“Looting” and “Riots” are Racist Words

Political Correctness is becoming the faceless cunt of society. Until it takes over, I would like to cunt looters.

After recent looting in the USA, this line came from the New York Post:

New York Post Link

“The most San Francisco response possible to the utter lawlessness occurring is to debate the words used to describe it.”

There aren’t any more words needed to describe this pile of cunt that is political correctness, but to describe it as ‘organised robbery’ to deflect from the fact it was largely carried out by minorities signals that perhaps we need a to start another world war, society needs thinning somewhat.

Or set up a new company to deal with such problems, I’m thinking something like Rittenhouse Vermin Control Services? I think you can guess the services on offer…

Nominated by: The Captain

62 thoughts on ““Looting” and “Riots” are Racist Words

  1. BLM have their own word for ‘looting’. They call it ‘reparations’.
    Welcome to the good ol’ United States of Anarchy.

  2. I’m just waiting for the Oxford English Dictionary to go all virtue signalling, by revising the meaning of certain trigger words, or banning the more “offensive” ones completely.

    Of course it will have a couple of pages devoted exclusively for the words “victim”, “racism” and “white supremacists”

    Oh well, another day, another load of woke bollocks

    • N*gger is not in the dictionary – I thought I might try to use it in scrabble with my lefty neighbour when she comes round for dinner.

      • It’s in the Oxford English Dictionary:

        It’s a word. It’s still used all the time from Tarantino to Dave Chappelle, from Rap and Hip Hop to many published books in 2021. Mark Twain called his ex-slave character, Nigger Jim for a reason – to illustrate how vile the word, concept, and characterisation is. It’s clear that Twain was absolutely not a racist and the book is not racist, but reading or hearing, “nigger” over 200 times is mental, it just gets depressing.

        Looting is now an offensive term, though? LOL! What about “marauding” then? Fuck me. Reject all mainstream media, seriously.

      • Mod was acting very niggardly over my use of the word, “ni88er”. Such niggling caused my face to go black… with depression. 😉

  3. BLM ✊? = looting, riots , destruction death. Yup racist I guess. Whatever the woke Cunt s say ignore it. If they ever get their way then the USA ?? will be a facsimile of jo bergh

    • The word, “expert” should be binned, to be honest. Maybe not for “expert wood-carver” and the like, but when it is in the context of human psychology, behaviour, politics – anything ambiguous, it makes me piss my pants with laughter. “On the show today, we have Middle East expert, Professor Emeritus Philip MacDougal from Strathclyde University…” and the cunt has never really been to Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. He’s just read a bunch of books on this massively complex place, wrote his own book and now he’s the go-to talking head on it all. Fuck off.

      • ‘Climate Expert’ should be binned too. Especially for the modellers with their toy planets.

  4. This PC Woke virus poses a far greater threat to our country and its people than anything Covid could ever hope to achieve in its wildest dreams.

    But who in the Government /Media takes any notice? Fucking no-one, that’s who!

  5. When the news report said “largely carried out by minorities”, they meant to say “???????? carried out by minorities”, the chiggun-scoffing criminal darkıe cunts.

    • The word “minorities” is so general. In actual fact it should read “largely carried out by people of colour”

      Motrobrt, am surprised some chippy BLM hasn’t whinged about the offensive word “minorities”

  6. We seen in 2020 that when these cunts go on the rampage that it’s merely a “protest” and anybody who opposes it is a racist.

    Bizarrely, the more people injured in said “protest” – the more peaceful it becomes.

    These cunts are opportunist scum and that’s all they are.

  7. I’d be more than happy for the country to split with us white and, apparently racist, and homophobic, white people and leave the rest of the country to the dark keys and wimmin. I’d love to see how well the dark side gets on. Like my lefty neighbour who always bleats on about wimminz rights and shit, but the first call she makes if things go wrong is to me!!!

  8. Use correct language, Blacks stealing designer clothing in an organised raid on a store, or Looting ?

  9. This all goes to show what can happen when you allow people to imagine they are “victims” – especially people of “color” when half-witted pseudo-intellectuals,such as the Guardian and Labour party have their way. Excuse somebody for their victimhood and you are giving them a licence to behave exactly as they want to, with a sort of semi-authorisation for behaving badly. They will loot, they will steal and they will kill even – if it is drummed into them every day that they have reasons to be angry, that they are “special”. Where the USA leads the UK follows.

    • Good morning WCB

      It is California not the whole of the USA. I have a cousin who lives there and is wanting to move back to his native Texas where they take a more robust view of dealing with looters and consequently have far less of a problem.

      San Francisco is where, a couple of years ago, the local authority nominated Martin McGuiness to lead their St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Fortunately for the rest of us McGuiness had been rotting in hell for the previous 9 months.

      • Yes I should gave made the distinction between the loony West Coast views and the more down to earth Americans – a bit like in Britain we have Islington and Brighton, Rochdale and Bradford, and the more normal parts of the country.

        No prizes for guessing which part Dame Keoir would favour!

      • “..a cousin who lives there and is wanting to move back to his native Texas.”

        I’m hearing that these West Coast escapees are being read the Riot Act warning them not to believe that they can U-Haul their lefty insanities into Texas. Mind you the governer is a fully fucking cucked, raspberried little arse-weasel who sucks a lot of kosher dick.

    • Imagine how bad it would be if the Police got defunded……and I’m not talking about Sting and his mates

    • The rise of BLM was deliberate too.
      With the excuse provided by the death of a criminal, they were unleashed to cause chaos in an effort to bring down DJT. Apparently there are people out there that are dumb enough to fall for this.

      This shit isn’t on my doorstep yet but you can’t be complacent.

  10. Has anything good ever come out of Africa? Maybe technology advances from Wakanda? Anything else?

  11. I posted a nom on San Francisco a while back after visiting the place. I simply could not believe the scenes in the downtown area outside my hotel. Hordes of drug addicts and assorted scumbags shooting up in the street, harassing passers-by, literally crapping in front of you with no shame and not a policeman in sight. They were probably too busy attending lectures on the right woke words to use to describe crime in non-racist terms. Meanwhile local Democrat Congressperson Nancy Pelosi was far away in Washington blaming it all on Trump.

    • San Francisco really got turned into a veneered-covered shithole this century. Too much decadence ruins people and their palace. The price of just a basic house there is comical. It will be the Detroit of the West by the end of this decade.

  12. Blacks are naughty little fuckers. Full stop.

    If I see them out and about, I’m instantly suspicious of them.

    We’ve not got many round here, and they stick out like a sore thumb.

    I keep my beady little eyes on them, and think what are you up to you shifty little fuckers?

    People can call me a raaaacist, but I don’t give two fucks, – it’s a reputation that they have only created for themselves, and shit like this looting only reinforces such reputations.

    There is a Coo*n who seems to sit in his car outside the local shop at school tipping out time.
    He just sits in his car glaring at the kids. I’m watching the little bastard, because I’m sure he is up to no good.

    Get off your lazy black backsides and earn your own money you shifty little scoundrels.

    And remember Dick is watching you!

    • And blacks in the countryside just look wrong.

      They look like pieces of litter blowing around in the wind.

      They make it look scruffy and untidy.


      A nig-nog in a shiny tracksuit is not a good look in the foreground of an fine, English, country landscape.

      Fuck off back to Tower Hamlets or somewhere, – because you’re not wanted around here.

      • One of the spouses favourite soaps is Emmerdale Farm, and you should see the number of dark keys who now live in a little village in the Yorkshire Fales/

    • Good afternoon DVD,
      How’s that bloody covid muck going?
      My drinks still taste like Bulgarian chemical waste.

      • I’m beating it Uncle.

        I’m sure I am.

        My taste hasn’t been compromised at all.

        Just a bit knackered and out of breath now.

        I’m huffing and puffing like a greasy 60 year old Pa*ki raping an 11 year old girl in a ginnel In Rochdale.

        Other than that I’m on the mend.

        I’ve drank 2 bottles of Stones Ginger Wine since Saturday, – and I’ve sent Mrs Dyke to the Co-op for a couple more.

        And I’ve smoked 30-40 fags a day because I’ve been bored shitless.

        It seems to have worked for me.

        Have you had the booster Uncle?

    • I did see a bit of Nig*gerdale Farm recently.

      They ought to rename it 50 shades of the dales.

      It’s very true to life and authentic though, isn’t it?
      Just like The Dales.
      Never see a dark-ie past Keighley in real life.

      What has happened to Seth Armstrong and Matt and Dolly?

      And what has happened to those peacefuls running that dodgy choccie factory?

      Has it filed for bankruptcy and restarted under another name yet?

      I hear they are building a Mosque in Hotton?

      They got planning by greasing the palms of a few tinted councillors on Nig*gerdale District Council.

      Never mind the conversation area,- here’s a few quid, – now sign it off.

      Get me in as a scriptwriter, I’ll make it nice and authentic.

      • And the irony of peacefuls in a
        SOAP opera.

        If they so much as cast eyes on a bar of Imperial Leather, they would come out in a cold sweat.

    • There’s two types of black person in America:

      – The ones who overcomes their shitty origins and makes something of themselves and doesn’t blame whitey.

      – The lazy, clueless, useless, swaggering, obnoxious ones who have no intention of self-actualising themselves and are just a burden on America.

      There isn’t a third type, is there? Maybe the ones in sport/showbiz who got lucky and now self-aggrandise in public and preach their bullshit philosophy. Woopi Goldberg, take a bow.

  13. If the BLM are suggesting the USA and the UK are predominantly white supremacist countries – purely because at least 80% of each country is white and therefore racist; does that mean by the same definition countries in the Caribbean and Africa are full of racist black supremacists?

      • Anybody who has spent any time reviewing the history of the civil rights movement of America will know that there is indeed (laughably) a streak of black nationalism, courtesy of cunts like the Nation of Islam amongst others.

        We crackers are the devil or the result of the mad experiments of the evil Dr Yakub. Their child-like intellect is both amusing and frightening.

      • I was watching this 8-hour documentary on Muhammad Ali the other night…


        … and it goes pretty deep (too deep, imo) into the Nation of Islam. Fuck me, what a bag of shite that movement is. It’s like the Mormonism of Islam. Elijah Muhammad was a fraud, he didn’t even know how to pray properly, according to Malcolm X. Islam is basically a sand castle build on foundation of unicorn farts.

  14. Whoever thought giving thick as pigshit savages an excuse to run amok would be a good idea?
    A vile mob of communist agitators that’s who.
    Vermin that couldn’t give a fuck about the impact their filthy ideology has on the man on the street.
    Shovel the shit in the oven.

  15. Only blacks can change the way in which they are perceived until then they are all lumped together and just remain the weak minded fuckin’ detritus that we know them to be that just loves to thrive on conflict and confrontation. Oh and it is rioting and it is looting … which ever way you pitch it. Cunts … each n every one of ’em.

  16. Stolen elections, communist coups. traitors in both parties and George Soros funding useful idiots to bring down America, with the willing help of the now innumerable CCP agents in every 3 letter US agency and area of society have consequences.
    I do not think most Americans are even aware that they are in the socialist deceit and division stage before the bloodbath that communism will be.
    Freedom, not just in the US but around the entire world, is under threat like no time since World War Two.

    • “… now innumerable CCP agents in every 3 letter US agency and area of society.”

      Vern, this is a fallacy straight from the Alex Jones playlist. The ‘ChiComs’ do NOT own and run Hollywood, they do NOT own or control CBN, MSNBC, HBO, CNN or FOX, Miramax, Disney, all the major publishing houses and social meeja platforms (in fact insert any corporate ‘alphabet’ entity here) The top 14 out of the 16 senior members of the Biden cabinet are definitely NOT chinese! They are fully kosher, those we may not speak of… those we may not name! This is a glaring and indisputable fact.

      • Those people aren’t Jews, they aren’t Israelites, Hebrews. They are Satanists. The real 17 million Jews of the world want nothing to do with those psychopaths. But it’s the innocent, ordinary Jews who suffer because of the evil cunts who brandish their power under the cloak of “Jewishness”.

      • CC@ – I was quoting fact, and every agency, MSM broadcaster, organisation and individual you name are in the pockets and pay of the CCP – they do not have to be Chinese to be in the pay of the Chinese.
        Ask the Americans imprisoned since last January without charge how the FBI have treated them, ask why the terrorist murders allegedly committed by a black racist supremacist hardly got a mention from the MSM, why the Ghislaine Maxwell trial is receiving zero MSM coverage, why Disney promotes “attraction to minors”, Miramax was co owned by Harvey Weinstein.
        Ask why half of Hollywood appear to be on the Epstein “Lolita Express” plane flights, ask why Alec Baldwin can kill someone then claim he didn’t pull the trigger and a fawning MSM don’t even question this.
        Facts are not conspiracy theories.

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