Cunter of the Year 2021

Here at a Admin Towers we’ve been chewing over an idea put forward to acknowledge an award for Cunter of the Year.

It’s been hard to select just one from a crowd of you not just for your nominations but for your comments as well. As you will appreciate there’s been many thousands of offerings to pick from.

But for his witty and entertaining offerings throughout the year, especially his roving reporting and witty riposte of the right royal idiots Harry and Meghan, we have selected this year’s winner….

So many congratulations to Ron but also we considered the following worthy of special mention :

– Dick Fiddler
– Paul Maskinback
– Jack The Cunter
– Miserable northern cunt
– Ruff Tuff Creampuff
– Liberal Liquidator
– Thomas the Cunt Engine
– Sixdog Vomit
– Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Our thanks and appreciation to all of you that have contributed and helped make this site one of the last bastions of free speech on the internet. Long may we continue – until the bastards manage to get to us.


Nominated by : Your Admin Team

61 thoughts on “Cunter of the Year 2021

  1. Congratulations Ron. Happy Christmas cunters, enjoy Santa’s birthday.

    Hope the cells weren’t too cold last night, Dick.

  2. False News!!False News….the vote was rigged….my sources on the internet prove massive corruption FACT….I shall be contesting the result in Court and urge my followers to storm Admin Towers immediately

    #No Surrender
    #Armed Resistance.

    Congratulations,Ron…well deserved.

    • PS…Thanks and Best Wishes to all involved in ..isas…owner,admins and all other contributors….even the pushbike riding,vegan ones.

      • It’s Stop the steal all over again…

        Will you be paying for cunters legal fees who are brave enough or gullibly shit thick to storm admin towers Sir Fiddler?!

      • “Pay their legal fees” !??….will I fuck. I expect them to send me money to fund my legal challenges and my run at “Cunter of the Year 2022″…oh and a few quid towards a couple of dodgy property deals wouldn’t come amiss either… My lovely friend Vladimir who has been so generous in the past is starting to cut up rough…told me that he’d have me novichoked unless I paid up… told him he could send one of his whores to piss on me for all I cared…the fucking Commie turd-burglar.


  3. Merry Christmas you lot, thanks for keeping me entertained with some laugh out loud humour, and tha ks to admin for the girl in the nomination picture, she has given me the horn!

  4. Dick Fiddler gets my vote – not forgetting his faithful hounds, who I am sure thoroughly approve of their masters displeasure with The Gays, The Labour Party (but then the two of them are one and the same thing)Trannydom and Political Correctness. It is not often us poor old seadogs and other members of the lower orders of society get the chance to publically tug the forelock, but I salute you, sir..

    As these days hunting with dogs is not allowed, I would personally like to extend an invitation to my humble home in Kentish Town, and, after coating the spouse in dripping, invite you to chase her through the streets of North West London with the hounds on Boxing Day – we can give the fat old trout five minutes start, in the spirit of sportsmanship.

    My best to all other cunters – my second best to them and theirs for a good 2022. Let’s hope early in the New Year Kweer Charmer loses his halo, and does a Ron Davis with a choirboy on Clapham Common, and gets found out. My other predictions for 2022 is that Angela Rayner becomes an unmarried mother again, and Stella Creasy gets up the duff, and Dominic Grieve “comes out” of the closet and moves in with Lord Adonis.

  5. Merry Christmas all,
    Well done mr Knee!
    thoroughly well deserved!
    The Markle Hewitt’s have issued a blanket ban on reporters due to you.

  6. Happy Christmas cunters!

    Thanks to admin for their invaluable work here although I could have done without the nom pic which is having unfortunate consequences on a damaged banjo string. My cunt of a GP has given me antibiotics which need to be taken 4 times a day on an empty stomach so 2 hours after and 1 hour before food. An empty stomach. At Christmas. The woman is clearly demented. I was planning on putting a stone back on again this week.

    Anyway, have a great day you all.

  7. Congratulations Ron, a worthy winner if ever there was one. Merry Christmas to my fellow cunters.

  8. Well done, Ron, well deserved! Happy Christmas to all Cunters. Excellent site, which I’m sure keeps many sane in these dark days.

  9. Merry Christmas all!

    I feel humbled for the mention, but Ron’s award is well deserved as our man in the field.

    Santa has unloaded his massive sack under our tree, so all is good!

  10. Tin-foil-hat-mode:

    No Vakzine suspicious cunters in that list 🧐
    Therefore, I deduce admins are Dr Fauci, Dr Whitty & Dr Peston🤔
    Site owned by Pfizer industries.

    Excellent choice of candidates 👍 All equally original & often hilarious.

    This site is consistently funny-a refuge from global fuckwittery and never fails to put a smile on my face.
    Thank you all, fellow cunters.

    Thank you admin(s) and our benevolent site owner 👏

    Ron will be delighted-I suspect he is currently busy stuffing his bird for Christmas.👍

    Merry Christmas you fuckers.

  11. No doubt there were a few thousand suspicious postal votes from the Abdul family across the road.

    We need another vote. Ronexit 2 referendum, and we’ll get Gina miller on the case.

    Well done Ron, totally deserved

    Merry Christmas 🎄 all

  12. Well done to Ron and all the regular cunters.
    This site is more than just fucking funny.
    If I’ve had a shit day on our deteriorating society isac brings a reflection on what normal yes normal folk really think but can’t be said on MSM or in public without being arrested
    Long may it continue you funny fuckers

  13. Well done Ron; it just goes to show that an ashen faced, tight lipped man of 59 still has plenty to offer the sophisticated members on this site.
    Let’s all have a great day and return to our grumpy selves tomorrow.
    We should not forget those prodigals who have fallen by the wayside and trust that they will find their way home in the new year especially dear B&WC who must be nearing the end of his sentence.

  14. Well earned Ron.

    Thanks to all other cunters, – and admin for their efforts.

    This site stands as beacon of common sense, in today’s fog of insanity.

    May long it reign.

    Merry Christmas to you all.

  15. It could only be Ron Knee. The cunt. May his balls turn square and fester at the edges.
    I will swing it next year with a comprehensive cunting of Admin.

    (Where is Ron anyway? Is he still in bed or pulling his cracker over the header pic?

    It was a close vote, and there was several sacksful of votes for Lord Fiddler in the far corner of Admin Towers. But we felt Ron deserved the title, and had absolutely nothing to do with the £1700 we managed to transfer from his bank account a few nights ago thanks to a weak login “Ron” and password “Villa4ever” – Day Admin)

  16. Congrats to Mr Knee! Sustained excellence is your hallmark.

    Well done and massive thanks to Admin for all the support throughout another year of worldwide non-stop cuntishness. ISaC is nothing short of a giant erect penis standing proud amid a sea of flacid virtual nobs thanks to your efforts.

    No traditional Christmas morning fireworks in our street yet this morning as it is pissing down with rain. Who says there is no God!

    Oh, and A Happy Christmas to all cunters.

  17. I don’t get round to contributing much on ISAC but fucking love the site, visit every day (however briefly) and love all its regular contributors.

    Well done you wonderful bunch of cunts, especially Mr Knee, and keep up the good work!

    Merry Christmas and get to fuck, the lot of you.

  18. Congratulations Ron – a most worthy winner – your trailblazing 2018 cunting of “Wasps” remains the benchmark by which all other cuntings are and will always be measured.

    Thank you Admin for my mention, your tireless and diligent work on our behalf is very much appreciated. 👍

    Special thanks go to Adolf Hitler, without whom I would not be here today.

    Merry Christmas cunters one and all! 🎄🍻

    (And thank you to all you cunters out there, both newbies and regulars, who have contributed to this site with some very insightful nominations and comments over the last 12 months.

    The remaining nominations lined up for today from 9:30, are all light & fluffy in nature, and quite topical. The 3:30pm nomination will be of particular interest/amusement.

    Have a great Christmas and thank you! – The Admin Team)

  19. Congratulations to Mr Knee and also to the Dishonourable Mentions. And thank you to our mysterious benefactors and their minions for providing and keeping the ship afloat, presumably in international waters

  20. Bravo Ron, commiserations to the other cunters who received an honourable mention. Seeing as it’s Christmas I will forgo the laundry and carpet cleaning charges due to repeatedly pissing myself laughing. Apologies for throwing my toys out of the pram on the last dead pool. I had had a cunt of a day. Apologies again and carry on cunting in 2022. Merry Christmas once again and may your livers stand up to the abuse they will suffer today.

  21. That bird in the pic could bring me a bike for Christmas, I could park it in her hairy bike rack.

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