The Queen (4)

The Queen can Fuck Off too.

I’m sick of reading about the “bravery” of the auld trout soldiering on aged 95….I dare say most people could “soldier on” if they’d spent their life attended by a team of Doctors while doing fuck-all more strenuous than eating a crustless cucumber sandwich.

Daft old bag should take her weird family and Fuck Off.
(Now back to the studio and Ron Knee, our Royal Correspondent – NA)

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

And Dick is on the case again with the Royals

The Royal Parasites.

The fucking nerve of the bastards lecturing away about climate change…what the fuck makes their views relevant?,,,a lifetime of sponging apparently. If that coffin-dodging old trout really cared she’d shift out of her palaces and move to an unheated cave like the rest of us will be forced to do.

Cost of running Buckingham Palace?….Buckingham Palace, with its 775 rooms, 77,000 square metres of floor space and swimming pool, is estimated to be the most expensive royal residence in the UK, costing £1.1million a year to power.

Over a million Pounds to heat just one of the old bag’s Palaces while most Cunts of her age are too frightened to put the fucking heating on…and yet the hypocritical Bezzler still sees fit to add her support to the “War on Climate Change”….fucking incredible.

Old Cunt.

148 thoughts on “The Queen (4)

    • Were they electric vehicles ?
      I’m sure they must have been.
      After all, she’s a committed climate change activist.
      Fucking leeches.

  1. I’m not surprised that her husband died. The TV news reported on his death and told how he apparently died in the Queens Arms.
    Why the fuck was a ninety nine year old with serious health issues in a pub anyway.?….

  2. Hear ! Hear !
    Said he, through a fug of red wine.
    To think, we got rid of Royalty once, only to let it back in again.
    I see there’s been an outbreak of peace on a high speed train, in Germany.
    Truly, they are enriched.
    Refugees welcome !
    Daft cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

  3. Oh, come on, give the old trout a break!
    After all, it’s not as if she, or anyone in the Royal family has murdered or raped anyone, is it?
    Oh, wait….

  4. Charlie and his tart, Cunts on climate ?

    It’s pissing down where I live and some silly bastards are letting off fireworks and it’s the 6th!!! ?

  5. I, for one, am proud to wear my medals and decorations from Her Majesty, (on special occasions), and, my uniform has The Crown on it. You can fuck off and learn some respect, you fucking heathens?

    • ‘Especially that one from the north.’
      ‘Prepare the white FIAT and inform the local dogs’ home to expect an influx of unruly creatures.’

  6. The Saxe Coburgs day is drawing to a close.
    It was marrying outside the family where the rot set in.

  7. I was a fan of Her Maj (not the rest of her dysfunctional family obviously) if only because the very existence of Royalty winds up the lefties and wokies. But now the old dear has come out with this green soyboy bullshit she can fuck right off.
    We already know about her successors constantly crying about climate change and the mental elf so the whole lot of them can fuck off now.
    Opening her big gob turned me into Oliver fucking Cromwell overnight.
    “Away with this bauble!”

  8. Indeed. A million pound energy bill to heat and light hundreds of empty rooms.

    Anyone else just about had enough of out of touch cunts, telling the plebs what to do, from the opulence of their private jets and mansions?

    Millionaire mongchild Thundercunt still thinks the insane climate program the UK will be on, isn’t enough.

    It’s too much actually, you fucking window licking bint, and who the fuck asked you anyway, you little cunt?

    As I said previously, she needs to go away, play with her cunt and count her money.

    If I was rich enough, if buy a home next to hers, and have raging old car tyre/ fridge freezer bonfires everyday. And cook steaks on the barbecue outside everyday.

    • Yes, why isn’t she in China demanding they cut their ” carbon emissions”?
      Because they’d probably stone her to death, that’s why.
      Go and pick on someone else, Greta, you pan faced cunt.

  9. There’s nowt wrong with the Queen that a short-arm jab to the belly and a hard kick in the chuff wouldn’t put right.

    • Absolutely, Techno. As I’ve mentioned previously, she has left instructions that she is to be handed over to a direct cremation company, who will return her ashes in a tasteful urn, ( it’s a dark green plastic screw top jar, actually) to her family, for the very reasonable price of £1495, thereby saving the nation millions, but also depriving them of the coffin on the horse drawn carriage.
      Boo fucking hoo!

    • Not before her Platinum Jubilee, I hope. Another medal to add to the collection! Any more and I’ll end up looking like an American PFC.

      • Yeah, the yanks seem to get a medal for sewing the last medal on, and that was for making the bed.
        Half of them seem to have a carpet on their chests that shames Monty, even before finishing basic training.

      • That’s impossible, DCI. They get a purple star for a paper cut, and a medal for not farting whilst on parade.

      • That’s why I tip the hat to Uncle A, wore his Iron Cross from his WW1 service and wanted no other. Not like some who swamp their shoulders in scrambled egg, swags, swords and epaulets they’ve never earned.

  10. A lifetime of guaranteed opulence, and the ability to live above and beyond the law, all by virtue of inbreeding.

    It’s maybe what the parking stanley community have been attempting to replicate all this time.

  11. I thought the queen was meant to stay out if politics, but then she gets involved the Cop26 wankfest. It’s been common knowledge for a long time that Attenbore is a senile lunatic, but I hadn’t realised her Maj had succumbed to the horrors of interbreeding.
    The hypocrisy is staggering, but this is what the climate change nazis are like. They want the plebs to make the sacrifices, not themselves.
    She and her borderline downs offspring should be the first to experiment with heating their homes from wind power, and they can take that fat cunt from number 10 with them.

  12. Sorry, Mr F-F, your previous nom was brilliant, this one is seriously misguided, in my view.

    The Queen is beyond criticism. Just like her dear old mum was. She is protected by a special aura that comes with Majesty. Hence she was unhurt by the jibber-jab when so many mere mortals got a sore arm or myocarditis. Fact.

    Any imagined Queenly cuntishness is due to the machinations of her Government. The marxist Clown Cunt was/is struggling to convince anyone with an ounce of common sense that we need his net zero fantasy. He will have insisted she support it as a desperate throw of the metaphorical dice. What a whopping fuck-faced cunt he is for dragging Her Majesty into his vile deceits. The spineless wanker deserves to be flung into The Tower.

    Of course, her family are cunts. That is not her fault either. They are all inflicted with the royal madness that comes with the bloodline. They are a worthy subject for wholesale cunting.

    • I still can’t believe that the Jellyfish is the PM of this country.

      How the fuck did that bumbling bluffing waste of spunk end up in number 10.
      The ineptitude seeps from his every pore.

      • Evening Herman ?
        I can’t believe I helped vote him in!
        Only time I ve ever voted Tory too.
        Jesus, the fear of Corbyn see?
        Got the same deal with a different figurehead!

        Wont ever make that mistake again.

      • Evening Mis.

        You’re far from alone mate.

        The Mrs voted for him (I think) as did my uncle who had voted Labour his entire life.
        Such was the fear of a Corbyn government.

        I didn’t vote for the fat fuck or the loony Labour commies and chose to spoil my ballot paper instead.
        (In the spirit of Mr Creampuff obviously)

      • Not just any old Brexit, but an “oven ready Brexit”. ?

        Didn’t matter that he was a proven congenital liar in a league of his own. No. So long as he pandered to our prejudices and said all the stuff we wanted to hear, that was all that mattered. And still does for a lot of the hard of thinking.

      • @ Miserable.

        How were you to know he was lying? After all, he only had a distinguished track record of lying about absolutely everything.

      • Oh I was aware he was full of shite.
        Just that the other options were worse.
        Doubt im alone in this?
        The record speaks for itself.
        But that cunts gone straight to the top of my Bumper Book of HATE.

      • Evening Ruff.

        There’s an annual tournament in Cumbria called the Worlds biggest Liar.
        Rumour has it Jellyfish Johnson was repeatedly refused entry in the interests of fair play.

      • Miserable @ 7:30pm – I agree that Corbyn would have been far, far worse! But apparently you’re not allowed to suggest that now on ISAC. ?

  13. One must be seen to jump on the bandwagon. When the natural cycle kicks in and the temperatures begin to drop……..

  14. What pisses me off the most is the public of this country who only see an image of her and think that’s reality. What goes on behind closed doors? Whilst everyone is entitled to privacy as a human, how certain are we this family are playing straight dice? Do you expect me to believe they do, on faith alone, especially when one of her sons turns out to be a nonce? That she wasn’t informed about Saville in private by MI5 or whoever?

    She’s involved. Her message at COP26 to embrace political change that will fuck up our lives but not her families (or their shareholdings), and the recent plea for people to ‘think of others’ regarding vaccinations (and visiting Porton Down) when it’s a personal choice.

    I don’t buy it. I think she knows shit but chooses to remain silent.

  15. I bet the only discomfort she has ever felt in her posh privileged life is when Charles’s ears scraped through her baby tunnel.

  16. She has got terrible carpal tunnel syndrome what with all that waving, pulling on ribbons, smashing champagne bottles into the side of boats and shaking hands with the riff raff.

  17. I bet she wants to hang on to life until she reaches a ton, and then she’ll get a telegram/WhatsApp message from the Queen, and the circle will be complete!

    Trouble is when she goes we’ll end up with Charles and Red Rum. Hopefully he’ll abdicate or have an accident in a Parisian tunnel (what goes around comes around), and then we can have William and the utterly fuckable Kate!

    She can sit on my throbbing throne anytime she wants!

    • Judging by Flapears’ antics at the Copout jamboree, he might go “Full-on Joe” in public, and shit his pants. I am certain Madge will outlast him. She is probably getting daily enemas of placenta & c.

    • Pensioners get a telegram off The Queen when they reach 100 years old…their great grand-daughters get a text off Prince Andrew when they reach 13 years old.

      • Nah…something about ” Take advantage now of this strictly time -limited offer…14 candles on yer cake and you’ve blown it”


        PS..The Queen Mother was a common,frumpy,drunken.greedy old Cunt.

  18. So when the old twat croaks,
    Its game over.
    Its meant to be tree conversationalist Charles who steps in.
    Edward has asked for some of her old ball gowns and lipstick.
    Andrew wants the youth experience maid.
    King Charles.
    The first one got what he deserved!
    Lets hope wing nut carries on the tradition?

    • Evening, MNC. Tree hugging Charlie is planning to change his name to George when/if he becomes king. The previous two Charlies were both useless and odious wankers and he does not want people to think he is!

      • So what he wants is the reginal name George, whilst he deserves the vaginal name “CUNT”.

  19. The Queen has given exemplary service to this country for the majority of her life.

    She has worked hard. Not grafted like the rest of us getting our hands dirty, – but has put some hours in meeting and greeting dignitaries etc, and has been a fine ambassador for this once fine country.

    She has dealt with a fair amount of shit over the years, (and still is), yet she never appears to falter.
    She is one of the most recognisable and respected figures worldwide.

    Jug ears Charlie is a bit of a cunt. But what do we replace the monarchy with? Would we all like to live in a republic?

    The Queen is one of the last great institutions holding this failing country together.

    We should be proud of her. Not cunting her.

      • A glove puppet indeed. I agree.

        But a glove puppet of the highest standard.

        The only glove puppet that surpasses Her Majesty is Sweep.

        Sooty and that stuck up panda bitch Soo are inferior. A bit like Labour politicians.

        When ISAC has turned anti-monarchist,- we definitely know this country is finished.

        I’d rather pay for a fleet of Range Rover’s for one corgi than a sleeping bag for a dozen refugees.

    • I would have agreed with all of that Mr Vandyke (x10) until she gave us the “save the planet” bullshit the other day. I don’t doubt that the old dear believes it just like any other dimmo who watches the media.
      It’s time to pick sides and the Royal Family has picked the wrong side. They can be as woke as they like but the wokies won’t be happy until they are all working on the tills at Asda.

    • Her biggest mistake was opening her mouth.

      It’s one thing for Prince Charles to spout woke nonsense like: “The diversity of our society is its greatest strength and gives us so much to celebrate”. Quite another thing for the Queen to try and outwoke him and the Hewitts.

      As if those tedious, platitudinous Christmas Day messages weren’t enough!

      Never mind, at least we still have her favourite son Prince Andrew to fall back on if everything goes pear shaped. An “honourable” man if ever there was one.

    • As an outlier of the far flung empire, I’d rather keep the monarchy than descend into a cluster fuck of an independent republic (of course of which we almost already are).

      President Jacinda? Chairman Maocinda? Kim Jong Ardern? Cunts like her are rearing up all over the place and, although, the Commonwealth is a tenuous facility, it does at least keep some of us semi-safe in our beds….for the moment.

      Otherwise, have at it. You’ll be just as bad off as some of us, what with Johnson and Co in control and no one above them to answer to.

  20. Well I never. It seems like the site has been hijacked by Corbyn, Livingstone and the like.

    If we didn’t have her maj how would the oikes know their place? If this goes on we’ll be having sob stories about how hard life is on UC next.

    For gods sake pull yourselves together, behaving like you’re French or something.

  21. If Her Majesty gets shut of that horrendous Megain cunt once and for all, then The Queen will be remembered by me fondly for all time…

    I remember when that snotty student cunt fired blank bullets during the 1981 Trooping The Colour. Liz could have shat herself and bolted. But she didn’t. The Queen didn’t know if they were real bullets or not, but she was calm and didn’t flinch one bit. I’ve always admired her for that…

  22. I dont particularly wish her ill Sixdog.
    But say she choked on a diamond?
    Or tripped over some gold bullion?
    Would I mourn?..naw.
    Would I stand in line with Bert & Doris Nutter waving a flag at the coronation of Charles?…naw.
    Just a dysfunctional family to me,
    And foreigners.

    • I wonder if she’s got a carved crystal dildo in the shape of old Phil’s todger?

    • Just think about it MNC. She’s been head of state longer than I’ve been alive, love her or hate her she’s a constant.

      If we replace the monarchy we will have a new head of state every few years, this experiment has been tried in many places and resulted in Obama, Macron and the like.

      Fuck me get shot of the Royals and President Blair or President Khan become possible.

      Think of the children!

  23. I hope Her Majesty The Queen doesn’t join in the latest libfuck craze, and have a meeting with Greta Mongberg. A little cross eyed attention seeking turd like that shouldn’t even be allowed to flush Her Majesty’s bog.

    • Did you see the ugly little spaz singing “you can shove your climate crisis up your arse” recently.?

      She just needs to fuck right on off.

      Woke fucking doom goblin

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