I couldn’t resist this one for the comedy value and how ridiculous the trans bollocks really is becoming
This ‘woman’ Chloe Thompson’ has been charged with exposing HER penis and masturbating in public.
Wtf, Penis, shouldn’t the report and headline read ‘a man pretending to be a woman has been caught wanking in public’, indulging this silly cunt be referring to it as a woman really justifies why actual women don’t want these deviant cunts anywhere near them.
If it gets a custodial sentence, it will no doubt be wanking in a woman’s prison ?
Nominated by: Sick of it
Supported by:Dickie Dribbler
And for further info re Chloe Thompson né Andrew McNab see the following
If he is found guilty of the latest charges and doesn’t get a custodial sentence then the Courts really are fkd.
And then there’s this from cuntator
WTF is the deranged specimen, Chloe Thompson from Middlesbrough all about ?
This cunt has apparently been accused of exposing HER penis to the public.
Well we all know that they’re fucking weird as buggery on Teesside, you’ve only got to look at that hideous Desperate-Dan jawed freak with a 4 inch clit ,namely Steph McGovern, but this animated dog-turd ,real name Andrew McNab (lol)has already has “previous” for being the wicked Nonce of the Northeast.
Why do the Tories “Red Wall” constituents tolerate this filth?
The fucker is even dressed like a menopausal woman or “Karen” who can’t accept she’s getting old, can’t say he isn’t trying, the strange cunt!!!
Jackin’ it in public makes you a sex offender, a danger to society. It’s funny when Bonkers Bryan for the first time whips out his uncut schmeckel and low-hanging scrote at a party, but in the street that is a sign of a mentally disturbed person needing 6 months of observation and evaluation from a team of professionals at the Institute for Fucked-Up Motherfuckers.
I feel sorry for the 98% of trans people who are quiet, have no confidence, so self-esteem, no friends, who have to bear the burden of the 2% whacko attention-seekers who have weaponized being trans to get their way through shock tactics and fear of being called transphobic. I’ve talked to psychiatrists about trans people and they confirm that most trans people don’t want special attention, they are quiet people who want a quiet life, enjoying life that way we all do. But yeah, the media isn’t interested in quiet people, they screen out the whackos of society as that sells, crazy sells, quiet and humble has no traction. The sooner we move on from all this identity politics the better, it’s so ridiculous. Live your life and don’t be obnoxious. Basic philosophy!
Sadly many of the screaming mob aren’t even Trans, they are the perpetually offended on behalf of those who aren’t actually offended.
Until there is an acceptance that a woman is an Adult human female (with a cervix if you like) then this shit show will continue, if a label is required to distinguish between a woman and someone who transitions from male then what is wrong with Trans Woman or non biological woman.
The claim that a trans woman is a real woman has to resisted because it plainly wrong.
Soi@ – It is medically impossible to change gender – there is no such thing as “transgender”, just a bunch of lunatics and cult members who believe differently.
Nothing else.
It is a thing Vern, believing that they are a different gender to that of their sex.
In many cases ‘mostly harmless’ but the cunt above shows that it needs to be sorted out properly ?
Woman – Adult human female, not bloke in a dress who thinks he is a woman.
I have a feeling that all this hysteria will die down once the REALLY fucked up shit starts happening this decade.
Bring on Vlad and his tanks. Followed by chairman zingping. I have had enough of the brain washing. No more, trans crap, no more h0mo crap, no more eco crap. All I want is a quiet life free from this fuckwittery! I’m sure many others feel just the same. It’s why we are here; to remind ourselves, sanity still exists.
For me, there’s two types of people: well-behaved and badly-behaved. Most people are well-behaved by age 25, so I cut the under-25s some slack, but an older person who acts the cunt needs to be sorted out one way or the other. Mockery used to be the most effective method and we should stick to that even if it means we become the villains and get cancelled. Let the chips fall where they may…
Only men have a penis. Sir Keir would have to answer ‘no, that’s not right’.
I am sure he would confirm that Thai ladyboys have a penis, he has the look of a ladyboy consumer ?
She said she was all woman
And shed her knickers.
“I find that hard to swallow”…
MNC@ – It smacks of a lack of effort on the “part” of John Thomas/Chloe Thompson to go out wanking in Theresa Mays stolen clothes!
This is the type of cunt who gives decent and hard working flashers and deviants a bad name!
As chairman of the Northwest district flashers and peeping Tom association I’ll be raising this issue at our next meeting on Saddleworth moor.
Everybody’s making fun of her but come on, it takes balls to do that.
Now I know what all those PTA meetings were about!
I was once asked if I’d consider CBT. I said “If Penny wants to get her Green Flash on, and trample my cock…”
Was the wrong answer…
As for this solid platinum cunt
“If you get it out in public, they’ll stick you in the dock and you won’t come back.”
If it’s not on SLY tv, it’s not believable.
I have long been of the opinion that freaks who believe they can change their gender by saying so are mentally ill, dangerous deviants who harbour “unpleasant desires” and need to be watched.
As they are burnt at the stake – all that polyester and dried jizz will go up a treat! ?
The sad thing is the stupid campaigners want to have it that way, just declaring I am a woman ffs.
POS … defo a fuckin’ loser that needs to be put down. Corrupted mind … not worth saving.
As a resident of Middlesbrough, I read about this. It’s a fucking Man. The Gazette is very WOKE and getting worse every day. How can this be called a woman? It is getting ridicilous. Kick HIM in the balls and then castrate HIM.
Middlesbrough Gazette ownd by Reach plc, formerly Trinity Mirror Grouo until 2018. Yes that same Trinity Mirror Grp that formed part of PergammonHoldings under the directorial and editorial control of one Robert ( floating dead fat yid criminal spy and attempted Mossad blackmailer) Maxwell. I think it had (probably stil does) about 180 odd local newspapers under its editorial cosh.
Bravo two zero was a shit book
I hope more and more of these stories will come out showing what these deviants really are. For fuck sake we’re giving these cunts incentive to become Dicepticons. Pure insanity!
Randy mcgrab as he used to be called, is now Cloe a Middlesbrough Barbie and all round headtheball.
Well Chloe,
Your not a canny lass,
Your a dirty mental prevert.
And should either
A) be in Bedlam asylum
B) tapdancing at the end of 10ft of hemp
Worlds full of fuckin nutters
Need thinning out.
It must be like wartime Britain living in Middlesbrough. You have to make your own entertainment.
The town centre is a fucking shit hole. FULL of immigrants. Fucking full of them. Every other cunt is on coke. I avoid it at all costs. Luckily I live far enough from the centre it does not affect me at the moment. However, once these immigrants breed, then who knows.
Whats the world coming to, release the fucking dogs, fucking wierdo,s make me wanna chuck…
I think Sick’s got this one.
It really is ridiculous.
This whatever looks to be a bit unhinged, but I bet that it’ll have its supporters in the loony and vicious trans lobby.
Chloe Thomson is it? A tenuous link but I will take the opportunity to post this about another Thomson if I may
She’s not fucked off back to Italy then?
On another note, hasn’t the world already got enough ugly wimminz??
HBH@ – And why do they all move to my town? – It’s like a competition to see who has the most brats and the least teeth!
(Luckily Miss Busty is from some Cockney type place and rather easy on the eye! ?)
The deranged fuckers that pander to this nonsense should be sent a penal (play on the word penis ) institution also. For corrective therapy.
I recommend the birch one a day for a thousand days. They are really making a good fist ? of fucking up society. Cunts
Send it to North Korea. Would never be seen again.
If the fuck up gets a prison sentence it will definitely be a Wimminz nick where, no doubt, he will rape some bitch. It’s like locking up the fat kid in a chocolate factory.
But in the world of woke victimology the trannie ranks far higher up the scale than an ordinary criminal. At least, when the Peacefuls take over these wokie bastards will get what’s coming to them.
Is it allegedly a woman or allegedly a flasher?
Or both?
Oh dear me,very very confusing & a mess.
Full oven.
He is a penis
Napalm the cunts, send the freaks to hell.
He’s a lying shite, who’s using this ” confusion” about his sexuality to get either a lighter sentence, or a non – custodial one.
I would suggest that, if he is indeed sincere in his claims to identify as female, he is rushed to the top of the list for gender reassignment surgery. Chop it all off! He won’t be able to do any damage then.
I know people who would be happy to do it without the benefit of medical training.
All transgender surgery is wrong!
The butchers carrying out these procedures have been chopping off the wrong bits.
The problem with these freaks lies in their fucking heads so logic dictates that this is the bit that requires removal.