The Death of Satire

One thing I have noticed over the years is how we no longer have true satirical comedies or programming, from the early days of TW3 to Brass Eye, satire has broken down boundaries and helped to expose hypocrisy and cuntishness from all sides of the political divide, as an 8 year old peering through the rails of the stairs, watching the famous Millicent Martin singing “Mississippi”, I can always remember the line “where the Mississippi mud, kind of mingles with the blood, of the n*****, that is hanging from the branches of the trees”, which is a line that hits you hard, considering the Deep South in the early 1960s.

Then we have Peter Cook, a man who was not afraid to rattle a few cages for comedy, but the most sublime satire has to be Brass Eye, it satirised everything from the media to vacuous “slebs” who would quite honestly say some of the stupidest things to stroke their ego, anyone who says “a mother in Siberia has given birth to a 2 foot long testicle, that is going to die as it doesn’t have a mouth to feed”, should really look in the mirror and ask themselves “how the fuck was I that stupid?”.

Talk about giving enough rope for fucks sake!, or when Phil Collins stated proudly he was talking “nôñće sénśè”, it does make you think that in the current world we find ourselves in no wonder satire is dead, it’s the new reality, we can’t laugh at fuckwittery anymore as the whole world is a total fucking joke, that is truly beyond saving, can you imagine a “satirist” today coming out with anything as original as “the orgy of sly winking usuary, was only brought to an end by a stairwell nôñcé bashing, that left North brain dead and quadraspážžêd on a life glug”, thank fuck for YouTube, at least satire lives on there, for now anyway!

(Thank heavens for ISAC where we love satire and taking the piss. Carry on – NA)

Nominated by: Captain Quimson

39 thoughts on “The Death of Satire

  1. There are still a few about-the extremely talented (and fucking woke?) Sasha Baron Cohen, for one.

    The real problem has been the dumbing down of television in general-all to accommodate our new, lower intelligence arrivals.

  2. Good nomination captain. Without people (comedians usually) taking the piss out of the Self proclaimed know alls of this world we are left with a massive void in terms of cutting down their already massive egos. And it will just get worse now with the twatter brigade shouting offence at any piss take.

  3. There’s always a ‘butt’ of a good joke.

    The fucking soft twats we have now; who are happy to smile as we give our country away to parking Stanleys and other assorted shite; can’t handle anything such as taking the fucking piss.

    This country will be absolutely fucked, like some African shithole in a few decades.

  4. Brass Eye Followed by JAM . Great thought provoking comedy by Chris Morris . I’ve not seen anything that comes near it since . The Fast Show was funny but not exactly satirical.
    Good nom Captain?

  5. Modern-day sitcom writers and stand-up comics, know which side they’re bread is buttered in this era of the Woke and the power of Social Media.

    If they don’t fall into line with a woke-approved narrative, then expect a hostile MSM and instant cancellation on social meda.

    The recent introduction of “Fact Checkers” on most social media and MSM websites, is just the beginning. They’re not “fact checkers” by any true definition. Instead they’re glorified moderators following a script handed down to them from their lords and masters (can I still say that?). Any comments, any jokes, any “banter” et al, that doesn’t tick an appropriate box means that the comment is banished, never to be seen of again.

    Therefore, comics face the same fact-checking nonsense as most other people wanting to say anything remotely “edgy” on a social media platform, TV or cable network. The topics that comics could pick fun at is gradually diminishing in case it causes great offense, to the point where even saying a “knock knock” joke could be construed as hurty to some cunt who is scared of people knocking on their front door!

    Satire is long dead. Everything has to be spelled out, or explained in detail via YouTube.

  6. All the ground breaking comedy, satirical or otherwise, used to be on the BBC because, not being commercially driven, they could afford to take risks.
    Sadly they are now the bastions of wokeism and all that is gone. Shows like “Little Britain” and “League of Gentlemen” are unthinkable now. Instead we have “Mrs Brown’s Boys” and “Citizen Khan.”
    As Nan Taylor would say,”What a load of old shit.”

  7. Although the nom reminded me of my old Derek and Clive tapes. Brilliant to listen to when drunk.

    “?My mum she came to my room, to suck my tiny nob?”

    Wouldn’t hear that anywhere nowadays.

    • All available on Spotify, even the stuff that would get you chucked in prison these days. Ephraim, fucked a white chick, it’s all there.
      Still makes me laugh out loud after forty odd years.

      • CLIVE : You know that big nîgger who lives down the road?

        DEREK: Him? Yeah. Oh, lovely.

        CLIVE: Huge black cunt. I said, I said to him, I said, um, Ephraim, strange name for a black, innit? I said there’s a load of cunts down the BBC and they need sorting out. I said, um, this should appeal to your fucking primitive urges cos I said you like cannibalism, don’t you? You like eating people alive in a frying pan. I said, go round to the BBC with some of your mates dressed up in your loincloths and that, and, er, paint yourselves up in different colours or whatever you cunts do back in Africa. And so he said, er, oh, it’s nice, that and he, he, he said what do we do when we arrive? I said, go beserk, tear the fucking place down.

        DEREK: Yes, spunk all over the fucking centre.

        CLIVE: Spunk all over the Director General and kill everyone in the studios, you know, and, um, he was all, you know, he got about forty of these côons gathered together to rush round to the BBC. And I was really looking forward to it. I was looking forward to tuning in to the news that night and seeing the news on the BBC. The BBC had being burnt to the fucking ground.

        DEREK: Yeah. Yeah. Four… forty thousand.

        CLIVE: I turned on the Nine O’clock News. There was Kenneth Kendall, calm as a cucumber. No story about anything burning to the fucking ground. And do you know what the cunt, black, nîgger poof, cunt said when he came back?

        DEREK: No?

        CLIVE: “Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t find it.”

        DEREK: No!

        CLIVE: “I lost my way”, he said.

      • Fucking brilliant lol

        Wouldn’t hear that on McIntyre’s ‘comedy’ shows I think

  8. Satire doesn’t work nowadays because because many things are so exaggeratedly bizarre that it makes it almost impossible for the audience to recognise where fact ends and fiction starts.
    A few years ago we’d have all been laughing at any politician/serious figure etc. who was duped into saying that it isn’t only a woman who has a cervix…not now…now it is a “crime” to deny, worthy of dismissal from job.

    Satire only works when the claim made by the Great and Good is obviously ridiculous to anyone not living with their pompous head up their arse…who can honestly tell these days when so much bullshit is not just an individual’s arrogant spouting and is actually Govt. policy.

    • I recall Tom Sharpe about 20 years ago saying that he had difficulty thinking up new ludicrous plots for his books as just when he had come up with what he thought was an absurd idea he watched the news on tv to find that something even weirder had happened.

      • I bought Indecent Exposure when I was about 11, somewhat unbelievably.
        I was reading it at home, laughing my fucking head off. Dad came over, and asked “What’s so funny?”
        He had a look, and I never heard him laugh so much in his life.

    • Isn’t it ironic that wokeism was born in the only country on earth that actually has free speech as a right, but is a totally irony free zone? Septic in thought and deed, mentally corrupt fuckers.

  9. I was watching Andrew Laurence on Youtube.
    He was portraying PC Peter Pisspot and was telling people not to dress as Zombies on Hallowe’en incase it offended the recently deceased.
    Andrew has been banned from live performances but still does some great satire on Youtube.

    • That’s the thing though isn’t it ?….if such an instruction had come from Commissioner Dick of The Met.,nobody would be in the least surprised or disbelieving.


  10. The UK is steadily turning into some woke induced version of the old USSR.
    Good morning.

  11. A gurning Dark Key now seems to be the very pinnacle of current “comedy”.

    Thank fuck for Bernard Manning.

  12. These days, satire is just another word for ‘unfunny’. Ask that baldy, short arsed twat Ian Hislop – the master of unfunny.

  13. As Fenton Fistula said in the above comment – one of the best modern day satirists is Andrew Lawrence.

    His characters are razor sharp.

    Peter Pisspot – Detective Constable
    Benjamin Snivelling Turd – junior Tory minister
    Sebastian Fat-Salary – head of BBC
    Johny Smugface – ubiquitous leftist vacuous TV D list celeb.

    What’s Andrew Lawrence’s reward for his comedy work?
    Banned by the woke cunts.

    Good Morning

  14. I believe that laughing keeps you young, it certainly makes your life a lot happier.

    Taking the piss out of each other strengthens friendships.
    It must be so fucking boring nowadays having to think carefully about what you say in case you might hurt someone’s feelings.
    And now the new pressure of wondering about what fucking pro noun to use.

    Relationships are all about humour and friendly banter.
    A marriage without it is just sterile.

    It’s a British thing.
    If the Germans were able to see the humour and irony in situations, they might have done better in the wars.
    The cunts.

  15. Requirements for a BBC satire:
    Must offend nobody (apart from white, heterosexual males)
    Must include those of a tinted hue
    Must not be funny.
    You’ll find more foreskins in a synagogue than laughs in a BBC satire.

    • no wonder they employ russell howard, ticks all the boxes but one, he must be gutted he’s white

  16. I think the last worthy satirical show was probably Rory Bremner when the two Johns (Bird and Fortune) used to interview each other as government ministers. Rather similar to what Peter Cook did with my own name sakes. Sir Greeb Streebling and Sir Streeb Greebling (not to be confused with each other).

    But as others have rightly said here, life today is so absurd, encouraged by ludicrous social media, that it is almost beyond satire.

    However, there does remain a gap in the market for utter pompous windbags.

  17. Dave Chapelle did great satire at one time. The best was the racist blind black guy who didn’t know he was black. When he finally found out he divorced his wife because she was a “Ni***r lover”. Some of the funniest shit ever!
    He’s now trying to be edgy but safe and it’s not the same.
    Good satire is offensive.

  18. must say I seem to have lost my sense of humour this last year, the west is going to hell in a Dover dingy and nothing seems funny anymore, I want the 60s and 70s back…..oh and slade and t.rex

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