Yesterday I went for a long walk, and my route happened to take me past a large, very desirable residence, the kind that you probably don’t get much change out of three quarters of a mill from these days.
I was interested to see a huge homemade poster in an upstairs window which read ‘LEAVE THE OIL IN THE GROUND! RENEWABLES ARE HOPE!’. The irony of having a huge fuck off Range Rover and a VW saloon parked up on the front drive seems to have entirely escaped the owners.
Anyway, there it was again, that word. ‘HOPE’. I’ve gone on before about words that become so overused that in effect they become meaninglass; ‘executive’ and ‘luxury’ spring to mind. I fear that ‘hope’ and its corollary ‘hate’ are going the same way.
What makes this a cunt however is that these words aren’t just being devalued, they’re being hijacked. They’re being politicised and weaponised by groups and organisations with a particular viewpoint or agenda to push. If you endorse the view, you’re right thinking and progressive, you’re endorsing ‘hope’. Disagree, and you’re asking to be labelled a reactionary, far right or what-have-you, so by definition you’re a ‘hater’, and a candidate for that most dreaded of all forms of ostracisation, *gulp* cancellation.
This hijacking of words seems to be happening a lot lately, mostly by the SJW and wokerati types as far as I can see. Voice an opinion contrary to the prevailing orthodoxy, and you run the risk of being called out for ‘hate crime’. They’ll probably throw in a few choice epithets as well, you know, fascist, xenophobe, transphobe, and so on. This has proved to be a very powerful way of closing down discussion without actually engaging in it.
This appropriation is likely to continue, and I fear that it will only grow the longer that it goes unchallenged. I really hope that doesn’t happen. I’d hate it.
As an example … Sky News Link
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Another excellent cunting, Ron?
“Hope not hate”-I have seen posters declaring this, usually wielded by militant SJW cunts, marching for anti-western causes.
An abuse of the meaning of the word “Hope”.
Thanks CG.
I hope that everyone has a look at the picture in the link; that fat oaf Ian Blackford in front of a placard with ‘HOPE’ on it.
In my mind, it’s THE classic image of the messenger trying to conflate his view with the righteousness of what he’s saying. It’s a subliminal technique, I think.
Blackford would have been far better having a board saying ‘FAT CUNT’ on it. Millions could relate to that, no problem.
Well I HOPE that the SJWs and wokerati get what’s coming to them cos I fuckin HATE them … like a lot. I also hope that enough pain and heartache is inflicted upon them that all HOPE is lost and that the running sore that is created can never HEAL.
There got all the elements in … I think it makes a lovely seasonal message and bang on trend.
Throw a brick through the hypocrical cunts window with a note tied to it saying ‘people who live in glass houses’.
Id report them for Hope crime.
Cant think of much I hope for,
But loads of things I hate.
They can call it whatever the fuck they like,
I disagree.
Viva HATE.?
We must have the ‘audacity’ to hope Miserable. According to Barak Obama.
It is one of the three theological virtues.
George Frederic Watts painted a famous picture called ‘Hope’.
What do you think? I suspect what he’s saying is Hope is very near to Despair.
Afternoon Miles?
I think George Watts was a bit puddled.
Cheerful fucker.
I like something more upbeat!
A little baby duck
Or some kittens playing.
Bet George wets the bed.
I hope for Bloater Blackford to suffer a fatal heart attack live on TV during Prime Miinister’s Questions.
Hope springs eternal, Miles.
Hope Crime. Like it.
Because what they’re hoping for is utter shite and they need to be acquainted with Uncle Terry’s oven.
Lol! I just realised that RTC’s committed a ‘hope crime’! The Old Bill will be round!
They hate me just for existing and minding my own business so they can fuck off and stick all their wokie bullshit up their arses. I don’t think in slogans. Slogans are for idiots and sheep.
I hope they all get Corbyn 19 and die the cunts.
Covid doesn’t kill people anymore Freddie. Unless you read the mail, the Express or watch SLY or BBC
Even with my limited exposure to the MSM I am aware that nobody has died in the last 18 months of anything BUT COVID. Hit by a bus? COVID. Fell off a tall building? COVID. Late stage terminal cancer? COVID. I’m sure it’s real and devastating to some but I still don’t know a single person, even by association, that has had it.
Looking at the nom pic helps sum it up doesn’t it? Mention ‘peace’ and some people would think of John Lennon perhaps. A spiteful and unpleasant man by all accounts. Mention ‘war’ and many would think of Adolf Hitler. A vegetarian, artist and animal lover ( though still a cunt obviously ).
The only time I’d associate the word ‘hope’ with Obumma is in the hope that he’d fuck off forever. As for Biden, all can think of is ‘senile’.
It’s a great pic chosen by Admin; sums up the technique perfectly.
According to one of his sons (can’t remember which one) shortly before his murder Lennon had started to figure out what a load of shit communism was and was considering supporting Ronald Reagan.
Then some daft cunt shot him…
I remember a classic confrontation on a panel show about The Beatles/Lennon song ‘Revolution’. Somebody on the panel was gobbing off about song ‘promoting’ violence etc.
He was called out on it by a member of the audience, who asked him if he’d actually listened to the lyrics of the song. Naturally back came the response ‘ er, well, not actually in detail no…’.
‘Well I suggest that you do, before you go on about it promoting violence and hatred, when it does the opposite’ said the challenger.
Great exchange, I thought.
Lennon adds ‘in’ here if you listen- ‘don’t you know that you can count me out…in’.
As a wealthy plastic revolutionary who liked to follow anti establishment trends, Lennon was somewhat ambivalent about the idea of revolution.
Yes I remember someone (Ron Liddle?) once called Lennon ‘a Rolls Royce radical’.
Hope is something that needs to be based on reality. Most people’s “hope” is attenuated from what is real or even possible. My definition of hope is confident expectation.
Example: I do NOT hope for zero carbon or equity.
I DO hope that I will fullfill my duties and responsibilities to God, my family and country and resist selfishness. (In other words to not be a cunt)
I DO hope I never have to chose between being able to buy food and getting the covid jab.
Etc etc etc you get the idea.
By the way I hope nothing has happened to JR Cuntly. I always look for his jokes in the comments. Anyone know?
He flounced off in a petulant huff after a fellow cunter had the temerity to challenge him on some tinfoil bullshit or other.
Afternoon MC, JRC had a rather bizarre ding-dong with one of the regulars on here a week or two back.
Many people on here seem to ebb and flow with posting, myself included.
Hope he comes back soon and that all unpleasantness is swiftly forgotten; after all, we’re all on the same page here.
It’s almost a shame that we don’t get any robust lefties posting more often.
The odd occasion we do, they get dumped on (entirely correctly) and they’re never heard from again, the spineless p00fs.
No shit!? What cunting was that on so I can check it out?
Sadly the thread was deleted by Admin. But not before I copied it for my upcoming Xmas blockbuster bestselling book: ‘The Bumper Book of Cuntings and Comments for Boys & Girls but not Gender Neutrals’.
Always squeaking “fascist” aren’t they?
Left wing collectivist ideology applied nationally through violence and intimidation.
Does that sound familiar to these twats?
Give em a haircut and some kinky boots. It will be the first time any of them have been sincere in their spoilt little lives…
Kinky boots!
Afternoon MNC…Dianne Abbott wears one kinky boot.
And one flip flop.
One high heel and one frogman flipper.?
Got to be honest Thomas as a natural eccentric myself I sort of grudgingly admire Flabbotts refusal to dress like a professional person and to flaunt her disregard for left/right shoe fascism.
That Beatles wig also makes her look like a member of the Ramones.
Dumdum Ramone!!??
I had to sit through the eponymous musical; a friend bought me a ticket as a thank-you for some DIY, house-sitting & c.
And what a load of old shit it was, blatant poofery to th power of n.
The slogan is a classic, how the fuck do you get renewables (aka unreliable) without oil, horse and cart delivering wind turbines to the North Sea.
As for the hypocrisy of the climate alarmists, where I live stateside, it’s not uncommon to see streets full of houses with 4000-5000 sqft of floor space on a couple of acres of land, triple garages. To put that in perspective, your typical British semi is probably about 1200 -. 1500 sqft.
The house is typically heated with gas and there are 2 or 3 large air-conditioning units that in Britain you’d only ever see in office buildings or apartment blocks. These run almost continually in summer. Though with ample land for a washing line, you’ll never see anyone hang clothes outside to dry, it’s all done in massive driers in the basement, which heat up the house so the AC has to run more to cool it
They typically have several cars on the driveway, often something absurdly large like a chevy suburban, which has a floor area about the same size as the aforementioned semi. Increasingly you’ll see a tesla on the driveway too. This apparently absolves them of all guilt for their crimes against gaia. Apparently buying a Tesla is the equivalent of buying indulgences in the new climate religion.
Then these cunts have the temerity to put ‘climate action now!’ signs in their front yards. Cunts.
It reminds me of the times you would see some hippy cunt driving a totally clapped out Volvo, dripping oil and belching fumes, with a sticker proclaiming ‘NO TO NUCLEAR POWER’.
Indeed Ron, these are the same cunts that now demand everyone drive an electric car. The only viable low carbon technology with the generating capacity to replace ICE vehicles is nuclear. Fucking hypocrites.
Of course these cunts don’t actually want to replace all ICE vehicles with ’emissions elsewhere’ vehicles. They expect the likes of you and me to walk.
Getting rid of older diesel vans.
Well people have older vans because theyve kept them in Good running condition,
And cant spunk out thousands on a newer one.
Its working class types who own them,
First to get hammered in the name of the green revolution.
The private jets of the pampered classes spew out aviation emissions….
It all helps with the planned destruction of small businesses, which these fuckers are dedicated to.
They wouldn’t want to contribute to the demise of Apple or Starbucks…
Interesting that for the poster In the nom pic they chose that old Soviet communist posterization style and colour scheme. Coincidence? I think not.
That’s an interesting observation because the first time I ever saw that picture, I was struck by how at home that image of Biden would have looked on a piece of Soviet regime propaganda.
It gives him that ‘old guard’ look.
Oh, and Obama could fucking well take off he got a favourable wind behind those lugs.
Virtue signalling middle class cunts with, undeservedly, too much money. ?
While constantly urging us plebs to “redistribute” our meagre supplies of cash to the “worthy” charities and causes that they skim the cream off…
When I hear any cunt harping on about hope I know full well they actually mean appeasement and kneeling to savages.
Dung in other words.
We’ll never be able to fight another war as we have forgotten how to hate.
Perhaps that explains the jellyfish’s anti Britain policies, he’s trying to get us back to fighting fitness?
Hes universally hated that’s for sure. I heard an astrologer spouting off somewhere that his star chart predicts a lynching in his near future.
HOPE we can fuck 99% of the world over whilst still maintaining our privileges and wealth.
NOT going badly so far.
HATE the fact some of the little poor people don’t seem to like it.
We live in a world of lies, hypocrisy and propaganda.