Party Games

An early morning cunting for the lefty parties n Shropshire, who, by campaigning very softly, allowed some vacuous looking LIbDem tart to win the seat. It seems Labour and the Greens colluded to allow her to take the eat from the Conservatives:

BBC News Link

Admittedly, the Conservative candidate looked a bit slack jawed, but it just shows how the Blue Wall could disappear in two years time and we could be landed with a Starmer PC Government by this collusion, which is against the spirit of democracy. It also shows how untrustworthy the system is when abuse of this sort is considered OK.

Owen Paterson was an arsehole, but it seems tome everyone taking part in this sham election were equal arseholes. I wonder how Starmer will “reward” the Labour candidate:

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs


43 thoughts on “Party Games

  1. The Limp Dicks are very good at springing this kind of result when mid term blues hits the government, but never achieve anything come a general election. It smells like a classic protest vote to me.

    Morning all!

    • And this morning, it seems their win in Shropshire indicates a strong appetite to rejoin the EU. ??

  2. There’s more of this to come and no mistake. Boris had proved the be the fucking disaster I always had him pegged for.

  3. Protest vote.
    Made me laugh to hear this vacuous cunt making her speech after been declared winner. Those utter fucking cunts at the BBC kept playing it like it was a fucking gospel – the Way, the Truth & the Light. Kiss my arse!
    Yeah Bojo & his mob are a bunch of cunts, but I don’t need to be told it by some fucking nonentity who’s tenure in Parliament is going to last precisely until the morning after the next election, before she slides back into obscurity.

  4. This constituency was one where a donkey with a blue rosette would win by a country mile, just let the idea of Prime-minister Starmer sink in for a minute, the albino Turk must go before he makes more fuck ups, the duplicitous cunt!!!

    • He’ll be gone by February, imo, or May at the latest following what will be a disastrous showing for the Tories at the local elections.

      There are some good people on the Tory back benches, any one of whom could easily wipe the floor with Starmer and co.

  5. I think that Labour did the Tories a favour. The Jellyfish is a massive liability; the size of the win for the limpdicks have focused minds on his removal. However, there is no heir apparent but nevertheless I don’t think that Boris will be leader at the next election.

    • I hope it isn’t Truss leading them at the next GE, otherwise I’ll be needing to wear a truss after all that wanking.

      • “A truss is an assembly of members such as beams,connected by nodes, that creates a rigid structure.”

        Truss certainly gives my member a rigid structure!

  6. That by-election was nothing more than a massive protest vote against Johnson’s premiership in particular and to a lesser extent Kweer Starmer and the Labour Party’s complete lack of opposition. The LibDumbs were irrelevant, used merely as a vehicle to deliver the electorate’s dismay and disgust.

  7. Helen Morgan (the new MP) will immediately go into Jo “We’re going to be the next Government” Swinson. mode, and will ignore the “protest vote” mantra.

    That being said, Boris and his advisors will see this as nothing more than a protest vote, and will probably think traditional Tory voters would never betray the party cometh the hour!

    Naive thinking, especially with the Red Wall voters from 2019. Moreover, Tory MPs in marginal constituencies will be shitting themselves knowing that bumbling Boris as leader and an ever-changing Cabinet, coupled with lockdowns, inflation, price rices, Brino, and a shitload of uncalled for Green policies, could well find themselves out of a job come the next election.

    • Who was that old Tory backbencher that used to shout ‘protest vote’ every time a limp dumb got up to speak in parliament.

      It was quite funny and ole paddy pants down (may he rot in pieces) used to narrow his eyes and shake his head, clearly triggered.

      Hahaha, limp dumbs what a bunch of cunts, Tim Far Wrong. Remember him?

  8. Come on, WC, you are old enough and wise enough to know that this is how almost every election is won and lost. Interest groups, media and parties temporarily colluding/caucusing to keep particular candidates out or get particular candidates in. Everything is designed to prevent a straight race. It happens at local as well as national level. The Lib Dems are, however, outstanding cunts.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. The reason i won’t vote Tory is not because of sleaze and lockdown parties but because of their insistence on taking advice and acting on it from the three horsemen of the apocalypse…. Whitty Valance and the highly discredited ole randy himself Neil Ferguson.

  10. I predict the next government will be a Labour SNP coalition, the Scots nazis support bought with the promises of a referendum on independence within a year.
    I fucking hope I’m wrong.

    • I hope you’re wrong an all GJ.

      As much as I can’t stand Johnson, the alternative is terrifying.

      Krankie and the Scottish Nazi party with their fetish for referendums is bang on the money but the one glimmer of hope remains that Labour are so bad and out of touch with their traditional core vote that they’ll crash and burn at the next GE.
      I hope anyway.

      Good Morning

      • Morning chaps. I desperately hope I’m wrong, the damage those cunts could do in a term is unthinkable.

    • A coalition between Labour and the LibDumbs, backed up with seats from the smaller parties, is my concern also.

      We saw it back in 2010 with a Cameron-Clegg partnership, and that never panned out well for anyone, more so for a bewildered electorate.

      Imagine life under a Labour/LD government – the first thing they will announce is a 2nd and final Brexit Referendum, and they’ll work on the wording of the question(s), and the interpretation of a majority victory with absolute clarity, and will get it out there with the lifetime of Parliament if not before.

      A deal will also be done with the SNP if they support a 2nd Brexit referendum and a return to the EU, the coalition will promise the SNP their own 2nd indie referendum.

      They’ll want to get all this done and dusted asap, while the Tories remain in the long grass wondering what the fuck happened!

      This is not a scenario I would welcome, and may not happen. But you just never know what to expect from British politics these days.

      • Good points of concern. Johnson needs gone now while there is a small chance of recovery. To hang on as long as poss, gives the ball to the rim lickers.

  11. A newly minted crooked cunt to briefly sit atop the stinking midden that is British politics.
    What a set of pompous clowns.

  12. The turn out was way down on the 2019 election, both Labour and Conservative lost votes to the Dumbs, definitely a protest vote.
    I think the Conservatives would have been more worried if labour had won ?

  13. Bet all you moaning buggers didn’t know that captain kweer removed “Graham” the chap who had been representing labour in that constituency for twenty years, ( allegedly some anti four- two retweet and friend of Corbyn) so he could install some inoffensive no hoper to also assist the Liberal remoaning twats….Democracy my Arse….?

  14. I thought this nom would be about what happens at a drunken gathering like giving the first guy to pass out a “sharpie tuxedo”.

  15. I’m glad that she was elected. I hope her maiden speech involves her calling Johnson a “lying pisspot and unmitigated Cunt” before she crosses the Chamber and kicks his knackers up his throat.

    • @DF

      As much as I’d like to witness that, wouldn’t it mean that the fat useless bastard would just be then regurgitating yet more bollocks afterwards.

      Good Afternoon

      • Good point,H.J.

        I’ll amend my Christmas wish list to “stamps on his windpipe until it resembles a deep-fried black-pudding”.

        She’d certainly get my vote.

  16. I’m not sure that the Jellyfish even wants to stand at the next election…….his desired lifestyle is way above the PM’s pay grade, especially now he’s shacked up with a wokie slag with such expensive tastes. Blair and Cameron have used the connections they made to get very fucking rich and I reckon he fancies some of that.
    Either way the cunt has to go. As mentioned above I can see a Labour/Libdumb/Sottish Nazi coalition of the wokies. Fuck knows who they replace him with but they need to DO something about the immos, dump all this green bullshit and stop fucking about with lockdowns and covid passports.
    Oh……and sack that useless bitch at New Scotland Yard.

  17. The state of this fucking country. Once again I am forced to refer to George Carlin’s analysis of politics, whilst it was about the USA it is equally applicable here;

    “This is the best we can do, folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces. Garbage in.. garbage out.”

    “Maybe it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here, like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks.”

    George would have made a fine ISAC contributor for sure.

  18. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. It can only exist until the majority discover it can vote itself largess from the treasury”. We are fucked who ever gets in.

    • Well conveniently we don’t live in a democracy and are fast on the road to communism/totalitarianism.

      As for what happens in Westminster or who is in no 10 it matters not a ha’penny jizz since they get their orders from above (globalists, cabal whatever). Brexit just swapped one overlord bunch of cunts for another.

  19. In breaking news, Jellyfish tops the list of names in a complaint sent to the International Criminal Court in the Hague for crimes against humanity and genocide.

  20. Looks like she’s about to give a blowie.

    I thought this nom was about the Yes Minister episode at first.

  21. Just thoughts.
    BJ will resign as PM in the next few days.
    A 3 week ” firebreak” lock down will be announced, starting 27/12.
    Ritchie, Priti, and a whatsisface will try for the PM post.
    Whatsisface will be the new PM.
    This is the Ghost of Christmas ( sorry, Seasonal) Future reporting.

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