Katie Price (11) and the Legal System (6)

2 for 1 cunting here Katie Price and the legal system are both cunts hers why.

[1] Katie Price, this useless spunk trumpet crashes her car whilst drunk, on drugs, uninsured and on a previous ban / bans for drink drive and yet manages to avoid jail,and gets out of the car unharmed, its official she now annoys me more than the rinkydinks for unleashing covid on the world.

[2] The legal system for not sending the afore mentioned useless fuckmonkey down for 10 years of hard labour servicing tramps, stray dogs and face seeking wanna be ponces who will do anything for some attention.

How the fuck is it possible for the legal system to not be able to have this trollop tarred and feathered for all the law breaking she has done and what kind of message does this send out to the country and the effectiveness of these gin soaked, pontificating retards who will send someone down for not having a tv licence and yet let this jizz gargling twat off with nothing more that a slap on the wrist in the grand scheme of things.
Its a joke bang the gypsy slag up and throw away the key…

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

And Jeezum Priest has just squeezed a late one in (Oooh errr, missus)

There’s a petition to stop Katie ( the gift that keeps giving) Price acquiring any more animals as pets.

She has an appalling track record of keeping any pets healthy and/or alive, indeed.
But you know what, I’ll be buggered sideways if I can attach the fucking link.
The Sun’s the best one, simple words, even Harvey could get the gist.
Help me out, please.

With helpful link provided by Katie’s latest stud: Ron Knee

Sun News Link

57 thoughts on “Katie Price (11) and the Legal System (6)

  1. Putting on my compassionate hat (briefly), is this woman not clearly suffering severe mental health issues? And being exploited by the gutter press for cheap headlines?

    Or is she a rancid old cokehead with less going for her than the multitalentless Beckham woman.

    Hot as fuck here at the moment. Pool feels like a bath. Enjoy the English Winter, cunts.

  2. She walks free-a young kid is arrested for criticising black, “Identity as English but never will be” penalty misser’s.

    Tommy Robinson got 11 months in solitary in Britain’s toughest prison, for reporting on grooming gangs. (After the verdict)


    Fuck off?

    • You can buy justice.
      I never knew!
      Yes, you can buy it.
      Not as expensive as youd think either.
      Celebrities, wealthy?
      You could shoot me like a dog,
      Probably a small fine.
      Someone like me though,
      White, working class,
      I do something like katie?
      Jail time.
      No point in a trial.
      And I do something to one of them?
      The rich, ffs, may as well throw away the key…

  3. If she had a brain cell it could keep the other one company.
    She escaped jail because she went into rehab, in that third rate hell hole The Priory, where she was forced to eat caviar and smoked salmon.
    I despair, I really do.

    • I wonder if she used the “my son is a mong, he can’t do without me” card?
      Even the blind, presumably mentally deficient Harvey is embarrassed having that creature as a mother.

      • They say Harvey is blind, but I’ve seen him on TV walking about just fine. No white stick or anything. She was declared bankrupt so I don’t see why she is influential. She must have played the, “I have 14 kids and they ALL need me card”. Harvey is in residential care I believe.

        She’s convinced Uri Geller cured him:

        And by the looks of it Tim Cook keeps him constantly supplied with iPads.

      • Declaring bankruptcy doesn’t mean you’re out of money. It’s a way of fucking all those to whom you owe money (debtors). I’m sure she has multiple income streams but has amassed a lot of debt. Bankruptcy protects her from them and let’s her reset things. I guarantee she is not broke. She’s just using the legal system to fuck those she owes money to. When it comes to this cum dumpster everyone gets fucked.

    • Who the fuck paid for the cunt’s treatment?? I thought ? she’d been declared bankrupt. Mind boggling shit.

  4. Katies Chavtastic!!
    Shes not fit to be in charge of a houseplant,
    Nevermind animals or children.
    Wheres her money coming from?
    Bankrupt isnt she?
    Still seems to have money for holidays and cheap plastic surgery?
    Whos paying her?
    Harveys inheritance isn’t looking great, a few pairs of crusty knickers, a smashed up pink range rover, and some dead horses.

  5. I wonder what scent our Katie wears. It must be powerful stuff, as it has to overcome the combined fragrance of Billingsgate fish market and a dog’s blocked anal glands.

    • Yet there never appears to be a shortage of normal(ish) looking men willing to fire one into a worthless whore 10 years their senior.

      • I’d give her a pumping a long as she was passed out through the drink and drugs…and nobody else found about the depths to which I’d sunk.


  6. This woman is a walking shitshow.

    Would be infinitely better use as a mobile spermbank for couples with problems conceiving.

    Has handled more helmets than Barry Sheene and James Hunt together.

  7. Don’t worry about it…as part of Johnson’s “levelling-up” initiative, soon we will only need worry about the drunken politicians,dodgy businessmen,Premiership footballers and homosexual pop stars who will be able to afford cars.

    Remember Cunters….Protect the NHS by living in an unheated cave with no access to transport while your retirement funds are spent on the more deserving cases…..immigrants,politicians plus their friends and ridiculous Govt.policies…..Conservative Govt?…load of bollocks.

    Might as well put Harvey Price in charge of the Country…at least he’d be more honest in his opinion of the Plebs when he began his addresses to the Nation with “Hello,you Cunts”.

    #Katy Price for Transport Minister.

      • Scenario..
        Your the last man on earth.
        The future of mankind rests with you.
        The only surviving women are katie price and princess nut nut,
        For mankind to flourish again you have to repopulate,
        Who becomes the new ‘Eve’?
        Goofy sloane ranger whos had Boris pale slug up her?
        Katie? Allsorts been up her,
        And she’s bit lax in the mother department?

        Id just have a wank.
        Fuck the human race.
        Was never that keen anyway..

      • I’d make them lez up under the threat of a jug of acid in the face. Not that it would affect KP, the amount of surgery she’s had.

      • Oh definitely Katy….just imagine the offspring….a 7 foot tall,22 stone creature imbued with the sociopathic Fiddler mentality….even the fucking Terminator would think twice afore coming back in time to tackle the Cunt.

  8. Headlines today say it’s all going in another book she is ‘writing’
    Shameless wreck. Millions in debt, yet still living high(low) life, getting extensions on her face every couple of weeks in Turkey, the home of cut price surgery. And cut Price they do, regularly. Always been a minger, I’ve never understood how it got famous.

  9. The kids would be getter off being raised by baboons. The big red arses and constant sexual behaviour would remind them of home. And they’d have a chance of becoming a productive member of society. Harvey could even become baboon king, Disney would make a shit cartoon about it.

  10. Should we have a small on the side competition on when the next “car crash” (‘scuse the pun) will happen to her ?
    I’m guessing end of January she would have done something stupid.

    • I’ll have to give that some thought, she’s already done practically every stupid thing ever, it will be hard to think of anything new.

  11. Meanwhile, don’t floor the loud pedal on a deserted motorway or you might end up doing 6 months for it (unless you are a “celebrity” or part of the “elite”)!

    The legal system is indeed a cunt. The politicisation of the police force is indeed a cunt. The cult of celebrity is indeed a cunt.

    As for Katie what exactly makes her a celebrity? Is she a celebrity because she is a celebrity? Seems that way – she doesn’t seem to have any discernible talent.

    • I’ve never understood what makes her famous either!!?? What value does she actually add to our society!!?? Fuck all!! Same as them Kardboard cunts!! Why people spend time watching how other people live and act is beyond me!! Go make your own life!!

  12. Price is the living embodiment of everything that’s wrong with this country, the justice system is a joke.

  13. Perhaps unsurprisingly, she still has legions of fans on her SM sites, all of them so besotted with her that she can do no wrong in their eyes!

    To them it will always be someone else’s fault, and that Price is just a victim of a toxic misogynistic society blah blah woof woof

  14. There is no justice system. There is a ‘system’ but it doesn’t dispense justice or anything resembling it.

    As I said to my good ole mate, a copper of 30plus years, the police and judiciary have criminalised the innocent and ignore the crimes. Public trust in them is rock bottom and the treatment of this Price creature just reinforces the argument.

    Oven please Unkle Terry, Gas Mk.9 for the lot of em.

    Good morning. It’s raining here. Get to fuck.

  15. Black cock and coke , her favorite aperitif
    They’ll never understand will they ,once a slag or even half decent looking celeb takes the blacky in hand is that heir irresistible fuckability is finished with the average tosser
    That one with Andy ole was the same , black cock sinks you forever
    And that’s a natural law

    • Mecuntry@

      Know what black nudger tastes of?
      …. liquorice.
      Ruff tuff told me.?

      • Ah fuck off Mis
        It’s to early to in the mornin to taste let alone imagine what blacky ham is??

      • Morning MNC , the fuck off was only for dramatic effects
        And don’t be listenin to RTC about his favorite sweets ,
        I think his a liberal at heart , you won’t say anything sur you won’t

      • I knew it was for effect Mecuntry, and im used to being told to fuck off?
        Ruffs the best of us but id never take liquorice off him!
        Takes allsorts I suppose…

  16. When that Mekon headed, irritating geordie twat Ant Mcpartlin smashed his car up in central London whilst pissed, he got a 20 month ban and an 86 grand fine. Fair enough I guess, first offence etc. But how does that square with KP’s ‘sentence’? She’s on her Fifth ban, and she can’t claim she needs to be there for Kid Kong because he’s in residential care.
    Ant must wish he’d sucked off the magistrate too. He’d be £86000 better off at least.

  17. Perhaps judges are reluctant to send celebs to common jails because they’ll become targets by hardcase prisoners with a grudge against the rich and famous.

    Other than that I have no idea why some celebs and politicians (Claudia Webbe) seem to avoid jail for repeat-crimes mere mortals would have to endure.

    • Because Judges live in a similar unreal bubble and are compassionate with cunts that are a reflection of themselves ,

  18. I thought she was broke, bankrupt, using food banks.

    Drunk and coked up driving a nice motor for her nice house, how much do the media pay this rag arse for interviews and documentaries on Harvey (poor fucker, if he was normal he wouldn’t be able to earn for mummy)

    She is a fucking disgrace, I can’t understand why any sane bloke would go within a 100 miles of her.

  19. This is a true reflection of how fucked up our society really is. An abuser with no regard for anything other than her sad little life and all of it pathetic little irrelevances contained therein. A retard influencing the system … how the fuck did that happen. No accountability for their actions. Many of us have had to throw away any possibility of a something approaching a decent life for less.

  20. The revolting chavette has been rogered ragged so often that she no longer has a “taint”, just one filthy trench running from her pubic bone to her coccyx.
    The appearance and stench emanating from this putrefying crevasse would be unimaginable.
    Presumably not sent to gaol to protect the other inmates.

  21. I don’t understand how you can be a undischarged bankrupt and still jet of to the US, pay for expensive treatment and she even owes the court unpaid money / fines?

    This person show that money and so called “celebrity” can buy you greasy jusice.

  22. I’m afraid avoiding the nick is par for the course in these sort of cases. If another vehicle or person had been involved that would have been different but any halfway decent brief can portray poor Katie as a “victim” of mental elf problems who’s children are utterly dependent on her and who would suffer terribly without her.
    Fuck me, i’m almost crying myself so you can imagine how some soppy posh judge who has never heard of the old skank would react.

  23. ‘Katie’s latest stud’?
    Blimey Admin, thanks for the compliment, but these days I’ve got enough on my plate trying to handle the wife’s various peccadilloes!

  24. She probably avoided injury because as the car came to a half, the gallons of spunk flew out of her front bottom and softened any impact like a spunk air bag.

  25. Don’t know whats worse, Jordan Price or the Mong’s who idolise her.

    If anyone else went out on a earlier morning Coke/Cock hunting mission, turned over the motor and tested positive for drink/drugs they would likely be looking at a small stretch @ her majesty’s. This fuckwit walks and likely gets a show on ITV9 about ” My Coke (& cock) addiction”.

    Fucking joke, waiting for Kid Kong to take a “turn” & go Ape (pun intended) & destroy it like a box of Weetabix.

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