Alexander Lukashenko

My first nomination, fellow cunters, and don’t we all miss the pure entertainment value of eastern Europe’s now-departed authoritarian Marxist psychos? I’m thinking of Ceausecu, Honeker, Hoxha et al.

So welcome to the runt of the litter, one Alexander Lukashenko, currently serving his 6th term as Dictator of the nowhere State of Belarus – think Vulgaria without Benny Hill.

Now when Comb-over Luka’s not kissing the arse of Russia’s Poisoner-in-Chief, he’s inviting the Middle East to pop through Vulgaria and break into Poland in retaliation for the EU, UK and USA not recognising his legitimacy. Possibly something to do with him losing the last election and driving the winner into exile, perhaps?

Anyway, the Poles are having none of it, so there’s thousands now stuck in no-mans land, and no end in sight to the crisis this cunt has created.

Of course he’s only Mini-Me reporting to Dr Evil in Moscow, the real cunt behind all this. But I put it to you, Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, that you should find Lukashenko guilty of being a Grade 1 Cunt.

Star News Link

Nominated by: Geordie Twatt

44 thoughts on “Alexander Lukashenko

  1. I do enjoy thinking of all the Middle Eastern trash he tricked into flying to his Commie backwater and are now stranded in the woods at winter.
    Lukashenko weaponised economic migrants,who just happen to be as greedy and calculating as he is.
    Anyhow I can’t agree with this cunting unfortunately..anything that causes worry to the 4th Reich is fine by me.

  2. One of Vlad the arse impalers’ Useful idiots. And there are plenty of them here too. I regularly hear shite like ‘I wish we had a strong leader like Putin’ because he doesn’t like gays, or comes down hard on protesters, or doesn’t take shit from other world leaders. The ruskies seem to love their super rich overlord for life, though how much of that is genuine no one can tell, as those that dare to question anything tend to fall out of a window, or, if they manage to escape to the west, die in ‘mysterious circumstances’ that leave no doubt who was the culprit, like some mafia style warning to other dissidents.
    It’s funny too, how the Putin fan club here are the same cunts who think the British government under the cretin Boris is behaving in a facist/Nazi fashion.
    Opportunistic incompetent cronyism versus systematic corrupt totalitarianism.
    That’s my two pence worth anyway.

    • I think we can safely say that there’ll be a lot of Russians who secretly despise Putin.


    • I think it’s a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy us my friend’.

      Careful what you wish for cunters.
      Uncle Joe was our friend once.

      Boris is a cunt or a hostage, I haven’t quite figured out which yet.

      Either way he’s still a cunt, everyone’s a cunt.

      • This is what I was referring to RTC :

        Cunter’s enemy = EU
        Putin and puppets enemy = EU


        Cunter’s, Putin et al = friends

        I don’t agree, Putin is no one’s friend except some young chaps in a Moscow bath house, but this is the logic on display here.

    • Agree.

      Putin is a murderous, kleptocratic, anti free speech, dictatorial mega-CUNT who has been grinding (even pre-Covid) the Russian economy (smaller than that of Italy or South Korea) into the dirt.

      A multi billionaire gangster who is the living antithesis of British values. And not remotely gay.

      What’s not to fucking like?

  3. Yeah, those camel jockeys must be freezing their bollocks off over there, those cunts aren’t used to that shit. He’s obviously a cunt but his weaponising of the Islamic hordes is not that much different to Maggot Macron and his dinghy armada.
    Lucky for the Poles they’ve got some real men in charge instead of the weak nancies running the U.K. We need the Polskis to keep them out because they are all heading here and the EU is going to help them on their way, fucking guaranteed.

    • Quite right Freddie.

      It must be one impressive, shiny, oversized carrot that the UK is dangling in order to make this country such a desirable destination for the 3rd world’s surplus.

      • Yeah good point HJ, I suppose that if one removed the benefits, healthcare, free schooling and as much chance of being sent back to one of the safe countries they travelled through to get here as I have of visiting Neptune it’s obviously our rich and varied history which attracts them to the land of Woke and blunder. Just hope all our indigenous persons on the housing list appreciate that fact. Seem to believe that visa overstayers far outnumber the dinghy riders supposedly but nothing will be done about them no sir.

      • Am I mistaken or perhaps had a pronoun sensitivity bypass (dropped on my head as a baby probably) to interpret “3rd world’s surplus [population]” as longhand for 100%?

        I’d heard that in Russia a third of the electorate was old-style communist (admiring Brezhnev in fact) another third want the Tsar back (monarchists, I suppose you’d call them) and the remaining third favour democratically elected Presidents and/or Prime Ministers. Although this may be out-of-date the upshot was that whoever could marshal two of those thirds would have a thumping majority.

        In the meantime there’s a great photo out there of Putin awarding a gold medal to his gymnast girlfriend blushing all over his face and she’s got this massive grin. And much like quasi-legitimate progeny of kings getting Fitz… added to the front of their names, in Russia the reverse applied. The first half of the surname was removed. If Putin can trace his line back to Rasputin and one of the twenty-something princesses (obviously before they were shot) via a grandfather he could even find something to do after his twelfth year as President is up. He’d need to discover his grandpapa was a baby at the right time from Olga & Grigori using DNA recently applied to the Royal Family to show where they were all buried so that they could be made saints.

  4. The older I get the more I realize that nothing as it seems, or at least nothing is as it is presented to the plebs in international politics. So I reserve judgement.

    Frankly I’m far more concerned about another illegitimate president.

  5. Yeah I like the guy … he’s one of Vlad’s lap dogs and more than happy to dish out the kinda shit that makes people worry. I also like Mother Russia’s overall game plan it’s gonna upset a whole bunch of nations and bring about some much needed change when it all goes kinetic.

  6. Clever diversion tactics, GT, distracting us from the Leicester v Newcastle 2pm kick-off: For I am a Toon fan, being both black & white.

  7. The Poles are ace, they hate immigrants, hate their country being taken over by fairyland religions and they have shifted all their scroungers, dangerous drivers, drug dealers and other assorted criminals to the UK.

    I would imagine they will deal with the imo scum hiding in the woods the same way…forward them on “signed for” to the UK?

    • Of course. I’ve got a couple of bins out front so I don’t dump my shit all over the lawn do I?
      The U.K. is the world’s recycling dump. Send all your rubbish here and we’ll sort it all out.

    • HJ, You are on the path to enlightenment in my philosophy.

      Soon you will reach the state of nirvana where you realize everyone and everything is a cunt.

      Once everyone reaches this higher state, there will be no need for ISAC anymore.

  8. I do wish my president had the courage to protect our border the way Poland is. No president that actually has a love for his country and countrymen would ever allow such an invasion and infiltration.

      • Wasn’t Fenton Fistula living there?
        If I have to flee my homeland Poland is on my list. I better order the Babel language learning softwate so I can speak Polish huh?

    • They’ve got rid of all their rubbish and won’t allow any more in.
      Poland’s starting to sound like my kind of place.

      • Yeah, and as EU net recipients we paid them for the privilege, and look set to continue to do so.

  9. As long as the cunts cannot come here Belarus can fuck right of. Ukraine is not worth the blood of a single British Soldier. Get fracking and fuck the lot of em.

    • Absolutely Smug. We will need fossil fuels for some years yet, if not indefinitely. We should be extracting our own and tell the Russians and the arabs to stick theirs where the sun doesn’t shine.

  10. Lukashenko? Useful idiot for Putin.
    Ukraine due to be divided in 2022 and the Eastern bit absorbed into Russia, just like Putin has been planning for 2 decades – but for me that’s fine – get all the pro Russians over the new border, and the UK offers a trade and security deal with anti Russian western Ukraine.
    A powerful and non woke ally.

  11. Thank fuck I never bought into this eco/electric cars bollocks.
    Knew I was right to get a fuck off 150+ mph 6 cylinder diesel.

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