I’ll admit I’m not sure who exactly I should cunt here, but this nom involves the broadcast media deciding to no longer use the term BAME and the ‘Sir’ Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity who cajoled them into this earth shattering decision.
According to chippy Lenny’s above mentioned ‘Centre’, they surveyed people of colour and discovered that it is a term that causes great offence.
Therefore they have used everyone’s favourite knight of the realm’s power and influence to ensure that the BBC, C4, ITV etc, no longer use the vile acronym.
I may be wrong about this, but did those of colour not invent this acronym in the first place? If so, are they now cancelling themselves for causing offence to themselves? Fucked if I can work it out.
As for ‘Sir’ Lenny, since when did a man who made a career out of taking the piss out of black people hold such sway over the country’s media regarding race? Can i not have him cancelled because I found his Dr David Bellamy impersonations offensive?
Anyhow, this is the price everyone has to pay when you give knighthoods to chippy fifth columnists. Katanga!!
Nominated by: Field Marshal Cuntgomery
and there’s more of the same from W. C. Boggs
Time forus to take a knee as we worship yet another cultural icon – a man so talented, so omniscient that he makes Jay Blades look like an amateur. I refer, of course, to the comedian that makes the greats fade away to irrelevance, and actor laddie who, had they lived at the same time, would have reduced Sir Laurence Olivier to selling programmes, or scratching a living outside the theatre busking as a one man band. I must have missed his career as New Orleans master trombonist Hot Lips Lennie, but, no doubt if he said he was, who are we mere mortals to question it – I give you the self styled race-baiting academic, “Sir” Lennie Henry, who decrees that we should not the term “BAME” when referring to those of darker hue. The BBC are, of course, most impressed:
If one is Asian where does one come from – o you hail from Vietnam, or East or West whatever?. Who know? – who cares even?
As you will see in the article, so many hard-done-by peoples of “color” are affected and it is ruining their life here in the UK as they await their next benefit payment.
Sir Lennie started out as a piss poor comedian on an ITV talent show and the same company, Thams became his employer for several front of the curtain TV series, the BBC took him up, and audiences of millions would laugh as he went through his gaudy but loveable little book of characters. When Thames closed down and the TV shows dried up, he decided he was an actor, and by becoming brooding like Sir Donald Wolfit on a Thursday matinee, he was suddenly a classic actor – well we know what has happened to the theatre (“we’re dark at the moments, darlings” *), so this poseur now decides to try for the David Lammy Memorial Prize in race baiting.
Frankly, I don’t give a fuck if the BAMES come from Nigeria or Jamaica (though the latter probably have a better sense of rythym (or riddim,man) or if that gentleman over there came from East or West Pakistan – who cares?. The point is, they are here, and they stop needing to feel sorry for themselves and act as if they were downtrodden, to give BBC reporters a hard-on. If they don’t like it here, I suggest they travel to another country where they won’t feel so glum and miserable, or – just shut the fuck up.
* Dark is the term the luvvies use for when the theatre isn’t showing a performance, just in case Lammy (who, I am sure, is a close personal friend of “Sir Lennie” is reading – don’t want him to shit himself this early in the day
That’s the thing with the wokies…….it’s all about change. When you are constantly looking around to be offended and you can’t find anything you just pick on things at random. BAMES is just as good as anything else.
Meanwhile here’s some words especially for the wokies and their friends at the BBC…….
Fuck off
Good Morning
One suspects had it not been for the likes of Tiswas and New Faces (I think), Lenny Henry would either be wiping tables down at the local KFC, or doing some stabby/druggy stuff in darkest Handsworth.
As it was, he landed a role on Tiswas and lampooned his own blackness to the point where it made him a star.
Perhaps this cunt should be a bit more grateful. But of course he won’t because he doesn’t want to admit that good old whitey landed him where he is today.
We were given tickets to see this silly cunt at a theatre in Gloucester back in the early 90’s. It wasn’t really our thing but we went along anyway. He bounded on stage and proceeded to tell the 98% white audience that they should pretend to be black for the evening as they would then have a better time. This went down like a shit sandwich and quite a few got up and left, some others started heckling and chucking crisps at him. He kept going with it though. Fucking pillock.
How ironic that this overrated has been luvvie wants the media to stop using a term coined by anti-racists groups in the 70’s.
If you identify something as a problem, you also have to come up with a solution, so what do you suggest?
I can think of several, but I think I’d get moderated.
Utter toilet
“Sir” Lenny Cunt.
Sits proudly alongside Coogan and Grant in the luvvie universe. So-called comedian who never raised a laugh from me and let’s hear it for his Theophilus P Wildebeeste character….. probably one of the most offensive bleck parodies ever if I were that way inclined. I’ll concede he’s gone above and beyond for charitable causes though.
Back in the 70s my classmates included two blokes of dusky countenance. Good fellas. Martin was from Calcutta, wore the full turban and answered readily to his nickname (“Hindi”). Kevin was from Gravesend and was known as “Honey” due to the colour of his skin.
Ok, times have changed thank god but these two are rock solid and might even be members of Is A Cunt.
It would have been of no loss if this cunt had never existed.
Career faded?
Out of contract?
No longer relevant?
Not to worry,just jump aboard the Bus for the Perpetually Offended Minority.
Shit stirring vermin.
This Nom mentions the indefatigable Lammy. The turd that just won’t flush.
Dame Kweer sure wants to make certain he’s not going to be outshone by his shadow cabinet is he?
Scary thought…. if Labour were to form a government tomorrow, we’d have both Lammy and Granny Ange in senior positions running the country. Barely a GCSE between them.
Lammy actually has a degree although all that tells me is how thick you can be and still get a degree. Looking at graduates over the last 20 years simply confirms my suspicions.
Can’t we get Dawnie to sit on his face for the next ten years?
Good morning, everyone.
I am offended by anyone from another country calling themselves xxxxxx British, you are either born in the UK or not and if not then the term should be ‘resident alien’ or ‘accepted citizen’. and don’t get me started on cunts who are allowed to represent England based on British citizenship.
Go back to the old terms, blacks are n*ggers and a Pakistani is a P*ki, that covers the majority of the cunts who cause most of the ethic shit that goes on in the UK.
I am offended by being labelled British, I am English, my parents and grandparents were English.
Katanga can fuck off, now that BAME is offensive I like it ?
Anybody remember his ‘Handy Bendy Gandhi’ sketch from his show on the BBC in the Eighties?
If not, I’m not surprised – I bet he and the Beeb keep that one rather quiet.
Katanga is a shit stirring race baiting hypocritical cunt who has made a living out of his shit stereotype characters.
Rather than use the acronym BAME there’s an easier way to identify people of another ethnicity either in the singular form or plural and that is cunt or cunts
I support naything that causes BAME offence.
Iv have never used the term BAME until today. From now on its part of my vocab.
Its all very well the media bending over backwards to accommodate more hurty feelings from the never ending well of victimhood but they were not quite as fussy about the grooming gang scandals all over the country past and present. The MSM went to great pains to avoid calling them “Muslim” or “Pakistani” and instead went with “Asian” which could mean anything from a Kurd to a Korean.
Oh how my heart bleeds for these cunts. Waste of space and precious air … can’t cope? … tough shit … we don’t care and no their lives don’t fuckin’ matter any more than anyone else’s. No idea as to what went on in the evolutionary process … some serious alchemy went into human development but unfortunately a bit of genetic code must’ve gotten extra fucked up on the way for this branch of the tribe. We all came ‘outta afffrika’ supposedly … what happened … you lot get lost?
Chippy little shitweasel Sir Lenworth Henry of the profitable offence blocked me on twitter when I asked him why Birmingham City University (Katanga! – degrees in waddymelon and feigned offence – as many as you want, just go to the toilet and roll off as many copies as required!) was being so racist having a “Professor of black studies” (our old chippy, thick as pigshit chum Kehinde Andrews) but no “Professor of white studies” and the dinghy lipped water bed fucker had the temerity to block me!
Touchy these chippy racists aren’t they – but they don’t mind money, awards, privilege and lifestyle provided by “racist whitey” do they?
I have an idea Lenny – pack your bags, fuck off to the African continent and see if you can get away with your racist whiny shit for money over there.
But don’t flash your watch about..
Henry is definitely a new breed of entitled black cunt.
Plus, why hasn’t the woke cancelled him for his grave racist/sexist offences in his past career? After all, that England cricketer ended up being banned by the ECB because he made some hurty words about 10 years ago.
One rule for one bunch of cunts; quite another set of rules for every other cunt.
Now I know what it means!!!
Oh no, I was fond of BAME too☹️
“The one with a knife was
“Fuck off back you Bame cunt”
“I just run over a Bame, phew!
I thought it was a dog at first,
Luckily it wasn’t”
Dunno what its got to do with Lenny Henry though?
Isnt he Dawn Frenchs houseboy?
Note that it’s not the ‘Centre for Media Diversity’, but ‘The Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity’ at Birmingham Shitty non-University. Christ, how far up your own arse is it possible to get?
I’m confused. I thought the Guardian editorial committee was arbiter of the language we may and may not use. But no, they’ve been usurped by a washed-up ex-comic and faux academic with egomania issues. What an utter cunt.
A worthy cunting, Field Marshal and WC.
‘Lenny fetch my pith helmet theres a good lad’.
Echoes from a sane world.
MNC@ – “White giant use bang bang stick when angry, Lenny run to fetch gravy Massa MNC”..
Slightly tangential, but why is “POC/Persons of Colour” OK, but “Coloured People” is not?
Half of my degree is in Linguistics, and I am baffled…
Ask Sir Lenny. His doctorate was on this very subject.
I made exactly the same point on here a little while ago, HBH. Pleased to see I’m not alone in being baffled.
I’ve noticed over the last few months how my local online news sites have done away with identifying the race of someone who has committed an offence.
For example, a recent burglary in Carlisle. And the report said “Police are looking for a man, between 30 and 40, black hair, tracksuit top and shorts; rough appearance!”
No mention of whether he was black/white or whatever, which would at least narrow things down just a bit.
No doubt gender and age will be abolished next…. “Police are looking for someone with black hair and a track suit”
I remember very recently, in a Police Line up 2 were white ( the suspect being black ) figure that one out
EC@ – I assume the 2 whiteys were convicted?
At one time you had to be an industrialist, or have a great deal of money to donate before a public building was named after you, I cannot believe Lenny had much to donate, apart from a few of VHS tapes of his old shows, so I wonder how and why he was thus honoured?. Who’s next? – perhaps a Remoaner university will establish the “Adonis LPFE* Studies Centre”
(* Labour Poofters For Europe)
I did manage to raise a smile at him once on Tiswas, but I was thinking of Sally James at the time.
‘The Sir Lenny Henry Centre’. Anybody who sticks his own name on something like this is a cunt. I’m just waiting for the Doug Ellis Stand at Villa Pk to be renamed.
The ‘Sir Lenny Henry Centre’ has the same kind of ring to it as ‘The Jimmy Saville award’ doesn’t it?
*Ward. As in hospital ward. Fucking phone!
When I asked him if he had ever attended the VD clinic in Dudley he gave me a really hostile bl@ck look.
I asked him to carry my bags at Wolverhampton premier inn.
Should of seen the dark look I got!!
This shit is never ending.
In the States they have gone from negro to coloured to African American to fuck knows what (looter?) with profuse apologies from anyfucker who gets this year’s terminology wrong. Fuck knows what them Injuns are called now. Then there are the Eskimos whatever name is acceptable, although I suspect they couldnt give a flying fuck..
Lennie Henry is an opportunist, unfunny race baiting cunt. About time the woke cancelled the cunt for his bullshit parodies or cant black cunts be racists?
Don’t forget, just because he wants it, doesn’t mean it will happen.
Everyone’s entitled to an opinion and like arse holes, everyones got one.
Diversity, so long as it’s black.
As dear old Bernard Manning used to say “He’s about as funny as a burning orphanage”.
And when Dawn French went over to Ethiopia. “That’s all they need to see, what six square meals a day looks like”.
The Big Don French comment is pure class!!
The cancel culture will go around in ever decreasing circles until it is so busy canceling everything it will cancel itself.
And it will then blame whitey..
I’ve just looked up the ‘Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity’ webshite, and fuck me it’s even more Walter Mitty than I thought. The own-arse-inhabitor calls himself a fucking ‘Professor’, would you believe?
Personally I feel we should do more to celebrate this fine nation’s unsung giants of academe. So let’s also hear it for the Right Dishonourable Dame Diane Abbott MP, PhD, MA, STD, BBC, KFC and Bar, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the University of Hackney.
It’s difficult to know whether Dame Diane or Sir Lenny will be Britain’s next Nobel Prizewinner.
GT@ – Honorary doctorate, presumably for services to racism..