can bring a much wider range of real world experiences to the debating chamber. Gormless ,early 20s people like that ghastly Nadia Wittwhatever have no role to play in decision making at the highest level.
Yes, they all do that Oxford course on economics, political science and philosophy. I can’t remember what it is called, but it’s recognised as a springboard into politics, becoming a candidate MP. I think it costs, £4,000.
Politics is a gigantic circle-jerk.
A more diverse HoC could say with justification that ‘ Diversity is our strength ‘.
Career politicians, is what most of them are in it for. And those that are not soon become engorged on the power, influence and sense of entitlement as soon as they enter the Palace of Westminister.
MPs are like schoolkids on their first day at the big school. They turn up in their best uniform, shiny shoes and school bag; full of the best of naive intentions to do the most for their parents (or in this context, constituents)/
They enter the classroom and look around in shock and awe; but then a sense of realisation hits them when they’re scolded by teachers and bullied by pupils, and end up going home crying!
And then as the days turn to weeks they become familiar with how things REALLY work behind the closed doors of their offices. The Whips and Department permanent secretaries from the civil service, scratch away the thin veneer of an MPs innocence and righteousness, and all of a sudden MPs become transfixed by the engorged troughs of money, influence and assistance at climbing the greasy pole if you follow the rules of the game!
Inevitably they end up despising an angry constituency, ignoring their complaints – until election time of course. And if they get booted out they end up in a cushy private sector job; along with an OBE or even a knighthood to services for being a conniving, cheating, duplicitous, traitorous and utterly useless cunt!
Here endeth the fucking lesson!
That’s basically it. That summation should be read out on at the start of every _Have I Got News For You_ and _Question Time._
I just used YouTube code for italics!
Years ago when I was serving my apprenticeship one old sapper I worked with was always saying, ” if the general population had to have an IQ test before being allowed to vote ” we wouldn’t end up with these useless fuckers who are running the country. Plus he said this might show up the thick twats lords, ladies, royalty for what they are..This was back in the early 70’s. Fuck all has changed….?
Except that the lower house is now stuffed t’gills with darkıes, benders and tuppence lickers.
Kweer has done us proud, new Shadow Home Sec who would gladly import all the worlds crap and a Shadow Foreign Secretary who thinks anyone who has the national interest at heart is a Nazi and they describe them as talent ?
The basis for selecting these cunts seems to be driven by ‘has the public heard these names’ well everyone has heard of the big fat darkie and everyone outside of Tottenham thinks he is a cunt.
Parliamentary tyranny is what we currently have. The pretence of separate parties with upstanding gentleman, but in reality they’re all degenerates singing from the dark lords hymn sheet.
Gravy riders.Oink oink oink squeak little piggy.I wish Guy Fawkes completed his job blowing The Houses of Parliament to smithereens.As the Donald said drain the swamp.
‘Diane Abbott…….represents a party that the majority of her constituents have always voted for’.
True enough Artful, but she is also guaranteed to get elected because she is the same hue as most of her constituents, whose voting choice is determined solely by the ethnicity of the candidates.
It’s genuinely disturbing that this epitome of utter incompetence could have ended up as Home Secretary.
Abbott epitomises the useless MP who just jibbers away, does nothing and never has to resign.
She makes for a handy draught excluder!
Flabbott is only any use as a draught excluder to stop the Uragan D-2 getting out…
I’m afraid that politics has always been riddled with cronyism and sleaze. If you try to bring in new ways to limit things like expenses fiddling, they just find new loopholes to exploit.
The first past the post system creates a huge number of ‘safe’ seats, so you end up with the likes of cunts such as Corbyn, Lammy and Flabbott the Hutt, who can only be removed by death.
Then you get a situation where the SNP can poll about a million and a half votes and end up with 50 seats, and UKIP can poll twice as many and end up with fuck all, or where Parliament tries to frustrate the will of the people, such as Brexit.
Here’s our manifesto; it’s all the things we promise to do if we get elected! (but once we’re in, you can kiss our arses).
I don’t even think that you can say that the system’s broken; has it ever really worked in the genuine interests of the nation?
Morning all.
Bastards, one and all.
Vote different or get the same.
The choice is ours.
I live in safe Tory seat where Jo Churchill is the MP.
I was ejected from the local party AGM for taking her to task over her inability to answer a question which as a party whip at the time she should gave had rolling off her tongue.
There’s no point in voting here as the blue rosette will get a massive majority. It’s one of the safest seats in the UK
Vote Looney. You know it makes sense.
Ever considered writing YOU’RE ALL CUNTS across your ballot paper, Dio? Or wiping your arse on it?
I know for a fact that the candidates check out spoiled papers, and their number is announced during the result.
At the last election I spent 5 minutes in the booth scribbling what I thought of the three main party leaders, the polling officials were beginning to get quite nervous….
Hehe, you should have asked for an extra piece of paper because the ballot paper isn’t big enough.
It all has to do with the fact that all the ‘main’ parties have given moved to occupy the grey, unappealing sludge of middle-ground politics. In older and more enlightened times Labour unashamedly stood up for working people while the Conservatives backed free markets and rewarded wealth creation. Nowadays it all seems to be about shit causes and issues that no one of any value to our prosperity, not working people nor employers/entrepreneurs, give a fuck about.
We need a proper right wing nationalist party to emerge and shake the shit out of the leftie status quo. It may be too late already. The marxist/globalist/Common purpose cunts are dug in so deep it\ will take a fiull-scale mining operation to dig the fuckers out.
Good morning, everyone.
The sad and bitter irony for me is that the system we’ve got’s the best on offer.
Look around at the likes of the former Stazi states, or China, Pakistan, North Korea, Russia, Burma, most of Africa and the Middle East; government by corruption, diktat and blunt force.
Power and accrued wealth for the ruthless few, scraps for the rest. It seems to be the perpetual state of the human race.
That’s us isn’t it.
“We need a proper right wing nationalist party to emerge and shake the shit out of the leftie status quo.”
Almost…. what we need is a proper ETHNO-Nationalist government. The inherant rightward trajectory of ethno-nationalist thinking and policy will foster a restoration of the English/British people’s self belief in their own worth and value which is currently being horse-whipped through the media.
“It may be too late already.”
Well you had a chance to vote in a party of sufficiently right wing credentials with the BNP. UKIP were out of the picture by then but folks stood in the voting booths with the pencil trembling in their fingers.. should I?.. shouldn’t I? … my doctors an parki… my neice is going out with a jigaboo… will I be betraying my family… what if my workmates find out I’m on the leaked membership list?… etc etc… and they bottled it. Barring a catalytic event then there is no salvation via the ballot box now.
Any party that came within a sniff of achieving power would be summarily proscribed, deplatformed, denied banking and payment processing services, have the whole media juggernaut mobilised against them and no doubt plans for strategic assasinations and arrests would be dusted off.
Fuck them all mate
Agree, none of them are really qualified and how many have worked in a real business? A lot seem to graduate in PPE and jump straight into Whitehall.
(Talking of the unqualified, it reminds me of the Daily Mail’s article yesterday on Prince Harry who gave a speech the other day comparing the Covid pandemic to HIV and blethered on about vaccine equity. He has a B in Art and a D in History at A level and apparently didn’t do the art exam himself. Ffs)
While the backbenchers squeal the grunts of the front row can be heard as glinting of eye they fill their jowls and slop runs down their chins
Is their anything more repulsive than the political classes?
Greed beyond belief.
Dirty tricks, backhanders, jobs for the boys,
Old school ties, forgetting to tip the rentboys at Christmas.
Lining their nests at our expense,
Suckling the teats of the public purse.
Im yet to see one id not prefer dangling from a lamp post.
UK politics is not a honourable career for a man.
Id not give any of this shower of shite my vote .
If the voting public (those who bother) wanted people with integrity then that’s what we would have in power. Instead, we vote in those who tickle our ears and promise shit that we think they can and will deliver. Those in power get there because we put them there to represent us. We are the problem. The people are gullible selfish ignorant cunts and have been for a long time now.
I don’t think so Meat Curtains.
I dont think its much to ask for them to do the job theyre highly paid for,
To honour promises they made,
To serve their own people to the best of their own ability.
Rather than act like pirates.
I think if anything the general public are only guilty of thinking a politician has any honour or redeeming characteristics,
Just naive if anything.
“…the general public are only guilty of thinking a politician has any honour or redeeming characteristics,”
I think Meat’s point is exactly that; that the voting public have had a century of Parliamentary ‘democracy’ (as opposed to representative democracy – very different thing) by which to judge the cunts they elect and with very few exceptions all have proved to be serial troughers, bullshitters, thieves, warmongers, perverts, drunks, swivel eyed idealogues, ego-maniacal knuckle fuckers and outright sociopathic gangsters. But yet they return to the polls like sheep, vote for the same cunts time and again but expect a different outcome.
Fuck democracy – “that system whereby the vote of two idiots trumps the voice of one wise man!”
I don’t vote anymore. It’s a futile exercise. They are all cunts. The greatest thing about not voting is you can attack a stupid cunt who voted.
Brilliantly written nomination and so very, very true. The majority of these cunts are only in it for what they personally make out if it and often using their position to land lucrative “consultancy roles” outside of Parliament which they wouldn’t have had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting were there not an MP with access to “inside knowledge”. (Hence the fuss they are making about hanging into second jobs.).
As for Kweer Stammer, he was DPP when the original MP’s expenses scandal hit and he received a knighthood from the Devil Incarnate for his efforts in getting it all swept under the carpet.
Like you say, it’s a game they all play whilst having expensive lunches and drinking fine wines at the taxpayer’s expense. Look at Priti Useless and the weight she has put on since getting the ministerial role. Some fine dining at all the places you could never afford to go to, or get inside even, as a pleb.
There are over 600 of these sponging cunts in the House of Commons and then, if they stay on the gravy train long enough, they go to the House of Lords where they can continue to fill their boots whilst not even having to pretend to be doing anything.
And, the saddest part of it all, is we all sit back and lap up their bullshit…
I haven’t voted for decades, as Twain remarked “If voting mattered they wouldn’t let us do it”
Politics and politians … the perfect area to do away with the human aspect and totally rely on AI …
Let’s face even artificial intelligence is better than no or limited intelligence which is what we seem to have now. AI don’t need expenses, won’t get caught with its pants down, is interested in gender swapping etc
It can be tweaked to allow a li’l bit of jingoism in that it doesn’t recognise anything French or Scottish and positively discriminates against it. Oh yeah … it may work out that we’re all cunts and decide to wipe us out … but that just adds a bit of spice to life. ?
We need more like The Donald. Non career politicians, drain the swamp. Seriously, how can you trust a person whose whole working life has been as an MP? The Donald wasn’t interested in brownie points, being PC and appeasing the left. His mission was the economy and making America came first and not bowing down to Chinese economic aggression. More business men and women as MP’s please.
BF@ – I’m working on it – vote Fox! ??
You’ll get my vote Vernon as long as I can be Home Secretary.
I’ll be housing minister, I want to do away with half the shite that gets put on us and better visa requirements.
Vote Fox for PM
And they still fucking hate him. Personally I thought he was great.
From reading the background of many of our more “popular” MP’s and keeping abreast of their day to day doings one can easily concur that being a cunt is
the most important characteristic of 99.9% of MP’s.
I believe voting is just a fantasy, so I just put a tick in the best box, and dream of luscious Penny, in a rubber catsuit, brandishing her cane…
I presume you don’t mean Penny from The Big Bang Theory.
Yum yum.
THIS Penny, perhaps?
I can see how it could be…
Well spotted, Mr. Knee, ‘ti’s indeed La Mordaunt, hopefully next party leader.
Well spotted, Mr. Knee, ‘ti’s indeed La Mordaunt, hopefully next party leader.
Definitely a fine figure of a woman at nearly 50.
Enjoy HBH!
Superb cunting.
Artful indeed.
Really enjoyed reading it.
Thank you?
Why do so many words from any person with common sense describe politicians correctly :- Duplicitous, traitorous, lying, corrupt, avaricious, self serving, morally bankrupt, cheating, mud slinging, dishonest, gaslighting, back stabbing, unscrupulous, incompetent, reactionary, inept, arrogant, unpopular, inhumane, well meaning, ignorant, anti national, untrustworthy, CUNT etc. But they refer to each other as fucking honourable. They should all use our favourite description as for example.. ‘ Here to give a lecture on peace and economics today at Warwick university is none other than that utter fucking CUNT, Tony fucking Blair ‘.
hmmmm interesting… just caught a report on Snooze24 on the Old Bexley & Sidcup bye-election currently being counted and apparently they’re making note of the “…incredibly low…” turnout figures at the close of poll… it was 11% !!!!
Cunters may recall a few threads ago I ventured the opinion that we should undertake a mass withold of the vote, it being one of the few ways to kick these cunts right in the hustings and send a message that the game’s up.
Should’ve been 5% and it could’ve been 2% with a little bit of local campaigning, leafleting and door knocking. There would be a lot of common ground that can be tilled and cross party concensus harvested from the message that “look…they’re ALL just a bunch o’ cunts and you know it.”
Biden had 80 billion votes. So that wasn’t a fiddle at all ever.
It will be fixed anyway. Why do we cast a vote with a pencil?