Fuck Off.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
(A truly superb in-depth and emotional nom, Dick. But we might need a few more lines just to avoid any confusion about why this poor and lonely individual is causing you so much heartache. Many thanks – Day Admin)
Enough is enough….the halcyon days of “Churchill Mk2” Boris leading us to liberation from the hated EU are long gone.
I never trusted the man before but to see the depths to which he has sunk is utterly incredible..the “bumbling but good-hearted” act is done.
The man has spent his life believing that he was destined for Greatness…well if being a corrupt liar who can barely be bothered to hide his contempt for the “little People” qualifies him for Greatness,then,yes, he is indeed “Great”.
The Man is utterly contemptible and unless the Tories ditch him immediately,they deserve to sink without trace.
Fuck Off and spend more time with your family,you fucking Cunt.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
(More info here – Day Admin Daily Mail News Link )
I think this says it rather well….https://youtu.be/BcapJGvHqfI
Btw, a very fine cunting Squire ??
An inept,shifty, back stabbing cunt since birth, I have been amazed at his progress up the greasy pole. How he manages to stay in power is nothing short of a disgrace.
How he was ever voted into PM candidate position is even more of a mystery. Do the Tories REALLY have a death wish??
And this
Boris. He’s a Cunt
‘Fuck Off and spend more time with your family’.
I think you mean ‘families’, don’t you Dick?
Yes, the cunt has yet to give a straight, numerical answer to the question, “how many children do you have?”. Nine? Eleven? Twelvety?
That’s because he’s caught Flabbotymus Disease, a well known affliction affecting the ability to count.
As for the Fat Shagger himself, there are numerous reasons to cunt him. I’ll just pick on the simple fact that when someone is on TV they are inviting themselves into our homes. The least they can do is get a haircut (and put a comb through it); do up your top button and tie properly; and don’t look like a hobo who slept in a ditch. That weather bloke Stav is the example to follow. It ain’t asking much of a PM.
It isn’t about Boris, though, it’s the entire establishment that now is question. Local gov, national gov, traditional mainstream media, mainstream internet media, hive-minded “public opinion”, showbiz degenerates, moribund cultures, general spazziness abounding in every corner of society. Oh wait, Thatcher said that there’s no such thing as “society” and that sent out the message that we should all be selfish cunts and look where that has led us.
The concept of “the public” came about after the printing press was invented and print journalism evolved into speaking to masses of people – “the public”. Before that, we were still pretty tribal-minded and life was understood by illiterate people VISUALLY. We are slowly returning to that state of mind. Reality is made of language, but it’s more like a visual language not a letter, word, sentence, statement. Language is a form of magic, both light and dark magic, that’s why it’s called, “spelling” as you are casting a spell from the letters and no one really knows where letters come from, how they are established. I would say that most things, maybe ALL things come down from another dimension, “hyperspace”, the Logos, into our space, our matrix, hijacked by black magicians, Kabbalists, whatever these creeps call themselves. We certainly aren’t ruled over by benevolent, compassionate regular folks. Getting rid of the creeps might be easier than you think. I reckon just ignoring them and their conjurings and just mercilessly mocking them will do the trick. No need for violence, violence is for dummies. Mockery is what people fear the most in life and the politicians and media muppets have the thinnest skin.
Great cunting, Mr FF.
The bumbling arse was on TV again last night, apparently. I watched an old episode of The Avengers instead, in which Steed infiltrated the Ministry of Top Secret Information (TSI). It somehow rang true. The utter fucking ineptitude of the Clown Cunt and his advisors is our last main hope for survival.
Get your booster, get your booster, get your booster….. erm, and get your booster ?
What else did he say last night, ah yes get your booster ?
Fuck him & his boosters. He can stick them up his arse. I won’t be obeying anything the lying cunt tells me to.
As I’ve had my booster, I am gki g to spe d a lot of time jacking off over Luscious Penny M.
Before I say anything else, Boris is a total cunt.
But that said, in his recent appearances I don’t think he’s in control. I didn’t see this broadcast last night but I suspect he was reading from a script presented to him. He also looked like a hostage. I suspect there’s a red laser spot on the back of his head should he go off script (or maybe they just have a knife wielding Christian in the wings these days to make his demise look more believable).
He’s almost served his useful purpose to the shadowy people that really control things, the globalists.
He’s now being removed.
That abomination of a speech at the CBI had all the hallmarks of someone having tampered with his speech to throw him (missing pages, shuffled pages, blanked out parts, large cocks drawn on it) with the intent of making him look ridiculous and as if he was losing his grip as a pretext for a vote of no confidence.
Maybe a deal was made where in return for Boris looking like the elder statesman who delivered ‘Brexit’ (actually BRINO) Boris had to double down on net zero, accept all of the Covid shit (lockdowns, masks) and unfettered immigration. All as a punishment for Britain’s temerity for leaving the EU, pour encourager les autres, and to further the globalist agenda.
Carrie Antoinette us possibly a honeytrap agent.
He’s still a cunt though.
Boris wanted to be Churchillian, but he is more like Blair post-9/11. Shocker! As you say, he was cunt-struck by Carrie’s fanny. Boris gets cunt-struck easily, that’s why he was jizzing in fannies all through the Nineties and Noughties and any woman with half a brain would stay well clear of a buffoonasaurus like Boris. So it’s obvious to a hardened cynic like me that she is a libtard masquerading as a conservative. She ticks pretty much every box of the modern libtard NWO globalist rent-a-stooge who will gladly turn Blighty into a digital dystopia if we remain apathetic this decade.
There’s a good article in yesterday’s Sunday Times by Camilla Long. Basically she says he’s treating the country as he’s treated his wives – cheated on them, then fed them a string of lies and excuses. Pretty well spot on, I would say.
That’s been his modus operandi throughout his entire life. Can’t say we weren’t well warned.
Am still amazed he hasn’t been ousted either by an overwhelming Back Bench revolt and/or massive lack of confidence by the 1922 Committee.
He has totally put in jeopardy a whole raft of Tory marginal constituencies, and his 80 net gain margin in seats at the last election will surely be eroded come the next election.
Tory grandees must act now and get rid of this oaf, and replace him with an old-school Tory with old-school Tory principles. Although to be honest trying to find one of those with sufficient Back Bench support is becoming increasingly difficult.
Most Tory supporters – myself included – voted for the Tories in 2019 primarily because there was no other choice short of not voting or spoiling ballot slips. We also voted because we thought Boris would be the man to GET THINGS DONE! Especially in terms of Brexit.
But 2-3 years on, and we can see he has not only fucked over the party, but also the country and the stupid naive cunts who voted for him. (in-between fucking Princess Nutjob!)
But it’s Bojo’s “destiny” to be, “King of the World,” remember?
Remember that old film with Sean Connery and Michael Caine, ‘The Men Who Would be King’? Hopefully this cunt will reach a similar end.
Great film, one of my favourites, love John Huston films. He planned to make it originally with Clarke Gable and Bogart. Here’s the whole film in 1080p:
Scottish overdub piss-take:
(4 minute video)
Should have done all a favour and unplugged the cunts respirator when ha had Kung Flu 1
I doubt that he ever had it – such is my distrust of the man and the serpents he’s surrounded by.
Although starving the cunt of oxygen until he’s dead does sound very tempting.
Jo Brand could sit on his face. Then, job done, she can go back to the reptile house.
I find it a bit sus that Boris and Trump got the Kung Flu both all other leaders of big countries didn’t. Trump was bouncing about three days later like he had won the lottery. Boris looked like shit, but there could be other reasons for that, ie. he was drilled by spooks on how to right-speak about this charade plague.
I heard that he was hospitalised for acute alcohol withdrawal.
Rees-Mogg would be a viable alternative but only if he kept his top hat on and delivered all his speeches in Latin.
His wife oozes class and intelligence and has a tidy fanny despite dropping 6 kids unlike that clown-faced nutty ginger trollop currently in Number 10.
Boris a liar and incompetent cunt?
Who would have thunk it! ?
Just listening to Andrew Bridgen on the TV now, he says the rebellion is up to 71, Nadhim Zahawi yesterday calling the Covid passport a ‘Covid certificate’ and a lateral flow test can be used instead, hehe, doesn’t matter what it is called, same effect.
It’s significant number, but obviously nothing like enough to defeat the Government, what with Starmer and Labour voting with the Government because “it’s in the public interest to do so” ?
I didn’t fall for this prick’s act when he came to prominence in the 90s. It astonishes me that anyone is surprised by his lying, incompetence and general fuckwittery.
The streets will run with blood when the ISAC Revolutionary Soviet seizes power.
The streets of Brisbane?
Boris “Booster” Johnson
The joke’s on those that have taken heed of his advice/lies.
Fine nom and Good Morning
Anyone taking Johnson’s word for anything needs their head examined.
Advice from Boris, I don’t think so, my (and I am sure many others) decision to take the vaccine had fuck all to do with Bojo ?
Boris being an incompetent cunt doesn’t change the situation.
I think the short version hit the spot – let’s hope we don’t get Rishi Fucking Sunak as a replacement if Johnson gets ousted?
Whoever replaces Boris will be told to fall into the lockstep, lockdown, inauguration of the digital dytopia.
Morning CG.
Indeed they will.
All these governments around the world – all working in harmonious glee.
Lockdown Jab Lockdown Jab Lockdown Booster Lockdown..
Dame Kweer is foaming at the mouth as we speak. Imagining himself imposing harsher restrictions.
You just put it in a way no one else has, brother: all countries working in harmony. EXACTLY! Whenever have we seen that? Not even after 9/11 did we see that. And the dubiousness if not outright LIES of this charade plague should have brought out the leaders of Islamic countries shouting, “this is nonsense! The infidel is lying to us again!” but there has been fuck dissent from the “enemies of the West”. Hmm.
Afternoon CG. There are definitely higher ups here.
And what better a pick for them as their puppet than a narcissistic pathological liar with the morals of a tomcat who can be controlled by the nearest whiff of pussy with delusions of being king.
Of course the Power Pyramid goes higher than Boris and Biden. If anyone denies that now, they are part of the problem. Those two cunts have shown about as much authority as a lollipop lady during this dark farce. Others are in charge. I wish it WAS lizard aliens, I could deal with that, but at present it looks like it’s just snivelling wee gimps in ivory towers, lording over us digitally.
All hail to our new lizard overlords.
Meet the new lizards
Same as the old lizards ?
I’ve got the 1956, Ten Commandments on right now…
(3 hours, 40 minutes, yikes!)
It’s quite camp, kinky, isn’t it? LOL! Great score by Elmer Bernstein.
God is parting the Red Sea via Charlton Heston! Magic! Quite an impressive special effect for 1956. Yul Brynner looks well pissed off! He must have been gasping for his 77th fag of the day, the chain-smoking, badly cunt!
I was never taken in by the fake eccentric, spunky biscuit public school bounder. Politicians who quote and try to emulate Churchill (another spunked-on biscuit) are suspect. Gibbering away in Latin, being a columnist for pompous papers and macho-man magazine bellend Bible, GQ. Being on a bike, sweating. Hiding in a fridge. You can go on and on. But the fact that he calls himself, Boris and not Alex was or should have been the real, early-doors sign that he was a cunt.
99.999% of politicians are cunts. I’m feeling generous seeing as it’s Christmas/Kwanzaa.
I was just looking up Kwanzaa videos on YT. Fuck me, what a bag of shite!
Was announcing Plan B an attempt to ‘ bury bad news’ I wonder? If he knew this shitstorm was about to hit the headlines, I would imagine he would have done anything to deflect our attention.
It didn’t work, not only is he a bumbling but dangerous clown, he’s a really shite magician.
The shifty cunt looked like a hostage making a video announcement to worried friends and family last night.
I don’t believe a word the fat, scruffy, philandering, waffling prick utters. He’s spineless, doesn’t do detail and can’t stand up to the lefty communists in SAGE.
Rather than imposing more draconian rules on the public, why haven’t these cunts spent the last two fucking years sorting the sainted NHS? All they’ve done is stop nurses posting tick tok videos as it was portraying the underworked in a bad light.
Fuck him, fuck SAGE, fuck Starmer (not opposition), jabs and passports.
He knows he’s about to be ousted. Gates probably called him and said he’d withhold Bojos bonus payment unless he did one last pharma push.
I’ve never seen such a desperate address before. Utterly embarrassing. Nothing to substantiate it at all. Just pure salesmanship.
All part of the script too. We’ll get a replacement, like Javid for Wankcock, who is identical if not even worse!
Who the fuck makes a fucking speech like that on a fucking SUNDAY? What an utter spunk-bubble of a shit-spastic. That was no way his idea, he was told to make that speech by the higher ups.
Old Doris doesn’t give a fuck about his latest fuck up or any that preceded it.
Like a vast line of politicians before him he’s very comfortable thank you.
Watch him walk away whistling like that cretin Cameron.
Soon as out of office the cheques will start rolling in.
We are peasants to these degenerate cunts.
You’re dead right there – the more they fuck up the more they get paid on the flip side.
Doesn’t happen if you are a pleb – all you get then is the sack and a load of grief – you have to be part of the elite to get in on this game.
They are all cunts and this one especially so?
The puppet strikes again.Mop headed twat.Arrogant until the end.Piss to you Doris the rat.No 3rd booster for me.I reckon a Tory rebellion soon to ditch the bumbling buffoon.Crawl back to Princess Nut Nuts bosom you arse.
It’s easy to go for the person at the top … but I do agree that Boris does present a target that deserves to be shot at. Politics is one of those areas that always presents the ol’ lose, lose scenario moreso now than ever. Normally shit flows down hill and settles … these days if it merely detects a bit of resistance the blowback/backwash covers everything. Let’s face it … there ain’t nothing on the horizon that is positive nor to be looked forward to … nothing. Even the most sound and gifted political leader would never be able to get things done with or without all the global input pressure.
Said it before … I’m of the opinion that governments worldwide are now incapable of doing anything meaningful and constructive. For every action there’s a reaction … sometimes equal and opposite but mostly overwhelmingly opposite. Name me one country that seems to be working in way that you’d be happy with … I’m not seeing one. The ingredients for the perfect storm have been placed in the bowl and the fast moving agitator is set in unstoppable motion. Even if it were to somehow stay in the bowl whilst blending … when you come to decant it you’re gonna have the 2lb of shit in a 1lb bag scenario.
So Boris is a cunt … but then so’s everyone else. LOL … beer time!
I voted Conservative. I got Green bulllshit, lies and incompetence. And mass immigration of economic refugees who dont get enough benefits in France.
I don’t think you are alone.
That’s Boris for you – putting the “con” into conservative.
When the EU elections were going on somebody in my area went around and painted out the “servative” on all the Tory election posters. Then, with the forlorn promise of an “oven ready Brexit deal” the electorate seemed to forgive them. Big fucking mistake there – doubt it will happen again they are going to get a big wake up call next time around.
The first Omicron death in the UK, see Boris was right ???
Yawn, could have seen that coming a mile off. Of course they have.
With COVID… or of COVID.
Age of victim? Underlying conditions, source of infection (hospital)? Vaccine status? Smoker/non etc etc etc. All the questions that no one asks ever….
In other news, people have died today from cancer, leukaemia, knife crime……
According to the British Heart Foundation, there are just under 500 deaths / DAY, with people suffering from heart disease/strokes.
According to Cancer Research UK, 500 people die of cancer related disease / DAY
According to the BMJ just under 100 people died of flu/ DAY in 2919
And even the government’s own health journal suggests that more people died of an STD in 2021 than Omicron.
And yet I don’t dimhead Boris doing anything about these!
It was a male in his early 20’s fit and healthy, slipped on a discarded face mask and broke his neck, or alternatively how the fuck should I know, it was just an announcement on the news. ?
1,800 people die on our roads every year and 25,000 are seriously injured. Amazed the Government has not banned all motor vehicles.
You’ll have to wait until 2030 for that one?
‘Twas, I am led to believe via Reuters, a 98 year old male who had cancer.
Sad for the family at this time of year, a death close to Christmas puts a downer on things.
Give them a chance, Ruffers. A car ban will be here before you know it.
Brits don’t half eat a lot of biscuits, do they? McVitties have probably hastened the death of more Brits than Virginia Tobacco!
Was he hit by a car?
The quintessential pathological liar. Everything about him, his words, his actions, his appearance, his persona, his official paternity count, it’s all fucking lies.
He’s rapidly encroaching on the ‘all time greatest cunt of a PM’ achievement, currently held by Blair.
Blair at least had some leadership skills and could hold his own at times, dark cunt though he is, but Boris “Fridge Fugitive” de Pfeffel is just a coward behind all his bravado. He should have stayed in journalism and daydreamed of being a Churchillian Prime Minister super-Statesman – actually, Churchill failed at that, Stalin, FDR and de Gaulle all paid him lip-service to the old long-winded booze-bag once the war was won. Only Tito invited him to dinner.
This is the rub of seeking power: once you get it, it SUCKS. Look at Nixon. Look at any of them. Men like Marcus Aurellius are a rarity, that’s why they stand all these Moons later.
GB NEWS Mark Dolan got it spot on last night when he said Boris is in coalition with Labour and Kweer Starmer is Tory deputy leader as he just about Backs Boris on every decision especially where Covid Tyranny and lockdowns are concerned.
Tory MP Steve Baker is probably the only hope for the Tories as he and a few back benchers are the only ones holding That fucking Clown Boris to account.
His funny bungling Clown routine is no longer something to laugh about.
Steve Baker supports the football knee taking bollocks and that not being racist isn’t enough, we have to be anti racist.
He may be against restrictions but he is just as big a cunt.
Knee taking does he the Cunt.
I didn’t know that sick of it…
The fuckin snivelling shit weasel
Aye, blotted his copybook with this one
Ah well… in that case our only hope now is Andrew Bridgen.
Until we find something he’s said we don’t like. ?
Baker came out with some total bollocks, he wouldn’t take the knee because of its connection to BLM and multiple interpretations, so he can’t work it out but footballers can ?
Yes, he is indeed a megacunt. So are the rest of Parliament. They’ve all conspired to keep this shitshow going as long as possible, the upshot of which is that they all moan about sleaze and lies, then back this fat berk to the hilt whwnever there’s a vote. The backbenchers are just as bad. They all act indignant for Kay Burley, but then vote with the rest of the vermin when promised a few quid for their constituency or maybe a sniff of a ministerial limo. Unfortunately, when he finally goes, he’ll be replaced with…….more of the same, only worse. I suspect they’ll go for the parking stanley option and give it to Sunak or Ugli Patel. Or maybe that helmet with eyes drawn on Sajid Jamrag. Whoever, it’ll be more of the same old dogshit.
DFF which family you referring to as he’s fucked so many holes he probably doesn’t know how many families he has.
He looks ill. (Boris)
Fuck me hes aged 20yrs in 2months.
Got a ‘haunted’ look.
Like someone whos survived a plane crash or lost at sea all hands drowned.
If anyone needs a jab its Boris!
Swiftly followed by a upper cut .
The spoofing, dizzy, bullshitting fucker.
Probably all those xmas parties he’s been attending.
He’s been life-long booze-bag. He reigned in the razzing when Carrie got sprogged, but a cunt like that needs the hard stuff. That thing over in America is like that… Kamala Harris (almost forgot it’s name) she is said to be a lunchtime lush now, slamming the bevvie back every day and she looks like it, she looks like Whitney Houston on Halloween.
What a shit-show. But I am an optimist. No, I am. It can’t get worse than this in 2022. A day of reckoning is coming. It’s like when you glance at a chess match and inwardly say, “oh white, mate in three moves,” and we the people are playing white. I refuse to see it otherwise. We outnumber these cunts and they know it.
You are like me Gordon: Glass always half full?*
*of single malt?
Bag of mushrooms!
(11 minutes)
Looks like SAGE and Pfizer are running the country. Not Boris ?
Lex Fridman, very cool podcaster, is talking to the CEO of Pfizer “soon” and has requested questions he should ask:
Should be interesting!
Here’s one, how could you be so sure so soon after the emergence of Omicron that your vax worked against it? Was that the world’s fastest and smallest clinical trial?
As a second question, if you get a choice, what is your preferred method of execution? Cunt.
CG@ – here’s one that the world should be repeatedly asking – “How come your alleged vaccines don’t vaccinate, you lying profiteering cunt”?
“Billy Bunter gets job because he wants it”..
I have never got this “bumbling, shambling clown” routine he uses to deflect that he is a pathological liar and will just say the first thing that comes into his head to escape when he is in a corner. He has fucked over everyone around him all his life, has never done anything approaching a competent job in any of his positions and spends most of his time saving himself for as long as possible by throwing everyone around him to the wolves one by one.
I strongly believe that fatboy Johnson is not only an embarrassment but a psychopath and an active danger to the United Kingdom and has been gifted a complicit, incompetent lapdog “opposition” that should be ripping him to bits on a daily basis but instead sides with the “Government” and supports every restriction and anti UK position every time they can.
But when he falls (and he will) he will just be replaced by another NWO talking head who is just using politics as a cash cow,
We will change nothing until we get rid, in its entirety, the worst politicians and Parliament I have known in my life.
It seems ironic that in a world that is supposedly so full of communications so many people still can’t see this shabby, fat, incompetent, treacherous, pussy-whipped cunt for what he really is, along with the rest of the snouts in the trough. Yet in the Middle Ages Robert Catesby and his gang saw these grasping cunts for exactly what they were, and clearly still are.
Spot on Vern.
Having been brought up to always shave, comb my Barnet and wear a shirt/tie to important events, just the state of this shabby looking c7nt is enough, but I concur, the only one Boris is looking out for is Boris. A shifty, untrustworthy cunt and no mistake.
I can’t believe he still rocks that look as PM. Putin must think, “кто, черт возьми, этот гребаный клоун?” when he sees this shambolic gibbering spaz.
It could be worse Vern, we could have a spineless Labour lot in charge, one of the Umbongo MPs on the lunchtime show ‘if we had locked down properly in the first place we wouldn’t be in this position’ , code for permanent fucking lockdown.
The opposition can’t oppose because they want even more restrictions ?
Precisely. Those on here who insist there’s no difference between the Tories and Labour would be in for a very rude awakening if Labour actually managed to swing it and get in.
Soi@ – All parties are as bad. Tories? – Useless crooked champagne socialists who hate the poor and are determined to bankrupt and destroy the Country, and not forgetting the “Labour” party – useless crooked champagne socialists who hate the poor and are determined to bankrupt and destroy the Country, and of course there are the liberal and democratic “Lib (bollocks to Brexit but yes to Swinson having a tits oot fight with lithping Nandy) Dems” – the most illiberal and undemocratic group of useless crooked champagne socialists who hate the poor and are determined to bankrupt the Country..
Anyone else seeing the pachyderm in the parlour here?
There was a legit left-right divide in English politics in the 1600s, but over the centuries, left and right slowly blurred together, Every now and again, the theatre gets a bit of real drama, like Kinnock v Thatcher, but Kinnock never spoke about the brazen child abusers within the Tories that could have sunk them and won Labour the 1987 Election. It’s all theatre, sometimes the hate between parties get real, but that dies down if it threatens to reveal too much to the plebs. The games masters run the game, not the players/puppets.
So true
Hahaha. I love this nom. Just the first four words, mind. It was all that was needed.
Boris only ever gives his all when he is up to his nuts in Miss Nut Nut. Otherwise, the scruffy, conniving baboon runs this country like Phillip Green ran BHS.
Fat, scruffy, muttering cunt.
Muttering in Latin is when he boils my piss.
“Me non exposuerunt!
Ego sum REX, non sum CUNT!”
Keep telling yourself that, you fridge-dwelling doofus.