History Perverted Again

I posted a moan recently about woke historical revision – based on a film about Mary Queen of Scots surrounded by duskies and bumboys – but I have been equally annoyed by a Netflix series called “The Last Czars” in which the characters talk as if the Russian Revolution happened last week instead of over a century ago.

The script was obviously written by a software and OKed on a zoom session by people who don´t think authentic dialogue is important even in a historical film.

The Czarina moans about “lies and spin” in the newspapers over her relationship with the randy mad monk Rasputin.

Prince Yussupov, who was behind Rasputin´s murder, is portrayed as a precious, cravat-wearing nancy boy and when an Orthodox bishop warns Rasputin that they need to be “on the same page” Rasputin responds by saying, “Hear me with some fucking respect. Get the fuck off me” and then nuts him.

Rasputin, who appears to have shagged every woman in Siberia and the rest of Russia, talks with a Coronation Street accent saying things like “Let God´s luv enter ye” before deflowering a virgin.

Other Shakespearian lines include, “You need to treat the Czar as your divine leader, not as your cash register.”

The film is a semi-documentary punctuated by academic ”experts” who look as if they should still be in short trousers and gym slips.

Give me “Doctor Zhivago”, “Lara´s Theme” and Julie Christie in her pristine beauty any day although I would rather she had not shared her dacha and duvet with Osama Bin Sharif.

Netflix Link

Nominated by: Mr Polly

66 thoughts on “History Perverted Again

  1. The changing of historical records has always been a tactic for indoctrination and ignorance which makes the people easy to control. I learned that from history of course.
    I thought Rasputin was the CEO of Twitter. No?

  2. The woke wouldnt last five minutes in the Regency period or pre Revolutionary Russia. They would shit their pants at the lack of electricity, painkillers, antibiotics etc. The most pampered and cushioned generation in all of human history, putting their bullshit into history is an insult to the millions who have come before . We are built upon their achievements and shoulders. Cunts.

  3. What did you expect from a bunch of Yanks?

    To be fair, they do the same to their own history. Years ago i was in Boston and it was pointed out to me that lanterns wee hoisted in the tower of the old north church to warn that the British are coming. Difficult as the tower wasn’t built until several years later. I also been to a museum and seen one of the non existent lanterns

    Their battlefields are the same. For example the battle of Bunker Hill actually took place across town on breeds Hill. I’ve seen several battlefield monuments placed away from the battlefields they commorate because they looked nicer over there.

    I’ve known some very nice Yank’s but in general the nation itself is full of too many cunts…

    • They’d have us believe it was Jon Bon Jovi that captured the Enigma machine. Not the brave British sailors aboard HMS Bulldog.

    • Bill and Ted’s Excellent adventure had some good history lessons contained therein.
      Ben Affleck saved the allies in WW2 as we all know but I’m not sure if I believe that Alec Baldwin could have survived the Doolittle Raid after that pathetic interview about killing his director.

      • MC@ – Very true – I never knew, for example, that Death played the bass in the Wyld Stallyns! That Ingmar Bergman bugger needs slapping with 7 seals..

    • At the end of the day they all fucked off to NASA. Who gives a shit, they are well paid. In fact I do because it’s rather disingenuous. Heyho that’s ‘free’ market. Not in British law It isn’tt. If you want to sell your shit here make sure it complies and fuck off biden you piece of slime. At the end of the day I don’t want to buy a fucking Volkswagen or any other piece of shit. If you’re going to make a go of it you better trade with UK companies… Tosser.

  4. Catherine the Great accommodating a three-foot length of equine todger.
    I would suggest that’s the only bit of Russian history that anyone on here is interested in.

      • Evening CG?
        Yeah, wheres DCI Gene?
        And Dick vandyke?
        Hes the oldest on here, hope hes ok,?

        You finished yet for Christmas mate?

      • Dec 24th?
        Back on 26th?

        Being Britain’s foremost, racist male prostitute ,means I am in high demand at this time of year.
        Last year was a fucking disaster. due to the lockdown rules-so I am working overtime to fund my Single Malt habit.

        You busy?

      • Yep, dead busy.
        Finishing on 22nd
        Out on piss 23rd
        Then 24th all my black family round for Christmas.

        Oh sorry!
        Im easily influenced by adverts.
        I don’t have any black family!
        Not law now is it?
        Can I hire some?
        I can put out bowls of crack for them?

      • Ha ha- wouldn’t an oxo cube and a little water, help darken your family’s skin??

        Alternatively you could invite Sir Lenny Henry, Sir Lewis Hamilcunt and Same Marcus Rashford around for Christmas Dinner?

      • Alternatively-that journalist who went undercover at Myhermes, filming Africunts throwing parcels against the warehouse walls and laughing, should result in plenty of blek cunts looking for gainful employment, thus Kwaanza?

        Perhaps you could utilise several, to recreate a scene from “A man for all seasons”- you could portray a petulant Henry 8th, tossing well gnawed turkey legs onto the dining room floor, where they can fight your trusty hound, for the tastiest tid-bits ?

    • It’s rumored that she she used to have a shot of jizz expressed from a stable lad every morning as a tonic.

      No idea if this is true or not. Perhaps some better informed cunter will enlighten us.

      • I believe that was a common ‘beauty’ treatment in bygone days, as was rinsing your hair with virgins piss, to maintain the golden look.

      • Happy to inform, I have performed B6 Skin enhancement on numerous wimminz faces, over the years*

        *with this in mind, I offer my services, as Minster for female sexual fulfilment, in the upcoming IsAC great reset government.?

      • A survey of xhamster (for research purposes only of course) would suggest it’s still a widespread ‘treatment’.

  5. The Flashman series of novels by George MacDonald Fraser were thought by some American academics to be factual history. Whilst the books were researched in detail, you’d have to be very gullible to think that the bawdy adventures of Flashy were true.

    • The best description of the British Empire ever put down on a piece of paper
      “You’ll have heard it said that the British Empire was acquired in an absence of mind-one of those smart Oscarish squibs that sounds well but is thoroughly fat headed. Presence of mind if you like- and countless other things, such as greed and Christianity, decency and villainy,,policy and lunacy,deep design and blind chance, pride and trade, blunder and curiosity, passion,ignorance,chivalry and expediancy, honest pursuit of right, and determination to keep the froggs out. And as often as not,such things came tumbling together, and when the dust had settled, there we were, and who else was was going to set things straight, and man the gates and dig the the drains – oh aye and take the profits.”

    • History as we know it seems to be changing before our eyes?
      I thought it was all cut and dry that Churchill was a great man,
      That Henry VIII may have married european princesses but that doesn’t mean they were extras from Zulu.
      I was taught that we beat the Nazis through British pluck and resolve,
      I was taught we brought railways, christianity, cricket and civilization to hot countries and they were thankful.
      I was taught that a English man conquered Everests summit and planted a Union Jack!
      My little heart swelled with patriotic pride!??
      Now im meant to believe everything I was taught was a lie?

      Mmmm, sorry but Im not convinced.

  6. If relevant historical evidence is revealed “after the fact” then by all means change history to reflect the correct set of circumstances and actions – but this nefarious drivel does not work on that principle – it wants to distort and falsify history to suit its own 1984esque agenda.
    And with the advent of the internet and 24/7 MSM coverage we have all the information in the world but none of the fact.

    • I’ve said it on another thread Mr Fox. Google is full of ‘fake news’ sites. Absolute shut down of any critical thinking against any woke propaganda. Growing up, how many times if you knew someone was blatantly fucking lying to you did they walk away without some kind of injury ? Either black eye or everyone found out they are a lying little cunt. It seems opinions no matter how fucking ridiculous are never given a good fucking kicking anymore. Opinion is fact unless you are against the little fucking crybaby. FACT

  7. Rasputin shagged every woman he encountered. Dude had a GIANT, GIANT cock. You can Google it, it’s in a museum. Oh those Russians!

    A little-seen movie on the Tsar, his family and Rasputin is, Nicholas and Alexandra (1971, 3 hours 9 minutes)…

    Tom Baker is awesome as Rasputin. One of the last true historical epics of that era before The Godfather flipped the table the following year.

      • Does Tom B have a GIANT, GIANT cock too then!?

        I reckon he probably does.

        I saw him waiting in the queue for security at an airport once when ‘technical ishoos’ were creating huge queues and causing people to miss their flights. Tom was reading his newspaper and trying to be inconspicuous but it didn’t stop cunts saying ‘eh Tom, bet you wish you had your time machine now dontcha!’.

        Think he had to restrain himself from chinning some cunt.

  8. The Atlantic slave trade series. Where over one million slaves ( played by whites were taken by slave traders ( played by blacks & peacefuls ) oh hang on !! that’s the Barbary slave trade. The series which will never be made as we all know the slave trade only works one way
    please note its series not season. The latter is a term only used by Cunts…

  9. Do media people really think that re-writing history will somehow change the shape of the world?
    Portray a man as a whimpy bender?
    Phycopath as an influencer?
    Bitch incarnate as badly done by?
    Do me a fucking favour. I’m a well educated, well read person, and I know the history.
    Bending it to suit the so called modern society does no one any favours. No one alive today thinks Ann Boylen was a POC, try as you might, you can’t change history.

    • Tin foil conspiracy theorist says that promotion of bummers reduces the population. Nature says that bummers reduces the population. Those fucking conspiracy theorists.

    • JP, I think your own well readness is blinding you to the utter, utter fuckwittery that is the norm today amongst the younger members of the unwashed masses. Many will not question a POC AB. If they made Henry VIII a rastafarian they’d probably swallow that too.

  10. Dumb it all down.
    Make everyone soft as shite and thick as pigshit.
    Entertainment ?
    A panto masquerading as fact?
    Fuck Off.

    • Anyone with an iota of historical literacy knows Rasputin was a gay Rastafarian.
      Who couldn’t swim.

  11. Some films will never be made, for fear of upsetting minorities.
    Like the Jews crucifying Santa.
    And drinking Rudolph’s blood.
    The cunts.
    ‘ And so this is Christmas ‘
    Get To Fuck.

  12. There’s a story about the German army storming through Belgium in 1914, burning down houses and shooting cunts out of hand who they had labelled as “partisans” and generally striking morbid fear into the Belgian population.
    A young lieutnant turned to a senior officer and said “what will history make of this?”
    He replied “we will write the history.”

  13. I saw a few episodes of this. It really was dreadful. Rasputin sounded as if he came from Rochdale and had escaped from Mike Baldwin’s sweatshop on Coronation Street.

  14. All current tv productions of historical events or adaptions of cherished classic books are the worst sort of woke, innaccurate gender and ethnicity moralising garbage.

    For a worthy film interpretation of the Russian revolution and end of the Romanov dynasty, I can heartily recommend 1971’s ‘Nicholas and Alexandra’

  15. Is it revisionism, or just Netflix being Netflix and commissioning (‘greenlighting’ for Americans) any old toss as usual.

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