The British or at least the English used to love their tea but increasingly the letter T is disappearing from our spoken language.
How many ads or voice overs do we get on tv now which talk of “nin’ee nine pea” and the like?
It was irritating enough when working class white boys started imitating Detroit or Chicago street talk but now it is everywhere.
I was listening to university (or should that be univers’i’ee) students and they were all missin’ Ts from words such as “commun’i’ee”. As well as peppering their sentences with totally unnecessary “likes”. These are supposed to be the future elite.
As well as removing Ts modern talk adds Rs where they don’t belong for example “arksk” instead of “ask” as in “I am arksking you a question.”
To which my response is “Well I’m not answering until you ask it properly and not like some pretend American gangsta.”
These people know that T exists because they (constantly) exclaim “init”. So why don’t they use it to pronounce words properly? Cos they is fick or summin’?
Nomina’ed by Sir Streeb Greebling
I drink coffee.
I’ll get my coat.
Been ranting about history again…
What is worse is that BBC Continuity announcers have picked up yoofspeak, things are no longer “sorted out” by “sorted”, and on BBX TV they are not only not “sorted out at half past eight”, but “sorted at half eight”. Extra words and letters must be so tiresome for the poor duckies. Pissed off this morning that the little who tart, who by a fluke won ONE game of tennis has become the BBC Sportsperson of the Year – Adam Peaty is always consistent.
The gays will be upset today the q ueer baker lost Strictly Come Mincing and Tom Daley lost Sports Person of the Year. It’s homophobia, innit?
There use to be a time I was really excited when it came on, probably around the time David Coleman and David Vine presented it. Last night I forgot it was on and if I had remembered I wouldn’t have bothered watching an over-hyped luvvie fest accompanied by sub Benjamin Zephaniah poetry.
People who fail to pronounce the T and, instead, replace with a glottal stop should be on The Only Way is Essex or Eastbenders.
There is nothing more than a dropped T in the spoken word that makes someone sound as thick as a castle wall.
Andy Burnham the communist pronounces his T’s.
And hes got a cleft palate.
And famous albino Boris Johnson speaks nice despite chromosomal deformity.
Ryland Neal Clarke is a fine example of how the language should be used, these days.
A sort of modern day Noel Coward if you will.
I don’t think The Master would like to be compared to that little oik. I am sure, when I am wearing my smoking jacket and have a cigarette holder to hold my Woodbine he would rather be compared to me – at other times Mr. Rees-Mogg.
I’m sick of seeing this massive cunt on the idiot box. His fucking teeth have me turning the brightness on the screen down and his voice has me reaching for the volume control. The cunt is all over, I have no idea why he’s so popular, he must have bummed himself to the top.
It’s the continual dumbing down of everything, including language, mostly it seems to accommodate the dark keys. Can’t spell? Yes, that’s because the language is racist.
I listen to the wireless all day, whilst going about my business. Tend to avoid the BBC, with a few brief exceptions. This means lots of commercial stations.
The adverts they run boil my piss.
Screw fix keep on about ‘this winter season’ err. It’s Known as Christmas you cunts.
Sean (professional northerner) Bean using his dusky tones to tell me I need the latest 20g mega pixel zoom chat floppy bendy screen phone just in time for the festive season. Err it’s a phone. You cunt.
Sage, no not the communist government of the UK but some cunts flogging accounting software. Apparently this software lets you ‘sort it’ and ‘boss it’ like a boss apparently. What does that even mean, you cunts?
As for any ‘Maccy Ds’ Chigguun or ‘Greggs’ fast food advert with some yoof telling me that Chrissmass isn’t Chrissmass without Greggs’ they can get to fuck as well.
Off now to make a cup of tea now, good morning and get to fuck.
Inner city drug dealing dark key chav speak?
Irritating adverts for chiggun?
What a set of thick cunts.
I dont pronounce my H’s sometimes.
Don’t feel its that important.
So if a customer is named Helen I’ll call her Allen.
Occasionally Helen might point out her name is actually Helen.
Thereby making me point out I couldn’t give a fuck what her name is.
Give it 10 years and we’ll all be communicating through text, or grunts.
Civilisation is dying, we’re reverting to the Jurassic period.
Well as evidence shows (Flintstones) we were much happier back then.
I’ll be amazed if we make it 10 years. We seem hell bent on kicking the shit out of one another. Bring it on, better than seeing our society collapse by 1000 cuts! Or should that be cunts.
Advent of the mobile phone and texting ability probably had something to do with it.
Give it another year and most people will talking text speak, and we’ll say goodbye to a whole raft of letters. Even keyboards will probably end up with 20 characters rather than 26 in order to save people a precious nanosecond of time.
I also read somewhere that snowflakes are troubled by exclamation marks and full stops, seeing them as rather aggressive and toxic.
4 fk sake
English for imbeciles.
“Id dis a dagga I seen before me, blood”?
Expect the works of Shakespeare to not only be revised for a contemporary audience (in other words everyone other than Boomers and Gen Xs); but rewritten in text speak
Therefore, Henry V is now “Ms Henriette 5”, and the famous quote “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more,”, is now “Yo, wassup at dat breach ting?”
Merry Wives of Windsor, is now “Truculent Non Genders of Islington”, famous quote “Why, then the world’s mine oyster, which I with sword will open” is now “This ting called the oyster. Gis a blade and I stab da fucker open”
Romeo and Juliet, now called “J&R”, famous quote “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” is now “where da fucks r u u lazy cunt?”
And finally Hamlet now called Meatless (“Ham” might cause offence). Famous quote “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” is now “Them peeps in Majorca have got d’virus and shit. Cancel d’ holiday!”
The biggest culprit is that obnoxious squirt Suckdick Kunt. So as to sound sooooo
transatlantic and down wif da kidz, the cunt never utters a ‘T’. I had been contemplating nominating the little shit just for his ‘T-dropping’ alone, so thank you Sir Streeb for saving me the job.
If Suckdick Kunt drops his ‘Ts’, then by definition, all ‘T-droppers’ must be cunts.
I had the misfortune to share a hospital waiting room with several Dark keys recently.
One was talking (loudly) to his lady-very sentence finishing with “innit”.
“Yeah,yeah! Me show-Der got Knocked, innit. Fink it’s probs diz-lo-Kate, innit. Yeah, yeah”
Dropping the T on sentences is just the start of it, soon whistles and clicks will be the dominant language in the ‘Caliphate of Britainstan’, it already is in the ‘Islamic republic of Londonstan’
I blame th’ movie, Oliver! (1968) fo’ all (uv) this.
Consider yourself a cunt
Consider yourself one of the spastics
We’ve taken you in for so long
It’s clear we’re the ones in the wrong
So T is cancelled? OK fine … bunch of CUNS …
No cunt should be allowed on TV unless they can speak the Queens English.
All football pundits would be out on their ear ?
Agreed. But I thought it was the Yanks who didn’t pronounce the T. Like when they say bu–err and I read the le–err. Both are cunts.
They don’t pronounce the T in water either, sounds more like warder. If you say water using the queens in a restaurant they look at you strangely.
Yes, and it fucking annoying ? it’s waTer hehe.
What about this legendary British figure…
(1 minute video)
Complete Rowley Birkin, QC (27 minutes)
wadah. Plise.
I’ve had to undergo a lot of re education in my time plus the requirement for after action debriefing and physiological impact assessments. Something that has always been at the forefront of these sessions was the necessity for clear and accurate communication so that nothing ‘critically important’ was left in the box, misread or misunderstood. Articulating a message is difficult and complex … short cuts leaves opportunity for misrepresentation, misinterpretation, lack of credibility, doubt etc … if you can’t be bothered to write or speak something clearly I’ll definitely not pay attention I not going to even try and work out what it is you are not saying. The art of communication is what sets apart from the beast world ….
Skelingtons boil my piss.
I think I saw that film-Ralph Machio in a shower curtain costume, with a hosepipe, in the school disco?
I ain’ got time fo’ no muthafuckin’ proppa inglish, nigga! I bin waitin’ fo’ the muthafuckin’ lickah stoh tah open da fuck up fo’ two fuckin’ hours, nigga, an’ I is as thusty as a muthafuckin’ lizard… need mah Budweisah and whiskey, nigga. An’ when I git home, gunna play mah fuckin’ funk reckads, nigga so suck mah DICK if mah inglish ain’ good ’nuff fo’ alla y’all punk-ass bitches!
There is also the phenomenon of excluding the letter ‘S’ for a ‘Z’ and ‘C’ for ‘K’ as in the following examples:
Stylish Cutz
New Kutz Barbers
United Cutz Brixton Barber
HD Cutz UK
Clipz ‘N’ Cutz
Next Cutz
Westside Cutz
Slick Cutz
Menz Cutz
Betta Kutz
And every single one of these barbers is a stone’s throw away from a fried chiggun shop.
The fucking cuntz!
Repeat after me “Oi fink Oi’m fick.”
Wivah Deep Mountain High.
What do the English call movies? “Fims”. Aw wite mite?
What is the difference between the sound of “Wales” and “whales”? Eh, wot you mean mite? Nu ‘hin.
Wot we need, mite, is a new le’ tah of alphabet – the glottal stop.
Fire up the oven and put all these cunts it in. I’m fucking sick of the way the world is heading. I’d gladly put about 90% of the population in a roasting tray at gas Mark 10.