Gloucester City Council

So-called civic leaders have decided, seemingly without consultation ( well, not one that involved asking anybody else what they thought), that the city is to become a sanctuary for asylum seekers and refugees.

They point out that it is a unanimous and popular decision with only a very few people objecting and these apparently need to re-educate themselves.

They have taken in a small number of such people already and it has been, according to them, a resounding success and people in Gloucester look forward to hearing their inspirational tales and all about their fascinating homelands and cultures ( that they ran away from).

I am willing to bet a large sum of money that this is NOT the view of the vast majority of those living in Gloucester and I seriously hope they all withhold their fucking council tax. The comments page of a local newspaper confirmed my suspicions.

The last time I went to Gloucester I was struck by what a large number of homeless people there were, I can only imagine how encouraged they are by this news!

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

Helpful news link provided by:Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

News Link

55 thoughts on “Gloucester City Council

  1. Shame Fred West is not alive to roam the streets of Gloucester, he’d soon hunt down a few refugees for his trophy cabinet.

  2. Is this council affiliated with Middlesbrough council in any way as it’s full of the cunts here too? Most of the shops on Linthorpe road have been taken over now by them. Weird little supermarkets tailored to their tastes. It’s a fucking shit hole.

  3. People in NI don’t tolerate the fuckers.
    They take affirmative action.
    More commonly known as petrol bombing.
    Crude, but effective.
    The Northern Irish are not for ‘ educating ‘.
    Good for them.
    Good morning.

      • I’m surprised to hear that. I was under the impression that there was a problem resettling rapeugees there.
        It would seem that they’re as fucked as us.

    • JTC@ – Some of our “darkened friends” were trying their shenanigans in Ireland – they mugged a small kid and stole a phone – ten minutes later they were collared by some Irish kids and got a vigorous kicking.
      They no longer steal phones.

  4. I think these councils need some eduction on the track record of asylum seekers, all these welcoming do gooders take zero responsibility when the fuckers start stabbing and bombing, oh yes lessons will be learned.

    ‘They are fleeing war zones’, the entire Middle East is a constant war zone because the useless cunts can’t even get on with each other let alone other cultures.

    Send the fucking lot back, it doesn’t matter where, it all one big shit hole anyway.

    • I saw an article recently somewhere about how approx 3000 spare rooms had been offered by individuals or families in the UK to a charity in order to house so-called refugees. The refugees in question had declined this offer as they were hoping for a bit more. I don’t know why these middle-class do gooding cunts never get the urge to help anyone British, but there you go. Obviously the publicity wouldn’t be good enough. One solution would be that the middle class do gooding cunt enters into a sort of contract where they are held wholly responsible for the conduct of their “guest” and pay all legal costs incurred. This would probably cure them of their altruism in a flash.

  5. It is all from central government. The council cunts will be on the take. Millions wasted on these illegal immigrants roof bed ? warmth food medicine all paid for by mr and mrs tax payer. Yet not one penny towards homeless. Really really fucking makes my piss boil. Corrupt cunts ruining a nation and doing it in plain sight.

  6. Some of the most expensive property in England is in Gloucester, that’s the neighbourhood down the drain then, prices will plummet, no one wants to live next to rapists and diseased animals

    • Ive been to Gloucester,
      I liked it.
      Also liked the people,
      Decent, simple peasants.
      Feel dead sorry for them!
      Human filth dumped on them from all over the world?!!
      Fuck that.
      Gloucester should start planning a mosque,

      Then nail it up and gas em.

  7. “City of Sanctuary” is a wokie organisation, allegedly a charity, which encourages and welcomes so called asylum seekers. Gloucester is simply “adopting their principles” as have many cities before them…..Londonstabistan, Sheffield and Brighton & Pooves among them. Basically anywhere there is a Labour majority but the Conservatives usually back it for fear of the R word. In effect it prioritises foreign filth above British people. These wokie cunts have the upper hand make no mistake, coming to a city near you if they’re not there already.

  8. Nice … the council knowingly and willingly invests heavily in initiatives that will surely become an overwhelming liability. The toxicity of such initiatives has a proven track record … there are many towns in the UK that have succumbed to such irresponsible measures where cultural change has irreversibly destroyed the area. If you deep dive into the economies of these places you see them totally at odd with others in terms of revenue (to the state) per capita … literally a black hole where money and resource is drawn in but nothing seemingly comes out … feeding ideologies and other nations … alternative states in our back yards.

  9. Just glad I do not live in Gloucester but to be fair, the whole country seems infested with these cunts now.

    Weird coloured folk going round in old cars, Eastern Euro trash on street corners swigging neat vodka, beggars, criminals, rapists and all the other trash nowhere else in the world wants…and all on fat benefits and breeding like sewer rats.

  10. The Kalergi Plan in action:

    Metropolitan areas, cities and county towns, being filled up with lower educated, more easily manipulated, cheap, brown skinned labour.

    White indigenous Europeans, heading for rural sanctuary’s-to fade into history.


  11. Their motto above is ‘Changing your city’.

    It should be ‘Don’t look under the patio moi luvvverrrr.’

    Did Fred and Rose ever get their town square statues?

    • Cuntybollocks@ – The Wests have a Town square but the police keep digging it up..
      “Have you seen your Daughter Fred”?
      “Give me a shovel and ten minutes”

  12. You should see Ridley road Market in Dalston London. It looks like an African third world market. All thats missing is the red dust. These people have just moved geographical location, bringing all their backward shit with them.

    • I saw a story a few weeks ago on new paving that had been put down in Wembley I think, and literally within a few days it was covered in red coloured stains from South Asian cunts flemming out their paan spit.

    • Yup – my grandfather had a factory there – closed in the 80s. Absolute fucking shit-hole. What depresses me is how it has changed so much in just one generation. London is not the place I was born in.

    • What about ‘the Waste’ on Kingsland Road? Haven’t been there for years, but I can imagine what it’s like now.

  13. “There are some groups and the odd person not so welcoming but they need to be educated”.

    Is Rio Ferdinand the mayor of Gloucester now as well as the go-to BBC expert on all things woke?

  14. There’s a double fronted William Hill’s near me which closed down about a year ago. In recent weeks there have been blokes working on the place, fitting it out for something or other. Went past the other night and they’ve got the new signage up. Apparently it’s a “Food Centre” supplying groceries from “England, Poland, the Caribbean, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, India, China, Pakistan etc etc”.
    Another fucking Paki shop!

  15. The country is financially in the fucking shit because of those fucking bat munchers, and yet the woke bastards are still doing their damned best to bring in millions of unwanted third world dross to feed and house at our expense.

    In fact, it seems more of these cunts got in than ever, since the bat flu started, the fucking piss taking cunts.

    And transforming or changing something isn’t always a positive thing.

    I could transform a jam sponge into a shit cake by taking a big dump on it, for example.

  16. The council can do what they want.
    They couldn’t give a fuck who you vote for.
    Red or Blue they will still fetch as many bus loads of vermin as London can offer.
    Every “skint” parasitic woke council in the land loves bringing them,it pays very well.
    I wonder who is going to feed house and clothe the brown vermin but none of our leaders do the same.
    Perhaps it’s a conspiracy?
    Perhaps they are all degenerate cunts who need gassing?
    Without any doubt at all its a national disgrace.
    That no one at all has any say against.

  17. It’s hard to refute the Couldenhove_Kalergi plan anymore.
    Is it racist to want to only live among your people if you’re indigenous?
    As above, same shit, different coloured rosette and unless a couple of dozen million voters write “no confidence” on the ballot slip and film, post on social media, unlikely to change.

    • It is curious that races geographically self segregate, especially in the worlds most liberal cities NYC, LA and Sadiqistan etc. To point out that racism is normal, natural and above all healthy, well.

      Don’t forget to take your scissors with you to spoil your vote, that pesky little number in the corner, won’t do.

  18. Any tyrannical dictators from some tinpot country who wakes up one morning feeling a little unhinged at the millions of his countrymen moaning about his rule, can declare civil war on the People.

    Within a few days UNICEF, WHO, UN, UNESCO, the usual global charities, will all shout in union “possible genocide is happening. The West are accountable and must therefore do something!”

    In order words the UK having to comply to higher powers and rehouse a few million from that dictator’s country – which is good news for him, bad news for us.
    He makes a few million, and it costs us a few billion.

    Genocide avoided; people re-distribution accomplished. Rinse and repeat.

  19. Yeah, globalisation is happening, drip by drip, right under our noses and you only have to look at Western Europe to see it is unstoppable. We can slag off the Frogs for dumping their shit on us but the ordinary Frenchie is suffering the destruction of his history and culture just the same as we are.
    They’ll still vote for the Maggot in April though just as we will vote for the same Red/Blue con trick. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the rebels now, the snarling punk rockers. Anarchy in the U.K.! ??

  20. Fuck me what a piss boiler. Didn’t admins say something about fluffy nom’s this week?

    I’m off back to the Katie Price nom which had some classic, side-splitting cunting awaiting me first thing this morning.

    Then back to my scholarly study of Ms Thompson’s (of Moaning Bastards nom pic fame) artistic output.

    Morning/afternoon all.

    (Most of the “fluffy” noms will kick in on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and possibly even into Boxing Day. Most of them will be light in nature and not very piss-boiling. And in anycase come 3pm Christmas Day most you cunts won’t even notice as you’ll be on the sofa zedding away after a big fast-bastard dinner and a good pull on your crackers – Day Admin)

  21. Here in the US plane loads of foreign filth are being let go in the dead of night all over this once great land.
    President Soros is a cunt. I hate his very spleen.

    • I hear you meat. As a Briton in the US I ask myself where am I better off? Before the Covid shit show and Biden ‘administration’ the answer would have been resolutely the US. But now it’s just two cheeks of the same arse. The weather is still better here, so there’s that.

      I guess this is what globalization means. Wherever you are you get the same tyrannical yet incompetent cunts pushing you around.

  22. It’s Glorious Gloucestershire. Not.

    Effing shite hole full of inbreeds, degenerates and latte drinking soy Bois. It’s trying to ape it’s bigger brother, the scum hole that is Bristol.

    I could go on and on, but you’ll think I have prejudice and don’t like either place very much. As for what used to be ‘Avon’. Well it’s the fucking councillors afgain busy spending other people’s taxes.

    Gloucestershire, wank wank wank, Gloucestershire, wank wank wank…..

    Cider with Rosie was shite too. Laurie Lee can suck my dick.

    • Didn’t Rosie suck Laurie off under a hay cart or something and bust his cherry? Described figuratively of course in the prose but I think that’s what he was trying to say. Rosie sounded a bit like the village bike. By the time LL wrote his book she’d probably worked her way through Gloucestershire and a test like Katie Price’s.

      • That should have read ‘ a twat like Katie Price’s’.

        For some reason my cunt of a phone thinks I must mean ‘test’ when I write twat.

        And ‘count’ when I write cunt.

        My phone is a cunt (yes that’s you I’m writing about you little cunt.)

        Little fucker is probably snitching on me to Google as I write. There goes my social credit score.

  23. What does it say? ‘Gloucester City Council’ ‘Tranforming your City’

    But we dont want our city transformed. We want it to stay as it is.

    Of course you can have a few incremental changes over the years.
    That is understandable.

    But you want to transform it.
    And if you keep transforming it we wont recognise it.
    It wont be Gloucester anymore.

  24. In some ways you have to feel a certain amount of concern for future generations of this totally fucked-up country. They can’t see it yet, but perhaps in 10, 20 or 30 years time they certainly will.

    Gone will be the old fashioned British traditions, common courtesies, civil respect and responsibilities. Instead, come 2050, expect to see a nation overwhelmed by foreign interests, cultures and laws, as they welcome a totally globalist, open borders multiculture future!

    Of course the youth of 20 years hence won’t know any different because they will have nothing to compare. But they will look about to the late 20th Century and think “fucking hell, people back then were allowed to do this, say that and generally do the things that we can’t do today!”

    Personally I couldn’t give a fuck about the future. I’ve had a good life, and will look forward to another 20 years hopefully. But I certainly won’t be yearning for a long life past 75 or 80. Fuck that for a game of non-binary-non-gender-specific soldiers!

  25. The only persons in favour of such traitorous fucking behaviour will be the right on pc woke council. From my own observations of similar bollocks I would state that a large majority of persons will be totally against this wank decision especially those waiting on housing list or attempting to get a doctors appointment or get their kids into their choice of school.

  26. Sixty million people sit on their arses and watch a Country fall.
    Zero sympathy now – we got what we were too weak and cowardly to stop.
    Just remind me why all those millions died in two wars again?

  27. Just watched the local news an article set in a school in Bolton the only white person in the class was the teacher.

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