Illegal immigrants and GB News (2)

Illegal immigrants. Are cunts.

Over the last 20 years a conservative guesstimate would be between 150k to a million if these fuckers have flouted every international law possible to arrive in Britain ?? and are still here living off tax monies the length and breadth of the country.

The scale has increased over the last 3 or 4 years with the frogs now aiding and abetting the sea passage.

Where do all the cunts go. Well currently a lot of dark faces have appeared around here. 4 hotels ? in this one small town are full to bursting with them.

I know a few fellas that have now got work “minding” the cunts. Door staff looking for work out of season Being paid a pittance. This means letting them come a go as they please. Not worth being jumped by 100 taliban finest for 9 quid an hour.

This I’m told is happening with hush hush government consent all over. My mates tell me several are COVID positive!! No isolation for these cunts.

So if you hadn’t guessed it seems that they are on a uk government paid for indefinite holiday by the sea side

Indie News Link

I’ve contact gb news daily fail and the ☀️. Not fucking interested in it as a story. Cunts

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

And followed up by: Cassandra

GBN – Not surprised they ignored your story. I have contacted three times and they never publicise. Leads me to one of two conclusions.

Either they really do have an abundance of views coming in and have difficulty choosing which to pick up. But I think I dismiss that one as your story is really juicy compared to some of the ridiculous shit they do air.

Or even GBN are frightened to say some things that are really controversial. I know a couple of mine were real corkers which I guess they couldn’t cope with!

146 thoughts on “Illegal immigrants and GB News (2)

    • Currently 70 % being placed in hotels ? across the country are Afghan s. Male of course. £12 an hour cash in hand casual labour via “Serco “ government contact acquired making this company millions. Two mates doing this. 5 10 hour night shifts =£600 for mainly sleeping ? and telling the fuckers to go back to bed.

      Oh how our taxes are wisely spend. Serco also bring in staff from out of town and put them up in hotels all paid for by Doris Johnson & co.

      Another mate. This one is intelligent works with plod and government agencies used to sit on prevent think tank. Now he tells me this has changed to an Afghan focus. In one meeting he suggested that maybe not all these you men were not fleeing the talibahn but could be in fact terrorist sleepers. I’m told that his suggestion was “improbable

      Uk ?? is fucked

      • Yes, Dog forbid we should be suspicious of healthy young men arriving from a country thats spent 20 fucking years trying and succeeding to kill and maim British citizens.

      • Using body language alone, you can usually tell genuine refugees from the others, there’s a look of loss in the eyes and on their faces from trauma in the genuine ones which is hard to fake, and then there’s a phrase ‘military bearing’, and once you know what to look for, you can see it in a number of these ‘poor refugees’.

        Watch a group of them together, after a couple of minutes you can see the command structure and who the leaders are.

        The counter argument made to me about this when I pointed it out to someone was ‘oh, they come from a country where warfare has been part of their life for the past couple of decades…it’s to be expected’

        Fuck me, just decades, eh? Thus spake a great scholar well versed in Afghan history of the past several millennia..and I asked ‘so, you’re happy allowing cadres of these cunts from an active warzone with military and/or jihadi training to come into our country?

        I didn’t get an answer, it’s apparent no-one wants to listen, and if we say anything we’re just being racists.

      • I’d really be more sympathetic if they did have women and children with them, but they floated that one in the channel full of women and kids, and about 2 men who survived, after the dinghy sunk. Then we had poor me from everywhere, fuck me, we can’t catch a break!

      • Tinkers cunt ‘if it ain’t white it ain’t British’
        That would mean my burning my sister in law and my nephew, neither of who are fully white, but both born here and proud British. I’d like to see you try, my brother would enjoy the workout.

        Where are these people coming from? I get called out for saying someone’s reply to one of my posts was full of errors, yet this racist white supremacist violence inciting hatred doesn’t warrant a mention?
        It was the same a while back on the Sasha BLM woman’s nom, hoping she was a cabbage and that she dies in agony and stuff.

        Honestly, has it got worse here, or am I just going soft?

      • The problem is that people, I won’t say who, have a habit of making a nom about their own agenda, and get pissed off if someone calls them on it..
        I didn’t join to listen to people pontificating, I joined to have a laugh while we poked fun at the bizarre and irrelevant.
        I may have to leave.

      • GJ, one of my friends is black Rhodesian born and you would have trouble meeting someone more hard-working, hospitable and for his family.

        Sometimes the generalisations on here are tedious and pushed by some of the fringe loonies who post about three times a year. Best ignored.

      • Gutstick @8:43 – it has, without doubt, got worse.

        My British born missus of Indian descent is a fuck sight more British and patriotic than some whites posting on here.

    • ‘Paid for by Doris Johnson & Co’- if only that were the case. It’s us mugs who are paying for it. Stand by for council tax to rise by the maximum allowed without a referendum whilst bin emptying etc becomes even worse.

  1. Great stuff from the Independent. A story about filthy foreign layabouts p*ncing off the taxpayer is turned into a load of wokie bollocks about not having proper shoes and not having food that suits their medical conditions. And of course the mythical “far right” who are lurking round every corner. I think “far right” means normal people who are fed up with these fucking parasites and their posh wokie friends.
    I would put the cunts back in their dinghies at the point of a bayonet and tell them to fuck off back where they came from. The Frenchies, especially that maggot granny shagger, can go and fuck themselves.

    • I wonder how many of these poorly treated cunts have been offered social housing in downtown Islington, Kensington, Chelsea and other leafy Libtard areas of the Smoke?

    • I understand that there are still loads of cruse liners laid up. Rent a couple, moor them in international waters and stick the economic migrants on there until their applications are processed and then fuck them off.
      Members of the Anglian regiment are currently in Peshawar processing applications. Hopefully the squaddies will be telling most of them to fuck off.
      If the Afghans didn’t want the Taliban there they should have fought a bit harder.

      • Actually, the Taliban are here. Who do you think all these healthy young men from Afghanistan are?

      • ‘Fought a bit harder’? The fuckers didn’t fight at all. Even the French army could have done better!

    • Couldn’t agree more Freddie.

      I’ve never met someone I would class as ‘far right’, ie white supremacist. Though if the media and politicians carry on as they are, we’ll have plenty of them.

  2. ‘We must see them as people not a problem’. Challenging stuff from Pope Francis.

    But I how I wish that that Muslim countries, especially oil rich Muslim countries, would take their fare share of the burden.

      • Guzziguy@ – It goes a bit deeper – Iran and Saudi Arabia fund the people traffickers to dump as many in Europe as possible – they are doing this with an eye on the future when oil is practically worthless and a massive source of income disappears, when this happens they will have a lot of angry people with nothing.
        And angry people with nothing tend to topple dictatorships.
        Then the second part – infest the world with islam – do it for long enough in enough places and the weakness, cowardice and political correctness of the western world will allow them to become embedded and emboldened – as is the case now.
        We fight against this or sooner than anyone thinks we will be forced to bow before it.

  3. It’s been a gigantic cover up for years.
    You might see some footage of a dinghy full of the filthy vermin but fuck all about what happens to them after that.
    The EU are complicit in aiding the cunts get to our shores as they know well the detrimental effect it has on our country.
    It’s not a cold war it’s a brown war.
    None are deported so what’s the point in the asylum system?
    Just a rotten corrupt game.
    A mountain of bullshit.

    The end result is replacement of the English people by brown rats or a new Hitler.
    A vile mess.

  4. Some years ago, a group of “refugees” were housed in a run down hotel in Sheffield City centre. I’ll admit it was shaby. Anyway, one of these people managed to fall out of a window, several stories up, and died.
    Well, the weeping and wailing, you’d not have been blamed for thinking they were a national hero, instead of an uninvited visitor.
    What got me, no one considered that he’d topped himself. After all, he’s come from a wonderful country with all kinds of modern amenities and opportunities to this shit hole in Sheffield, who could have blamed the poor little sod.

  5. Wouldn’t it be a laugh if this government or the next introduced a “Help a Refuge” tax, whereby anyone earning between £13,000 and £50,000 (Basic Rate Payers basically). had to contribute a further 5% in taxable income to help rehouse a “refugee”

    • Techno@ – It would be even better if MP’s and Lords had 10% of their net income directly deducted to “help the poor refugees”.
      I guarantee the freebie express would stop overnight.

  6. Sly news to their credit did an expose of a travel agent in northern Iraq, facilitating the exodus of cunts from Calais to Britain, £2K a pop, money held by agent until cunts are onboard.

    It’s a fucking joke, the cunts have gone from small inshore type dinghies to virtually ocean going crafts, GB News bang on this about every other day with reports from both the channel and Dover.

    I got a reply from my MP about this shit and the green bollocks, he is obviously pissed off with this invasion and went to great lengths to outline the borders bill.

    Not so hot on the green agenda, probably because at the moment it’s all smoke and mirrors, I got the impression he had no idea what was going on like the rest of us.

  7. Dossers.! Swarming all over our once proud Country thieving and just being a general nuisance creating squalid conditions wherever they are housed, they hold absolutely no redeeming quality’s, I wouldn’t insult Animals by calling them that.!

  8. GB “News” is a joke – I contacted them several times with some relevant stuff, not even a response – they are the establishment unknowingly parodying the establishment.
    They are laughable OFCOM shills who only EVER obsessively talk about one subject (I will not mention it, but we all know what it is) unless it’s smirking simpleton Alex Phillips with her “kittens and rainbows” section of clueless vacuity.
    Brillo saw the awful viewing figures and jumped ship sharpish – the greedy old chiseller saw other financial opportunities and off he waddled.
    The only decent interview I saw was with Matt Le Tissier – what he said resonated with me and made a lot of sense but in general GB “News” is a serious letdown and with the Ikea sets and Pound shop feel probably a health and safety hazard!
    But not to worry “The Fox News” will be coming to the UK as soon as I can set up ten feet outside UK waters – it will be “enlightening”!
    Sir Fiddler will be the anchor as a top hat is required for news reading, we can have a segment called “MNC News”, ace reporter Ron Knee can really get the low down with his exclusives and given that there will be fuck all heating (who called me tight? – you brutes!) MNC will love it and the rest can keep warm by sharing Sir Fiddlers brandy!
    Beats GMTV..

    • Being in the states I have not watched any GB TV, but reports suggest it’s not living up to expectations.

      Did cunters consider the possibility that it’s controller opposition?

  9. There are 80 million people in the world who are classed as refugees in the world, that doesn’t include the Welsh.

    The UN thinks that the the 80 million refugees should be distributed across the western developed countries.

    Even if this was acceptable to the citizens of western nations what about the next x million who would surely follow?

    I don’t think I have the answers to the problems caused my geo politics and third world dictatorships but I know that immigration is destroying this country.

    • They will be within no more than 20 miles away sixdog they are everywhere and are no longer just in hiding in the big cities but are as I write being shifted across Britain to leafy areas the length and breadth..

      We are filling up faster than anyone cares to admit.

    • Including the Welsh was rude, and unkind.
      After all, they’ve always considered their selves as a nation apart.
      I fully support this view. No more money to Wales, become totally self supporting by your totally supporting product!
      Did someone say ” what, exactly, is that?”

      • Yet we’ve always stepped up to the plate when Britain needed us. From the battle of Hastings to Rourkes drift. From D Day through France, the 53rd Welsh division fought in Belgium liberating Antwerp, Holland and finally Germany itself.
        Then you have the Welsh guards in Northern Ireland and the Falklands war, where many got killed or burned horribly, including my mates brother.
        Then you have the RRW, in Iraq (1 and 2) and Afghanistan.
        You’re welcome.

      • But the Welsh want to be a nation apart, so why would you bother fighting for England, when my Yorkshire troupes can do what you do? Only two times better.

      • I think you’re wrong on both counts there JP. I can tell you for a fact that Wales has no interest in leaving the U.K., unfortunately the media tend to give a lot of airtime to the swivel eyes who whine about independence, so much so that you would think that we are almost as bad as the sweaties. Honestly, you’re not getting rid of us that easy I’m afraid.
        Remember Mametz Wood!

  10. As our government does basically fuck all to reduce the flow of illeagals as all previous governments since cunt blair; I am expecting the bastards to start appearing round and about my area. None as yet but has to happen. Hopefully livestock abusing and kiddie fiddling will not be too much of a problem in the future; in fact I can see the the uman rights case to include these foreign specialities in our laughable legal codex. Anyway born a man you are a man, you illeagal bastards fuck off, this half knackered old bastard aint rolling over just yet.

  11. makes my piss boil to see cunts wanting to have their kids raped by sooties, burn them in the village square

  12. Napalm the fuckers. Preferably when they’re still on the Frogs’ beaches. D-Day in reverse. Cunts.

  13. We are represented by morons and nothing will change unless we ( collectively ) bring about a change. We will not do that. We are divided, a Patchwork of different peoples and with conflicting loyalties]]The Weimar Republic in Germany ( post WW1 ) Caused such divided chaos , that a young Austrian entered the political area. That man had a talent, he listened and he said what people wanted to hear. He did what people wanted and needed him to do. He never deserted the people. Soon he was to be rewarded with the support of the people, and became a Party leader. He was skilfull enough to become eventually Chancellor and Dictator of Germany. During the pre war period , he did remarkable things.
    His demise came following a terrible war. He was defeated, and he died. The winners, are the cunts we have today. Politicians of the West who don’t listen, seek their own enrichment, and squander the support of the people who put them there.

    Now I am no NAZI. I abhor what was done in that horrible war. But I see that there is a need today for a man ( or woman ) who will ( like Hitler ) stand for the people.
    It will take a person of that magnitude to put this country back on an even keel.

    In the meanwhile, I busy myself learning Urdu and Farsi, that I may better communicate in the years to come.

    There is no such saviour on our horizon. But. One will come, of that I am sure.

    • As a nation we are truly screwed over by our political overseers.They all want sending to the tower for treason.Bloody mongs.All broken promises.Enoch Powell told the truth.Traitors to the core.

    • Hitler’s view of “the people” was fairly explicit in his final directive:

      “If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy things ourselves because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation [Russia]. Besides, those who remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have been killed.”

      A true man of the people. ?

      • Lied to get into power, ruled by fear, corruption, cronyism and propaganda.
        Started a World war he had lost by early 1942, keeping it going to kill as many of his hated untermench.
        One of the biggest cunts in human history, his kill count only exceeded by Stalin and Mao.

      • Sorry EC, I got the distinct impression you were singing the psychopathic little cunt’s praises.

  14. You bunch of bloody racists.

    That signs terribly done in the picture.
    Id refuse her settled status simply on that.

    • Mis, she probably has an art degree, the sign was made to look edgy and bit raw, no credibility with a professionally made sign.

      • She’s a fucking illiterate. The wording on her plac makes no sense.

        I think what she’s struggling to say is “no immigrant is illegal”. In which case she’s plain wrong, however she slices it.

        Evening lads.

      • Evening RTC

        Maybe she meant ‘not being human is illegal’

        The N looks like it’s indelible but the rest has been wiped a few times ?

      • Evening all,
        It irritates me.
        Not so much the message.
        Thats her opinion.
        But how shoddily done it is.
        The N in No,Starts well…
        Then shes let rushed it,
        Spilt shite on it.
        No excuse for shoddy work.
        Stick to working in a call centre luv.

  15. I was reading the other day that we’ve been importing 2,500 Hong Kong Phooeys a week since January. Ok a lot of them have got money and they are not criminals and trouble makers but they are still taking up places at the GP, hospitals, schools etc.
    They kept that fucking quiet didn’t they?

      • We’ve had more CCP sleepers in this country than you can shake a stick at for decades. Besides, who needs CCP sleepers when they’ve got that arch sinophile Johnson in No.10?

      • The security services couldn’t find those TWO Rooskie agents and their Novochek; what chance do we have of catching the 100,000+ terrorists we have allowed to enter the country?

    • WTF?! Am I reading this correctly?
      They were coming over in a dinghy but ‘The Court of Appeal said it had not been proven the men had the intention to enter into the UK illegally’.

      No of course not, they were simply doing a sail by, or on a fishing trip from France!

      We should have an army of archers with flaming arrows and give them all a viking burial!

      • There was some woman on the radio last week asking why they don’t simply come over here on the ferry. I think she might have had a point. ?

      • They would have to show passports ?

        Isn’t the carrier responsible for ensuring documents are legal.

      • Well yes, unless it’s your aunties half brothers second nephews wife at the customs desk.
        If you’ve ever been through customs,…

      • Presumably on the “boating lake”, before going for a round of crazy golf?
        Further down in the Indy, a tale of a teenage girl who fell down the steps at a tube station. Did someone rush to help her?
        Rashif Abbas took her to a nearby basement, and sexually assaulted her. Fucking orrible, psychotic-looking shit weasel.
        Serious fumigation is required.

      • Did their little boat chug up to the first international seaport and disembarkees present their passports and visas for scrutiny?

        If not then how could their entry be lawful?

  16. GB news promised so much and delivered so little.
    They sometimes have good guests on with something to say,
    Recently Sean Spicer talking about his time with Donald Trump.
    Alfie Best, first gypsy billionaire,
    Interesting bloke.
    But they still have technical difficulties, sound especially.
    Introducing guests that either arent their or haven’t got a microphone.
    And the presenters are fuckin awful.
    Not Farage or Michelle Dewberry but the rest are talentless media types.

    I cant stand that Mark Dolan,
    What a wanker ?
    The 4eyed salad eating,lefty cunt.

      • Promised so much but it is amateur hour most days. Andrew Neil said he didn’t want it to turn into Fox News, well you fucking wish mate, at least they sound like they are not broadcasting from some cunts attic.

        I tune in on Saturday lunchtimes for 1/2 hour and its a couple of bints gasbagging about some shite, powder puff pieces mostly or Sir Nigel on his boat from the Channel, minus torpedoes unfortunately.

      • Colin Brazier, Nigel Farage, Nana Akua, Mark Steyn, Neil Oliver, Andrew Doyle and Mark Dolan are pretty good – even Dan Wootton occasionally – all head and shoulders above anyone presenting on BBC/Sky, though I still have a soft spot for Jo Coburn…

      • I like Neil Oliver, and even Nana Akua, but hate Mark Dolan with every molecule.

        Dont mean James Coburn do you Ruff?

    • MNC@ – Despite their pretence of being edgy and controversial they are OFCOM puppets.
      Either a massive let down by morons who appear unable to do basic things right or a con job – I think a bit of both.
      Needs me on there – my good looks and charm will quadruple the Female audience overnight!

      • Dunno about puppets Foxy,
        But certainly a bit mr Bean.
        The sound sometimes is like listening to someone in a cellar.
        And people invited to speak tend to not appear, the link fails or theyve no microphone.

        Useless cunts.

  17. I see that piece of shit who murdered that MP was in court today and pleaded not guilty. I expect he’s going to play the mental elf card.
    It will be interesting to see if the elf works for him as he killed a posho and not one of us peasants. I suspect the judge won’t like that…….one of our own and all that.

    • David Amess was hardly a “posho”. Working class background, State educated Essex boy, etc…

    • Actually, he killed a decent, honest family man, who are all bereft.
      His victim wasn’t a ” posho”

  18. Off topic, like you Freddie. I see £1bn has been promised as aid to hospitalities. So they are going to attempt a lock down from the 27th, just like the Welsh cowards.
    Men of Harlech!
    Do me a fucking favour.

    • Boris and Whitty have got a Good Cop / Bad Cop routine going.

      Whitty frightening the life out of people calling for lockdown or else we’re doomed, while Boris is pretending to be the good guy man of the people resisting further restrictions. When he inevitably locks us down after Christmas he’ll plead “I have no choice, the bad guy scientist said you’ll all die horribly if I don’t lockdown now, don’t blame me, I feel your pain, I’m on your side, vote for me…..”

      Plain as the elongated nose on his face.

  19. The whole illegal immigration thing is a pretty sore subject for me. I shan’t bore you all with the process I had to go through to gain legal Permanent Resident status in the US. Let’s just say I had to prove my unique worth to first gain a work visa, through my academic qualifications, work experience, professional certifications, etc. Add to that the legal fees for an immigration lawyer to handle the applications, paperwork, interview scheduling, etc. It’s a long and arduous process, not cheap and pretty strict. I still can’t vote or hold any kind of public office and yet I’m taxed the same as everyone and have to be super squeaky clean or risk having my Permanent Resident status revoked.

    Biden, on the other hand, does fuck all about trash just wandering into the US bringing with it crime, drugs and disease. Free passes all round for them. Much the same situation with the dinghy dwellers. If any one of those cunts showed up at an actual port of entry with no passport, etc. they’d be on the first mode of transport back to where they came from. But show up on a beach or call the RNLI taxi service and it’s all smiles, free everything and welcome to the UK.

    Since when did the UK and US get nominated as the refuge for the world’s sponging gimmigrants? I don’t remember a vote or referendum on that.

    Boo hoo hoo I’ve been a victim of political persecution…..don’t care, not my problem.
    Boo hoo hoo I want a better life my homeland is an economic wasteland run by dictators and drug lords…..don’t care, not my problem.

    These cunts continue to show up because there are incentives and pay offs for doing so. It should seem obvious to anyone with a brain that if you remove the incentives and pay offs, the problem solves itself. The tax payer is not a blank cheque for the world’s underclass.

    I had to play by the rules and pay my way to move to and live in another country. So should they. If they can’t (won’t), oh dear never mind what a shame, but life’s not fair. Their hard luck story should not lead directly to my wallet. They ALL need to fuck off. Women and children first.

    • Just buy a gun and ammo. It’s freely available in the UK, and in the US of A too. You’ll feel safer, plus if and when some trigger happy sand monkey finally let’s the N bombs off, you can kill yourself rather than die from the poisoning.

      • JP: I started off with a Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Compact semi-automatic. Then I bought a Smith & Wesson Model 586 revolver. That shoots 38 Special and .357 magnum rounds. Let me hear you say booooom! And I just ordered a Springfield Armory 1911 Ronin EMP 9mm for concealed carry (yes, I have my license). My latest order of ammo arrives tomorrow.

        May I take this opportunity to wish all local burglars and home invaders and very merry Christmas. If you plan to pop round this holiday season, bring kevlar. You’ll need it.

      • Four hours of clitoral stimulation on your lady, per week.

        Strengthens your finger muscle.
        Improves your trigger technique.
        Keeps your lady happy.

        You have not been charged for another IsAC Top-Tip?

      • As my partner died 7+ years ago, that is neither a tasteful or practical suggestion, especially as it was a cremation.

      • Also, as you could possibly have no idea, I’ll give you, and everyone else, a pass.
        When I refer to my late partner ignore me, I’m just being maudlin.

      • @IY You make it so casual when buying a gun.

        Is it like going down to the local supermarket…..

        2 tins of baked beans
        sliced white bread
        semi skimmed milk
        Uzi 9mm
        back bacon
        .44 Magnum + bullets
        bag of flour
        Packet of Hobnobs

        Only in America, lol

      • @JP

        When I used to live in Brum and working in the Jewellery Quarter in Hockley, 30 years ago, I could quite easily get my hands on a gun given some of the “shady” geezers in the warehouse.

        Quite scary that these guys knew guys who knew guys who knew how to sort problems out with the help of Mr Smith and Mr Wesson.

      • Agreed Techno. I was amazed at how easy it is to purchase a firearm. I honestly think it’s too easy. There is an FBI background check that turns your application round in 20 minutes or so (depending upon how busy their systems are). For me being a non-citizen, I had to wait an extra day for additional checks to be made. But nothing major. Now I have my concealed carry license, even that delay is removed because I’m considered trained and trusted.

        So yes, you can literally walk into a gun shop and walk out half an hour later, locked and loaded. I bought my latest gun online, but they don’t ship it directly to you – for the obvious reason. Your order is sent to a facility (usually a gun range but pawn shops too!) which has an FFL (Federal Firearms License). They process the actual transfer of ownership and away you go. The really bizarre thing for me is ordering ammo online. That gets shipped directly to your house. Live ammunition sitting on your doorstep. Surreal.

    • you’re not allowed to vote (they don’t trust you) but you are allowed to buy an arsenal of weaponry.
      Man the USA is bonkers

      • Agreed. I thought for the longest time (years) I couldn’t buy a firearm because I’m not a citizen. Well, that’s not true. So I did. 🙂 Bonkers.

      • No, it isn’t. A gun is nothing more than an inanimate object. Personally, most here in the UK should be able to purchase them.

      • Guns and nuclear weapons (nothing more than inanimate objects) should be freely available in the UK on prescription. Especially to depressed cunts like me. ☺️

  20. @JP: My recommendations would be a) get some training and b) start small.

    One of the greatest hurdles to mastering firing a handgun is dealing with the sensory shock. Holding a loud bangy thing even at arm’s length takes some getting used to. Many people make the mistake of jumping right in with a larger caliber. I took advice and started off with a .22 semi-auto to learn the basics, learn how to be safe and learn how to handle and fire a gun properly. Smaller caliber = less bang and less recoil.

    I’m a Smith& Wesson fan, so I’d defo recommend the M&P 22 Compact semi-automatic. It’s very fun. Cheap to buy and cheap to shoot. Less than $0.10 a round. Every time I fire a .357 magnum round, it’s bye-bye $1.20.

    • I thank you.
      I also wish you a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, or whatever spins your boat.
      Jingling all the way!

    • Ta, I’ve written that down. We do actually have gun clubs, in the UK, where you can do target practice.

      • I have some sexy full metal replica airsoft rifles and handguns, the rounds won’t kill, but they will smash anyones brain case in.

  21. Arab Foreign Consulate: “Great Muslim Prince Mustafadump, we have heard some of our Muslim brothers and sisters need a new homeland and are looking to us and Mohamid for guidance”.

    Great Muslim Prince Mustafadump: “Seriously, I don’t want that Muzzi Camel Crap in my country, fucking things up! Just send to them to Britain, i’ve a gold plated Lamborgini to polish!”

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