
Fucks Sake..why should Britain tremble when we’ve got Cunts prepared to give their dog anything so utterly fucking ridiculous..whipped fucking cream for a fucking dog indeed.

The stupid plastic-looking tart should stop whinging about her mental health and shove her Starbucks coffee,pupachino and dog biscuit up her arse.

The poor dog probably died of fucking shame and I don’t blame it… the thought of a lifetime spent in the company of that vacuous tart was obviously more than it could stand.

Link to story.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

62 thoughts on “Pupuchinos

    • Couldn’t agree more Ruff. What is it that causes young women to want to look like this ? Someone told me that they are “making a statement”. And the statement is ? I’m genuinely baffled.

  1. Devastated…


    1/ laid waste; made desolate: After the earthquake there were concerns about asbestos in the rubble of many of the devastated houses.

    2/ overwhelmed or shocked, especially by profound loss, disappointment, humiliation, etc.: I’m grateful that no one I knew personally died in the hurricane, but my heart goes out to all those devastated families.

    The descent of the English language continues.

    • Should be a full stop at the end not a capital I. Illiterate cunt.

      (Bloody hell, as if I haven’t got enough to do. Tut tut! Fixed – Day Admin)

    • Or the use of the word legend has gone from pulling a sword from a stone to turning up unexpectedly with crisps.
      (c) Gary Delaney.

  2. Looking at the photos it’s hard to imagine that she did not see a fucking big dog biscuit sticking out of the cup of froth.

    I love dogs, but they have the habit of eating every fucking thing.

    For a dog to choke to death on a piece of food is bizarre.
    There must have been something else wrong with it.

    • It’s a French bulldog. There is everything wrong with it.

      They’re so inbred they can barely breathe and can’t swim.

      And who the fuck gives their dog whipped cream? Anything dairy comes out the back of my hounds looking very much the same as it went in, with added diarrhoea.

      Silly bint.

    • And being far more attractive and infinitely more intelligent would have had far more followers……
      She probably killed the dog through jealousy

  3. Yet another example of blame shifting. A dog owner is responsible for what their pet eats and no one else!
    Also, how does she know it was this ridiculous concoction that was the cause? Did she have a necropsy done?

  4. This is cruelty. Most mammals unlike humans are unable to process milk products beyond infancy, it’s not good for their guts. When I cared to treat my dogs it would be with a forequarter chop, heart, brains or on special occasions the same
    roast pork, poultry, porterhouse or scotch fillet I would eat myself. Silly negligent cunt.

  5. It’s bitches like this who will be the death of this country. Three dogs? A letterbox of her age would have at least three mini bombers by now. She should get her legs open and get some white cock up her…….try and keep the Anglo Saxon race going for fucks sake.

  6. Dairy products and dogs don’t mix anyway. If the dog had lived it would have had an arsehole like a dragon’s nostril within a few hours. It was a French Bulldog which is also known as a clitoris because every cunt has got one. Starfucks should be used to dealing with twats like this owner, as they seem to be the sort that frequent these extortionate coffee shops. Full of ‘Karens’, homo’s and lefties. Not the dog’s fault, bit like any of Katie Price’s kids, that you can’t help the mess that you’re born into.

  7. Anyone who goes in Starbucks is a cunt.
    Anyone who takes their dog into Starbucks, to drink shit that isn’t good for it, is a double cunt.
    A good dose of poverty would work wonders for this vacuous poseur.
    Get To Fuck.

      • My dog likes to squirt liquid shit up Robby Williams’ wall.

        Don’t ask me why, he just seems to save it for that particular spot.

        Sorry Robby, it isn’t personal.

  8. You know when we say, “Have children? They aren’t fit to own a dog!”
    Well, she is a perfect example of this. Total lack of awareness.

    Sterilise the bitch.
    Give the bulldogs to a grown up.
    Burn down the fucking shops that sells this abomination.

    Job done?

  9. Usual story here, brain dead fuck monkey whos only talent is taking selfies and giving blow jobs, this is the next generation of parents, scary isnt it.
    Boneheads like her is why common sense is now considered a super power, next your going to be seeing it on job cv,s, picture the scene.
    So Mr Fugly why should we give you the job of beer and steak taster, what makes you qualified-=— Fugly, well i have common sense, im not a snow flake pussy, muzzy, contract waving cunt , i wouldnt dream of feeding my dog a mug of whipped cream with a dog biscuit in it, and i have a sense of humour…..Fucking hell your over qualified but if you want the job its yours…

  10. People love their pets….I would rather spend money on my parrot than any human I know off.

    Most people are cunts you know?

  11. Shes a bit of a mong
    Also a bit horny.
    The dogs all look like theyre choking anyway with those bulging eyes.

    Id like to deep plough her arse to the smell of roasting coffee and the sound of choking dogs.


  12. Silly fucking whore. Fancy feeding the dog cow’s milk. Arsehole for brains.

    I feel sorry for the hound’s demise, but it was probably a merciful release given the owner is brain dead.

  13. What a thick cunt. It’s her responsibility to take care of her dog and what it consumes, not Starbucks.
    I see she’s a ‘support services worker’ What the fuck is that? It must pay well. Asides from being able to afford a 2 grand puppy, there appears to be a Botox and fake tan addiction to feed. Maybe it’s a euphemism for prostitute or part time porn actress perhaps.

    • Porn actress-specialising in “inter species erotica”.
      I-phone 12, whipped cream, hungry bulldogs = internet fame?

      Having read the article, She is an even bigger cunt than at “first glance”.

  14. Typical that a bird who looks and acts like she does, happens to own a French Bulldog.
    Bet she owns a fuck off great range rover type car that she can barely drive as well.

    Doesn’t seem to take much for these French Bulldogs to keel over mind.
    As it’s more of a fashionable trend than anything else to own one of these types of pooch, I’ve known of a few families over recent years that have paid a small fortune for this particular breed and the poor dogs have been pretty much genetically fucked with major health issues from day one.

    Deliberately over breeding designer dogs and “pupuchinos” are just further evidence of all round human cuntishness.

    • The dog was french, so genetically weak to start off with.
      Ive the feeling the dog ‘choking’ was probably a auto asphyxiation sex game that just got out of hand.

      Looked like a gremlin, too.
      Other dogs would laugh at it.
      My dog would wipe its arse on it.

    • I had no idea what this nom was about at first so I searched and found it online. I have the sense there’s more to this story than appears. There’s something not quite right looking about this bint.

      Her soshal meeja pics suggest shes an attention seeking narcissist, and the dogs are props. Maybe one was sacrificed for the publicity, or maybe HJ is right about the fragility of the breed. There’s probably quite a market for disposable breeds with the lifespan of a mayfly for when cunts like this tire of them.

      ‘A dog isn’t just for Christmas, this one may make it to New Year.’

  15. My old dog got used to getting a free sausage at a cafe or restaurant. If he’d been offered one of these he’d probably have pissed in it in disgust.

  16. Where is lord Fiddler?

    Are the rumours that he has been arrested for hanging around, outside the coffee shops of the North East, with a large paper cup with a hole cut in the bottom and a carrier bag full of “squirty cream”, true?


  17. A dog is a dog, and needs to be treated as a dog. Poor fucking mutt will be having an identity crisis soon over this.
    And another thing! Those daft fucking arseholes who smooch the pooch and gurgle a crock of shite. The dog obeys commands, it does not respond to verbalising to a load of sloppy shite.

    Bring back dog licences today, set a test before issue.

    • Being a racist of some reknown I carry my hatred and prejudice into the animal kingdom.
      I like a proper dog.
      Im not fond of toy breeds.
      Little shivering, shaking, goggle-eyed fuckers.
      Cats would beat them up.
      I like a dog that can guard your property
      That can guard your family.
      That wont drop dead because of a biscuit in its coffee.
      These little pussylickers that slags and old ladies love?
      They repulse me.
      A mockery of mans best friend.
      Give them all a Starbucks.

      • It’s not the animals’ fault that they have been bred like that. May as well have a go at Downs kids for their parents waiting too long.

  18. It’s a tale of woe all right.
    If there is such a thing as poetic justice then this brain dead fucker will carry on feeding her dogs such muck leading to it shitting it’s guts out on her kitchen floor.
    The ensuing stench will make the vacant bint faint whereupon the dog will proceed to eat her face,plastic n all.

  19. ‘Devastated’ by Starbucks’ response?
    What was the daft tart doing feeding cream to an 18 wk old mutt in the firsr place?
    It’ as much her fault as anybody’s, the twat.

    Morning all.

  20. Dog looks like he’s saying “Look what my stupid fucking owner is getting me to do for social media likes” Bite him next time he does this shit to you Rufus

    • The first lines of that article tell you everything about Starbucks and the cunts that go there “The Starbucks secret menu is pretty much essential to human life, as evidenced on Instagram and pretty much all over the internet. “

      • Exactly and a secret menu is for stunned cunts doing stunts Starbucks is overpriced shit coffee they are best known for their sickly sweet shite 8$ lattes like the stupid posh bitch in the article was probably drinking while her dog was choking to death

        Last time I was there bought a medium coffee 3 dollars and change ffs I can buy a full can of dark roast value brand or Maxwell for 6$ that will last me a 3 weeks or more

  21. Holy fuckin’ shit …. this is news? Another day and the seemingly endless fuckwittery continues. Pupafuckinchino … you cunts.

  22. Quite frankly if the dog died from choking on a biscuit thats her fault not the companies and she got 250 pounds from it? entitled little brat lucky she at least got that

    Probably typing on her twatter or instacunt account while her french bulldog was choking to death cause biscuit was too big got stuck in its throat or from eating too fast choked on its own puke

    Good cunting as always Sir Fiddler Cheers
    Cunts like these aren’t intelligent enough to care for pets

  23. Really can’t abide these fashion-accessory dogs. As others have said, all horribly inbred. Border Collie, Chow would suit me.
    Corgis I like, but a bet too “regal.”

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