Chantelle vs NHS Recruitment

Spot the biggest cunt here.

Chantelle Poku v NHS recruitment

A woman (of colour) has been jailed for obtaining a position in the NHS with a bogus CV and references, Chantelle Poku landed a job with the NHS claiming she had a degree in molecular biology and was a leader of a charity.

In reality she was a tin rattler and serial liar, but how the fuck did she get through the interview or interviews, are the NHS so desperate to employ POC’s in senior positions that they don’t actually ask questions, or is this woman a fucking good actress.

The interview panel need a good kicking and she has got her reward at her majesty’s pleasure. If she hadn’t got a custodial she would have been a prospective Labour candidate, got all the qualifications for that one.

Link to story.

Nominated by: Sick of it

82 thoughts on “Chantelle vs NHS Recruitment

  1. Who needs medical qualifications anyway, a couple of bitchute videos are far more valid in today’s society.

  2. Got a cunt like this living next door to us So called GP working for the Prison Service bogus lier?
    Took someone’s ID ended up with a suspended prison sentence been the likes of you and me Whitey 8 years straight in prison?
    These wankers who are doing the interviews for the NHS need to buck their ideas up sharpish before someone dies ??

    • “The diversity of our society is its greatest strength and gives us so much to celebrate.”

      Charles, Prince of Wales. Second generation immigrant and heir to the throne of England. ?

  3. Happens too often this shite. All because some gold plated plated pension cunt wants to get ‘diversity’ in high up positions. Hence, qualifications and references are not checked properly in their eagerness to ‘bring in the dark keys’.

    She’s waving the race card about now she’s been caught ‘Askin’ ’bout ma qualifications and experience be rayciss n sheet innit?’

    Fucking send the cunt back to the shit hole she came from.

  4. This deviousness is a common kaffir trait, I remember having a woman working in the tobacco barn hanging up the leaves for curing, I noticed that this so called “master tobacco curer” knew fuck all about the job after watching her for about 10 minutes, a relative gave me her reference, but imagine this fucker in charge of a loved ones care, sends a shiver down the spine, on “da benafeets now” after she gets out of the holiday camp formerly called prison!!!

    • It’s not deviousness Captain. It’s affirmative action. Who needs merit when all can see how successful it’s been in SA and Zim.

      • Didn’t they sack all of the Whitey generator plant operatives in SA and replaced them with ‘da locals’?

        I seem to remember that of the twenty operatives who had (ahem) supposedly clocked in that day, only one was available to be interviewed when then generator went into overspeed and he had been in the shower at the time of the catastrophic damage.

        It took two years to source the parts and repair the generator which dropped out 1/3 of SA’s power grid.

        Three cheers for affirmative action hires!

    • Off topic – i grew some tobacco on the allotment this year. Was a bit pathetic after the crap spring. Currently drying (curing?) in shed. Likely to be smokeable?

      • Well LC, it depends on the tye of ‘tobacco’ you are growing.

        If it is the golden Virginia kind, I haven’t a clue.

        If it is the ‘I have a sudden desire for half a dozen kit kats and a family pack of monster munch, I suggest Leafly. Com.

        The latter has everything you will need to grow, dry, cure and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

  5. What a great scam. Surely a few simple questions at the interview would have exposed the fact she didn’t know what the fuck she was talking about?
    I would like to know the ethnic and gender background of the other candidates. I’m pretty sure there’s a tale to tell there.

  6. Ticket on the first banana boat leaving is in order here….

    Anyone who has anything to do with security and qualification checks here should also be in the next cell…I would’ve though a BPSS is the minimum needed here because of access to confidential information, prescription drugs, vulnerable people and the NHS IT system.


  7. Bet there’s a load more that kinda shit sloshing around the NHS. Like to see the ethnic make up of their recruiting team.

    • You know the answer to that, our “friends” gravitate to HR roles, as it’s a cushdie number, and the “inclusivity & diversity” agenda can be driven top down from there…..

  8. Our Family doctor back in the day (“Dr” Gupta) was after some years found to have no medical qualifications whatsoever – I kind of worked out he was a sham when he prescribed disprin – for EVERYTHING.
    After being struck off he then reappeared at my Mothers house in his Rolls Royce which was a wedding limo stating he was now “healing with crystals”.
    The dog saw him off.
    A combination of laziness, incompetence and political correctness caused this – and I imagine there are thousands more out there doing jobs they are not qualified for because someone else did not do theirs.

  9. She should have applied as a sign language interpreter for the UN. Remember the one that was next to Obama? Laughed my ass off watching that one over and over!

  10. Fucking interviewers obviously went easy on her.
    For most professional jobs, you get interviewed by a panel. They ask you ‘What would you do?’ (in certain situations relevant to the job) questions. This weans out the bullshitters straight away if they get to interview stage (which shouldn’t happen).

    One clever question a mate asked (for a position which required a degree or higher a few years back) was ‘What referencing system did you use on your degree?’

    Those faking their qualifications wouldn’t know what the fuck he was on about when asked that.

    If the NHS had done this with this tart, they’d have saved a lot of bother.

    But in the desperation to bring in a dark key…

    • If you tick enough boxes can you be turned down because you’re “over qualified”?
      “I’m sorry but you’re a black Trans lesbian ree-tard with a wife and 4 mixed kids. I’m afraid you’re just over qualified for this position. Our facility can’t accommodate the wokeness overload.”

  11. How fucking difficult would it have been to find out she was a fraud?
    Get her to explain the research project she did for her claimed Master’s.
    Ask a few pertinent questions on other aspects of molecular biology.
    Check out her references by phoning and speaking in person to the referees.
    It’s that easy.
    And when she got found out, she played the racism/bullying card. Well what a surprise.

  12. This is the first I’ve heard of this.

    I can’t. Quite believe what I’m reading if I understood correctly. I don’t mean the part about this fraud,. I mean the part about her actually being convicted and sent to a bricks and mortar and steel bars prison?! Is that actually true?

    If so then it’s a good news story in some respects. Yes she’s a colossal fraud and the cunts that hired her in the first place are obviously cunts. But someone must have smelled a rat, so to speak, and exposed her. Then a judge actually sent her down. Fuck me it’s too much to believe.

    Who was the judge and can he run for PM or Home Sec?

  13. This country is being run by intellectually retarded cunst with pat boon agenda.

  14. Anyone considering employing a POC should read this story and then say ‘get to fuck’
    Diversity quotas, shove them up your black bottom ?

  15. Who’d have guessed she wasn’t s legit medic? All she had to do was game a Nigerian accent and say Katanga and she’d be indistinguishable from a lot of other NHS doctors and probably equally well qualified.

    • Whipps Cross is full of cunts like that. Mind you, 90% of the clientele are dark keys or hoe dakis, with the rest being east European.

    • It’s probably Ghanaian…I note they carefully avoid saying where it comes from…Nigerians, being more professional in the devious crooked arts, are a lot better organised when it comes to the faking of paperwork and provision of kosher sounding references (even if you phone the referees.)

      There’s an amusing bit in the tribunal report on this one

      ‘…We have seen evidence in the bundle that the Claimant lied about her qualifications when she applied for her role with the Respondent. She said in her application that she had an MSC from Imperial College, London (she refers to it as Imperial University)..’

      Imperial fucking University….and they didn’t spot that before they gave it the job?

      And finally…a look at the names of those involved in ‘recent NHS fraud cases’ might be of further amusement

      (Spot the incongruous ‘token’ one thrown in…)

  16. The thick dumb brainwashed cunts who gave her the job should go to jail. She is a liar they are o bviously totally unfit for their positions, she fitted the narrative.

  17. One of my daughters is a nurse. You have to go to University these days. She started off at 16 working in care homes. She has told me the NHS are bringing in nurses from overseas with qualification but with no knowledge of actual nursing, not even the basics. Complain and your a racist, so no one does.

  18. Not just the NHS, my ex mother in law was sacked from a NHS hospital in Cardiff for helping herself to drugs for her ward and then managed to get a job in Bupa now Aspire private hospital, so they obviously dont screen their employees either, which is slightly concerning, everyone used to say what a lovely lady she is, but in reality she was a total cunt with no morals what so ever.
    So im sure she made it worth some ones while to keep that little snippet of info quiet. interfering old trout…

  19. The scary thing is that this faker has been found out, but what of perhaps the many many others out there working under the cloak of the NHS, pretending to be something they’re not and putting lives at risk

    Management bang on about the usual tropes when they’re accused of not doing their jobs properly when interviewing and accepting new candidates. “Lessons must be learnt” and “We must do better” And yet nothing really changes, and even if it does no one in management ends up in jail for their “error of judgement”

    In pari delicto

  20. This one really looks as if she scores about 3 on the Flabbott brain-death index. And a psycho, too.
    Chuck it in the hospital incinerator.

  21. I was contracting at a place where they were so desperate to get someone black, they took this woman on who was sacked six months later for making up and paying fake invoices. I assume they gave her a great reference and she’s doing the same somewhere else.

  22. Be as PC as you like and only employ persons of colour you like the look of.
    However should this reckless behaviour cause harm to a patient then the consequences should be severe.
    Hang the cunts.

  23. When taking up references you should always, but ALWAYS phone the refereee. Not only does it allow you to confirm that the referee actually knows the cunt you are interviewing but also you can glean a hell of a lot from the responses to your questions, reticence, tone of voice, stumbling and hesitation etc.

  24. This is a scamming, fraudelent, lying, duplicitous heap, and that’s the description of the HR department who rubberstamped her application.
    She’s just a fucking lying chance, whose punt paid off, briefly.

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