David Runciman – Guardian Cunt

This excuse for a journalist is seriously in favour of lowering the voting age to children as young as 6! Yes you read that correctly. The article is inspired by some political theorist called John Wall.

Runciman says “Climate politics would probably rise more rapidly up the political agenda” if children were enfranchised. I’m sure it would, because their little heads are rammed with this shit and they don’t have the nous to counter argue. Children believe anything you tell them. Don’t most 6 year olds believe in Santa Claus?

Runciman also says because children can’t vote and most voters are old that it leads to policies that ensure “Pensions will get protected while student debt goes unaddressed. The interests of mortgage payers will be prioritised over the interests of renters.” He caps off his article with slagging off the EU referendum result, noting that 70% of the under-30s voted to remain and it made no difference.

This guy seems to have managed to expose most of the lefty agendas all in one article, from the love of the EU, hatred of the aging, centre right-leaning population, to climate change. I’d give him a pat on the back if it wasn’t for the fact that I think he’s a sinister cunt. By which I mean it is sinister to believe children as young as 6 are somehow old enough to be responsible and can deal with manifestos and complex political argument. If he thinks they can do that then why not 6 year old jurors? Idiot. No, no, no. Adults look after children. Children need protection and education, not a fucking election.

I hope this twat get his wish and watches a future government face a lobby group of 6 year olds demanding ‘free toys’ and a big chunk of his pension gets diverted to pay for it.

Guardian News Link

Nominated by: Cuntologist

70 thoughts on “David Runciman – Guardian Cunt

  1. Who are they going to vote for?? The George and Bungle party? The Teletubbies Party? To be honest though, these two parties would do a lot better than the Billy Smarts Circus Party that presently in power.

    • I think they’ll vote for whichever
      party promises them ice-cream for
      breakfast and free sweeties on Fridays, Bob.

  2. It’s well documented that the young embrace radical lefty agendas but people tend to grow up and leave it behind as they get life experience and realize what a crock of shit all the lefty -isms are. That is unless they’ve figured out how to make a grift out of it. Anyone over the age of 45 that still clings to socialist ideals for idealistic reasons just looks ridiculous to me.

    This is just a transparently disingenuous attempt to rig the vote. Coupled with the leftist indoctrination that occurs from around age 2 now and has infiltrated all education and media, and they’d have it all sown up.


  3. Yet another lefty cunt.

    We are infested with them. Like rats you are never more than 10 feet from a lefty cunt.

    Vermin control is urgently needed in this country.

    Unkle Terry, Gas Mk.11 please.

  4. It won’t matter much soon … the Chinese will be telling you what can and cannot vote for. They coming … and they don’t give a shit about kids, woolies or anyone of a sensitive disposition. They will probably eat your dog and interfere with ya pangolins tho’ …

  5. Full title; “David Runciman 4th Viscount Runciman of Doxford FBA”, born St Johns Wood, attended Eton and Trinity Cambridge, parents and other ancestors also attended Cambridge. Now Head of Department of International Studies at Cambidge. Probably inbred. Certainly mad as a box of frogs.

    • Oh, he went to “the other place”? Another twat. Finger on the fucking pulse, eh?

  6. Kids voting might not be a bad idea. They would vote for the likes the Monster Raving Loony Party, who actually have some sound policies when you look into it. The leader is a pretty down to Earth guy, Howling Laud Hope (Alan, to his friends) and behind the silliness is a love of Britain and people and there is no sleaze or corruption in the MRLP. They’ve been around for a long time, they know the ropes. Obviously, if they got seats, even won the election, then they’d need to change and pull in experienced serious-minded people, but that’s fine.

    Just don’t vote for the big three parties anymore. They are rotten to the core. And THEY are the ones who are buffoons who need to be mocked 24/7, not the folk in the MRLP.

    Guardian cunt is a cunt, simply by being from the Guardian. But fuck it, let everyone vote and let the chips fall where they may. Can’t be worse than the shit-show we are in right now and facing even darker decades to come unless we fucking do something and show these cunts who has the bigger army of 60+ million.

    • There needs to be party than runs on manifesto of bring back fun to Britain. The Party Party? No more insidious, pseudo-intellectual pretzel-logic piss-flappery from creepy career politicians who are now brazenly treating us like cattle.

      There’s a new party in Scotland and I know the leader, John Davidson, a guy in his 70s, very smart guy, artistic, funny, loves people. The Pensioners Party. It’s not just for pensioners and one day we’ll all be pensioners – unless Logan’s Run becomes a reality.

      • There is a nice obituary in the Telegraph this morning of George Weiss a mate of Peter Cook. He stood for Parliament a number of times on that sort of manifesto. Late at night he and Cook would ring into Clive Bull’s phone-in pretending to be Sven a depressed Norwegian fisherman and his carer. I would have voted for them.

      • ISAC party, let’s get the manifesto started and start nominating some ministerial positions with a policy forum:

        1. A bill of rights, declaring “we hold the following truth to be self evident. Everyone’s a cunt”

        2. Landmines in the channel

        3. Barbed wire on beaches

        4. ‘Fuck You EU’ in 100 foot tall letters on the white cliffs of Dover

        5. Build coal fired power stations and get fracking. Paint a 100 ft tall mural if Greta the mong on the cooling towers.

        …over to you cunters…

        As for ministerial positions

        Unkle Terry, home secretary or minister for justice obviously

        Cunty Gordon, minister for Education

        Miles Plastic, minister for culture

        Dick FF, rural affairs

        Over to you cunters for other picks.

      • Rainbow George was awesome. There’s a CD called, “Over at George’s” I think it’s called. It’s a bit chaotic, but funny!

      • Berkshire, that was awesome! I love the idea of Greta Dumb-sperg (a-sperg-ers) being on the side of a cooling tower! Where’s has that pretentious cunt Banksy been during lockdown? Coward.

    • Er, maybe not landmines in the channel then, silly cunt.

      Obviously Berkshire Huntmaster not going to the MOD.

  7. Mrs Wanksock was out Christmas shopping this week and went into out local Waterstones. Looking for something for the great nephews and nieces, she found a book, aimed at 3-6 years old , about racism. Even she, somewhat left of centre (being Welsh) was shocked.

  8. Lefty cunt – I wouldn’t even use the shitty rag he writes for to light fires for fear of breathing in Marxist smoke!

  9. We can all be social justice warriors when Mummy and Daddy are picking up the bill and tucking you in. (Ask any 35 year old “liberal” still living with their parents about that one).
    So, according to this twat children as young as 6 can have the understanding and maturity to vote in an election but a London teenager who makes the deliberate and premeditated decision to join a savage terrorist organisation should be allowed to return to the UK because she was “groomed, radicalised and didn’t know her own mind”? Can they not see the obvious dichotomy here? (They can – they just don’t give a fuck because they are evil).
    The marxist rats always advocate nonsense like this because they know their lies, bullshit and brainwashing doesn’t work on (most) adults, so they always target children who are more psychologically and emotionally malleable.
    To steal a very apt phrase from JTC – “Get to fuck”.
    Vote Fox – and democracy under the tracks of my Panzer! ??

  10. That’s right their 6 year’s reading must of include the Thomas the Tank Engine books and Beatrix Potter and other ‘enjoyable’ literature.
    But they must get through Marx’s ‘Das Kapita’ and John Locke’s ‘Two Treatises of Government’ first.
    Its only fair.

      • Hitler was a cold, creepy, drugged-up, sexless, preachy cunt who rambled like a retarded uncle to those around him not letting people get a word in. This whole ‘rehabilitation’ of Hitler is hilarious. Those 14-hour ‘documentaries’ on Bitchute, etc. Yes, we were fed lies and deprived of certain facts about Hitler, but… he was still a mass-murdering fuckhead, cold, creepy, DRUGGED UP, sexless, rambling, sweating, football-hating, Islam-admiring, invading Russia in winter fool. He had 70,000 mental patients murdered, just… because, y’know, no room for them in the Master-bater Race. I would never follow a clown like Hitler into battle.

        He had a weird attitude to Britain, he kinda liked us, but he also hated us, so I’ll go with he hated us and would have massacred, enslaved the rest of us if he had the chance. Dunkirk was a chance, I suppose, but if the Nazis had invaded England, then… well… just try and visualise that. It would not have been the sci-fi utopia that Hitler groupies today think it would have been. The real mistake was not levelling Moscow like General Patton advised, then they murdered him. Read HIS book. Read U.S. Major-General Smedley Butler, “War is a Racket!” (1930s). Read your father’s/grandfathers diaries, letters from WW1, WW2.

      • Gordon-many UK & US leaders were as much a fan of “Eugenics”, as Great Uncle Addy was?

        Boris seton-Hoggs pappy, has published several books on the subject?

    • Those old philosophers don’t know anything, certainly not anything about the our age, obviously. Young people needs to be taught how to be creative and make a living from their creativity, put the art pedal to the metal. Figure out to make $5,000 per month working 15 hours max per week through your own unique ideas, art, services, whatever, Just get away from this working for companies who despise you mentality.

      Young people need to see that school is mostly just an indoctrination camp to mould you into an obedient worker, retail consumer and conformist who follows the bullshit of the government and media. You can live your life on your own terms, doing your own shit these days. Use the internet, EXPLOIT IT, but be moral, ethical and share your success. There’s going to be a LOT of that this century, that will be the revolution – walking away from the clunky, depressing 20th century values. Maybe Nietzsche was right, maybe there will be a “revaluation of all values” and many people will self-actualise and create a better world.

      • Bravo CG. Have you thought about publishing a collection of your comments?

        ‘The best of Cunty Gordon.’

        Could be a BOGOF deal with
        your ”’Sue your parents with Cunty Gordon’ pop-up book.

    • Afternoon Mr F.
      “Runciman” sounds too much like “Ponciman” or “Minciman” for my liking.
      I dread to think what Savile-esque degeneracy is on his computer.

    • You’ve pointed out the hidden agenda here regarding the idea of extending the vote to children, and it goes back to a previous cunting re MAPædos..

      Old and responsible enough to vote, old enough to fuck/legally give ‘informed consent’.

      These cunts show far too much interest in children, an example of the shit coming your way soon…


      The krankie and her deviant pals want to build a database of identifiable sexually active children, consider the reasons why


      These deviants need to go, I’ll happily run an Unkle Terry MacOven franchise up here,

    • Suggesting a potential deviant of the PIE variety like Harriet Harperson?

      Its clearly a blatant attempt to bump up the socialist vote, they lost pretty much everyone over 40 in a private sector job, so its let more immigrants in (future voters) and kiddie votes.
      SNP already done this with over 16’s given the vote and look at their indoctrination in school, a scary preview of what this tosser wants.

  11. Q: What demographic has the most kids who will vote for whoever the parents tell them to vote for?

    A: The Camel dung (obviously)

  12. I’m nearly 60 and I still believe in Santa Clause. Mind you, I voted Conservative in the last election, thinking we might actually get a Tory government, so I am clearly delusional. I didn’t give a flying fuck about politics when I was 6, so no change there.

  13. What a load of complete shit.
    Why did the cunt bother?
    Perhaps in his intellectual bubble such matters are worthy of discourse.

    To everyone else he’s an irrelevant lunatic.
    Yule log 5000 oven.

  14. Another posh fake revolutionary pretending he’s all for equality and social justice when what he’s really after is a society of docile sheep with cunts like him telling us what to do, what to say and what to think.
    No wonder these frauds have such an admiration for the Mullahs of Islam.

    • “what he’s really after is a society of docile sheep with cunts like him telling us what to do, what to say and what to think.”

      Doesn’t he have that already?

  15. Hasnt wee Krankie got 16 year olds voting to try to push for independence.
    These cunts, like Greta’s acolytes, dont realise the cold dark world that their tantrums would bring about.

  16. Climate change?? Fuck me forgot all about that, overwhelmed by Omicron and last years Xmas parties.
    Another champagne socialist, total dangerous cunt.

  17. If he thinks children are capable of making political decisions I can only assume he has never been a father. As he looks like a raving iron i’m probably on to something there.

  18. 70% of under 30’s voted remain, well that’s the solution just have a cut off age, anyone over 30 can’t vote, right that’s sorted.

    There should be a rule that full time students can’t vote because the cunts are brainwashed, intolerant and bigoted (I just claim the last two) ?

    • Correct, unless you pay tax or retired then no vote for you.
      That includes housewives, they have better things to do than concerning themselves with Politics and the daft bints tend to vote to the left on average as they are not paying for it (Women know your limits!).
      Don’t see why soppy deluded lefty students who have not contributed a jot to society should get a say in an election.

  19. Imagine comparing those who claim pensions (i.e those that have worked a lifetime and paid into the pot) with those who pay student fees (i.e. overwhelming those who have never paid a penny but taken from the pot).

    Even a 6 year old could spot that false comparison.

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