Anti-Vaxxers (Admin Warning)

I know a lot of members of this site claim to be civil libertarians and will argue against me here.

But I want to put to you all a simple scenario.

You have a vulnerable relative with an underlying medical condition. They can not be vaccinated. Your view is that whether or not to be jabbed is a matter of personal freedom and that anyone who decides not to be should be allowed to go about their lawful business unimpeded. The only trouble is that many of these non-vaxers are tradesmen or carers who may have to enter the home of your vulnerable relative. One who does is a carrier and your loved one is infected by this person. Sadly, they get very ill and then die.

What is your reaction? Are you content that this anti-vaxer preserved their civil liberty even though it cost of your relative? Is that a fair exchange?

I don’t want to hear smokescreen arguments such that the vaccine doesn’t protect everyone or that workers who enter care homes have to pass a flow test.

If someone turns up at your granny’s house she won’t ask them to take a test. What about her freedom FROM being infected by a deadly disease? Anti-vaxers only ever talk about freedoms TO do something. It is just about them with no regard for anyone else. Most have not suffered the loss of loved ones.

No, I don’t advocate people being held down while they are injected. If they won’t participate in the vaccination programme then that’s OK but they will have to accept that their life will be more limited for the sake of the community as a whole. Other countries are making this choice and are being compared with the Nazis. This is a ridiculous argument. The Nazis introduced programmes to kill millions of innocent people, modern governments are doing it to save millions, exactly the opposite reason.

Let’s not get side-tracked by civil liberties. We’ve heard it all before with drink driving, smoking, seat belts et al. All were opposed by the self appointed freedom warriors. What about my simple example of a loved one?

Nominated by: Sir Streeb Greebling

(NOTICE. Play nice please – Day Admin)

336 thoughts on “Anti-Vaxxers (Admin Warning)

  1. I’m anti Chris Whitty, SAGE and Patrick Vallance. People on at least £250000 a year, all for locking down again. The cost in suicides, lost business, mental health and stress. These people will never have the ultimate shit experience of losing their job and wondering how the gas bill is to be paid. I’m of the view that they are selfish bastards on a power trip, “I’m alright Jack, pull the ladder up”. I was really ill with the first vaccine and ended up going to hospital. Have my booster on Thursday, it didn’t put me off. I’m not for forced vaccinations but I wish they would have it so that this fucking nightmare two years might get a bit better.

  2. The question I have is why people are refusing the vaccine?

    Are they scared of needles or something?

    Or are they concerned about experimental mRNA being put into their bodies to specifically alter some of their cells?

    Either way, not sure it is moral for the government to jab them and their children without consent.

    How about this for an idea? If the state believes in the vaccine, educate people on it instead of blackmail. Maybe get some of those sciency types to come in and explain why it is safe and effective to an audience of their sceptical peers.

    Or you could just carry on and insult, silence and threaten. There is no right or wrong.

    • I think the MHRA did a good job in explaining the vaccines including side effects, the JCVI have been diligent in examine evidence before making recommendations.
      The problem is that many of the anti vax mob are so anti anything they refuse to engage with any form of authority or scientific evidence.
      If you get all your information from unverified sources and you tube spin doctors you cannot make an informed decision.

      • Soi@ – The “scientific evidence” is being withheld.
        Try having a debate and presenting evidence when the debate is not allowed and the evidence is not suppressed.
        We could ask inventor Kary Mullins how effective his PCR test is for viral detection, but cannot do so as he recently “committed suicide”.

      • This is just not true, Sick.

        ‘The science’ is not unanimous, it never is, and it’s really disingenuous of you to say the anti-vax refuse to listen to science or authority figures.

        When the narrative is one sided, when censorship of discussion is taking place, when authority’s are cherry picking and manipulating data to suit, then why should anyone blindly trust ‘the science’/narrative!

        You can’t disparage people because they refuse to accept a completely curated discussion and set of evidence. That’s absurd.

        Let’s do science. Let’s have an open discussion. It’s not happening though is it. I refuse to bow to dictated belief systems.. give us all the information and let us make our own minds up.

      • I would say cherry picking is the domain of the anti vax mob.

        I cannot understand after all this time the PCR test is still being questioned, being an inventor of a technique doesn’t mean that person is somehow the sole arbiter of how is can be used, many techniques have be invented and then further developed by others for improvements and new analytical methods.
        The Mullins comments from way back in the late 90’s were specific to HIV/AIDS.
        PCR is a replication technique and no one anywhere has ever stated that detection of Covid is quantitative it is qualitative, ie is it present.

        I agree there are scientist who question some assertions about covid and have to balanced against what our national bodies are saying and what is being observed on the ground which is that people have been dying because of a pandemic virus, you can question the rights and wrongs of lockdowns but Covid is a fact and vaccines have been shown to be effective in reducing death and severe illness, the severe illness that has caused many to suffer long after they are free from Covid.

      • You make these points about PCR, Sick, but you still reveal you don’t actually understand how it works. It’s not directly detecting viral particles in a sample at all, it’s amplifying material so they can get a signal and then they match that against what the virologists say is the genomic signal of their isolated virus. At no point is virus being measured or detected directly in people.

        Mullis was absolutely correct about HIV and the point he made is identical for SARSCOV2. You are matching against an arbitrary signal, not detecting virus directly, and therefore you should not be using it to diagnose disease in people.

      • Modelling is only as good as it’s input. I could start a model up to confirm that Russia will invade Luxembourg, The isle of man and Vanuatu using only sausages in the next year. Manipulation using a computer simulation is easy. It’s like throwing stones at the fucking moon all night and then decide you won when the sun comes up. Then the sun stone throwers come out.

      • If you’re talking about Katy MULLIS, inventor of the PCR test, he died of pneumonia at the age of 72, back in August 2019.
        He was a bit mental in later life, among other things denying HIV caused AIDS.
        Must be all the LSD he consumed…..

      • I wish it was Sick, the pimlico pimp is however a cockroach.
        Mullis committed suicide? Perhaps he put his money where his mouth was and fucked someone he knew had HIV. Oops!??

      • @chunk

        How many PCR test have you actually done?

        The test doesn’t detect the virus directly, that sample is extracted from the swab taken from the subjects nose and throat, the technique used via PCR is developed specifically to identify the presence of Covid.
        What about that is so controversial?

      • It’s controversial because you’re not detecting virus directly, only what is believed to be the genomic signal of it!

        The original virus isolation is performed by a few teams, they present what they claim is the genome, then PCR is used to match against that.

        It’s not like a bacterial or fungal culture, nor can you put the sample under a microscope to see a virus. It is indirect methodology. It should not be used to diagnose disease!

        ps Covid is the disease. Sarscov2 is the virus, which (supposedly) causes the disease.

      • Thank you for the explanation that all the PCR test that have been done are completely worthless because the original isolation is questionable, however if the isolation was correct then would that be enough to validate the PCR test.

  3. It’s not a simple example though is it?

    So many what ifs, buts and maybe’s.
    Who knows if a visiting repairman is a carrier or not?
    He may be unvaccinated but test regularly , or he may not test. Maybe if you ask he will be upset , maybe it’s a woman or a transgender.
    I suppose customers could ask specifically for a vaccinated technician, but why would that be any safer?
    Vaccinated or not, it seems the probability of passing on or indeed contracting this thing called covid is unchanged.
    On the subject of Nazis , both sides have been accused of behaving like them ( and there was a bit more going on than rounding people up and extermination them) but it’s an unhelpful and lazy way of insulting the opposite view of one’s own.
    Mind you , stopping unvaccinated people going to certain places/venues, and imposing a them/us mentality is a dangerous path to start down.

    Merry Christmas.

  4. Maybe it is end the end of the world.
    Or the beginning of the end of the world . Revelation talks about ‘disease and plague’ being the first indications.
    Coronavirus could be the first ‘sign’.
    Good afternoon.

    • But.. but… but what of Greta’s future?
      She’s already had Covid once (allegedly). Surely something must be done to save her and her precious eco warriors from the end of the world due to D&P!

      How very dare you!

    • Maybe the vaccines are the sign if the beast, all those who take the vaccine will ‘be saved’ from the pandemic and all those who refuse will be shunned but will ascend at Rapture and be with the lord in the his kingdom.

  5. And what of the next variant, and the next and the next.
    Will Boris and Sage insist on the country jumping through more restriction hoops, killing off small businesses, pubs, restaurants hotels etc.

    They will bankrupt the country, and probably cause more deaths than Covid and its variants could ever manage

    • Im mandatory everything .
      All jabs, masks, passports.
      The lot.
      For young, old, living, dead, and unborn.
      Force it on em.
      And id rip up that Geneva convention bollocks too.
      Nothing but trouble that!
      Its for communists.

      • Interesting you include the unborn Mis

        What will future generations look like when everyone has been infected with the devils brew, will they be a new species of human, more obedient, already conditioned to conform to the brave new world.

      • A breed of supermen Sicky!
        Lithe, tall, immune to illness.
        A new age of for a new breed.
        Theyll build statues in honour of our saviours.
        Whitty and Van Tam.
        Well, (a plastic statue of ET and Porky Pig)
        But the thought was there…

      • MNC@ – I sense a position in my Government for you Sir!
        Could I also add punching teenagers to your list? ??

      • Of course Foxy!
        Punching teenagers is a must for any job role id consider!
        Working with youth is my forte.
        Id happily boot em around a bit too if you want?

      • Statues of Whitty and Van Tam, being defaced by the pockets of resistance, still clinging to the hope that they can return to world before Pfizer were governing party issuing the daily pill to keep you happy and content.
        The resistance will hide in the shadows, striking out with painted slogans against the Pfizer rulers unable to find work, ‘no jab no job’ sad faces looking into utopia but unable to enter ?

  6. ?”Mama just vaxed a man put a needle to his arm pressed it in and now his dead”
    “ Mama life had just begun but now I’ve gone and thrown it all away”
    “Mama oooh ooh oooh”
    “Didn’t mean to make you cry”
    “If I’m not vaxed by this time tomorrow”
    “Carry on , carry on as if nothing really maters”

    “To late my vax has come
    “Send shivers down my spine, body’s aching all the time”

    “Goodbye everybody”
    I’ve got to go,
    Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
    Mama oooh oooh ooooh
    I don’t wanna die , sometimes I wish I vaxed for you and all “
    “Darn Narn darn ding darn , darn darn ding an darn ding darn a darnnnn”

      • Makes you think though. Is this about health or is it about money? More to the point, are the two even mutually exclusive? Much to ponder.

      • Pfizer had slipped down the league table of big pharma, the resurgence has come eventually.
        Knocking out stuff that is in demand is a commercial decision just like the iPhone.

    • I’m not sure, but I think it might just possibly have something to do with their success in producing a Covid vaccine… ?

      • RTC@ Finances probably took a bit of a hit when Pfizer were fined $2.3 billion in 2009 for fraud.
        And a quick correction – Kary Mullis did not die of suicide as I erroneously posted earlier – I must have been looking at Hillary Clintons career and assumed..

    • Techno@ – I have submitted a lot of FOI requests to establish how many politicians have a vested financial interest and are making profit from this – I was rather snottily told politicians finances are “a private matter”.
      I did the same with SAGE and was told it “was not relevant and not in the public interest” to divulge how many members of SAGE had vested financial interests.

  7. I blame it all on homosexual,dark-key Jews…I’m away now to stick some horse wormer up my arse…apparently it is the latest wonderdrug that protects against something that doesn’t actually exist. The Cabal of Evil are keeping from us so that they can take over the World….the wicked beasts.

    • DF@ – Afternnoon DF, apologies, couldn’t post on your your Ivermectin one – Ivermectin was FDA approved for human use in 1996 and the inventors Satoshi Omura and William Campbell won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for inventing it.
      As the same FDA have “why you shouldn’t use Ivermectin” online! ?‍♂️

      • I never said that it wasn’t approved for human is some kind of wormer…I’m struggling to find any official study that says that it is any use against “Covid”

        The early promise seems to have been debunked…

        Which article do you recommend I look at to prove your assertion that it should be given in “Covid” cases ?

      • I’m also struggling to understand why you think that taking Ivermectin ,which seems to have so little in the way of acceptance as a “Covid” cure ,when you are so anti taking accepted “vaccines” which do show effectiveness

      • Above should read..

        I’m also struggling to understand why you think that taking Ivermectin ,which seems to have so little in the way of acceptance as a “Covid” cure , is a good idea when you are so anti taking accepted “vaccines” which do show effectiveness

      • Also, the same people who reckon ivermectin should be used to treat covid also think covid doesn’t exist, and it’s all fake.
        Can’t get my head around that…..

    • who gives a fuck Dick,the only ones that do , are making money personally i couldn’t care less who dies or not
      life isn’t it

      • I don’t care whether people have the jab or don’t or who croaks and who doesn’t or whether some treatment works or doesn’t….what pisses me off is people announcing unproven rumours and theories as fact.

      • the fact is sir Dick there are cunts at work because of covid
        you will always have charlatans on any crusade

      • My sense of righteous indignation at “untruths” grows as the contents of my bottle of Bushmills shrinks…a few more nips and I’ll be primed enough to send my nightly e-mail to Boris Johnson.

        I am indeed a Crusader for the truth…unless the truth doesn’t suit me,of course.

      • Best of luck with Boris and orifice
        I think you might find your opinion is far of greater worth than in his house of deciept
        i hope you finish the bottle

    • DF@ – Apologies for the late response – The doctor who reported the Congress treatments is Dr Pierre Kory of Frontline Doctors, reported in Citizen Free Press.

      • @Vern.

        I could report that “The Moon is Made Out Of Green Cheese”… without proof my claim would hold the same validity.

        I must say that I was(n’t) surprised to learn that the “wonder drug” being withheld from the People by the Socialist Global Takeover Cabal hadn’t actually worked on the good Doctor himself……

        Vern…maybe this drug does work…maybe it doesn’t…but you are too quick to cherrypick little unproven snippets and rumours and present them as “proven facts”. You do your cause no good with your obfuscation and exaggeration gleaned from obscure and equally unproven sources.

        If you actually stuck to the facts and not just what you’d like to believe,you’ be doing both us and yourself a favour.

    • Sat glum faced in the waiting room waiting for Seymour Cock
      And Dick Stroker to be seen…
      Be that nutter.
      Piers Corbyn!
      Cant trust a piers .
      From Blackpool to Eastbourne,
      Piers are absolute cunts.

      • He’s batshit mental Miserable, even Magic Grandpa has cancelled Christmas and excused himself by spending the day leaving pigs heads outside of synagogues.

      • Its not that hes a eco-loon
        Or a tinfoil spacker,
        Or even a speccy leftie head the ball,
        That I despise him LL.
        Its his nasal hair.
        You seen it?!!!!
        Its like cut turf in each nostril.
        The puddled filthy cunt makes me spew.

        If I met piers id have to act!
        Its a abomination that needs addressing!
        Quick flick of a Bic lighter=sorted.

    • Bing-bong: “Could Harold Shipman go to vaccine room 8, please. Harold Shipman to vaccine room 8.”

      Bing-bong: “Could Joseph Mengele go to vaccine room 4, please. Harold Shipman to vaccine room 4.”

      Bing-bong: “Could Jack Kevorkian go to vaccine room 7, please. Harold Shipman to vaccine room 7.”

      • I messed up my own joke…

        Bing-bong: “Could Harold Shipman go to vaccine room 8, please. Harold Shipman to vaccine room 8.”

        Bing-bong: “Could Joseph Mengele go to vaccine room 4, please. Joseph Mengele to vaccine room 4.”

        Bing-bong: “Could Jack Kevorkian go to vaccine room 7, please. Jack Kevorkian to vaccine room 7.”

  8. I don’t think our government are the National Socialist Party.
    I do however think that freedoms are lost one small step at a time, and that dangerous policies can be implemented under the reasoning that it is for ‘the greater good’

    I also think lessons can be learnt from history.
    In 1939, the Nazis started the ‘T4 Program’ – a euthanasia program to kill the incurably ill, physically or mentally disable, and elderly people.
    Initially, 3 qualified doctors had to review the medical file, and unanimously agree that the subjects life should be terminated by lethal injection.
    After a short time, only 1 doctor needed to ‘cross’ the patients file, and many were simply no longer fed and starved to death.
    Later, the list grew to include trade union organisers, comunists, rabbis, homosexuals, jews, gypsies, journalists, lawyers, university professors and anyonewho spoke out against new laws – no doctor was involved and no medical record examined. An SS list of candidates had crosses by each name. They were put in camps, beaten to death, shot or gassed….

  9. Same shit, different day. Some folk resemble the loonies that used to go around the streets with sandwich boards saying ‘the end of the world is nigh’ and they were all batshit crazy.
    I read the other day that conspiracy theories make the idiot feel like an intellectual, because they think they know something that others don’t. Can’t really argue with that…

    • It again works both ways GJ. Promotion of a worldwide block of criticism is beyond sensible. Society from the year caveman has always had debate and also history of leaders who fucking lied to convince idiots.

      • Debate isn’t a problem, it’s through debate I have my own opinions, and they change, and will probably change again as more and more reliable information and statistics become available.
        I think the government scientists and independent virology experts should tackle the conspiracy narratives far more seriously than they currently do, as just by ignoring them, or banning the more dangerous and subversive stuff, they should engage on a public platform, and take the evidence to task. That way, more people could see it for what it is, instead of the easy answers these stories offer. Although, I think regardless of whatever evidence is put forward to debunk these stories will never be enough for some, and just add it to the conspiracy narrative.
        I also think that the vaccines should probably be rebranded as something like a short term anti viral treatment to play to their strengths, and remove the whole debate on their dictionary definition entirely.
        Just my two pence worth….

    • GJ@ – OK let’s stick to facts – why doesn’t the “vaccine” vaccinate?
      Simple question.
      Because we don’t want to listen to a word the tinfoil helmet brigade say – they were going around saying we would be locked in our homes, the police would be illegally arresting and assaulting people, that nobody would be allowed anywhere without a mask on, that greedy people would be setting up companies to cash in on misfortune – and we would never have Health Minister Nadim Zahawi setting up Warren medical and changing the name from “Zahawi Warren Medical” to avoid scrutiny – these tinfoil nutters were also saying there would be internment camps for the unvaccinated, vaccine passports before being allowed to travel, children at school being continually tested and jabbed against their parents will etc.
      Luckily none of that has happened has it?

      • Firstly, I see plenty of people not wearing masks in the supermarkets, and where I live, the mask mandates for shopping were never lifted, so technically they are required by law to wear them, and I haven’t seen one confronted about it, ever. Nobody wears a mask walking the streets or anywhere other than shops.
        Secondly, you don’t need to be vaccinated to travel, or to enter night clubs or sports or concert venues, a negative lateral flow test for domestic situations, which is free, and a PCR test for international travel, which does cost, but if you don’t want to take a vaccine, it’s a viable option.
        Thirdly, internment camps? Total nonsense, I’ve paid good money to stay in worse places, and I’ve never heard of an internment camp that lets you out after a couple of days. Using the word internment conjures up that oppressive feeling that people who shovel this shit want easily led folk to buy into.
        You are always going on about getting into Parliament. The way you play fast and loose with the truth, you’re halfway there.

      • I’ll stick this here-

        ‘He who sees both sides of a question sees absolutely nothing’.
        Oscar Wilde.

  10. In your example where granny can’t have the jab and the anti-Vaxx tradesman/carer won’t have one, being that it’s unproven in preventing transmission (loads of family members double jabbed and contracted covid anyway) how is this a relevant example?
    Even if granny and the tradesman/carer are both double vaccinated and boostered they can still transmit to each other
    (info also on,easily found just search engine ‘can I transmit covid after getting vaccines?’)
    In the same scenario why is granny unable to have a vaccine? Because she can’t leave the house?
    55 million vaccines, more cases than ever (before vaccine). Easy stats to understand, it’s not working.

  11. Evening all. I’ve been reading all posts throughout the day and again it proves the fact that this topic has achieved exactly the goal that governments around the world desired. Division of society is the order of the day. History, common sense and freedom of speech has in recent years been twisted to support the agenda spooned out Ad nauseum via every single form of media. If you spend any amount of time looking for any criticism about the current pandemic ( oh fuck off) you will only find fact checks, debunked or myths. In the book 1984 it points out that only the very old have a vague memory of what happened before. The movement of BLM, Antifa etc were mere civil unrest terrorist groups financed by the elites to confuse the global population into frustration of self logic. Back to the original idea of this nomination it is pure speculation based on mass media propaganda. I admire anyone who goes against popular cultist beliefs by using common sense and self affirmation. Another problem I have with the new religion of vaccination promoters is anything using the word ‘covid’ is blanket banned from YouTube. So that’s your conspiracy theorists are mental argument fucked. What we should consider is nobody has ever been coerced into taking a medical experiment in a free world, and when they lock us up for non compliance, they already have done their job on the vaccinated. Merry Christmas everyone.

    • Cuntflu@ – 100% correct – they create division so they can do what they want as we are distracted arguing into the wind.
      If Facebook and twitter ban it and the MSM won’t allow it to be debated or mentioned that is not generally the sign of honest and credible people – if the opposing voices are all loons and fantasists how about a studio debate to expose this? – seems the easiest thing in the world if this is truly the case.
      Forcing people to take something they do not want or trust is wrong.
      And unlawful.
      And I will never comply.

      • Debate against fools is again brought down to playground antics. They always turn to bullying, brow beating and blatant ignorance. But they are on the moral high ground supporting mass compliance not only with mass media, but family and friends who blindly clapped for the NHS. I’ve travelled a fair bit and I’ve seen corruption at street level from police demanding money for fuck all to employers who piss on your head and tell you it’s raining.

  12. ‘A plague on all your houses’ I say.
    Oh wait a minute, sorry.
    Well maybe ‘A fake plague’ then.

      • aren’t any dead, not covidiot dead thats for sure, my overweight pisshead neighbour had a fatal heartattack, his daughter says he’s a covidiot statistic now according to his death cert…all bullshit

    • Evening Miles ?
      Looking forward to Christmas?
      Assume its a busy time for you?
      Im writing Christmas cards and taking names on here to report to the authorities.

      • MNC@ – And a good idea too – there are some terrible rogues on here!
        No need to report me though – “forget” my name and there may well be a free pie in it for you! ?
        (As a future world leader I suppose I had better get some bribery practice in)

      • Evening Miserable

        ‘Turning and turning in the widening gyre…’

        This line comes to me as I guzzle my Guinness-

        ‘The falcon cannot hear the falconer’.

        What Yeats is saying the Christian message is weakening.

        After so long maybe.

        I was thinking this about Christmas in Poundland with a kind of medley of made up songs with supposedly Christian sentiments. So divorced from the true spirit of Christmas. I could say that it is not the same as when I was a kid. Maybe it is still there. The real warm Christmas spirit. But I feel it is going.

        Also some fella in front of me wearing a Christmas suit…all snowmen and the rest…and I heard him on his mobile (with no ironic intention) ‘that’s your entertainment needs sorted out’

        The last line of the poem-

        ‘And what rough beast its hour come round at last slouches towards Bethlehem to be born.’.

      • Shopping in Poundland?!!!
        Wheres your generosity of spirit at Christmas Miles?
        Poundlands for scotsmen and rabbi’s!
        Do you know Miles, id like to attend a carol service,
        But nobody will go with me!
        My missus just laughted?

        Id unnerve people on my own,
        Theyd worry.
        But might anyway?
        Sit at the back?

      • Once in Royal David City’ is my favourite carol Misetable.

        Come on cunters own up. I challenge you. What is your favourite carol?

      • Carol next door. She’s about 70 and her husband is a complete pisshead who has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. She keeps herself trim. I nominate Carol nextdoor.

      • Thats a good one Miles?
        Silent night
        In the bleak midwinter
        But little donkey for me.

      • If I remember rightly Blackmore’s Night did a great rendition of O Come All Ye Faithful Miles.

      • “I like ‘Come All You Faithful’ .”

        I used to do it in 4 part harmony on the guitar, set up a deep long reverb, ‘bow’ the chords in with a Morley Vol/Swell pedal and instant Cunterbury Cathedral choir! ‘kin magnificunt!

        Crimbo Day I always like a blast of “Gaudete” at a suitably ‘rousing’ volume.

    • TC. The thing is, when it comes to the eventual inevitability that we either
      A. Refuse it and go to gulag and just get put down
      B. Take it and die with the rest in 5 years.
      I just did the modelling to work out who is first. Fascinating

  13. I have a question for admin about this nomination. Seeing as the other thread which has nearly 3000 comments, which you discourage arguments what fall into name calling, why did you allow this thread?

    (In answer to your question, we sometimes create exclusive threads such as the BBC, BLM and of course Covid, usually because they are hugely topical and attract a lot of comment that more or less go over the same ground as individual nominations. Which is another reason why we scaled back publishing such nominations as they were pushing perfectly ordinary nominations further down the scheduling queue.

    That said, when we do come across an interesting/fairly unique nomination covering say Covid, we will schedule it for publication. Unfortunately, based on past history, such nominations do spark very heated debate. And we as Admins have had to step in and remind people not to use personal attacks/abuse against other posters, as that is one of the key rules for any nomination on this site – you don’t cunt cunters!

    Despite warnings these abuses carried on, and that is why we have to go to such lengths to add warnings to Covid titles just reminding people to be civil.

    Yes, have a heated debate one way or the other, we don’t care. Just so long as it is at least worthy of comment and not childish “You’re a twat” retort.

    Some of these Covid nominations you are seeing now were submitted weeks or even months ago and were intentionally put on hold because we were getting pissed off with all the personal attacks that were going on previously.

    However, we are pleased that the last couple of Covid nominations went off relatively unscathed, and this one in particular has been truly awesome in its intelligent line of debate and thinking. So a BIG THANK YOU for that!

    It is not in our interests to cause division. We just want objective opinions for and against a particular trending topic, which is something you see less and less of on MSM and SM.

    We have enough work to be getting on with than having to intercede in explicit arguments between cunters in trending topics. And ultimately we really don’t want go down the road of banning regular offenders or putting their comments into moderation for a period of time in order to cool off. It’s all extra work for us that quite frankly we don’t enjoy doing.

    All we ask of people is to keep discussion civil, to respect the right of opinion, to take a step back and count to ten, and just enjoy the opportunity of a site forum that still offers some form of freedom of speech without the threat of being taken offline by unseen forces (which is in an ever present danger in these strange uncertain times.)

    Thank you – The Admin Team)

  14. And you stated anything covid related would be binned or put in the other thread? So why is this thread from which users have stated is not a regular user been accepted ?. Personally I couldn’t give a flying fuck, but it seems like you are promoting division.

  15. Is a cunt is a fine site and probably the best on the internet in my opinion.
    Bit of an echo chamber at times but despite that, there are some cracking cuntings and cunters, mostly really intelligent and often really funny as well.
    Most of the cuntings and cunters posts, I nearly always agree with (hence the echo chamber)
    However, the old Convid has reared its ugly controversial head yet again, causing huge division and as Cuntflu has just allured to – how did such a divisive nom make it through to the main thread??
    Why wasn’t it binned???

    Perhaps this is further proof indeed, that the powers that be do seek to divide us and rule over us for all eternity.
    Even isac could be facing an attack from within.
    Maybe the nom was posted by someone closer to home than we may think, possibly playing the troll.
    Even DA and NA are possibly in on it.
    Who knows?

    Evening Gents.

    • It made it through precisely to prevent the echo chamber. Ditto Dioclese’s nom on unvaccinated care home workers a few weeks back that sparked some excellent discussion. Personally as much as I disagree with them I like more.controversial noms such as this.

    • HJ@ – Evening HJ – I think the biggest problem is that some are so convinced of their opinion they ignore facts which do not fit.
      I have been accused of “playing fast and loose with the truth” which I found pretty fucking insulting TBH – I DO NOT appreciate being called a liar – people are free to call me an idiot all day, but being called a liar I draw the line at.
      What would be good is a televised debate where both sides can present their evidence and allow people the adult courtesy of making up their own minds based on evidence as opposed to supposition and browbeating those on the other side of the debate.
      But that will not happen because debate is not allowed on the MSM and neither are the people who challenge the narrative – surely it would be the easiest thing in the world for medical geniuses like “Dr Hillary” to rip these halfwitted epidemiologists and virologists with decades of experience to bits if their evidence is so flimsy?
      (I don’t think Admin are part of an evil plot BTW – but we must be eternally vigilant! ?)

      • Evening Vern

        I would love to see a cunt like Jones, one of his ilk or several of them, in an open and fair televised debate with some qualified research scientists from the dark side.

        I would fucking love it but I can’t see it happening.

      • I don’t think Admin are “in on it” by the way

        Tongue was firmly in cheek.

        Just to clear that up.

  16. Walking past my local pharmacist tonight I noticed they had one of those moving neon signs saying “Covid Vaccination Centre”. That must have cost a few bob. Glad to see some fucking cunt is making a profit although I suspect the provider of the sign is very small fry compared to the cunts who have the politicians in their pockets.

  17. 2 years since I’ve seen my wife and family. I’m not allowed to travel. Don’t tell me about your fucking whiney storytelling about masks and other Bullshit. My freedom has gone. I fucking despise sanctimonious pricks who tell me daily that I should get the fucking jab. If my relationship dies you may say I’m selfish, but you couldn’t give a single shit. You are the epitome of drones which brings in the the new age of fucking stupidity.

    • Absolutely Cuntflu.

      This shit is fundamental to so many people.

      Some of the restrictions and other nonsensical diktat we’ve been living through would make a middle east dust bowl appear liberal at times.

      It seems worse than England in a few countries on the continent though, plus with Wales and Scotland being ran by pound shop tyrants, I might be one of the luckier ones.

      • OC@ – I think it is indicative of the strongly held views.
        The real enemy must be pissing themselves laughing as they watch the people fight amongst themselves – the plan is working superbly.

      • Tell you what – let’s all refuse to express our opinions and close ISAC down. That’ll show the bastards!

      • Bloody hell RTC, what on earth would you do with your boys own encyclopaedia of ISAC volumes 1 to 20, they would be confined to dark web never to see the light of day,
        A crime against humanity if ever there was one, no one would know what Vern said about covid, I know most of it is just the ramblings of a disgruntled Yorkshireman but it would be a shame to loose it.

  18. Why should we go along with what the doctors tell us, SSG, when we can listen to the experts on ISAC? If we choose not to wear a mask and not to be vaccinated, and we catch the virus and infect others, then that’s our right. We’re talking about personal freedom here. And while we’re on the subject of irresponsibility, you’ve mentioned drink driving. Haven’t they got a damn cheek? I consider myself fit to drive even when I’ve had a skinful, but the cunts who pass the laws tell me I can’t get behind the wheel if I’ve even sunk just a couple. That’s the trouble with this country, there’s too many interfering bastards around.

    • Allan@ – So feel free to explain why an experimental medical procedure that does not vaccinate, does not prevent transmission and does not prevent reinfection can be called a “vaccine”?
      You see, I might just be a big dumb Yorkshire cunt but I have not heard a single “medical expert” give me an answer on that one.
      And feel free to present any study which shows the efficacy of wearing a mask for a supposedly deadly virus?
      Talking of – where are all the biohazard waste facilities for used masks and test kits? (I do not think the bottom of the North Sea counts)
      But not to worry – Pfizer have applied to have the “vaccine” side effects and deaths sealed for 75 years and people cannot sue if anything goes wrong – sure as hell fills me with confidence!

      • Definition
        a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

    • It is about personal freedom though. People have the right to refuse a medical procedure but you don’t have the right to not be infected with Covid – if such a thing existed then it would logically have to exist for other viruses as well, which would be unenforceable. I appreciate you’re at greater risk but you have to try and see the bigger picture Allan.

  19. RTC@ – Well baggy not storming IAC HQ – last time it cost me three and six in bus fare and they said rude things, threw a load of half bricks at me and threatened to publish some wholly innocent photos of me, Own Jones and Jussie Smollett at a club we visited for charitable purposes!

  20. Soi@ – Yet more nonsense – dress it up how you want from the script you are reading but a vaccine that does not vaccinate is not a vaccine.
    Is a horse a cow according to you?

  21. Comparisons with the Nazis is silly if you really think about it properly.

    If this had happened on Adolf’s watch, how would he have reacted?

    Here is my guess.

    1. Said the Aryan immune system would beat this virus. Don’t worry about it. Probably just the four be twos up to no good again.

    2. A fattie like Herman Goering gets it and is fighting for his fat life. A few of Adolf’s old mates are poorly too. Adolf’s doc takes his blood pressure and sucks his teeth like a builder doing an estimate. Adolf gets a bit worried and Herman is brown bread now.

    3. Adolf orders the compulsory vaccination of all, after testing the jabs on the four be twos first.

    4. Those refusing are held down and vaccinated in the town square . They then have ‘idiot’ tatooed on their foreheads

    5. Anti lockdown protesters are rounded up and gassed. Their families are forced to watch before being shot.

    6. Adolf pisses on his niece again and has a sandwich.

  22. Lively debate today and no mistake. Here’s what I think I know:

    1. The injectable drugs made by big pharma are not vaccines by definition since they do not provide immunity as a vaccine is supposed to. I had vaccinations when I was a kid for measles, German measles, mumps, etc. Guess what I didn’t contract. Yep, that’s right…measles, German measles, mumps, etc.
    2. They do provide an increased level of protection and can lessen the symptoms of the virus. This is good, especially for the most vulnerable.
    3. ‘Vaccinated’ people can contract the virus and be carriers, just as the unvaccinated can. Discriminating against the unvaccinated is therefore absurd.
    4. Mandating the ‘vaccine’ in a free and democratic society is a blatant assault on personal freedom.
    5. The virus originated in China whose actions early on paved the way for a pandemic to happen. To date, the Chinese state have not been held to account in any form whatsoever.
    6. Contradictory and mis-information continues to escalate. The latest variant being a prime example. Doctors in South African basically saying omicron symptoms are mild and it’s not such a big issue, while the UK & US fear monger about deaths wiping out untold numbers and more lockdowns, mandates are required.
    7. It should be obvious by now that the so called experts are making it up as they go along. They basically don’t know, pretend they do and are shown to be wrong over and over again and yet still get to dictate policy.
    8. This whole situation is like an iceberg. The really bad news is the part you can’t see. For example, Pfizer being allowed to withhold pertinent data for 75 years. What are they hiding?
    9. The flimsy face masks that were supposed to stop/slow the spread and protect don’t do jack shit. Neither does the 6ft social distancing rule. It’s crowd control window dressing at its most blatant.
    10. Politicians routinely lie, misrepresent, deflect, procrastinate, engage in corruption and are ultimately self-serving to the detriment of the masses. Covid hasn’t changed that, so why would they be believable now?

    Let’s see what Sir Paul Joseph Watson has to say:

    • I agree IY , it’s mostly bollocks perpetrated by the Mongs for politicians we have today
      Listen to the science, they say and I say who’s fucking science big pharma science,like the cunts that caused thalidomide to pregnant women’s offspring. Please fuck off big science and keep it in the laboratory.
      We are witnessing the biggest fuck up in modern civilization because of science
      Fuck me pink and Chernobyl me if you want but I would not trust today’s money super cunts and their advice but it’s not me that there advising , it is the mong governments they lobby to pass and verify the bollocks that makes them richer and makes us all poor indeed
      Cunt to the representatives of the biggest red herring that is covid
      A load of bollocks.
      I’m sorry for people losing loved ones but death is never a pleasant experience for the immediate concerned
      We will have to learn not to expect instant care if we fall ill, like all our relatives of the past did.
      You live you die it’s no ones fault

      • Good posts. I hope that 2022 is the year that the power-hungry creeps see that we aren’t doing what they tell us to and leave us alone.

      • I wonder how many early nights with no internet access the average tinfoiler needs before returning to something approaching sanity?

  23. I don’t think that those “shake and vax”campaigns broadcast on tv a while back got the message across to everyone.
    PS: I had the first two jabs of Ass Trazeneca (aka sterile water) and ever since I had the booster ( Madonna) I’ve been feeling a little queer.

    • There’s plenty of alternative media lies in the comments, what more do you want?

      • I’m goading you guys! Let’s here your story. You love typing so type, TYPE my boys!

        I can type.

        I can out-type ANY cunt. But is it good, true, sexy words? Hmmm.

        Come on Gutstick Jap. Type us your best wordies on how it’s best to be follow the crowd, $cience and collective jive.

        I like Gurstick, he says good stuff… on occasion. But there’s an air, a Blair of lying solid air, that Mr Jap Eye is… being a conformist Basil Fawlty running a wonky hotel and being nasty to his humble staff, ie. his fellow man.

        Am I wrong? If I am I will shrink. But I have a feeling I will grown tall and you will grown with me as we all breathe the same air! Take an actual PHYSICAL DEEP BREATHE you sexy bold men! LOL!

      • What’s this, tinfoil tag team? Trying to goad me into calling you out on some half baked tale of lies and supposition so you can go and moan that you are being bullied or insulted, both happened last night, and hopefully get me banned, so your echo chamber can get more echo?
        Sorry buddy, game over.

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