‘Minor-Attracted People’ (MAPS) are still kiddie fiddling cunts.
Apparently, on Hair Sniffin’ Joe’s enlightened watch, there is a lively debate going on in the USA about the need to de-stigmatise the filthy practice of adults having sex with children. I am not being judgemental, obvs, as that would be heinous.
Cunts supporting this move include a cunt named Alleyn Walker. They (preferred pronoun) has written a book with the charming title ‘A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity.’ All they want is dignity. Oh, I forgot, and they want the right to shag toddlers. Bless.
Needless to say, these demands are gaining sympathetic traction in American academe. A foul bitch named Elizabeth Letourneau who also happens be Director of the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at John Hopkins’s Bloomberg School of Public Health (that’s right, a body set specifically to protect kids, seems to agree that peeedos should be treated with respect.
Read about this sick shit here…
Call me old fashioned if you wish, but I think the cunts need to be butchered with a chainsaw. Slowly.
Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
(NOTICE – Stating the obvious but please don’t add any links in your follow-up comments showing any graphic or literal details regarding the endorsement of paedophilia/MAPs. Moreover, anyone endorsing such things in their comments will be banned. Thanks – Day Admin)
After yesterday’s post re the Girl Guide freak, and the mention of Thomas Hamilton, I read round quite a bit on the Dunblane Peter File.
I remain convinced that the only way to d/w these filthy perverts is the oven.
CG enlightened me on some of the background on TH. Ive woken up to just how prevalent this evil is. I used to think it was an exceptional, fringe thing. But I’ve learned that they are organized, abundant and protected. Cunts.
I have no proof, but I’m sure that there are many members of the establishment who are involved in these circles.
The 100 year gagging order, on the Thomas Hamilton / Dunblane case, confirms your suspicions ?
Hamilton was connected to child rapist Freemasons. He himself may not have been a Mason, but he was a stooge for them and led a charmed, degenerate life because of his connections.
I can understand why Adolf had a dislike for Freemasons.
Don’t mention the freemasons. CCtCM will be all over you leaping to their defence.
There’s nothing new under the sun here. What was the name of that group Harriet Harman was sympathetic to? Paedo I formation Exchange.
This sort of shit is intended to further divide an already fractured society. All part of the plan.
As for Ms Lentorneau at ” the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse”
Sounds like a case of leaving the shark in charge of the swimming pool.
Filthy deviant cunts.
Peter Tatchell marched with the PIE as part of Labour’s Militant Tendency back in the 80s.
Those cunts never went away, they just changed tactics and bided their time…
And got promoted
‘As for Ms Lentorneau at ” the Moore Center for the Prevention of Chyld Secks-shawl Ah-buse”*
Sounds like a case of leaving the shark in charge of the swimming pool.”
On second thoughts, it’s as fine an example of Orwellian Doublespeak as you will ever find. Replace prevention with promotion and you’ll be closer to the truth.
(* Mangled to get past the censors.)
Anyone defending these animals is as guilty as they are. The only good pedo is one that’s had a appointment with a hemp rope
Or flame thrower…
MAPs or Peedohs deserve our respect when they acknowledge that their desires are perverse and volunteer for chemical castration.
Until then, it is open season on them and anybody that serves as their apologist.
(Except Stanleys of course, they can do as they please with the blessing of the police and Labour party).
Don’t fall into the trap of using their own made up acronym. That’s what they want you to do, to normalize this. Cunts.
BTW, it just occurred to me as I wrote the above comment that the word ‘map’ apparently has another disgusting meaning in pee-doh circles. It can be found in an internal FBI memo on wikileaks.
Have people lost their brains as well as their moral compass? Civilised countries have an age of consent for a reason.
Like taxes, that just for ‘the little people’ apparently.
I have said for many years that it would be only a matter of time before “P” gets added to the alphabet soup. The country has lost it’s moral compass and the Marxists are intent on destroying our social fabric. No they have made gays acceptable, it is now the intention to drag us further down the sewer. I am very afraid for the future.
At the current rate that this insanity ridden “woke” agenda is hurtling at, with its the rewriting of history and all the other crap associated with it, I’d give it another 20 years approx and this will be “normalised” and any (completely justified) attempts to condemn it will be a hate crime.
Maybe I’m being too pessimistic and instead, hopefully by then, every cunt and anything “woke” will be quite rightly consigned to the gallows or the rubbish bin of history.
Fucking stupid horrible cunts.
The decadence and loss if moral compass has the whiff of the fall if empires about it Something’s gonna give but it won’t be pretty.
They can call themselves what they like – normal people all know what they are.
The fact these deviants even dare go public shows how degenerate and brazen they now are – but they are part of a wave which is trying to legitimise sick practices and behaviour.
And they always have big money backers in the shadows.
Being led to a cell, locked in and staying there until they die reduces re-offending 100% but when these sick bastards are operating in the full view of society without being chased down the street by a baying mob it is time for a serious reevaluation of our collective moral compass.
These fuckers are hiding in plain sight.
I really can’t understand the left, on this side of the pond or the other.
They pander to and protect groups that want to bomb, rape and murder us and we pay for the privilege. Where does the government fulfill its role of protecting the population? No wonder society is breaking down. People just don’t trust politicians anymore when cunts like this are normalised.
Boil them all in piss!
Boil them in piss?
They’d probably enjoy that.
The Left suffer from what I call School Debating Society Syndrome. They do it for the debate, not for the possible end result. They pat themselves on the collective back when they have won the debate. Then they allow PIE into their midst.
I must’ve been the only boy scout in England with a scout master who wouldn’t bum him.
No matter how much I pestered him.
‘kin ‘ell… 7 ticky points?? Don’t begrudge you a single one Tom.
It sounds Stalinistic/Fascistic but there should be a state mechanism to figure out who these cunts are when they’re 15 then castrated, before they ruin a childs and their families life. Those guilty of committing vile acts should be used for medical or weapons research, then fed to zoo animals. The posh ones should be raven carion at the Tower.
Though I’m rather sure there were plenty of paedøs I the 4th… oops 3rd Reich. Same for CCCP/ CCP.
The Dirlewanger Brigade of the SS was commanded by a totally depraved person and recruited mainly from prisons for sex offenders.
The unit was so barbaric ( I won’t go into detail) that even other SS units were appalled by their savagery.
The trouble is SC this is state sponsored deviancy, the state ain’t gonna help you, they are the ones promoting it. These people are protected. As for ruining a child’s life, the people concerned are psychopaths, they could not care less. A trail of destroyed young lives just guarantees a continual supply of fresh meat since these kids are more likely to be deviants themselves, serves the depopulation agenda, since settling down with a family isn’t top priority for them, and fills the ranks of Antifa and others with willing soldiers. If you’re a psychopath determined to destroy Western Civilization, what’s not to like?
Fair do’s Barky Huntmaster. One forgot the casual disdain and disposability the higher orders have for people that work on their feet for them. One daresays it been going on since Sumeria. I was a poor boy that went to a Papist school (but wasn’t the good enough).
Diversity is our Strength, now who said that
Some bloke who follows a well know MAP, Muhammad, Aisha looked so cool in the school uniform ?
Surely the only support for this Pædoh organisation is from tjose nsmed Iqbal, Ibrahim, Mustapha, Muhammed, Nazeer, Abdul, et cetera. Mind you, I always thought that the collective noun for a group of Pakî pædofiles was……..Pakîs.
Unfortunately the far left have a predilection with sex, trans, bi, cis, alien sex fiend and of course with kids. Blow torches are needed.
The thought process (and subsequent broadcast of those thoughts) that leads to the support of this sickening filth is enough proof that they are beyond hope.
“An assault on Western civilisation” says the author in the link….too fucking right. Our foreign enemies and the enemies within want to tear it all down and build it in their own image. The complete normalisation of bumming and trannyism are steps on the way to destroying the family unit. Normalisation of n*ncing is the obvious next step. It’s not just creating sympathy for these cunts and their so called “illness” but also the sexualisation of children. Remember that Netflix film (can’t remember the fucking title) about a group of 12 year old girls in a dance competition. They were quite clearly sexualised and it was all presented as glamorous and exciting. The disapproving parents were portrayed as miserable old fashioned cunts.
It’s all going on around us, they are chipping away bit by bit, breaking down the barriers every day. Most people go around with their eyes shut terrified of being labelled as out of step with whatever is being promoted as “progressive”.
Thus we get filthy cunts like Schofield promoted as heroes and freaks like Izzard as clever and educated. A long journey begins with a single step as Mao once said.
FF nailed, explained and sorted. The boundaries are stretched more each day like the increasing number of arses. The woke spreading poison, the fools becoming tangled in the web of depravity and filth.
So obvious, once the trannies get what they want it will be n0nce time these cunts have been chipping away for years, everything they do is another step towards the fulfilment of their sick pervy desires. The ultimate gender bollocks lesbians being chastised by wokists for not sleeping with trans women who have a dick ie a man. Roll on the revolution
Tell ya what … let all the weird fucks exercise the right to do whatever they fuckin’ want. At the same time allow the rest of us to have guns … as many and whatever we want. I think that’s a positive and fair trade allowing free expression and personal freedom.
You do what ever turns you on … do it around me and I just shoot you in the face. Perfect.
After those lefty cunts tried their best to make PIE mainstream back in the day, it was only a matter of time before the ‘progressive’ deviants that set the ‘agenda’ decided that it’s now time to break another taboo and all along Peter Files were just misunderstood upstanding members of society. They’re not, they’re fucking abnormal deviant cunts!
The problem I find is that the left have totally monopolised protest to the point now that any counter argument is seen as a racist, bigoted protest and will be seen as the oppressor and portrayed as such in the mainstream media. I know people will say it doesn’t matter about the MSM but in reality to get normal folk to follow your protest against anything woke you have to be seen to be reasonable to get any kind of support. So where as in truth we should be absolutely going ape shit and stamping down the degenerates we have to kowtow to them to an extent to be taken even remotely serious. Personally I’d like to see paedos and gender deviants executed in the town square en masse
And that’s why you will never see the BBC license fee abolished. The state propaganda apparatus can’t survive commercially, so the plebs will keep paying for their own brainwashing.
This nom is depressing me. I find myself hoping for some deadpool sleb to croak to bring it to a close. Time for your cloak and scythe Shaun.
You can stand down Shaun, we’ve moved on to having a pop at the elderly now.
I heard that back in the 80s Arthur Scargill was attracted to miners?
How about sticking all the fiddlers in very secure villages. To prevent young criminals re offending they could be sentenced to terms of confinement in said secure villages.
N0nces off the street and a reduction in the number of stabby cunts after a holiday with special Uncle Tom.
But that would breach their yooman rights.
Now STFU, put your mask on and prepare to be jabbed.
This is yet another attempt to normalize degenerates. We see it happening all around us. Legalizing degenerate behavior means that those in power are degenerates. Before long we will probably be able to LEGALLY adopt a child and use them as a sex slave if these cunts get their way.
We already allow homosexuals to adopt and “raise” (fuck up) children LEGALLY.
Just because something is legal sure as hell doesn’t mean it’s right.
Monstrous CUNTS!
Twenty years ago, I said that at some point in the near future that paedophilia would be normalised by the government-media-activists. Everything that is degenerate has been normalised: brutal violence in films/TV, sodomy, dangerous drug taking, being lazy, stupid and useless, nihilism, etc. So, groups like PIE and NAMBLA (North American Boy-Love Association, yech, I had to type that out) although they are now disbanded (yeah right) those creepy cunts who intellectualise their traumatising of psychologically undeveloped minors just to satisfy their dodgy wiring need to watched and listened to and then shut down, sectioned of necessary. It’s proven scientifically that when an adult has sex with a child, it rewires their brain in such a dysfunctional way that the child fails to grow up properly.
I reckon that “child love” will be pushed as a legit, “natural” thing and legalized so that when the “elite” child rapists are exposed, they won’t get hauled into court. They’ll be accused, shamed, but no jail time. The truly evil cunts never face hard time in the penitentiaries. Bernie Madoff is the closest and he got sent down because he ripped off his fellow evil cunts! Ghislaine Maxwell will WALK, just watch…
People are screaming for Alec Baldwin to get 30 years, but Ghislaine Maxwell is being presented as a, “ah well, whadda ya gonna do?” type of case. I reckon that Baldwin didn’t know he was handling a dodgy vintage gun, not a modern, super-safe (with firing plates), tripled-checked “cold gun” (unloaded) and get just mishandled the gun. He’s an asshole, but he doesn’t deserve the shit he is taking, doesn’t deserve prison time.
People – in mainstream media and social media – genuinely seem more concerned with frying an actor over an horrible accident than frying a mass child rapist who has a mountain of evidence against her. People cognitive dissonance when it comes to child rape. Manslaughter is still seen as MURDER to most plebs.
Accidental manslaughter. The idea that Baldwin deliberately killed that woman is so retarded. He seems to be covering his ass badly with his statements and should shut the fuck up and go into therapy, lay low for years. The armourer (person who looks after weapons on a movie set) looks and sounds retarded. Normally, those armourers are super-safe, but on this movie, it sounds like that woman in charge of the vintage Colt pistols was out to lunch and making a cunt of it.
Maxwell case is less straight forward, but it’s the WHO ELSE was and still is involved and there is no fucking way that those “elite” evil cunts are going to be paraded in front of us. Every time that seems like it’s about to happen… nothing happens. Shut down, nothing to see. Happened in the 1990s with Boy’s Town, Lawrence King, Nebraska child rings, Jimmy Savile hasn’t went beyond him, he is still presented as a lone gunman type of nutter like Lee Oswald, etc.
Where there is Power, there is perversity. Always.
I think now Alecs had a taste he’ll kill again.
Hes out of control.
Keep him away from the cutlery draw!?
Baldwin is just your classic Hollywood asshole. He’s anti-guns, has been a hysterical anti-gun advocate for decades. But of course, he’ll engage in gunplay on a movie! Like I said, a typical (hypocritical) Hollywood ass-cunt. Big, long friend of the Clintons, so I despise him. But a MURDERER? Nah. He wouldn’t have the balls. Phil Spector, I saw coming as he pulled guns on people all his adult life, even pulled a gun on Stevie Wonder in the studio! LOL! Jesus.
But Baldwin, when you REALLY look into it as I have and know about vintage, pre-plates, pre-safety handguns, you’ll see it was an accident. Baldwin has made himself look bad due to how he reacted to it and his recent melodramatic interview was Prince Andrew-level shocking, but I’m convinced it was an accident, mainly the fault of the armourer, who comes off as a bumbling spaz. I say finish Rust, next year and dedicate the movie to Halyna Hutchins. Straight to streaming of course, no cinema release, no DVD, bury it. It’s only a $7 million movie. Baldwin will retire, raise his babies and shut the fuck up for the next 20 years like Spacey. Oh wait, isn’t he rumoured to be making a comeback? Oh Jeeeeeesus…
That little freak Phil Spector was always pulling guns on people,
He did it with the Ramones too.
A very odd character.
I think they should as you say finish Rust but give the money to build a statue of Charlton Heston ?
As for Jizzlane Maxwell, I rather think she’s about to live her final Christmas. Demise possibly 27th or 28th Dec., when a lot of people are semi-comatose.
After all, if they could off Epsteiin, they won’t hesitate to off her… and anyone else who gets in their way…
The Nation Rifle Association (NRA) offered to supervise gun use in movies years ago, but libtard Hollywood refused.
Pead0 Turks tried abducting a young boy in a massive Tesco in Cheshunt, Herts last week. Let off during tolack of evidence. Apparently half the store hearing one say “grab the boy and run” doesn’t count for shit.
Sorry, I came to this so late. I have just one thing to add to the erudite views of my fellow cunters. All peeedohs and their apologists should be executed.
Perhaps in large influx of Afghans to the U.K. might drive part of it. As I’ve mentioned before, there is a good documentary on Netflix about 9/11, and the twenty years following it. Obviously it’s going to be ridiculed by some on here, but it pulls no punches on the fuck ups before and after 9/11. In one of the later episodes it analyses our Afghan allies, namely the Afghan national army and the police, and it is a widely known fact that men from both services routinely use ‘tea boys’ who are young boys around ten years old who fetch them tea during the day, and raped during the night. It’s a cultural thing, as is, as we have seen recently, selling your very young daughters to old men for money to feed the remaining family, as there is a massive famine, and no one is going to help as the taliban are in charge. I’m a childless cunt, and have absolutely no time for children, but if I had kids, I would sell myself into slavery before them, as would the majority of western families.
Having (for my sins) spent some time of my life ‘mentoring’ the ANA, I can confirm beyond doubt that they routinely fucked the chai boy in the unit. And took ludicrous amounts of drugs.
I recall mentioning this in passing to some civvy mates during a night out in the UK and was called a shameless racist.
Tell them to fuck off Mickey. Thanks for yours and all your fellow squaddies service in the Forces.
Saw that programme. True
Some whining twat on the radio was asking listeners to give £30 to held the Afghanies. Wtf! Go ask the fucking Taliban, they will give you a handout.
‘Help’ ffs.
I don’t know if you were aware of this one…
Oh, and purely coincidentally…
Systematic child rape at all levels of society has been going on for a long, long time in Britain, long before any raggedy Muslims showed up, that’s for sure. Pointing the finger at them now is just cognitive dissonance to the stark reality that Britain is a massive enclave for evil (white-skinned) bastards who rape kids.
Excellent nom, Twenty. The author of that article took no prisoners, type of journalism I admire.
Any sick fuck who says that sex with a minor should be normalised needs putting in the clink. No ifs or buts. But this is 2021 UK we in. Nothing surprises me anymore. The country is a corrupt cesspit full of human filth from top to bottom with tge rule of law rarely used.
No Bob.
The rope.
Too true Miserable. Guillotine sounds appealing as well.
Paedophiles have been trying to normalise sex with kids since time immemorial. From the 13th century to 1875, the age of consent was fucking TWELVE, folks. It wasn’t raised to from 13 to 16 until 1885 due to rampant child prostitution in London.
Times changed. Or did they? The “sexual revolution” of the Swinging Sixties is misrepresented. Sex was nothing new (duh) in Britain and America, so why the big deal about it? Ever ask yourself that question? Soon we had hardcore porn everywhere and sex in general was everywhere, so obviously that reached children and over the past 50 years, each decade has got more saturated with sexual imagery and language, porn, etc. So what’s to be done? We need to dial back the obsession with sex. I doubt that can be done, though. The push towards a full-sexualized society in the western world was planned a long time ago and most people went along with it and now we have kids aged 5 full clued up about sex and wanting to experience it. It; all started in the 1920s and in the 1960s it got pushed hard, harder in the 70s, harder in the 80s, then AIDS scared people for 10 seconds, then the internet brought the full spectrum of porn into our homes. And here we are in 2021 with OnlyFans and girls seeing that as a viable way to earn money.
Adult-child sex will be normalised eventually by the evil cunts as these fuckers have got their way every time so far, we men mostly all welcomed the “sexual revolution” of the Sixties, maaaan, and now we are reaping the bitter fruits of that phoney-freedom era. We aren’t free, we are unconscious slaves to the government and media. It’s time we told them fuck off forever.
So they want ‘dignity’ and ‘respect’ do they?
They’ll get as much of that from me as I give to your average ISIS suicide bomber.
Cunts should be lobotomised at the very least.
Adults abusing children, should receive the death penalty.
I will happily pull the trigger.
That is all.
CG, I’m starting to realize that you will require a lot of ammo, more than I would have guessed a few months ago.
I’ve seen a device used in abbatoirial settings, works on compressed air, requires no powder based charge, quick, effective, economical, capable of rapid cycling and just needs a quick hose down at the end of the day’s work. Could easily be transferred into the judicial sector and in combination with Unkle T’s waste management firm would solve the issue within a fortnight…. bolt gun + oven… what’s not to like?
Lets be honest here. This is NEVER going to happen. It doesn’t matter what political pressure it put forward, the western population will not accept this under any circumstances. It’s goes against every common decency that we hold dear. That’s why so many of the conspiracy theories involve children, be it harvesting their blood, or plain abusing and murdering, its guaranteed to get anyone believing it fuming with rage and disgust, so its an easy lever to pull if you want to demonise a person or group or class. How many times have you heard ‘well he looks like a pee dough’
Chris Morris satirised this with the brass eye episode, around about the time of the guy getting attacked for being a paediatrician.
I honestly don’t think there will be many in the alphabet gang that want the letter P added, it would stain them all.
Well said. The vast majority of gays are just as disgusted by paèdôphilia as the majority of heteros are.
Thanks RTC. It can get a bit pitchfork here sometimes.
This M.A.P. sickness must be viewed alongside the increasingly heard “Mature Minor Doctrine”
This deeply subversive concept is applied in the medical setting currently but it’s a racing certainty that the intention is to extend its see into this area of sexual abuse.
And yes the mooselimbs are notorious Aisha/9yrs etc but… what would you say to a religious creed that sanctions intercourse with a minor (male or female) so long as they are LESS than 3yrs and 1day?