Eddie Redmayne is a cunt, isn’t he.
Ohh, you regret playing a trànnie in a film, do you? Isn’t that ypur job? Play-acting people you’re not? You’re not Danish either.
This tedious prick hasn’t apologised about playing a disabled person or any of his other roles. Perhaps he’s attempting to curry favour because they’re fanatics who will try to stop your career. It’s a waste of time. These shrill turds won’t accept it.
If you’re serious about apologising about putting on a dress and portraying a man who pretends to be a woman by putting on a dress, then return all the cash you were paid and find a job delivering pizzas, you cowardly, little shitbiscuit.
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
Helpful links provided by: Ron Knee
So if people can only have film and tv roles based on reality will every black actor be a r*pist and drug dealer who abandons his white girlfriend when she gets pregnant then?
You racist cunt, who the fuck would read the news?
Moggie@ – You are assuming they can read? ?
I think that Bryan Cranston’s been getting it in the neck recently for playing a parapledgic.
This kind of ‘woke’ cuntery is unbelieveable.
It’ll be a laugh if they ever try to cast a Fred and Rose West flick.
Crime Watch, where every promising Black actor learns his trade.!
Da boy, he look like he nibble da poopoo.
Great mom, all luvvies should have individual and collective noms.
As for this hypocritical cunt, I suppose he won’t be playing widow twanky at the end of a pier somewhere anytime soon then?
And comb your fucking hair – scruffy cunt.
that’s a lesbian hairstyle he’s sporting and a wonkey face to match, he’s already apologising for looking like a lesbian as it was not his intention to offend lesbians as some of his best friends are lesbians, it added in a statement about lesbians
i think he’s arse about bollocks
It’s like saying sorry for playing the role of a serial killer, because the role should’ve gone to a real life mass murderer.
It’s probably racist too.
Just yet another example of yet another luvvy doing yet more virtue signalling.
If you’re that bothered, give your fee for the film to charity.
And while we’re on the subject, send back the Oscar you won for playing the deeply disabled Steven Hawking. You won’t though.
It’s what’s known as ‘ACTING’, dear boy, so get your head out of your arse.
Never heard of this Eddie Bedstain wanker but he’s a cowardly little cunt. If he had won that Oscar would he now be giving it back? Yes, actually he definitely would. In the showbiz world if you are not woke you are finished, that’s the way it is, as Mr Fox could no doubt tell us.
Yet you can have a black bird playing Anne Boleyn and that’s absolutely fine.
The world turned upside down.
Shame he wasn’t working on the set of RUST as Alec Baldwin might have shot him too ……
Is this little luvvie for sale?
Two pound ten a tit
A fiver for his arse?
A fitting Christmas gift for my penpal Dennis Neilson.
The little scrubber.
I must say that it’s interesting that he hasn’t felt compelled to apologise for the dastardly crime of playing Steven Hawking. Didn’t he also ‘distance’ himself from JK Rowling following her comments on trans ‘women’?.
I think he’s just properly bricked it at the thought of having the vicious trans lobby on his neck.
For example;
What a fucking odd cunt.
The trannies Ive seen would be almost unplayable. So difficult to get into character.
Are you trying to play the original man or woman they have transitioned from?
Or are you trying to portray the new transsexual identity?
If you are a male actor playing a male that has transexualisrd into a woman? Is that Ok? It seens so. But if the same male actor auditioned for the part of a female who has transexualised into a male–would that be acceptable? Would he be given the job? I am not so sure. But that is a crucial question because if you wasnt given the job that might be grounds for sexual discrimination.
You’d probably find this one playable.
He was playing out his fantasy ?
He looks homosexual – but this seems to be the favourite occupation of the Gays -playing mincing, flamboyant characters because they are just being themselves , but of course – now that the woke and the snowflakes have decided they don’t like flamboyant mincing homosexuals played like that, they will find themselves out of a job.
How do the mincers want a tranny to be played? – like John Wayne would have done it? Mr Humphries -eat your heart out
He was called Marion, ahead of his time, a trailblazer.
‘The hell I was…’.
John Wayne was all talk and no trousers. He could easily have volunteered into the Army in WW2, but he decided to stay in Hollyweird. He didn’t even go over to entertain the troops, like Bob Hope (paedophile) did. And there are rumours that the Duke liked to cross-dress. This scene in the 80s classic, Repo Man, is based on an account told to director Alex Cox…
(2 mins)
A lot of actors are gay or bisexual. Steve McQueen and Paul Newman had a bitter rivalry that was only resolved when McQueen fucked Newman in ass. Could be apocryphal, but I reckon they did. Brando fucked Richard Pryor. Pryor’s wife confirmed that Brando fucked ANYTHING even his maid whom he got pregnant a few times, Schwarzenegger style.
As for actors playing this, that or the other and it being contentious, fuck all that. Gay actors play straight roles all the time. Decades ago, there was talk of making a Martin Luther King movie and it was decided that no black actor was talented enough or drew enough box office to play King, so names like Charlton Heston came up. Yes, a blacked-up Chuck “Moses” Heston. Can you imagine? But then Omar Shariff played Che Guevara and Jack Palance played Fidel Castro in 1969…
And on the subject of ‘inappropriate’ casting, here’s Big John as (lmao) Mongol warlord Genghis Khan.
They don’t make ’em like that anymore. Or perhaps that should be they wouldn’t be allowed to make ’em like that anymore.
Che (1969)…
(7 mins)
John wayne played the picked fence in Citizen Kane,
Hes not credited due to giving the cast splinters.
Yeah, how mental is that? It’s like if Mel Gibson played William Wallace.
Unless this trannie he played ended up getting garrotted in a in a serial killer thriller, he’d better apologise for wasting a film crew.
All this wokeism bollocks is very reminiscent of American McCarthyism back in the day. It even finished a massive star like Charlie Chaplin so I can see why this Bedstain cunt is shitting his pants. It’s a straightforward infringement of civil liberties and nothing more than ideological terrorism.
How long before we are phoning up the Gestapo to denounce our neighbours? Don’t think it can’t happen because it fucking well can.
It did happen last year during lockdown when neighbours phoned the police to complain about their next door neighours having seven friends in her back garden. I hasten to add the spouse didn’t get involved – they had started the “classic” Emmerdale Farm repeats by then
Never heard of this cunt, but he has got one of those faces that I could punch.
He looks like a shirtlifter to me. Sickly fizzog, and a certain smarminess about him.
How many good quality, professional, trans actors are in the business? Not many I suppose?
How many films are Hollywoke going to produce featuring trans roles? Plentiful I suspect?
If you want to make it in shaow-bizzness, now is the time to don those dresses and heels lads.
For you will never be out of work.
Everyone from Eton are insufferable cunts.
Never heard of this cunt, but he has got one of those faces that I could punch.
He looks like a shirt-lifter to me. Sickly fizzog, and a certain smarminess about him.
How many good quality, professional, trans actors are in the business? Not many I suppose?
How many films are Hollywoke going to produce featuring trans roles? Plentiful I suspect?
If you want to make it in shaow-bizzness, now is the time to don those dresses and heels lads.
For you will never be out of work.
? There’s no business like show business
like no business I know.
Ev’rything about it is appealing! ?
Yeah, – other than a co*ck in a frock.
Filthy bleeders.
Enough to turn my milk sour.
Regrets, apologies, cringing, hand-wringing, the essential toolkit for survival in the world of professional cunts. They will drown in an ocean of their own piss when the Mullahs take over.
I’ve got a film idea that’s way out there in these woke times. It’s about a bloke from Sheffield with a beer gut who works in a warehouse. He smokes, drinks, farts, likes porn, calls anyone who drinks shandy a “fucking po*f”, he’s racist and thinks the only thing that would sort out a lesbian out is a “good fucking”. Eddie, this role is made for you.
BF@ – A forklift ran over my quinoa! ?
Sounds like my neighbour, Bob. Lovely bloke.
Sounds like most of the folks who frequent this site!
I’ve a title for my film idea, it will be called ‘Inaction Man’.
Sounds just like my mate Big Al.
Working title, The Full Cunty
I wonder which luvvie will first have the balls to say “I offended you? Tell someone who gives a fuck”!
I recall my thespian career with fondness – I played Dick Whittington before the Queen, and I think it’s safe to say my Dick was particularly well received in the Royal box..
That was Lozza Fox in not so many words wasn’t it?
Right then … that makes you one sorry muvverfuker … only one way out now.
You’re gonna have to cut your dick off and get what balls you may have had reassigned to breast duty. Go on you know you want to … the freak show awaits its new recruit and we really enjoy new cunts to keep us amused.
He looks like Yootha Joyce in drag.
By George, RTC he does look like Yootha.
I bet old Eddie would’t win a drinking contest with her though!?
Fuck me, I’ve just looked at the header pic again.
I’m laughing my bollocks off. The resemblance is frightening.
Are we sure Joyce died in the 1980’s of cirrhosis of the liver?
Looks like she’s had a nip and tuck, and come back as a man.
She’s been hiding in Mr Foremiles’ closet for the last 40 years.
Only now has she had the ‘courage’ to come out.
Hand back the film fee to a trannie charity.
I thought not Cunt…..
On Boxing Day, there’s a romcom on the loonybox ?? nothing unusual there, typical festive shite.
What’s different with this one is, all the actors are black.
How fucking racist is that ?
Can’t remember what it’s called, but it won’t be showing at The Rookery.
If I want to see loads of blæckies in a film, I’ll watch Zulu.
There’s loads of ’em in that, wriggling on the end of a bayonet, made in Birmingham ?️??
Get To Fuck.
Eddie Redmayne is a soppy twat
I hope he’s forced to pay reparations for his outrageous transphobism.
Or whatever it’s called.
These cunts will eat themselves at an ever increasing rate ?
Now Fuck Off.
You big girl.
Actors act, they pretend to be some cunt else. I have been boycotting Dr Who since I find out that Dale’s had humans in them.
The BBC have been kissing black ass today, new film called Boxing Day, all black cast (except for a token white guy, according to IMBd).
It’s a rom-com, would have been perfect for Redmayne, a great opportunity to display his sadness for being a white man.
Ooops, didn’t see Jack’s post.
I think the booster I had today is effecting my vision ?
Our cunt-radar’s are in sync.
Which is heartening.
I agree ?
A rom-com featuring all nig-nogs?
It will be a post-watershed stabfest.
He has this look that he’s perpetually crying. Probably fed of being called a shirt lifter
Whats the deal with his mouth?
Its like a fuckin paper cut?
An its wonky.
Eddie, get some lip fillers.
Much better when sucking your sootie boyfriends nudger.
Put your hand in your handbag its Christmas.
His mouth looks more like a 14 year old’s vulva. Especially if you turn the pic sideways.
Not that I’ve ever seen one, – just it’s exactly as a Mohamed described it to me.