An £18,000 per year cunting for St Dunstans school in London and its cuntish headmaster Nicholas Hewett for brainwashing the pupils aged 9-13 with the white privilege bullshit.
The lessons will also look at why James Bond has always been portrayed as a white man (highly important), why all prime ministers have been white and added that the school was proud of teaching ‘white privilege’ as part of its new bespoke curriculum.
See link for more details of this cack.
I always thought that this sort of indoctrination was a violation of the Education Act.
I wonder if that Hewett cunt will give up his position to a BAME.
The school motto however is Albam Exorna, (Adorn the White).
The Governing body is made up of ‘Old Dunstonians’ — how diverse it that group I wonder. (It isn’t, I checked. Link – NA)
Link to Headmaster’s Welcome Message. – NA
“St Dunstan’s pupils will go on as the liberal-minded, well-informed, grounded and principled women and men”
(Because we all know how well informed, grounded and principled liberals are. Well done. – NA)
Nominated by: mystic maven
‘….grounded and principled women and men’
What about the trannies?
Note he puts women before men. How awfully progressive of him.
Not Harolds uncle is he?
Runs in families, mental illness.
Defect in the tangerines.
He’s a bender. Put them together with the trannies and …….bitch fight! bitch fight!
Or is that the lezzas? Or the non binaries? I lose track sometimes.
I really need to go back to school.
Slightly off-topic, but when he mentioned “liberal women and men”, it got me thinking about the hallowed Women’s Institute!
Have they opened up to diversity and integration, and allowed men (and all variations there-of) into their little community? Men’s institutes have certainly had to, so why not the Wimminz Institute?
As for the nom itself – why isn’t the government watchdog for education stepping in and getting involved in what kids should be taught? But of course the DoE is already indoctrinated with liberal fuzzy-wuzziness to give two shits.
I don’t suppose the parents have much say either, despite paying £18k pa to be told how their kids are extremely privileged and should be ashamed! But then of course why charge such a high fear and marginalise those very same people who you’re allegedly supporting by demonising your “white privileged customers” (as well as ordinary white kids who just want a good education but can’t afford it)
Another cunt in an ivory tower wrapped in his bubble full of bullshit and contradictions.
“fee” not “fear”
Don’t think for a minute the Lesbian Labour Ladies Club will ever admit men into their safe space. Except possibly the q ueer Peers Mandy and Adonis, and then they are already old women.
I think we need a ‘Smug Cunt of the Year’ category this year.
Morning all.
That would possibly be the most contested award in history! By my reckoning 49% of the uk population would be in contention! Like the Eurovision voting would be in both english and francais(what French cunts speak!) I’m going to bet the winner is from London, shops in waitrose, drives a hybrid (can’t afford a full electric) , likes dinner parties and that fool Nigel slater and his eco-recipes. Likes a pro-noun, likes a stay-cation and reads the guardian. I could go on but the he/she/shim/it/ yeti would be a thoroughly deserving cunt or be pipped to the title by the high priestess of cuntitude “queen Nikki”.
I wonder if they have 3lack privilege lessons in umbongo land. You know the dark continent where all the leaders are 3lack ??? Just a thought!!
Trouble is, we are now a couple of generations down the road with this socially illiterate crap. The dweebs emerging from such piles are hopelessly ill-equipped for the actuality of life on earth, hence the wider attempts to recreate the touchy-feely, snowflakey, diversey, musi-loving Disneyland they have been led to believe in at school/university. Maybe a fucking Russian or Chinese bayonet up the jacksie is the only solution now things have gone so far. Self-destructing twats.
Good morning, everyone.
How come all African warlords are black? It’s just kot fair!
This kind of nonsense and lies are as useless as the tripe they learn at faith schools.
Does any cunt learn anything worthwhile anymore?
The end is nigh.
Yes, couldn’t agree more BB.
Surely we must be nearing annihilation soon as a species. I certainly fucking hope so as humans are mostly cunts anyway.
People the world over treat dark keys with more suspicion because they commit more crime than other races, in every land they inhabit. That’s all there is to it.
Stop committing crimes, worshiping gangsters and the ‘gangsta’ lifestyle and take responsibility for your families and communities.
But dat be racist innit, blud?
I’m done treading on egg shells around these cunts. Most dark keys are fine btw, but too many of them are fucking dangerous, quite frankly. For my own safety and sanity, I have fuck all to do with the cunts. Won’t buy from one, sell to one, get one to do a job for me etc.
Fuck it. Honkies only (but don’t mind a bit of East Asian fanny, have to admit that).
Mr. Cuntybollocks
Diversity and inclusion officer
East Asian Fanny? Peaceful?
I heard it tastes like beef?
Nominated for twat of the year
Just imagine:
The Prime Minister, The Rt. Hon David Lammy M.P.
and his Deputy PM Dawn Butler M.P and Estate Agent
The world would treat us as a laughing stock
Don’t say that WC, the Turkish cunt and his multicoloured cabinet are bad enough!
And the Flabbotomous for Home Secretary.We are doomed
Woke as fuck and takes it up the arse. Soon that will be the only qualification for being a teacher.
Everyone else will be a “far right extremist.”
Nothing new under the sun. When I was at school we had a PT master who would make the boys wear nothing but shorts in the gym (no central heating back then). One day one of the lads kept his underwear on and this teacher went berserk. His way of “checking” would be to watch you as you shinned up the ropes standing right underneath (he must have copped many looks at me as I was very good climbing up the ropes). I bet this Hewett pansy conducts his classes in the same way. He probably enjoys the views in the showers as well. Keep poofters out the playgrounds and classrooms.
You must be of the same generation as me WC. From what I have heard from men of my age this was the norm back in the sixties. I went to a mixed secondary school and my sister attended the same school five years behind me. One day we were discussing these arseholes who were our teachers and I mentioned I had my doubts about her PE teacher who was of course a woman. She gave me a slightly puzzled look and said; “Well of course she was a dyke, she was a PE teacher”.
He looks like he normally wears glasses but has taken them off for the photo. Typical Gaylord, vain as fuck.
I understand St Dunstan was a 10th century monk famous for his struggles with the Devil. I bet he sucked a few cocks round the back of the Priory kitchen.
These mad cunts know they are beyond reproach.
Anyone who questions the woke liberal propaganda will be pilloried via Twatter and then promptly sacked.
Brainwashing is an abomination,particularly when children are involved.
Vermin requires complete eradication.
No chance in the new Britain of deranged commies and 3rd world trash.
Fuck Off and Good Afternoon.
Yes, I think it’s highly appropriate that schools are named after religious figures. One oppressive, controlling, mythical ideology replaced by another.
In the future it will be St Marcus’s, St Greta’s, St Diane’s and David Lammy University.
Possibly the Boris Johnson School for Special Needs.
Why has bond always been portrayed by a white man, it was written in the fifties ffs
Why have all the PM’s been white, let’s see, we live in a majority white country.
Because Bond was a half-Scottish, half-Swiss orphan I’d imagine.
Mind you, today that probably equates to a Kosovan-Arab.
Didn’t know that!
Think theyd of come up with a better name!
Wee Jimmy mc Yodel?
Hamish Alpen?
Toblerone McTavish?
“Hey, teacher, leave the kids alone”
Why doesn’t Nick Hewitt put his money where his mouth is in regards to diversity?
Free scholarship to gyppo kids or inner city sooties?
Prove hes not a capitalist and committed to his ideals that way!
Im sure the mummys and daddys would like little crispin and Cressida mixing with other cultures?
They could bring in the Crips to talk about black culture?
Maybe a field trip to a traveler site to watch traditional bareknuckle fighting?
Come on Nick!
Not just a lip service lefty are you?
They usually have a “Token” or 2, to wheel out on prize-giving ?
First question you get asked in aircrew and Ambulance Driver selection is the extremely important and relevant question, why James Bond is a white man, you privileged, racist cunts!
Good for them – self-respecting schoolkids don’t listen to teachers so they’ll be goose-stepping around the playground before you know it.
After hearing the shit this arsehole says, hopefully the parents pull their kids out of this school and it goes bankrupt.
I woz a clevar cunt who passed that their 11+.
Fucking gutted really because all my mates in secondary moderns were fucking their female class mates as quick a you could put them under them. Fucking jammy cunts!
Oh, and this cunt needs ending.
I had the same problem but fortunately I had a sister who went to the Secondary Modern.
She used to bring her mates around and they all thought I was “a cutie”. Or was it “a cunt”?
Can’t really remember, it was a while ago you know?
There was a few reasons why I paid for junior Cunter’s education when I was in the UK.
Firstly, he would have been the only white/ish child in the entire local school. He would have been unique in the fact that English was his first language.
And secondly, he might have actually learnt something worthwhile rather than having day trips to mosques and celebrating Ramadan instead of Christmas.
It really was that bad.
The school that he would have been sent to was only 100 yards from our house and twice a day there would be a procession of brown kids with their mothers who would be fully dressed in their letterbox garb, going past my front window.
That was 25 years ago so fuck knows how much further things could have gone downhill.
We paid for private tutoring so that he could pass the enrolment tests for a private school. And then we had to work fucking hard to pay the fees.
If the headmaster had come out with that shit in those days then the board of governors, who were also parents of children at the school, and also in the same situation as me, would have had the cunt removed.
I don’t think that the motivation for sending your kid for private education has changed over the years, it’s just that parents are reluctant to admit that they don’t want their kids in a cultural minority in a state school.
That would be racist!
But they will vote with their money and simply take their kids to another private school.
This wanker of a headmaster is basically running a business.
He isn’t doing it well.
He will get fucked off and for the sake of the kids, the sooner the better.
Good comment, Artful. It isn’t always a case of not wanting your child to be surrounded by trash that motivates parents to seek a private education alternative. I was sent to a fee paying school from 11 to 18 mainly because the local comprehensive had done fuck all for my sisters. Plus I was running with a bad crowd at a young age. My best mate at junior school was murdered in his 20s when some sort of drug deal went wrong in Brighton. At least according to the local rag. That kind of bollocks could have been my future too, so thanks mum & dad for making sacrifices to send your brilliant and gifted son to a private school.
Gotta run as I’m picking up a shipment of crack a bit later.
Don’t you just wish that some of those snot nosed kids know about ISAC and laughed their arses off when today, their very own school was featured.
I’ll bet there would be plenty sniggering in lessons as the class clown read out our comments.