Plan B

Plan B is a cunt

Thought you’d seen the last of these barking mad plans, zones and schemes due to the Cornavirus? well, think again.

I’m sick and fucking tired of these plans, subplans, schemes, and regulations that our wonderful leaders keep coming up with. The latest is Winter Plan B which involves masks that do nothing, working from home and pretty much closing certain businesses. Fuck me, some papers and the BBC are droning on about a Plan C that doesn’t even exist.

The papers and bunch of complete losers that are the Labour party are foaming at the mouth to get this fine chunk of planning in place. Boffins argue with boffins about what is correct, one disproves another with shonky stats and graphs and then another crawls out of some Polytechnic somewhere and rubbishes that load of garbage too.

I’ve had my vacs and I’ve had the virus, it wasn’t pleasant and I can see how it kills off the old and people who are fat, smoky and eat junk food but I fail to see how these endless plans will keep that from happening anyway? If people are determined to drink, smoke or eat themselves to death then that will transpire in due course regardless of silly plans.

I heard on the radio that a very high percentage of the NHS is constantly off poorly so I would imagine the best place to start would be to see why and get them back to work. I would also stop filling the UK with the dregs of Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East so that capacity can start to cope with demand.

I have no doubt that Plan B will come in to action in the next few weeks or months but I will not be going back to wearing those sill masks again….fuck you Boris and the cunt you rode in on.

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Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank

58 thoughts on “Plan B

  1. Afternoon Spanky afternoon all.
    Plan B! What a pile of cunt. Umpteen thousand cunts flew in for the conference in Glasgow, probably not tested etc. Scùm washing up in dinghys on the coast, probably carrying all sorts, oh and we have to go back to last years restrictions.
    Fuck off Boris and fuck off again!

    • Apparently there 7000 coppers in Cornwall for the G7 summit, who were reported to be getting pissed up in Falmouth and loads of the cunts caught covid according to my sister who lives there. Good plan!

  2. A pandemic in which you threaten the population with retraction of freedoms unless they submit to medical procedure.

    A pandemic in which you threaten and fire frontline health staff who refuse to submit to medical procedure. The very people who magically have survived 20 months of this black death being unjuiced surrounded by ill people.

    A pandemic where after 20 months you still refuse to even discuss potential helpful alternative health treatments (actively censoring in fact), instead focusing solely on vaccines that don’t even fucking work.

    Get to fuck. There is no pandemic. There never was. They’re fucking with statistics, using dodgy science, and using propaganda to convince you of something that isn’t a reality.

    This is all about control. How obvious does it need to be?

    Today: ‘ministers plan to put non-boosted people back into the not fully juiced category, meaning isolation and tests after travel’. HAAAAAHAHA.

    Fucking rétarďs. Can you all please hurry the fuck up and wake up? Sincerely, those of us who are tired of this fake charade.

    • The Uk govt just bought 250,000 doses of a Covid pill, according to the Daily Fail, so strictly speaking its not all about vaccines. Personally I hope this pill changes the political landscape away from hysteria and away from passports, masks and plan Bs.

      Maybe if Sturgeon gets the virus she can have her pill by anal insertion.

      • And how much has that cost the taxpayer?

        They might as well be magic fucking beans. Or how about a Pfizer mug for everyone that has, “I’m no mug, but I like pricks!”, written on it?

        Remember Tamiflu?

        Tamiflu: Millions wasted on flu drug, claims major report

      • Autocorrect obviously sees a correlation between spanking and spunking.
        I know I do…

      • @Chunky

        No idea what it cost but damned sure it’s less than the £10 billion plus the cunts spend on foreign aid each year and you can bet there will be more money going into the international green fund (or whatever it’s called) The target is for the ‘rich’ countries to collectively piss £100 billion a year into shit holes so they don’t burn fucking coal.

  3. Masks. The biggest waste of time since how to learn French was translated in French. At the start of the pandemic the UK scientists said masks had no benefit whatsoever then a month later they’re life savers??? Ehhhh???? The Labour Party make me fucking sick. More restrictions means more job losses leading to added misery. Is it any wonder these fucking wankers can’t get in power, not that I want them too. Covid is here to stay. Fact. We’ve just got to live with it and get the fuck on with leading our lives.

  4. Being in the special group of vulnerable cunts I had my third shot on friday. The data shows the Pfizer is doing far better than the Astra Zeneca jab in terms of protecting from hospitalization six months on.

    If you don’t have the vaccine, had the ‘rona and shook it off, good for you. I can’t take that risk.

    Just wait for Plan O: The Omega Protocol

    I just made that up, but ideas are welcome.

  5. Can’t see business closing down again, country is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now, cummings said boris said boris would rather see the bodies piled up rather than go into lockdown again, and I believe him

  6. Are people seriously suggesting this ‘Conservative’ government have actually planned in advance for something? I don’t believe it!
    As for masks making a comeback! Is it really possible to halt a pandemic of an airborne virus by wearing a piece of old t shirt over ones nose and mouth?
    Give me a fucking break.
    I’ve just recovered from Covid, it knocked me sideways I must say, despite being double jabbed. Which raises another question. When does a vaccine stop being a fucking vaccine?
    If you’re vaccinated against polio for example, you would expect not to get it wouldn’t you? Just a thought.

    • Yeah, he was shit in that Sweeney film. Mind you nobody came out of that one with their dignity attacked. John Thaw and Garfiled Morgan must be spinning in their graves.

  7. I reckon that Matt Hancock got a raw deal. In fairness to the bloke, that bird he was shagging did have her ankles two metres apart….

  8. But…but, keeping everyone safe is the most important thing. Except for terrorism. Oh, and except for spiralling fuel bills that old ladies will not be able to afford. Oh, and except for leaving cancer patients without treatment. Oh, and except for suicides. Oh, and except for people in care homes. Oh, and except for record stabbie murders. Oh, and except for…..

    Fuck off with your Plan B, your shit vakzines, your shit masks, your shit vakzine passports, and your shit lockdowny bubbly crap you fucking scruffy clown cunt.

    • It ain’t just going to be the elderly who are going to struggle paying their fuel bills.

      • Agreed, sir. Working people will be struggling, along with the people made unemployed by this fucking exercise in economic disaster.

  9. Plan A was crap so Plan B will be too because they come from the same group of lousy incompetent cunts.

  10. The SAGE and Onion party are behind all of these plans.Communists.They now run Britain.Doris is merely a puppet.People will resist and start protesting soon mark my words.Joe Public has had enough of all of their bullshit.Slide all of these “Scientists” into The oven please Unkle Terry

  11. Expect the pubs to be shut over Christmas. I’ve heard that a publican had a call from his brewery asking him to watch his stocks. This means don’t order much. The last two time this happened there was a lockdown. Apparently the breweries get a discrete call from those in the know so they don’t over brew. This was passed to the landlord in question.

    • As for now we are all screwed thanks to those wanksocks in Westminster.Boil the lot in horse piss.Traitors.

  12. Plan B, mask, work from home, maybe passports, I can see a lot of people being happy with the second, getting up on a cold wet January morning to go to work in the dark or lie in bed for an extra hour.

    Haven’t the Jocks and sheep shaggers already started the passport shit, well the jocks would want to be European ?

    Personally I couldn’t give a shit, more concerned over the green bollocks.

    Fucking fireworks again tonight, cunts!

    • @Sicky

      It’s like downtown Aleppo here tonight.

      Myself or the hound wouldn’t mind violently inserting the fireworks into the anus of the cunts responsible.

  13. If anybody falls for this plan B shit then they need their heads checking. Seriously.

    1 jab
    2 jab
    3 jab – 4
    Please can you lock us down some more… No said the conspiracy theorist – I’m just going to say NO!

    By the way, I thought Plan B was a fat white rapper in a suit from about 10 years ago.

  14. As I’ve been recognised as one of our sites ‘hystericals’ I will be running out and stocking up on masks, bog paper, petrol, and will be scanning the media hourly to see what other commodities are selling out fast.
    Stick plan B right up your arse, it’s time to move on.

    • I too am a “Covid hysteric”, apparently.

      Seems it’s not enough for me to be against the mandated wearing of masks in public places, to be anti Covid passports, testing, lockdowns, the vaccination of children, and to be sceptical of the method of counting Covid deaths.

      No. I am told I must “wake up!” and deny the very existence of the virus and attendant pandemic. And crucially I must also condemn the vaccine outright, otherwise I’m a “Covid hysteric” and not woke.

      All very 1984 and: “how many fingers am I holding up Ruff?”

      Fuck off and get a life.

      • There’s no one denying the new flu RTC and good evening too you sir
        Hysterical reactions are been played by market forces and not joe soap in the streets
        I think most people were sensible when flu season was around in the past at the beginning of winter
        I mean if you saw a cunt coughing and sneezing in shop or pub , you kind of avoided the cunt
        Common sense
        I don’t need a letter from the government to tell me how to practice that

      • I feel in good company, as I echo your sentiments.
        A balanced view I would consider it.

      • Good evening Mecuntry.

        To be clear, my comment was not in reference to seasonal flu or Joe Soap, though disappointingly many of his ilk continue to wear face masks where they’re not mandated.

      • Yes i’m working with Brigade 77 or whatever the fuck they’re called, all because I got a third jab, and wear a mask.

        Nothing to do with being on immunosuppressive drugs.

      • Yes there is a pathogen (the binding spike protein and the ACE2 receptor mechanism was the part they were enhancing) and yes it was developed in a lab in Wuhan and yes it was bankrolled by Fauci (payments funneled through an outfit called Eco-Health Alliance) prop = one Peter Daszak.

        From The Fauci / Covid19 dossier by Dr. David Martin – 206 pgs

        “By March 2015, both the virulence of the S1 spike protein and the ACE II receptor was known to present a considerable risk to human health. NIAID, EcoHealth Alliance and numerous researchers lamented the fact that the public was not sufficiently concerned about coronavirus to adequately fund their desired research.

        Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance offered the following assessment: …
        “Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”

        So there we have it, a hyped media backed fear operation designed to shift the treatment paradigm towards injectables and mRNA therapies. All you need to know regarding the motivation behind this despicable fraud/act of terrorism is in those paragraphs.

      • …following on from the above take a moment to read Daszak’s horseshit Wiki entry…
        …compare and contrast his statements with the now known facts.

        “Daszak noted in The New York Times that he and other disease ecologists had warned the WHO in 2018 that the next pandemic “would be caused by an unknown, novel pathogen that hadn’t yet entered the human population”, probably in a region with significant human-animal interaction.”

        Well he would know because he was the cunt responsible for its fucking development!!!!!!!! Cheeky piss taking cunt. Both he and Fauci can swing from the same gibbet.

  15. Does Plan B involve ration cards?
    We might be allowed a few grams of some awful veggie shite that Bill Gates has ‘grown’ using fungus.
    Stick your magic one-way masks and lockdown up your Harris!

    • Micro-Soft maybe Bill was trying to tell us something.
      Maybe it was a cry for help and now he’s turned into the equivalent of Dr Evil

  16. We can all sit huddled round our 35k heat pumps while the portrait of Boris the Green God looks down on us as the Sinclair C5 charges in the yard.

    All hail dishonest Boris and his trollop wife.

    • A Sinclair C5 weaving it’s way through a smart city, towing a giant St George Floyd blimp and a rainbow flag driven by a young feminist complete with a Greta Thunberg hairstyle.

  17. It’s all fear , just Incase they make the wrong decision and be held accountable
    I don’t want to be ostracized for saying this, but say it I will
    the only sane thing that liar borifice said was at the start of this shitfest “HERD IMMUNITY “
    Let the cunt flu rip and be done with the cunt and stronger as we emerge from it’s affect .
    Big-science, fuck off messing with what took a zillion years to reach here

  18. It’s all about causing fear and chaos, with the end game of total control. Pheumonia has killed more people each year than the man made china virus has, masks didn’t protect the nips from the man made bat flu, even with their daily use due to city polution, zero net CO2 is another way to bullshit the world into paying more, without CO2 all plants and trees would whither and die and we would be fucked with no oxygen to breath, seriously if the powers that be, wanted to save the planet why do they charge so much for these so called green technologies totally making them impossible to afford. The blik appropriation, along with the love a muslim and qweer woke drive is all designed to piss you off, because it makes white folks fucking angry, have you noticed the more you complain the more they do it. Another control game is to change pension age in the hopes you die before you are due to claim, so to keep you financially restricted in your twilight years. They want infighting and division so they can take control of you in the name of social order, not a conspiracy it’s happening now. IT’S A TRAP!!!!

    • It’s all a load of bollocks the cunty flu
      A fucking tool to God knows what end
      It didn’t end unfortunately , the over population of the planet

      Take your chance with The fickle nature of life
      I love knowing that tomorrow might never

      • The over population may be addressed with the untested vaccines, they’re driven to make you take it, regardless of if you’ve had and recovered from the poo flu, with natural immunity only. There’s aready cases of deaths, these vaccines are also failing to work, how many jabs do you need for god sake, three up to now, then it will be yearly for ever all about money for big pharma and control, could be a trogan horse beware, join the dots.

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