A Sieg Heil cunting for the Austrian government.
I am sure most people will have seen the news that the Pseudo Nazi Austrian government have mandated the Covid vaccine from the 1st Feb, the question is, where the fuck are the EU on all this.
Poland decide they don’t want to indulge in the LGBT indoctrination of children and the EU threatened to withhold funding. Poland’s high court decided that parts of the Polish constitution trumps EU law, fuck me, the EU cunts did not like that at all.
Back to Austria, so far I haven’t seen anything from the EU, surely this goes against EU liberal values, I mean what will the Austrians do with those who still refuse, barcode tattoos and internment camps.
Is it all just bluster to try to frighten people into taking the jab, if so the Austrian government are playing a dangerous game, just on the news today riots in Rotterdam against further lockdown restrictions.
It would never happen here…. Would it?
Nominated by: Sick of it
(NOTICE – re the recent shitstorm between cunters over previous Covid/Anti-Vaccine Posts, and my subsequent warning that if this kind of crap happens again there will be no more Covid-related nominations.
Therefore, please keep the debate in this “Carrot” Post civil. No personal attacks. No shouting (UPPER CASE RANTS). Respect opinions. Count to 10 etc. Otherwise the “Stick” could come in the form of a banning. Thank you – Day Admin)
(What he said – NA)
History repeating itself – in Austria – the birthplace of Hitler.
Who’d have thought.
Yellow star anyone?
I don’t think there should be any lockdowns or restrictions. What’s the point in staying alive if it interferes with our personal freedom?
Allan@ – Unless we get off our collective arses and stop them it will never end.
No society in world history has ever appeased and complied its way into freedom.
There are circumstances under which it has been right to restrict personal freedoms. Certain measure taken during WWII for example. But certainly not in the current circumstances. As far as we know the new Mandela variant of Covid poses practically no threat to anyone apart from the very old and otherwise vulnerable, and they’ve all been triple jabbed or are shielding, so very little problem for them.
The sooner the rest of the population catch Moronic and we achieve genuine herd immunity the better. Rather than being made to wear masks school kids should be exposed to the virus.
Agreed. I thought, about a year ago, the line of thought being spread was “Live with it, do not be ruled by it.”
Another major lock down round the corner.
Carrie Pooter should be chained to a lamp post, for use as a public “amenity” and the useless jelly should be forced to watch as everyone parties with her.
Lord Fiddler can look after the kids, hiring them out as chimney sweeps.
Looks like Austria is following Australia’s lead.
Australia gas interned about 1/3 of its population, arrests anyone not wearing g a mask in public and you are not allowed to talk to your neighbours if you see them in the street or supermarket. If you stop, the police spray you with tear gas.
Apparently one guy died of a fractured skull recently after the police picked him up and dropped him on his head after he stopped to talk to a friend at the station. A really horrific video to watch.
Seig heil to both Austria and Australia…..us next?
The President of Austria is Alexander Van der Bellend.
Bellend previously served as spokesman for the Austrian Green Party.
Nuff said.
Greens are often just authoritarian Red types in a poor disguise.
Afternoon Ruff
To paraphrase my long deceased uncle Bob, “scratch a Green and you’ll find a Red just below the surface.”
Afternoon Herman. ?
Watermelon syndrome.
The Austrians have always been hilarious cunts, RTC. They have a natural talent for comedy.
Has not gas….fucking predictive text
From “three weeks to flatten the curve to “show me your papers, schweinhund”!, forcible vaccination of children without parental knowledge or consent and internment camps – as communist rat Jacinda Ardern announces “vaccinations and restrictions will be permanent, and the MSM will now be your only source of “truth”..
And STILL people refuse to see what is right in front of them.
History has taught us nothing.
When did we become so cowardly?
Next step ‘get on the fucking train!’
‘Where’s it going?’
I thought it was 2 weeks to flatten the curve?! But then again that was two years ago lol
I wrote a nomination regarding the Greek government and their COVID law which was introduced on the 3rd December (I believe).
As that nom will be going nowhere I shall write about it here as it is related.
The Greek government have passed a law that everyone over the age of 50 who has not yet been vaccinated will be fined 100 euros a month, every month until they are vaccinated.
I am sure that once the government find out what a nice little earner that is they will move the goalposts to eventually fine all adults, and then all parents who do not allow their children to be jabbed.
This has got nothing to do with keeping people safe.
The South African variant is allegedly travelling around the globe.
But as unvaccinated people are unable to travel then it must be being spread by vaccinated people.
When is this shit going to stop?
(We picked up your nom and processed it a few weeks ago. But then we put it on hold along with this one, and one or two other covid-related nominations owing to the shitstorm in another nomination. We will release yours depending on how this nomination goes. Thanks – Day Admin)
TAC@ – “When is this shit going to stop”?
When we, the people, grow a spine and stop it.
Thank you.
Of course the decision is up to you but I won’t be offended if you scrap my nomination.
It’s just more of the same and I am sure that any replies will be similar too.
Sitting in my greenhouse drinking beer listening to Planet Rock.
Fuck em, fuck em all.
All bollocks and bullshit.
Sounds perfect Harry.
Pissing down here again though.
From an alleged deadly new virus (which made flu disappear)
To lockdowns and closures of businesses.
To a miracle vaccine cure for all (which one could genuinely argue – doesn’t actually work)
Through to – “you must all take this miracle cure to partake in society”
That’s not to mention injecting children without parental consent and blackmailing the same people with the sack that we were told to clap for last year.
All this cuntishness and much more inside a two year time frame.
Can only see further division if this is implemented
Hopefully the what appears to be a weaker strain of the virus takes over and lead to a herd immunity and this is all forgotten about by next spring
I have my doubts about the cunts in charge though , fucking ego trippin nazis schoolteachers
Cunt’n stand up to them if this is adopted
OK, I’ve broken my pledge to sit it out already. But this is definitely my last word on this ( piss starting to boil already).
In the natural history of any virus, they evolve rapidly at first due to the selection pressure exerted on encountering there hosts for the first time. This typically means that as new strains emerge the most infectious ones come to dominate because they crowd out the less infectious. But the more infectious strains also tend to be less dangerous as they get into equilibrium with their host.
This is likely what is happening with Omicron, and may be Covid’s last gasp as anything more than a regular cold virus.
This means it will disappear naturally once herd immunity to omicron is reached. But this doesn’t fit the narrative. The chances are we’re already at herd immunity and the authorities know it (ignore test statistics, they’re fraudulent garbage). The rush to vaccinate everyone in this scenario is to claim a victory for the vaccines and justify the cost and damage of the mismanagement.
Personally I think more sinister motives are in play, at least by some, but the above scenario is plausible.
Don’t forget, everyone’s a cunt.
The Valencian government recently passed a law aimed at fucking up Christmas.
All hospitality venues with a capacity of 50 or more people have to ask to see a COVID certificate and photo ID.
The penalty for the owners of the establishments for not asking to see these documents is 6.000 euros.
The penalty for a client being in an establishment without those documents is 600 euros.
So we can go to a supermarket and shop with 200 people without restrictions, but we cannot eat in a restaurant where the capacity is for more than 50 people, even if we are the only customers in the place.
Fuck me, a bunch of piss-boiling noms here today, and at a weekend too FFS.
Give us a break admins, can’t we have more about arse dildos or kittens (feline or sex, I don’t mind)?
Think I’ll sit this one out to prevent piss scalds.
With said Covid, Austria, Australia, Virus, China, Boris, Allegra Stratton, in fact everyone are all cunts, everywhere.
(Come back at around 5:15pm UK time if you want something light, fluffy and utterly disgusting, but will give you the horn! – Day Admin)
Thanks DA, that’ll be a fluffy lunch time nom that can put me off my lunch then.
(I can guarantee you will be cancelling lunch! – Day Admin)
Oh fuck, it’s not more from TTCE and his bedroom antics is it?
“wasn’t too bad actually” ?
This is completely off-topic but I’m sharing anyway to lighten the time on this nom. The local fire station (or fire house as they say here) just drove around my street with Santa, handing out candy canes, showing the kids around the fire truck etc. Among their number was the cutest little firewoman youve ever seen. I was taking a few photos, of the kids you understand, but somehow she made it into most of them. That’ll be a non-challenging wank later. She can slide down my pole anytime.
Being a firewoman she’s as fit as a butcher’s whippet too. I’m contemplating contriving some sort of minor accident to contrive a call out from her. Checking the arse dildos nom for suggestions.
Phone the firestation and ask them to send around an officer to advise you on fire safety in the home.
Inform them that you have a fear of “men in uniform”.
Good luck?
Good suggestion CG.
Beats contriving an accidental figging per TTCE’s description in the arse dildos nom.
“Please send someone quickly, I slipped getting out of the bath and fell on a piece of ginger root cut in the shape of a stiff cock”
Since I’m old enough to be her dad some kind of coercion might be necessary. Those fire alarms do get placed in some tight nook’s don’t they.
Omicron has killed nobody in the EU, UK or USA. The symptoms are mild according to the WHO. Therefore it seems obvious to this simple soul that the best course of action would be to let as many of the healthy as possible catch it (whilst shielding the vulnerable) so as to spread natural immunity, which is more effective than immunity through vaccination. So what the fuck are Governments playing at?
Or am I missing something?
What’s the betting we’ll be following Austria’s lead after Christmas?
I think this Austrian Nazi shit predates Omicron, aimed at the current Indian version
Austria, Germany, Greece. And now Bojo wants a “national conversation” about it, which means that the BBC will be used to bludgeon the population with propaganda until they accept the forgone conclusion.
Anyone who thinks it would actually end the restrictions is delusional. We’ll all be on a continual treadmill for jabs, linked to the vax pass, and you’ll be fined into oblivion or outcast unless you submit.
Once fully established the vax pass will quickly morph into a wider digitalID, along with digital currency implementation, and then that’s it.. our humanity is extinguished, no rebellion will be possible, and welcome to the brave new world (assuming you’re still alive by 2030 after your 8th booster).
The great thing about tyranny is it doesn’t have to make sense, as per Bojos latest announcement which implemented measures based on absolutely NOTHING.
It should be clear to everyone now this is no longer about a virus.
Exactly that Chunky.
It’s pretty much transparent at this point as to what is going on.
The fact that there is little or no condemnation of the Austrians, Germans, Australian governments for their inhumane policies and behaviour from our government , tells you all you need to know.
To think, twenty odd years ago, if we were a middle eastern shithole whose government was carrying on like ours is or more so the Austrians – what’s the chances we’d have been described as a “brutal dictatorship” that needed freeing in the name of “Western democracy”
The fucking irony.
Absolutely. We’ve invaded nations for less than what is occurring now, especially in regards to countries like Naztralia.
It was all a charade, our so called democracy. Invading Iraq was proof of that, and then Libya, and then Syria.. all carried out with the same level of state sponsored hysterical propaganda (again, thanks BBC!) as we see now.
Our governments are just a buffer between us and the ruling class, to give us the illusion of choice, whilst the ruling class conspire to systematically deconstruct the hard won freedoms we take for granted.
No one wants to believe it’s possible, and it poses more questions than it answers, but at this point it really is clear there’s a hidden hand pulling strings. Our politicians aren’t smart enough to coordinate it themselves, they just do the dirty work in exchange for money.
Since I put in the nom an update from the EU tart, ‘you vill take ze jab!!
It will never happen here, the rebel Conservative MPs are already set to vote against the passport, maybe 60.
Which will make fuck all difference as labour will vote for ever more restrictions
Unfortunately 60 Conservatives voting against will be nowhere near enough, with the combined Opposition parties all voting in favour of further restrictions.
True but I think there would be plenty more against mandatory vaccinations. 60 rebels sends a message, I hope it will be more.
I suspect there will also be a considerable number of Tory abstentions (fucking cowards) so the vote in favour could be overwhelming.
RTC@ – They go through the pretence of “rebelling” with a worried eye in their seat on the gravy train at the next election.
Any MP who does not stand up against this dictatorial shitshow should never see power again – they are the enemy.
Half of you are tin-foil hatters and the other half are sheeple…I’m the only sane Cunt on here.
Where’s DCI Gene ?
….and Chunky ?
(On the Naughty Step – Day Admin)
I’m here. All my posts are flagged for moderation.
Admin: When will this be turned off? I’m not going to respond to Ruff, DCI, or Gutstick anymore, I can’t be fucked with bickering anymore.
Your disciplinary hearing will come up very shortly. We’ve received positive reports from your probation officer, counsellor and defence attorney. Expect a change in your circumstances very soon. Hugs – NA.
DF@ – Probably reversing over a cyclist all being well! ?
And, to my chagrin – it is impossible to shoplift tin foil where I live as the smack rats are always having it away with it – the thieving little bleeders!
Luckily my home made Batman outfit keeps me from harm, although Miss Busty says “I need professional help” – she won’t be saying that when Kwanzaa Christmas comes to rob all the presents!
Right, enough graft for a Saturday – time to blow out some cobwebs with a bike ride.
God help us if you are the only sane one here Dick ?
Mr Fiddler I’ve been thinking. Mind over matter. Yes mind over matter. See I believe you and your selfish ways are the reason you had a bad reaction to the fist jab. See I have had both jabs and nothing happened. Not a sniffle. That because I have a loving selfless heart and only want what’s best for my fellow man. Indeed my whole ‘innards’ are selfless and self sacrificing. That’s why nothing happens to me when I get jabbed.
But with you Mr Fiddler with your ‘no fucking way that I’m going to selflessly risk myself to benefit anyone else.’ attitude is the reason you had an adverse reaction. You need to open your heart to others and the antibodies will do the rest.
Anyone who feels the need to self identify as sane…. ?
Chunky told the DCI to “Fuck off.” ?
He’s told me that too, and piss off, and other stuff.
Doesn’t bother me in the slightest though, but he has got away with it.
I’ll avoid the confrontation in future, it is what it is.
Nobody got away with anything. The Admin Team do their best to let the banter flow and only step in when it strays into personal insult/attack. When you’re around long enough, you notice several regular shit-stirrers suddenly don’t post anymore. Hmmm. There are plain shit-stirrers and there are some who are very passionate about what they believe but sometimes express it in terms which cross the line, i.e. cunting the cunters. One of the reasons why our esteemed site remains so popular is because we don’t allow it to descend into a flaming blood bath. There are plenty of other places on the tinterweb for that. Not here. Carry on – NA.
Very wise. Life’s too short.
Seems the DCI has “fucked off”, at least for a bit (Fiddler points out his absence). Presumably he is being blocked for his endless offensive comments – or maybe he finally literally did burst his spleen by crashing his ambulance in an apoplectic rage?
Talking of absences, what happened to JR Cuntley? He’s been on here forever but has now disappeared. I thought he was quite funny and original. I miss his input.
Quite a few others too – eg what happened to MMCM? He did some good noms.
That might be my fault Hebdo. JR and MNC were having a disagreemwnt about you know what. But it was over. But then I thought of something and piled in.
I just think he thought he was being bullied.
Feel a bit bad about my role. Only a bit though.
Hmmm..wasn’t very pious of you Miles, was it? One can’t help but feel 100 lashes were in order. Still, carry on – NA.
He flounced off in a petulant huff. Didn’t like it up him.
JRC Went off in a girly huff when some statistics were put out. He got arsey with a regular (not me – but it was spiteful stuff). Then, when he got a fraction of it back, he ran of in a hissy fit.
That’s why I don’t like these threads. JRC was a good poster, but covid shite got the better of his good nature. I find these types of threads are full of bollocks with some huge sweeping claims made with no (or dodgy) evidence. If you give counter evidence from the major medical journals or media sources, they’ll poo poo it. Latest one I keep hearing is that this new variant is harmless. It’s far too early to say that, but let’s see. I hope so, but it will still keep mutating the more it spreads anyway. But perhaps that’s the answer? I don’t know, but it seems some do.
Listen, I think Austria are going OTT. This covid shit will never get sorted because too many cunts won’t get vaccinated so there will always be variants being spread at a rapid pace.
I was hoping this would be the case where us honkies could unite and say ‘Look at what the honkies have done. Made medicine to save millions of lives, but the dark keys and peacefuls won’t take it because they think we’re killing them. And this means we can’t get rid of it.’
Instead, many are acting like dark keys and peacefuls or out and out tin foilers. Open goal missed.
The vaccines have saved millions of lives. That is a statistical fucking fact, get used to it.
But still, we’re fucked now, I’m tired of it and it’s time to let millions around the world die, because cant go on like this and people won’t change their minds. The cure can’t be worse than the disease.
My opinion is that if everyone did stick together and get vaccinated, we could reduce the spread while better vaccines are developed. But that’s not possible with a quarter of the fucking globe refusing to take it. People aren’t going to change their minds on this topic. They prefer dancing around chicken bones, taking herbs or even animal medicine. Not trusting ‘Big Pharma’ is another one. I’m sure plenty of those companies are profiteering cunts, but if you’re gripe is that these companies are evil and are trying to kill us, remember to refuse practically all medical treatment in future, including for things like cancer and heart disease.
Nobody can be wrong though in the age of social media, innit? Loss of face n sheet.
Those are my final words on this topic – sending hugs etc to fellow cunters, even though I disagree with a few of you on covid (but I agree that Austria are being cunts).
Not to worry though. He’ll be back.
My reference above was to JRC, in case of any confusion.
MMCM posted only a few days ago, and DCI posted that he was taking a break from all the tinfoil nonsense (as he saw it).
Btw, what’s happened to Norman?
History always repeats itself.
The one thing we learn from history, is we learn nothing.
We wouldn’t be in this mess now if the lying “we’ll take back control of our borders” government didn’t actively import cunts with the virus 2 years ago…. and every day since then.
While we’re making historical comparisons may I compare the shocking political events of 2016 ( Brexit and Trump’s election) with the Russian revolution of 1917. Both events of 2016 sent a shockwave through the Establishment as did the rise of communism in Europe in the 20’s and 30’s. We all know what that led to. I don’t like making simple historical comparisons but the current elites don’t seem to care what lies they have to tell and what they have to do to enforce their tyranny ( yes I will use that fucking word!) upon us.
But don’t listen to me…..mental elf problems obviously. I should be in the hospital with the head doctors writing reports about me.
Don’t come round to my drum. It will say “ist in Dachau” on the door and they will have you on the CCTV.
I hear the medical establishment in the UK is now spinning the narrative that an excess 300k heart conditions are a result of stress from lockdown etc.
Hmm, stress? Not the population wide experiment with novel vaccines that cause blood clots and carry a myocarditis warning then? Move along, nothing to see here.
BH@ – Well you clearly haven’t been watching the MSM – myocarditis manifestations (being reported all over the world now) in young, healthy athletes at hereto unseen levels appear to be due to “smoking weed, racism and climate change” – but luckily, and by complete coincidence Pfizer are marketing a drug which treats – myocarditis – it’s a miracle! ???♂️
And people still actually fucking believe this? Does it take being led at gunpoint to a “reeducation centre” before people admit what’s going on?
I have read the conspiracies.
Not all of them, obviously, as there are far too many.
And there are a lot of nutters out there.
There seems to be only 2 facts that are indisputable.
The vaccine does not stop you getting the virus and it does not stop you spreading the virus.
Everything else is pure speculation.
People have had the vaccine because they have been frightened.
They think that it will protect them, and it may do, but that can’t be proven either way.
People have taken the vaccine because they want things to get back to normal quicker.
But that hasn’t happened.
I see no good reason to carry on with the vaccination program.
I think the proof of vaccine protection (not 100%) against severe illness and death is indisputable.
Other than a few international travel restrictions we have been normal for several months.
Not sure why the panic now, maybe it’s because it’s Christmas which seems to have become some kind of holy grail.
I can’t see any reason not to offer the vaccine to those who want it.
Soi@ – The “vaccines” have been proven to be worse than useless and IMO actively dangerous – they are not legally allowed to be advertised as vaccines which is why they have to get round the legislation by paying washed up “celebrities” and “soshul meeja influencers” to promote it.
For a vaccine to be a vaccine it must have been isolated from living tissue in recorded and controlled laboratory conditions, must be a weakened but still natural version of the original virus and must provide lifelong immunity against that particular strain of virus – they can lie and twist words about what qualifies as a vaccine all they want but the medical facts are there and indisputable.
What the salesmen in politics and pharma are telling people is a “vaccine” isn’t – it does not vaccinate, does not prevent transmission and does not prevent reinfection.
I have no issue with tested and safe vaccines – this trial period usually takes between one and two decades before it is allowed to be used on the people – but what they are hawking is not a vaccine.
My feelings exactly, Big Vern.
I find it incredibly disingenuous for the authorities to call these jabs “vaccinations” when clearly, by definition, they’re not. They do not provide immunity. They do provide an elevated level of protection and ability to better fight infection, which for vulnerable people is a very good thing. I have no problem with that.
The other problem I have with this situation is the mandating of the jabs. That’s being tried in the US and court after court is shooting it down because it’s unconstitutional and in the case of that hair sniffing carcass Biden, a blatant overreach of executive power. Funny how I didn’t see his federal contractor mandate being shot down in court on Tuesday being reported in the media much. Can you imagine if it had been Trump’s administration who’d lost the case? Not that The Don would have mandated it which Biden also said he wouldn’t do before he was (ahem) elected. Funny how that contradiction has been glossed over too.
If the jab was a true vaccination and those who had been vaccinated could no longer transmit the virus and could, by all reasonable accounts be considered “safe and protected”, then fine. But that’s not the case yet. The treatment of un-jabbed people in many countries is a case for the human rights courts waiting to happen in my view.
There have been pandemics down the ages. The black death for example, isn’t still on the rampage because these things burn out over time. This one will too. We’re just very unlucky that a pandemic came along in our lifetime. But lucky that modern medicine can attempt to do something about it and help protect those who need it most. The rest of what is happening is blatant crowd control in my opinion. Testing the waters to see what else the authorities can get away with and what the public will accept. It is scary.
a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
The flu vaccine is modified each year to deal with new strains
Whatever you want to call it, the vaccine has been promoted by national health agencies all around the world, it’s effectiveness has never been claimed to 100% (typical 90%) just like the flu vaccine isn’t 100%.
If people don’t want it then it is their choice but the effectiveness isn’t an opinion it is a fact whichever way you want to look at it.
I only know one person who was frightened into having a vaccine, and he’s a loony. Everyone else I know who have had it has done so for many reasons, but fear is not one of them. I know a couple of people who have been scared into not having it, after shit they have read on social media and conspiracy forums. Who is right will eventually come out in the wash.
My opinion is always up for grabs. If someone can give me a compelling argument that challenges my opinion, and can back it up with factual evidence I will concede and change my opinion, as that is how a real opinion is formed, and I will accept it as right, even if I don’t like the answer.
Also I don’t know anyone who thinks someone is a cunt for not having a vaccine, but I know a few who think people who have are cunts. Also, I don’t know anyone who agrees with vaccine passports or supports the victimisation of anyone who doesn’t want a vaccine, yet I know a few who think that those that have had a vaccine are in some way culpable for these measures.
So, I’ve been labelled stupid, sheeple, the mongiest of the mongs, and that’s just on here, for daring to have a vaccine, a decision I didn’t take lightly. Occasionally I read something here that is so ridiculous, I have to question it, and I try my best not to be condescending when I ask for evidence to back up the claims, sometimes failing miserably for which I apologise, even though it is difficult, but it sometimes becomes a big conspiracy reacharound, and I have always enjoyed the fact that IsaC is not an echo chamber, though some days that seems a distant memory, and resembles some far right racist hate platform. Like on Fridays nom for that Sacha BLM woman.
I miss contributors like Kimodo and Fred West, who I often disagreed with, but they could argue their point with eloquence and passion, and made you think twice about your opinion.
It would be a shame to leave after nearly seven years of enjoying this forum, but I don’t know what I have to offer here any more.
Can’t disagree with a word of that. But we need balanced and well considered contributions like yours, Gutstick.
If you fuck off it would be a great shame and you would be sorely missed, though it would be totally understandable.
ISAC used to be an oasis of sanity and a refuge from the madness and nonsense permeating the modern world, but less and less it is that way. The barbarians have truly broken down the gates.
Let’s say it how it is.
ISAC is in danger of becoming the David Icke forum pages.
GJ@ – The decision to get jabbed is your choice as an adult – I do not know about anyone else on IAC (although I suspect there will be a broad consensus of agreement) but I figure it’s up to you whether you do or do not and not something which should leave you open to abuse – we all make our own decisions and by and large are grown up enough to respect other peoples choices.
Each to their own.
There is so much misinformation out there it is a hard to know what to believe, one of the most intriguing ones is about infection… ‘the vaccine doesn’t stop infection’, well for the immune response to trigger the virus has to enter the body (nose and mouth) so someone has to be ‘infected’ in the first place to ‘test’ the immune response that vaccine has produced.
It’s not that difficult really, except that like the flu some people have a strong enough immune system to fight it off without a vaccine but it is Russian roulette, take the chance without the vaccine, get sick and see how it goes, sadly some people will lose and get that loaded chamber.
Please don’t leave GJ. I for one look forward to reading your well-reasoned posts.
All these restrictions are part of the Chinaifcation of Europe. Police state mentality and digital monitoring of everybody. Like Freddie says, it’s about governments getting and keeping control of the masses with the never ending Project Fear.
No jab, no job, no freedom.
The imposition of the collectivist mindset. Trump and Brexit got in the way…
We are supposedly governed by consent, but one thing’s for sure; authoritarianism is never far below the suface.
People will put up with a lot, but eventually the worm turns and then all hell can break loose.
I predict a riot or three if they carry on down this route.
Consent is a facade.
As Larken Rose said, ”Defies logic to say, “I give my consent for you to be robbed.” Yet that is the basis of the cult of “democracy”: the notion that a majority can give consent on behalf of a minority. That is not “consent of the governed”; it is forcible control of the governed, with the “consent” of a third party.
Vaccine passports are digital identity cards. Wait untill we are “nudged” into it.They will know where you go,what you do and how you think. Next up digital currency which will control what you can buy. These cunts have to go.
Yep, Covid is a trojan horse to the new world order, agenda 2030 etc. Whether by design or by accident, either way the opportunity it provided is being exploited
The spirit of Dr Joseph Mengele lives on. Or maybe he never fled to Argentina and is still alive and advising the Austrian government. Indeed, where is the EU in all of this? Is not forcibly injecting a substance into a human being something that goes beyond written laws? And since when did the vaccine stop if spreading? I keep hearing that, and it’s unarguably bullshit. Almost as debatable as yesterday’s announcement that two jabs offer jack shit protection, but the booster gives up to 75%. Fucking really?? It’s a miracle!
Id love to go to Austria.
Fresh alpine air,
Sausages and beer
Can wear leather hotpants without being called hurtful names etc.
It sounds wonderful!!!
Sort of like Shangri la crossed with Disneyland.
And you know who was Austrian dont you?
Only one of the greatest speakers ever!
A visionary, a man who inflames minds with his speeches,
Thats right!
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Leather hot pants were only at number four on the list ?
We both know its the main reason.
I was acting coy.
Hehe, closely followed by the ‘slapping’
MNC@ – Oompah bands, busty barfraus, hats with feathers in, Steins of beer, loads of meat and the chance to invade Europe – I think I know where our jolly band of matelots aboard the Black Pig are sailing for our IAC Christmas party! ??
I asked for contributions for fuel, but so far have only received death threats and dogshit through the letterbox..
ISACs Bavarian odyssey?
How marvelous!
Id love a hat with a feather in,
Dancing to the oompah band and scoffing schnitzels and downing beer while the yodels echo through the mountains!
Nowt wrong with Austria!
MNC – I’ve shared this with you before but there is no time like the present;
If I could yodel like that id never stop!
Weddings, funerals, on trial at Nuremberg, whatever!
Break out yodelling ?
Love it.
Great people the Austrians,
Never heard of a bad one?!
So winning the Second World War and seeing off a load of jackbooted cunts was all for naught?
Camps for the undesirables are back in fashion?
I wonder if the evil yet strangely incompetent vermin in London would like to rent my oven?
Maybe, if their eBay search for “Zyklon B” comes to nought…
Visited Austria 15 years ago – Beautiful country – lovely people.
No graffiti, not a scrap of litter on the streets.
I don’t think the people of Austria want or deserve this.
All down to the EU loving bureaucrats running the show. The EU have shown their true colours – that they are the 4th Reich in all but name.
Orwell was right – just a couple of decades adrift on the timing….
Been skiing in Austria a few times. Loved it. And you’re right about a lack of litter and graffiti. The little villages I stayed in were beyond quaint, very clean and the locals were lovely.
Skiing in Europe is so much better than in Yankland too. In Europe, there’s always loads of bars and cafes dotted all over the mountains. In Yankland, your typical mountain has 2 maybe 3. Which doesn’t lend itself to my favourite skiing game.
Start at the top of the mountain and ski to every bar as you make your way down to the bottom. Sinking an alcoholic bevvy each time obviously. Sometimes you have to go back up a chair lift to get to the more out of the way bars, but it has to be done. By the time you’re getting close to the bottom, you can’t feel your legs. When skiing that’s quite dangerous but also very funny.
Aaahhh….thems were the days.
Have to agree with you there IY. As a lifelong skier, both sides of the pond, I have to say nowhere beats the Alps.
No mask, no vakzine, no trick and trap. Hey presto, no Covids. Join the exempt!
What are all the non ‘Christian’ countries doing?
Elcuntrian@ – Whatever the fuck they want as soon as they dupe the people into giving up their firearms.
I’m writing a book. Dr Plastic. Or How I learned to stop worrying and love the Vaccine.
Shame Kubrick is no longer around to direct the film adaptation Miles.
They’ll probably get Christopher bloody Nolan…
(with yet another Hans Zimmer soundtrack)
They’ll probably get that cunt who directed the London 2012 opening ceremony.