(Who’s laughing now, cunt! – Day Admin)
Allegra Stratton is a useless cunt, i see she has just handed in her notice in to Boris the idiot after standing in front of the press, dropping Boris in the shit and then being surprised that word has got out.
This fuckmonkey was advisor to Boris and in my opinion i wouldn’t take her advise on how to run a bath, no wonder the Gov are absolutely useless wankers if they are advised by silly bints like Allagro Stratton.
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
Helpful link supplied by: Imitation Yank
(Talking of useless Tory Cunts, there’s a nomination for Blow Job Boris due to go live in the next couple of days. So let’s keep this nom focused on Alegover Strappon please – Day Admin)
Yet another expensively educated fool who demonstrates nothing but contempt for the ordinary,decent people of this country.
Totally with you on this one Guzziguy, my opinion is that every MP (whatever party) is a lying cheating self serving ; me me me Cunt.
Don’t get me on the so called civil service fuck me.
Put the fucking lot into Terry’s oven. Oh and local councillors Cunts every one.
Here here to local Councillors going in the oven.
Took the little one today to see the locally arranged grotto and reindeer.
How gobsmacked and flabbergasted I was to see our local cuntcillor there for a photo op.
She went around talking to everyone except me, as she was told that I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire.
Wish I could get away with doing a cunting about her.
My sisters ex , Dirty Dick, educated her when he was deputy head at the local comprehensive. Only her A level years were at a private school.
And a fine job he did obviously.
GG@ – I could not have worded that better myself.
Was this demented bitch under the influence of something when she was interviewed?
She would fit in perfectly with the Labour Party.
I think it would be a great idea for Labour to take her on – firstly she is a woman,m she is posh and might even be a leazza (extra points for that from the virtue signallers). She could arrange this years Labour Christmas Party:
Angela Rayner sings the Gracie Fields songbook “Our Angie Does Our Gracie”
Dave Lammy and his Banjo Maniacs
Dancing to Keir Starmers Old-Worlde Jass Band
with a song or two from Zara Sultana, the West Midland’s Dusky Mistress of Song
Then she can spill the beans on social media.
Seriously, I bet Labour did have some sort of get-together last year. They are being far too cocky and self-righteous. I can’t wait for them to be found out and back to their pratfalls. If I were a journalist I’d be probing the poofters – there must be a couple of them cottaging for rough trade or dogging on Hampstead Heath. I wonder what the Revd. Underpants, Chris Bryant is doing these days?………
Sorry, but I would.
(I suggest you do a Google search on the day she announced her resignation! Mutton and Lamb, spring to mind – Day Admin)
I can’t afford to be too choosy these days mate.
GT@ – At one point, some time ago, Stratton was definitely worth having her whiskers nudged – unfortunately she now looks like she has been accidentally left in the garden for a decade!
But “luvly Angie” is single (limited choice of Men in Mordor Angela?) – 12 cans of Stella, a kebab and a squirt of Lynx and you’re in there Son! (just like half of the Stockport communist party have been! ?)
She’s an ex Guardian /BBC journalist, appointed specially by Johnson.
What would anyone expect?
Posh bitch has worked for the Guardian and been a “political editor” at the BBC . So what the fuck is a libtard like this doing “advising” a Tory Prime Minister?
Apparently she is big mates with Carrie Antoinette. Join the dots and the picture emerges.
The picture emerging is that Johnson isn’t a Tory. Anyone who still thinks he is needs their head examined.
Not sure RTC. He is still nominally a Tory. What he definitely ISN’T is what this country needs, namely a conservative, either with a small ‘c’ or a big ‘C’.
However, he is most definitely a big ‘C’ Cunt.
A humongous one
Like Prince h Boris is cunt struck (although I suspect the particular cunt in question is a bit manky this week). Carrie Antoinette has too much influence in running the country, no-one voted for her. The only PM’s spouse who was as bad was that gurning bitch Cherie Blair.
Boris was a self serving, bogus Conservative chancer long before he hooked up with Miss Carrie.
I never trusted him, and I can actually remember having the conversation with someone about it before he was elected. He is a member of the hells angels not that I agree with it. But I’m sure he will recite the conversation.
Exactly that!
And it makes me wonder how many other Trojan Horses Boris has allowed to work inside No 10?
Stupid cunts like Strappon was incredibly naive, but she won’t give too fucks because she’ll be welcomed with open arms/legs by Labour, the LibDumbs or even the SNP.
Never fear – incompetent cunts like her will always find another place of work within days, and lavished with an even better rate of pay.
That’s how rewards for being useless seem to be work these days.
Techno@ – B&WC, our undercover agent in Downing Street, is coming up with the goods!
Laarvly! ?
Stratton can always go back to her previous job, ringing the bells at Notre Dame..
Look up the comments of one Trudy Harrison this week, another junior minister and advisor to the outgoing PM.
Car ownership is an outdated, 20th century concept and we should all be on bikes, lift sharing or using scooters, public transport…. She espoused to an on line meeting.
Slightly off topic I know, but when BJ has fuckers like this and Stratton on his team, there is no hope.
Harrison is the MP for my area of Copeland, and she’s a duplicitous hypocritical cunt probably due to a resounded victory in the last election.
She bangs on about getting rid of cars and going green, but she was also a big supporter of a massive coal mine project in the area, that could have supplied the county with a shitload of fuel. But the project was put on hold, no thanks to eco-cunts protesting. She’s now gone rather quiet on the coal mine.
She also went very quiet during the pandemic/lockdowns last year, unwilling to respond to emails/letters from her constituents, including 4 emails from me, wanting to know where she stood on the whole mess, especially with regards relatives not being allowed to visit loved ones in care homes.
And now she’s distancing herself from the Strappongate affair.
She is a cunt. But that’s for another nom
Techno: is this the coal operation from under the seabed, near Maryport?
Has it been completely written off? Goodness knows they could do with some “real” revitalisation up there?
That’s the one CG ?
Seems the screeching hysterical climate alarmists have potentially scuppered those plans up here.
Meanwhile in China.
Aka “Scaryport” – Probably due to the high levels of female unattractiveness.
“when BJ has fuckers like this and Stratton on his team, there is no hope.”
While BJ remains PM there is no hope. A fish rots from the head down.
She’ right though….the idea of car ownership is indeed a 20th Century concept….a Century when a working Man could hope to own a car and a house and live his life without being treated like shit by an out-of-touch Govt. who look down with contempt from their index-linked pension,, expense-account fiddled Ivory Towers.
Bet there will still be a need for “the ruling class” to have private transport….it’s becoming like some dystopian State that George Orwell would have found difficult to imagine.
What about self employed cunts like myself who live a few miles out of town and need a car to transport all their work shite about?
Obviously I’d be more useful to their Brave New World utopian nightmare if I sat on my arse on the dole.
These cunts need executing…
They need saving from themselves.
There’s something about the timing of this that’s odd. Why is it leaking out now if from last December? I think Boris has reached his sell by date for those behind the curtain.
My thoughts exactly.
Jeremy Hunt next?
As much use as a chocolate teapot.I despair at our country.Flushed down the crapper.I blame Doris the snake listening to the SAGE and Onion party.We need Guy Fawkes to return.
Fuckign sock puppet. Into the oven, Unkle T.
If I were her I would be hunting down the sneaky little cunt who ‘leaked’ the video to the press and why wait 12 months to do it.
The culture today is to stitch people up, how the fuck can you have joke with your work colleagues these days when you can’t trust any of them.
This shit show just confirms that Downing Street staff are a bunch of cunts, what pisses me off are people like Peston and Co who say they have messages from ‘sources’ who were at these parties. Well fucking name them, they obviously have no fucking loyalty whatsoever so throw the cunts under the bus.
The only people who give two shits about Downing Street parties are the cunts who are so stupid they are angry because the media tells them to be angry.
All the shit about them and us, well here is the news, it’s always been them and us, regardless of what party is in charge.
The news outlets are still talking about ‘confidence in the government’ what fucking confidence, when did anyone ever that ?
My thoughts exactly. Whistle blowers are always portrayed as some sort of righteous heroes, when they are usually sneaky little untrustworthy cunts with an axe to grind. They always keep the tattle to themselves until it can do maximum damage, therefore it is done with malice rather than ethics, as they are are year too late on this in my opinion.
That little cunt who was the “whistle blower” on the Afghanistan situation (not of the UKs making anyway but that old cretin Biden) was a 25 year old shirtlifter (or he sounded like one – gave up on TV news ages ago)
Doris wants binning and replaced.Liz Truss is my candidate not the sun tanned prick Sunak.
If the thing that they’re exposing is in the public interest I couldn’t give a fuck what the whistleblowers motives are. And better late than never.
As I said RTC, it’s a year too late by my opinion. I was unable to see my father for three months as he deteriorated from dementia alone in his care home, where he eventually caught covid from the staff and nearly died. At the same time, I was rotting alone at home, suffering from depression, unable to spend any quality time with my family and friends without breaking the restrictions in place. My dad survived thanks to the NHS, and I survived thanks to being my fathers son, who had given me more courage than I had given him credit for.
Morally, that should have been exposed at the time, but has obviously been kept as another nail in the coffin of Boris’ political career, either by his opposition, or by his own side as a removal tool.
Cunts either way.
Really sorry to hear that Gutstick, you have my sympathy.
Obviously it would’ve been best for the video to have been leaked a year ago – I fully appreciate that – but exposure is still better late than never, imo. And we still don’t know the precise circumstances as to how it came to be in the public domain.
Whatever the timing, the motive for leaking the video is still not important to me. If it helps bring down Johnson that can only be a good thing as far as I’m concerned.
I agree totally RTC. When he first won I laughed at the thought the left would be apoplectic with him in power. I stopped laughing a long time ago, and can’t stand the sight or sound of the cunt. Britain’s worst PM. Since the last one at least.
Thanks for your sympathy by the way, glad to say we are both doing well at the moment, although we are banned from seeing him again. But it’s been a year we’ve had him that we didn’t think possible, so I’m grateful for that st the very least.
Are you not one of the 3 named visitors allowed to visit your father?
It makes absolutely no sense that not all immediate family members and grandchildren be disallowed to visit a loved one under those circumstances.
The rules change weekly RTC, sometimes they don’t tell you until you turn up. A fruitless forty mile round trip to pick my mother up and back means fuck all to them. It was down to one named person at one point and we successfully argued that there should be two, as my brother couldn’t make it every week. And it has always been one hour a week, on a Saturday, and when the lateral flow testing came in, the half hour wait for the results came out of that hour. It has been nothing but a struggle to see him, as there are the rules and restrictions, and whatever the care home feels necessary.
All cunts.
Allegedly, there were a number of ‘journalists’ at the No.10 parties also. This may explain the leak and also why the MSM are pushing the story, but not pushing the story…
The Waily Fail and Bastard Broadcasting Commies are pushing Omni-Con and Plan X,Y, Z for all their worth this morning. The Boris story is a little distraction but they don’t want him gone yet, he will get his red card in the spring.
Anyway no need to panic, Sir Kneel Stammer and his turds will vote for anything that imposes more controls on the population, courtesy of those behavioural scientists at SAGE.
Yep!Plan C soon if they have their means.We are all screwed over.A plea to Unkle Terry.Send all of these mongs to fill your oven for Christmas.Teach all of these traitors a lesson.Cockwombles.
Soi@ – Tell that to the Families of the people who died alone in nursing homes as the “Government” used our taxpayers money for a piss up and laughed at us.
That wasn’t my point Vern and it’s a more general comment on cunts who you may think are you friends in the workplace will turn on you for a variety of reasons.
I don’t really make a connection to nursing homes or any other consequences of either lockdowns or Covid itself.
An alleged party in Downing Street doesn’t make feel angry, what does make me angry is the ineptitude of the government.
She’ll be on Loose Wimminz soon, suggesting that she was stitched up by a sexist/misogynist management hell bent on getting all the “empowering wimminz” out of No. 10.
… I don’t know about you lot but I’m of the opinion that anyone, but particularly in government office, is fully accountable for their actions. They are there to represent us diligently and respectfully … they should give their all 24/7. Each and every day we see these ill disciplined pukes fucking up at our expense. We do not pay these people to have a good time making shit up as they go along. It’s not a 9 to 5 occupation that requires minimal input … it’s full fuckin’ on professional judgement. In the military these types are left on the battlefield … in bits. Cunts … get a fuckin’ grip!
I couldn’t give a fuck what a load of posh cunts are on about.
Found out telling lies?
Laughing at the public?
Complete disregard for the country?
Feet under the table?
Plenty of unearned money?
Par for the course,after all we are lead by degenerates.
Fuck off.
Immigration is all I care about at the moment. Don’t give a Shiite if they had a party during lockdown.
I watched the video. My overwhelming impression was of someone laughing at the little peple who have to live by the rules. Number 10 is a snake pit of privilige and Johnson has to go.
Yes and the sooner the better.
There are actually some bloody good ‘proper conservatives’ on the back benches. Mainly younger ones who were elected in 2019.
Johnson and his arse-lickingronies need to be fucked off pronto. I heard an interview with Peter Bone MP yesterday in which Bone was praising the albino mong, saying he’s doing a good job. Really Mr Bone? Are you sure? How about you take your head out of your arse and have a good look around.
* Arse licking cronies. Cunting phone…
Well said sir. ?
GTW@ – Has Peter Bone been at Hunters pipe?
Presumably Vern, yes.
Either that or he can actually see through the shit but he’s bought and paid for like so many others.
Either way, it seems his Missus would agree with us….
My thoughts exactly and the elites are doing it all over the world, completely ignoring the rules that only apply to the peasantry and fucking making up bullshit excuses when they get caught.
They are lying cunts, the fucking lot of them. This Allegro whore and her weeping apology made me want to puke.
It reminded me of that Little Britain character, an MP reading out a statement explaining that he slipped and “accidentally fell on a man’s penis.”
Common sense is a super power where these fuckers are concerned.
As egregious as most of these cunts undoubtedly are – life under an authoritarian (in the thinly disguised veil of health care) Labour party would be twice as bad.
HJ@ – They are ALL traitor greedy self serving cunts, irrespective of party.
Time to sweep them away, all of them.
Well said
Agreed.All pigs at the trough.
Really?…Taxes through the roof,civil liberties being shit on, a Govt. with nothing but contempt for “the Plebs”,uncontrolled immigration, corruption and cronyism, Ministers ( and Prime Minister) patently not up to the job,soaring National debt, a Green programme to make us all poorer and colder, “wokeism” allowed to run riot…..
Labour would be doing fucking well to outcunt the present bunch of Incompetents in any area.
DF@ – I get the feeling it would be a close thing! ?
Clowns to the left of us, jokers to the right..
Stuck in the middle with poo!
Afternoon DF.
I take your point mate.
Johnson and his government are absolutely fucking dreadful.
When it comes to woke-ism, Dame Kweer was down on his knees grovelling to BLM faster than Creepy Joe Biden and I’d fear the worst if that perpetually constipated looking cunt was anywhere near number 10.
Both parties shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near government.
@ Vernon….There’s not a fanny-hair’s breadth between the fucking lot of them. There really is something rotten and corrupt in our current political class.
Aye,…it’s not that I think that Labour would be any better,it’s just the idea that the Tories should get a pass because ” the other lot would be worse”.
As a life long Tory I could never vote for this bag of shits they really do need Ceaușescuimg.
You’ve all been played again. This is classic misdirection, behavioural psychologists working their magic.
They’ve had this footage for a whole year, and it just happens to be released now? Just happening to coincide with Bojo implementing restrictions based on NOTHING – no talk about hospitalizations or deaths from the moronic strain. And also conveniently distracting from the ‘national convo about compulsory jabs’ he dropped in response to the clearly scripted question from ‘Dave’ in Cheshire.
Everyones outraged about this cunt and the party. We’ve had numerous examples of them breaking their own rules already.
People say plan B announcement was a distraction from the party scandal. Nope. Other way round!
TBCC@ – That’s the one!
When the “Government” have more behaviourists and psychologists on call than epidemiologists and virologists it kind of tells you the direction they are pushing things in.
60,000 medical experts worldwide with the relevant qualifications and experience have now signed the Great Barrington Declaration opposing the plandemic and the lies.
And they ain’t being paid by Pfizer to say it.
“Stratton weeps crocodile tears at being caught before moving on to £200,000 PA consultancy position”..
The sneering, arrogant way she pissed on everyone and then laughed about it without giving a flying fuck about people who have had their lives FUCKING RUINED by these bastards and their comedy pandemic excuse to steal wealth and power infuriates me – “no Christmas for the little nobody people but let’s all do what the fuck we like on the sly” – Stratton would have been one of those shouting “over the top lads, for King and Country” in 1914 as she gulped port at HQ.
So, is every one of the (allegedly four parties now) party attendees being fined for breaking “covid rules”? Arrested and assaulted like the Woman was for drinking coffee in public? Roughed up and bundled into a van like the old Lady was by the pigs? Having the fuck kicked out of them and unlawfully arrested like the anti lockdown protestors? Locked in nursing homes to die as the “politicians” party and laugh about it? – how many people have been unlawfully fined, arrested and imprisoned for “breaching covid rules” as these bastards do whenever the cameras aren’t there – but I am looking forward to the New Years Eve anti lockdown/quackzine/tyranny party being organised for outside 10 Downing Street – allegedly 250,000 are turning up. (Rumours of Grieve and his Hammond organ yet to be confirmed, MNC booked in to sing “silent night, holy night”, Sir Fiddler on the decks with RK, Unkle Terry on guitar!). And the funniest bit? Conehead the cunt announcing “another quick lockdown due to deadly ocelot variant”, which he will try to do – and if he does I would not be surprised if there are riots in the streets – FUCK YOU and fuck the rules which don’t apply to you! ??
Does anyone, anywhere in the world, believe this “virus” bullshit anymore?
It’s never been about a virus.
I fear some people are missing the point that it wasn’t just a case of these cunts getting “caught out” it’s more a case of they know (along with all the other political cunts around the world) that there has never been anything to be afraid of in the first place.
Just like horny geek boys Prof Neil Ferguson and Twat Hancock, if they themselves really believed in what they had spent the previous 8 months terrifying the gullible with – do you think they’d have risked certain death or serious illness by having a secret party. No me neither.
HJ@ – Correct – they have to pretend to play along with the narrative, but they know it’s all bullshit – they are just hoping to fill their pockets as full as they can before too many people work that out.
Fucking scum.
“Computer modelling” predicts 24,000 to 74,000 people will die between now and April due to Moronic plague.Where on Earth are they finding these figures?A crystal ball?And the SAGE and Onion party want TOUGHER restrictions.What the hell?What planet are these mongs on?Time to Rebel people
undertakers federation reckon no one dying of coof but overwelmed with kids having heart attacks…
Excellent as usual, Vern?
Cheers CG! ?
Spot on
These twats to be flogged alive
I actually feel sorry for the cunt, it can’t be easy being named after a fucking shitty car.
Boris prefers a “Princess”?
The Princess was renowned for its soft, wallowing ride…
And for losing it’s value rather quickly… ?
It’s all an Elitist club and, when they get caught out showing their contempt for the plebs, they “resign” only to be reinstated a short time later in another golden position (like Raab for example). This one is well in with the posh club (Rishi Sunak was best man at her wedding) so it won’t be long before the next sinecure I’m sure.
This video shows contempt, certainly. But I thought being Net Zero spokesperson and admitting to personally driving a diesel car because she needed a practical range of travel was up there too. “Do as I say don’t do as I do” is the mantra for patrician class.
Hypocritical, elitist cunt!
Loved it when the ugly horse faced cunt was crying, hopefully its ruined her worthless life