The Guardian [15]

The Guardian and the horseshit it peddles. And how fucking deluded these London lefty cunts are.

”Revealed: the towns at risk from far-right extremism”

”Towns vulnerable to rising community tensions and possible far-right support, partly because they have had high rates of unemployment and benefit claims since the start of pandemic.”

It goes on to list towns where the little, stupid people live. Which are apparently at risk from the far right. But it produces no evidence whatsoever. None, just metropolitan bullshit.
I would like to know who or what this ‘far right’ is. Is it a large organisation? Does it carry out regular atrocities? Does it stop traffic? Boycott food premises? Murder civilians? Perhaps the far right media cover them up.
I thought the rest of the press were bad but fuck me this trendy arsewipe takes the biscuit.

Link to this horseshit.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

82 thoughts on “The Guardian [15]

  1. They forgot Stockport.
    Anglesey, that well known hotspot for far right terrorism!
    I heard theyre building panzer tanks in Llandulas?
    Stukas over Red Wharf bay…

    Bag o shite.

    • Did you know MNC that the power station near Holyhead is actually a death camp for lefties, peacefuls, and other undesirables?

      What a load of bollocks.

      • DVD-the land surrounding the power station is a nature reserve.
        Take your field glasses and a flask and spend an enjoyable day spotting three headed hedgehogs, conjoined frogs and pissed up Eastern European “square-heads”, feasting on the bounty of numerous Polski shops, in the vicinity ?

  2. You can picture the smug motherfuckers who sit on the local branch of Costra Coffee─ worrying themselves sick over the skinny lattes and Danish pastry, rejoicing that in just three short years Dame Keir might be in No 10 allowing every rubber boat surfer unconditional access to this country’s benefit system, ensuring positive discrimination, and reversing that beastly Brexit, so we can be under the thumb of the thieving bastards again.

    Every time I see one of the elderly yuppies walking along with their nose in the air and their Guardian proudly on display, I get an overwhelming desire to soak it in petrol, stick it up their overused arses and set fire to the bleeding thing.

    • It obvious to anyone that this country is going down the shifter but I am at a loss to understand why these cunts seek to accelerate the process.

      • The country may well be going down the shitter, unless of course your wealthy and live in the fashionable parts of London and the SE. These people are far too insulated from the true realities of life: typical NIMBYs in their political thinking.

      • Could it be that they despise Britain and wish it to be just another numbered district if the EUSSR.

        Do you think Jellyfish and his crew are actually this incompetent or maybe it’s part of the plan to make the deplorables repent, beg forgiveness, crawl back to the EU like a beaten wife and bend over for the mother of all shaftings?

        An actual far right instead of an imaginary might not be a bad idea.

  3. Maybe a more accurate headline would be. :-
    “White working class plod on regardless of continuing islamification of their towns; increase in drug pushing and rape and gang violence. “

    Fat chance. Why because it’s the truth. Cunts

    • Quite. The only towns at risk of ‘right-wing extremism’ are those where the mass rape of white children by peacefuls has practically been state policy.

      Did the Guardian explain that bit to Henry and Imogen of North London?

  4. Am surprised and equally disappointed that this rag is still in existence.
    Every day it comes out with the old begging bowl , asking readers to support the paper retain “good journalism” etc.

    A free press is essential to any democracy, but the Guardian is so utterly blinkered in its far-left thinking, especially from its readers and guest writers, that you really cannot take it seriously, unless you’re one of the Islington Set it so loves to cosy up to.

    However, with the rise of the Woke, the Guardian will be their figurehead and national mouthpiece for what they believe in.

  5. There’s still clearly a market for bullshit if you look at the readership figures. The Grauniad is pulling in 3.7 million per day worryingly, with The Mail slightly ahead at 4.1 million. More worrying perhaps is the ‘news’ that the BBC and ITV are broadcasting to millions all day everyday. We’ve always questioned the journalism in the press but there are still startling numbers of people who unquestioningly believe what they see on the telly.
    Yes the Grauniad is an annoyance, and it can carry influence. But it’s second division stuff compared to the shit served up by the Beeb and the Tom Bradby news corp.

  6. When you’re as far left as the guardian then anything approaching centre ground would appear to be far right , so it’s more about their wonky perspective than anything else.
    I particularly loath the guardian who represent virtually everything that is wrong with the Labour Party , metropolitan pseudo socialist cunts who think they hold the social moral high ground and anybody who disagrees gets instantly labelled “ right winger” “ xenophobic”
    I live in hove with is absolutely infested with these types of cunts , come elections Labour Party posters appear in many expensive houses as the relentless virtue signalling starts , of course you know on the coffee table indoors sits the occupants favourite wank mag “the guardinista “ , this of course makes them experts not just on working class towns across the U.K. , but everything from Brexit to climate change etc etc .
    In my experience The typical guardian reader believes absolutely everything written in it, and proudly tell doubters “ it’s the only independently owned paper” as if that removes all doubts of biased reporting or opinion….

    It’s read by a Bunch of (middle class fake) socialists…….

  7. Owen Jones has gone rather quiet since his duffing up. Has he been given the boot? Too insufferable even for the Graun it seems.

    Vivid memory of the Band Aid session film was that utter twerp Rainforest Sting turning up proudly brandishing his Observer. Yup, the same planet rescuing whiney cunt with his four mansions, private jets and flash cars. Hypocrisy personified but worshipped by the Guardian.

    • I think he still has a column in the rag but he is too white for the BBC, his bum boy credentials aren’t enough anymore, got to have a funny tinge these days to get on the box.
      Ash (literally a communist) Sakar gets the call now.

    • Hypocrisy is fashionable with the lefties …..
      Mind you all politicians are cunts you’ve just got to find the party that are the least offensive to you….

  8. I think there’s much more to be feared from loony left flakery than the so-called ‘far right’.
    As for The Groanalot, well it’s just the arsewipe of preference in leafy Hampstead, where the yah-ho types like to hang out.
    Fuck the smug, sanctimonious Grauniad and all who sail in it.

    Morning all.

  9. The Guardian used to be useful for ‘drawing’
    the open fire.

    Since it has gone away from broadsheet form, its one use in life has expired.

    Only the Torygraph is big enough to fill the fire aperture now. And at least I can read it first!

    • I remember, getting the fire going in the morning hoping to melt the ice on the inside of the windows ?
      Hehe, ah the good old days, we were poor but we were happy ?

      • I still very occasionally get ice on the inside of the back, north facing windows.

        I’ve never had double glazing fitted.

        I’ve got no central heating drying my tubes up.

        No nasty boiler to pack up and go wrong.

        I can afford it. But I like the house cold, it’s what I’m used to.

        Mrs Dyke has dry skin so it suits her. I have Rosacea, and my face looks like Oliver Reed’s, so it stops my skin burning too.

        And I enjoy living the pauper lifestyle, it’s become a bit of an obsession over the years.

        The fire is a token gesture, it just takes the chill off, and I can sit in front of it if I get cold.

        I light it for the dog and cat most of the time. The dog will actually bark at it if she wants it lighting.

        I do get out of the bath now though and think, fucking hell i’m freezing, and race to get my clothes on.

        However, I have installed a Calor gas heater in the bathroom for Mrs Dyke.

        I’m generous to a fault one could say?

      • Bloody hell, you are living in 1950’s Britain, at the age of seven or eight I thought we had gone all posh when we moved to a house with a bathroom (still had the outside bog) and I think I was maybe fourteen when we got a house with central heating and an inside bog ?

      • Living in the wilds of Cumbria, in a 500 year old farmhouse, we had a back boiler for hot water fitted and replaced the wood fired (not a fucking Aga), 200 year old, cast iron stove, when I was 15.
        My job as a teen: keep the woodshed for 3x houses filled?

      • We were tenants Dick.
        If I had my way, I would roll back the years to that time, without hesitation ?

  10. Far right, even slightly right would be a start, remember the bigoted woman from Rochdale, I think she mentioned immigration once but didn’t get away with it ?

    Bloody woman, far right terrorist ?

    • Id love to take a Guardianista and introduce him to someone really Far Right.
      Theyd be surprised how much they have in common.
      Intolerance with differing opinions
      A sense of owning the truth
      And rampant anti-Semitism.
      Not much difference,
      Probably both in doc martens too.

      Ive met quite a few ‘neo nazis”.
      Boring bastards.
      Everything is the fault of ‘the Jews’.
      Im in debt,
      My wifes left me,
      I cant hold down a job
      = Jews Fault.

      My xenophobia is all inclusive
      I hate neo nazis as well.
      Theyre going in the oven too.

      • I agree MIS, Nazis, Islamists, all foreigners, anyone who says init, Justin Welby (deserves a special mention)

  11. I clicked on a Guardian link this week, it was about how people’s opinions on climate catastrophe are being weakened by climate deniers propaganda highlighting the hypocrisy of the ‘elite’ lecturing the little peoples while using private jets, yachts, and all the other shit these cunts do which is the opposite of their preaching.
    Yes. They were defending them. How out of touch do you need to be as a contributor?

  12. I know of only one person who buys the Grauniad. Retired teacher, lezza, second home in France, disparages the plebs, listens to the Today programme every morning. So a member of the Graun’s target demographic.

  13. This may be more in line with last night’s discussion but I think it is relevant here.

    Latvia, Parliament has voted to suspend MP’s (pay and voting rights) who haven’t been vaccinated or are recovered from Covid itself. ? Democracy?

    • The Bloater nearly fell over when laying his wreath, that would have been a sight, upskirting his kilt on live TV

  14. Guardian readers will be delighted to learn that the Black Friday sales jamboree is to be renamed Best Friday to avoid racist overtones.

    • When Lukaku & Smalling went to Seria A (Italian top flight), their positive impact at their clubs, led to the Headline “Black Friday”.
      You can imagine the lefty meltdown?

    • Given who is often seen climbing over each other’s children to get at a cheap TV and punching each other’s faces over a food processor , the name should remain.

  15. Last night I was having some quality alone time with some rather lovely Single Malt, Warren Zevon on the iPad, all rather relaxed.

    Then I stumbled across the Guardian’s review of the new ABBA album. It was panned for its sexism and lack of diversity.

    Get fucked.

    • Yes I saw that too. ‘Lack of feminist lyrics’ from Benny and Bjorn.
      I wish I had some real dosh; I’d by that shithouse rag turn it into a downmarket version of The Star. Photos of birds with big knockers in Santa outfits, anti-EU and anti-loony left articles, and a bit of footy. And photos of birds with big knockers in skimpy panties and stockings.
      New title; ‘The Gruntalot’.

      • the first world feminist columns by spoilt white girls like Valenti and Penny could be replaced by a daily ‘Celebrity downblouse’ close-up;

  16. LOL … makes me fuckin’ smile when I see this shit. Now what is it exactly that they are scared of …

  17. But….what about towns/cities more vulnerable to dingy raiders (Boston) or climate change bollox (Bath etc)?

  18. These cunts will be begging for some right wing pushback once Britain becomes a snivelling caliphate.

    Not long now.

  19. This piss poor excuse for a newspaper is not fit to wipe Dave Furnish’s Arsehole after fat Elton has dumped his load up there.!

  20. They think people who get fed up living in increasingly denser populated towns with increasing levels of crime due to immigration is a form of intolerance. “If we don’t give them diversity awareness training they’ll turn to an organisation that dare speak for them” thought by many a paid up member of Labour party.

  21. I’m sick of this far right label for people that have common sense, only because we don’t follow the stupid messed up views of the lefty pillow hugging, safe place, your thoughts hurt me, snowflakes, that are currently destroying society at a rapid rate.

    Labels are bullshit, for instance, racism, islamaphobia, two labels used just criminalise people who hate to see what these two demographics are currently doing to the british way of life, i’m not racist towards black people, but cannot tolerate the knee bending, advert hyjacking, banjo bullshit, over appropriation, for some historical wrong in which we were all victims at some point. Exactly the same applys to the Islamaphobia bollocks, i’m not scared of peacefulls, so no phobia’s, but I resent them, and would be quite happy to educate some respect into one if it stepped out of line with me, but yet again, they are permitted to live here and create their own society and rules, that exists outside of ours. You cannot have two apposing belief systems and cultures and expect unity, especially if you pander to the one that’s hell bent on harming the indigenous population, this is the Gardians twisted stance on things, and in turn also becomes a problem for the british way of life.

    • I might add ‘anti-vaxxer’, ‘climate denier’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’ to the lefts lexicon of pejorative labels designed purely to stifle debate and critical thinking.

      No such stifling on ISAC in yesterday’s session. This Telegraph mom should reset ISAC back to echo chamber mode though!

  22. “A lot of people are struggling: some can no longer afford dental work.” lol

    That’s so fucking patronising.

    • That’s called privatisation, where they charge what they feel, we all fall foul of that, ie: energy companies, council taxes. Maybe not in the london bubble though.

  23. There is dangerous extremism in the UK. The perpetrators call themselves”liberal” and “democratic”, quite often sleep, er, “work” in the public sector, have been taught marxism right through their education and believe the very “toxic white Males” whose forebears stood on a beach getting machine gunned for the freedom the champagne socialists so despise are the “problem”. (They were the very best of us, and their sacrifice and bravery will never be forgotten).
    They are hateful of my Country, white people who go “off script”, the working class, the North, heterosexuals and people with less money than them. They are dangerous, they are evil and despite their laughable wokeness make no mistake – they want to persecute us out of existence and would not think twice about putting any who disagree with their vile racist shit in death camps.
    Aided and abetted by a complicit media and socialist politicians, and this is exactly what fascists and communists do – blame everyone innocent for what the wokeflake soyboy gutless little bastards are constantly doing themselves.
    Nothing will change until we have an excoriating removal of ALL the fucking traitors who sit – on our money – in the HOC and the HOL.
    We NEED a right wing nationalist Government in the UK – the last one was the Thatcher years, and she handed the commies their arses.
    Vote Fox and warm up the Panzers!

  24. I’d soon wipe my arse on my favourite wank sock than a pre crumpled page of the Guardian.

  25. Fair do’s though it’s made from good quality pulp which ensures you get a really good fucking grip on even the most encrusted winnits, thoroughly absorbant and resists digital break through… unpleasantness… No denying it’s a quality bit of arsewipe! Plus added bonus…

    …when it hits the sewers all those letters and treacherous words wash off into the feacal slime and flow downstream to were live the journalists who frolick and fish for the next headline. They wade into the shitty sludge, pick out the choicest cliches and insults, lick them clean and stick them straight back on tomorrow’s front page. A pleasing circularity to it all when y’ think about that.

  26. I can’t believe I actually bought this rag when I was younger.
    It is now such a loony wank fest that it appears to be beyond parody.

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