I’m sick of reading about the “bravery” of the auld trout soldiering on aged 95….I dare say most people could “soldier on” if they’d spent their life attended by a team of Doctors while doing fuck-all more strenuous than eating a crustless cucumber sandwich.
Daft old bag should take her weird family and Fuck Off.
(Now back to the studio and Ron Knee, our Royal Correspondent – NA)
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
And Dick is on the case again with the Royals
The Royal Parasites.
The fucking nerve of the bastards lecturing away about climate change…what the fuck makes their views relevant?,,,a lifetime of sponging apparently. If that coffin-dodging old trout really cared she’d shift out of her palaces and move to an unheated cave like the rest of us will be forced to do.
Cost of running Buckingham Palace?….Buckingham Palace, with its 775 rooms, 77,000 square metres of floor space and swimming pool, is estimated to be the most expensive royal residence in the UK, costing £1.1million a year to power.
Over a million Pounds to heat just one of the old bag’s Palaces while most Cunts of her age are too frightened to put the fucking heating on…and yet the hypocritical Bezzler still sees fit to add her support to the “War on Climate Change”….fucking incredible.
Old Cunt.
Time to retire Lizzie
I’m sorry, but I really do agree, and once jugears is offered, he should decline in favour of his one true son.
He is a climate change cunt as well fuck him with a 12 bore
He should decline in favour of Kate. The country could do with a bit of class on the throne for a change. Besides, she don’t half give me the forking horn!
we don’t need any of them, bury them deep, dead or alive, and concrete it over
775 rooms in Buckingham Palace?! Cor! It must take at least 5 years to hoover them all.
I wonder if they each have mini bar fridges and room service.
775 rooms! What do they keep in there? Are they for people or storage?
Prince Andrew has prisoners in them Spoons.
Young prisoners.
Female prisoners.?
I wonder if the queen has a room just for eating cream cakes.
A room just for French fancies and a room for Bakewell tart.
michael and barry obama took up 4 two rooms, 2 were just for michael’s dick, image the staff required to fumigate those rooms after they stayed
President Blair, Corbyn, Johnson, Campbell…
Dunno who the fuck I’d choose as Pres.
If Princess Anne were in the running, she-d get my vote.
Like it or not, GB and monarchy have a history that goes back a bloody long way.
Look at all the French presidents. Every one a loser-con Nominsayin, bruv, innit??!
I completely agree, it’s much better than any other constitution in the World.
Any president should have limited power, so it really doesn’t matter who they are.
The Royals are parasites who should be flogged and then burned at the stake.
Fuck them all, heads on pikes sage royals ploticos bankers and Whitehall cunts sedwell etal
I’ll bring the matches
You know when most of the comments vanish, it’s because admin are posting. It’ll be a Dead Pool. We’ve had our nom ration for today.
I always considered myself a Royalist and had the greatest admiration for the Queen. However, since the climate change meddling, she and Charles can fuck off. Stupid cunts.
It’s not him, its the pressure he is under from the EU lackeys. He is a green-fingered honourable man. Except when he got married to Diana and then didn’t actually love her. We all know that socialists were behind that marriage don’t we?
Me too.
I expected it from nutty old big ears, but was shocked when the Queen joined in with the climate bollocks.
fuck royals, they’ll be joining the mongal brat greta soon to protest against volcanos and bush fires
And wee Willie cunt the spunk of the king of Spain
little bald cunt, i swear he’s gay, those kids are test tube brats
I care as much for her and her dysfunctional brood, as they care for me and mine.
Same goes for politicians and every other cunt under the Sun.
Set them adrift.
The queen is ace. No back answers. Ps. The global climate shit she is alleged to speak is just scripted by politicians.
In that case she should read what has been scripted for her to make sure that she is not coming across as a hypocritical cunt.
The same goes for the bollocks that she recites in her Christmas Messages whilst sat in front of a solid gold harpsichord.
She has a brain, allegedly. And is said to be in touch with the people.
But she does absolutely fuck all except exist.
She never intervenes in anything at all to help her people and she consults with lying, devious Prime Ministers on a weekly basis.
She is an over privileged, stuck up ponce who some say does wonderful work in encouraging tourism to the UK.
But more tourists visit France every year and they had the good sense to cut the heads off their royal family.
There’s no “alleged” about it. She fucking said it. Yeah she may be ill but she has advisers, some of whom must have told her this is not a good idea.
Not that it matters because Jugears and Baldybollocks have nailed their colours to the wokie mast. They are going the same way as the Romanovs and can’t see it. Admittedly Boris seems an unlikely Rasputin but you can draw these historical comparisons too far.
That’s my excuse anyway.
Allegedly, Rasputin had a massive cock.
Boris IS a massive cock. No allegedly about THAT.
Fuck off paid off old cunt
The monarchy. An anachronism. Like the TV licence. Time both were gone.
On the plus side you tax payers money went on power all payouts tonight
Or Gary Linkekars new refugee
This is what this socialist shitbag owes https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/05/06/gary-lineker-pursued-hmrc-5m-tax-bill/
Dog save the queen. ?
I like those wooden teeth the Queen mother had.
Very green.
Under certain light the green takes a golden Hue
MNC, when my teeth fall out, I’ll replace them with wooden pegs.
TS, that Viz article is hilarious! I need to read Viz more often. If sister Dolly will let me.
Tic tacs Spoons.
Use tic tacs.
Theyre cheap, and refreshingly minty!
Also you can have orange teeth or green teeth.
Although they do make you look like youve still got your milk teeth.
I use piano keys to fill in the gaps.
I watch this mad woman on YouTube ‘Tarot with Janine’. She thinks the Queen is already dead and the woman being paraded about is clone they are about to ‘retire’. Same story with Prince Phillip; according to Janine he checked out long before the official announcement.
Glad I got that off my chest.
Janine sounds ‘quirky’ Cuntologist.
By quirky I obviously mean mentalist.?
She’s totally bonkers! Here are some of the crackpot things ‘the cards’ tell her:
-The son of Megain & Harry has been swapped for another boy.
-Megain was never pregnant and just pretended. Hence the reason she was always touching her fake baby bump and holding a cushion in place.
-Megan was picked by the royal for her acting skills and diversity.
-The production of Covid vaccines has been taken over by the White Hats who have ensured that there are no more bad batches, just blanks being injected.
-Boris Johnson has been taken over by the White Hats though he was working for the Black Hats.
I’ve watched rather a lot of her with my jaw open!
I like the cushion story!?
I picture it with a face drawn on,
Like Wilson in Castaway.
Meghan sat cradling it rocking back and to on the floor trying to breastfeed it.???
Don’t you know that they’re all alien, shape-shifting Illuminati reptiles?
It’s true; bloke down the pub who knows somebody whose cousin works as a cleaner at Buck House told me.
Bit like a royal version of weekend it Bernie’s ?
Remember ‘David Eicke’ – believes the Queen is a lizard from the planet Zaarg, wearing a ‘humab skin’ suit….. ……Jesus !
She’s made it to a hundred then!
Oh and speaking of Viz, I love ‘The Broon Windsors’! A great piss-take.
Tactical nuke on Sandringham with all royals present. Ensure Harry half blood is flown over especially,
Make sure all the 650 MPs are there plus all the contents of the House of Lords as well.
Once that’s done, then round up and return every 2nd, 3rd generation ‘IMO’ to their land of origin. Operation ‘reverse wind rush’ if you will.
The start of the reclaim process.
in other news, natural selection working well in Sierra Leone. ‘Hey m’tebe look, ‘free fuel’ leakiin from dat tanka…. Stupid thick cunts.
Add Linekunt and co, MSM cunts, any official who has enabled the cover up of grooming gangs and corrupt officials from all our institutions and we would be heading in the right direction ??
“Operation ‘reverse wind rush’ if you will.”
collar and seat o’ the pants… call it “Operation Bum’s-Rush”
President Johnson. Enough said.
Im not so much against monarchy, its just I want a king to be proud of.
Someone who acts the part.
Someone I can be proud of!!
Not some wet inbred german.
Big, booming, prone to tantrums, bearded,
Henry VIII type.
like this
Now thats a king id follow!
I prefer King John & King Richard and Edward 1 myself. Proper Angevins, Fulk sorted lots of shit out. More than most of the morons in this country. Just saying nazis, it doesn’t work. Until the lefties stop with this constant anti-Jewish bollocks there will be no peace.
This is a king you should follow, Miserable.
He looks a bit familiar?…?
Did you hear about the bloke with a necrofelia problem? Ask him for advise the cunt should be swinging.
Not woke willie then ?
I’ve said it before – real aristocrats like Dick hate the ghastly oiks of the dysfunctional Windsor-Mountbatten clan and view them as frightful parvenus.
The whole kingdom needs reorganising…
First Deflowerer of Northumbria: His Grace The Lord Fiddler.
Chief Sheep Worrier of Wales: Cuntstable Cuntbubble, Duke of the Horn.
Earl of Mercia: Sir Ronald of Villa Park.
Emperor of the Republic of East Anglia: my good self.
King of Wessex: the ghost of Harold Godwinson.
Scotland: nuclear warhead testing facility.
Bring it down to Plymouth N when these fuckers keep banging on about how bad the south is ill set it off myself. Goodbye sturgeon. Piece on earth.
Sturgeon outlining the vaccine roll out schedule.
First dose.
Second dose.
My blood vessels are almost bursting anyways I’ll be dead in six weeks trust me.
I’ve met most of them during my 26 years, and was only ever impressed with Fergie, Edward and Kate. Had dealings with Edward when he was a RM young officer candidate. Seemed a genuine bloke but well out of his depth. Andrew is just a cunt. When he doing his commando course he managed to annoy the fuck out of everyone. When taken to one side by a senior rank and told to wind his neck in a bit, he looked at the officer and said ‘you know that your career just ended, don’t you?’ Harry is out of the same mould but has no fucking brain. Once the truth about that Walt comes out he’ll be fucked once and for all as far as the military goes! Yeah, that’s right Capt Wales! Some of us know the fucking truth, you pathetic cunt.
You can’t leave it there!
Come on-give us more on young Hewitt!!!
When her majesty has passed into history, then you can slag off the royal family all you like.
Until then, the Royal family are off limits as far as I’m concerned (apart from Andy – who they should have arranged a shooting party ‘accident’ for).
Harry halfwit & the Markle bitch also excluded – they are no longer ‘Royal’ in my book so you can pile as much shit on them as you like.
Leave ER alone – God Save Her Majesty the Queen.
I was looking for a way to put it LOTR but you’ve said it all here. Couldn’t agree more….
Hear hear, LOTR. Apart from those two cunts I mentioned, especially the fucking ginger one!
Dignified silence or complete disinterest, from HM.
She has been invisible, apart from Christmas & family weddings, since her fucking jubilee in 77?