Over the last few weeks I’ve been watching “The Great British Bake Off” on Ch4 with the missus.
Yes, I know it contains a couple of cunt presenters in campy Matt Lucas and Goth-knob Noel Fielding, but it’s fairly harmless entertainment that has evolved – for better or worse – since its inception back in 2010 when it began life on the BBC. But what I found more interesting, for me at least, is how we inwardly judge the contestants even before they’ve started the baking challenges.
At the very beginning of this year’s series 12, we were introduced to the 12 contestants of 6 men and 6 women (presumably). My mind had already decided to support the blokes just because they were blokes, regardless of whether they were any good at baking or not.
But then my subconscious “perceived ism” moved from sexism to racism.
All 12 contestants consisted of a mix bag of whites, blacks and browns, especially the blokes with only 2 whites (if memory serves). So again, my support narrowed down towards those 2.
After racism I moved onto nationalism.
Although all contestants live in the UK it was clear that some of them were not British-British, but Asian, Indian, West Indian, German, Italian etc. And once more I went for the single indigenous (as far as I could tell) British white bloke.
Therefore, even before the contestants had started their first baking challenge, I had already made my mind up in terms of who I wanted to win – a White, British Man. And had there been another white, British bloke who was considerably older than his younger compatriot my next ism would have moved onto ageism, and siding with with the old geezer.
As it turned out my choice was eliminated in round 1. He was totally out of his depth with this baking malarkey and deserved to be booted out! (I did think this was intentional by the show’s producers: find a completely incompetent white bloke – probably a Brexit voter – and dump the cunt right from the off!)
I then moved onto my next best choice – a white, British-Italian bloke, just because he was a bloke and white. The fact that he had Italian origins trumped those contestants who had German, West Indian and Asian origins. And throughout the following rounds I was hoping he would do well against the wimminz and/or the darkies.
The final isn’t until next week (23rd November) and I’m not going to say any more about who’s left. But it is quite remarkable how our personal prejudices kick in right from the off regardless of the competence of the person in question.
And this doesn’t just apply to TV shows, but probably occurs in quite a few aspects in life where you have a collection of “different” people all competing against each other. And it doesn’t have to be about gender, age, nationality or ethnicity. But also wealth, upbringing (the well mannered vs selfish chavs), politics and a whole lot more.
The funny thing is I don’t see myself as any of these publicly – I have quite a few friends who tick the above boxes from different cultures, genders and race. And they’re all very good personable friends who in some cases I trust above the good old WASP.s
But those implied or perceived “isms” affect most people whether they publicly admit to it or not.
In essence we are probably inwardly extremely prejudiced one way or another.
Nominated by: Technocunt
Th Asian bird was fit. Lovely buns.
technically that would be bestiality
I think She would love spoons of cream in her cake
She was lovely, pity she couldn’t make a decent Foccacia.
I guess Bake Off was on the BBC when they fixed it so that Muslim bird Nadiya someone or other won, whilst patently not being the best baker. A national embarrassment when she was asked to bake a cake for the Queen’s 90th birthday and produced a purple and stumpy version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It didn’t stop the BBC giving her loads of air time with her own cooking programmes, anyone would think they had an agenda..
She is terrible in interviews.
Terrible at presenting.
Has no charisma whatsoever.
My dog can string sentences together more eloquently.
She’s got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a stinging nettle.
She is a Muslim.
And finally, her armpits will smell like a gorillas.
Anyone would think the BBC intentionally propelled this talentless greaseball into stardom.
She made a cheesecake the other day with pretzels and mascarpone.
Is this the ‘cultural appropriation’ we’ve been hearing so much about?
You shouldn’t beat yourself up over it Techno.
I wouldn’t listen to a split arse under any circumstances,
Or some flipperlips.
Isms arent anything to worry about,
Well, maybe jism?
As for baking I wouldn’t eat anything a p@ki or ni9no9 had touched.
Id spew my ring up.
Spot on Mis, assume all P’s are cunts, all Muslims should fuck off anywhere but here and Blacks sent back to the cotton fields.
Once you are left with just whites it is easier to root out the scumbags ?
There is ‘news’ story of good old white prejudice in the media today, bloke on an early morning tube and opposite is a Muslim muttering his prayers from the Koran and white bloke tells him to shut the fuck up. Quite right, who the fuck wants to listen to these cunts jabbering at 6.30 am.
Notice the headline ‘shocking moment’ ffs.
It’s about time these Muslims were put in their place.
Hehehe ?
Good for him.
The man in black.
Ghost of Johnny Cash riding the tube.?
I remember seeing a Peaceful in the lounge at Heathrow, rocking back and forward, reading out loud from his book of fairy tales. Everyone was laughing at the cunt but that was about 6 months before 9/11. These days we’d all be arrested for that.
He may have been a nervous flier but not as nervous as I would be if he got on my plane. Or my train carriage for that matter.
He’s fucked now.
Unemployed by Christmas.
That’s modern Britain.
Full of vermin.
You can bet your bottom fucking dollar some cunt’ll identify him and he’ll lose his job. Whinging fucking jundi goes straight to social media, obviously.
And of course the meeja label that round of home truths a “furious tirade” It’s always a “…furious tirade” isn’t it, surprised they didn’t add in the obligatory “…hate filled..” for good measure. Fuck’s sake, the cunt hasn’t deen me kick off!
Except that it wasn’t a tirade, was it?
Slimey cunt doing a deliberate provocation. As the decent passenger said, get up half an hour earlier and do it at home.
I bet the next thing I sthe dirty fucking bastards will be demanding that one carriage on every train is a travelling moskh…
He should have started reciting some satanic ritual of killing goats and shagging virgins out loud or even better find some passages from the satanic verses and read them instead.
too true, never forget they wipe their arseholes with their fingers, wipe on their trousers, then handle your food, never see them buying toilet rolls in the uk, if you want to eat sandrat shit then buy a kebab
“… if you want to eat sandrat shit then buy a kebab.”
One would be justified in supposing the menstrual origin of that fucking chilli sauce an’ all.
I haven’t watched the fucking bake off bollocks but if I did my vote would go to the bird with the best arse, blokes shouldn’t be participating in this sort of bollocks unless they are shirt lifters.
These isms are just ways of trying to dig you down by lefty cunts.
Your sexist!
Your racist!
Yep. So fuckin what?
I am indeed and it wont change no Matter how hysterical you get or how hard you sob.
been called racist loads of times, just reply, awww thanks honey
I heard on the radio that this bake off shit was won by some cunt with an Italian sounding name.
Yeah, that’s what passes for “news” these days.
the wokies must be gutted their wasn’t an alien contestant…oh wait the term alien is now banned
Christ, do people actually watch TV programmes in which other people bake cakes? Fucking hell what next, programmes about people sewing? Or painting?
errr i’m old enough to remember sewing and painting tv shows…paint along with nancy, bob ross oil painting
“Bob Ross is ace!??
I think they have them, Geordie, along with Britain’s Best Woodworker.
Kill me now!
Ive seen Bake off when it first started.
Like a village fete.
A mate of my missus came second.
It was harmless, nice, British
Fat birds with bingo wings making cakes.
With that Beriberi.
Ñow its like a fuckin freakshow.
That flat faced cunt Noel has trannies, carpet kissers, sooties all sorts touching food!
Environmental health should shut it down.
British bakeoff gave me worms.
What have you made Okinjaya?
“Its a traditional Congolese recipe passed down my family Noel ”
Oh cant wait to try it!
Sounds scrummy!
Noel in the carpark honking up all over his winklepickers.
His guts not used to fuckin chillis and bushmeat pie
With child soldier leftovers.
Put them all in the oven.
That’s a fucking bake off.
Now that the woke mafia have almost complete control over the entertainment industry, how long before people start rooting for the evil white megalomaniac in James Bond when 007 becomes a sootie (he will) and Superman is now arse drilling blokes with his cock of steel.
Have you heard about the next Bond film? 007 starts off as a geezer, dresses as a woman for spying purposes and turns full trannie with a cut and shunt job.
It’s called “Cocktopussy.”
Great one Freddie. Keep them coming!
…of J.R. Cuntleyrian majesty.
Followed up by a remake of Thunderpussy.
People like people that are like themselves.
It’s human nature.
Given a limited choice you would pick someone who is most like yourself.
That’s why all this inclusion nonsense doesn’t work.
We can’t be coerced into liking people.
We either do or don’t.
‘Ism’s’ are another thing altogether.
These are silly, made up words to make you question your own normal views.
I don’t know who once said, “If you control what people say then you control how they think”.
But it’s true.
A few decades ago you would not have considered that you had an ‘ism’ issue, because the word for it never existed.
True Artful. We are pack animals who feel safest with our own kind, except when I have to nip to the shop for a late evening emergency purchase, when the packs of feral youth frighten the shit out of me!
Brilliant, Techno.
Well thought out, well laid out.
Very readable and enjoyable.
If they were proper Umbongos they would chuck Noel in the cooking pot like the good old days. Especially as he obviously eats da poo poo.
Are there any “men” in the series, either contestants or presenters?. That long streak of shit with black hair looks like Claudia Winkleman’s big sister. Mincing round in the kitchen, making fairy cakes or Swiss rolls doesn’t seem a very manly pursuit to me. More the sort of thing Starmer and his friends would do during their many breaks from Westminster. You can just picture the Revrd. Chris Bryant – “oooh duckie, absolute disaster in the kitchen – I can’t get my dough to rise…”
You supported an eyetie over a kraut? What kind of Anglo-Saxon are you?
Sugar in your tea Adolf?
‘H’, born to be alive!
Fucking rock n roll baby!
A very subtle and perceptive bit of cunting Techo.
Thumbs up!
An interesting point by Techno regarding how “personal prejudices kick in right from the off regardless of the competence of the person in question”.
In my lifetime almost all UK political leaders, both government and opposition parties have been led by straight white men. In politics the voter knows they are being lied to but its just a question to what degree.
When you look at the shower of shite we have had over the years from Major to Blair, Magic Grandpa to Tim Farron (remember him??) to the Jellyfish, some cunts somewhere must have acted on their prejudices and voted for them.
“An interesting point by Techno regarding how “personal prejudices kick in right from the off regardless of the competence of the person in question”.
and Artful’s…
“A few decades ago you would not have considered that you had an ‘ism’ issue, because the word for it never existed.”
Maybe it was’t formally defined as an ‘ism’ but the mechanism that drives it is ancient and primal. That initial perception is derived from the brain stem aka your ‘reptilian brain’ that is the reflexive response on encountering someone that assigns a stranger immediately into 3 categories of… threat, friend or potential mate.
This triggers the sapien brain to seek further data from interpretation of speech and tone, prior memory, body language, precedent and PRIOR EXPERIENCE OF SIMILAR!
It’s a noble and vital (in its proper meaning as being essential for life) instinct. Wankers call this “prejudice”, Those who do are ignorant cunts.
Also known as ” lizard brain” and a recognised study of the fight or flight reaction.
It would appear that our ” lizard brain” actually triggers the flight/fight reaction, and allows us to compute faster than the most advanced technology going whether its safer to run or kill.
So well explained by you both, CC and JP. Act on your instincts; you will live longer.
I’d have started my own incantation if the cunt had started opposite me, just slightly louder..
‘Ommmm, what a cunt, what a cunt, what a cu-u-unt,
Ommmm, what a cunt.. etc etc.
Also, if he was so deeply in prayer, how come the cunt was filming it?
Fairly harmless entertainment!!
Hah if it’s produced by channel 4 it’s the work of the devil ? to be sure.
A show about baking? Fucking hell-what’s wrong with people?
Tribalism-thank dog for it?
Fortunately, I wouldn’t have Techno’s dilemma, as I think any contestant involved with such fuckwittery is a complete cunt?
I didn’t know they were allowed to ride inside the train.
Don’t they all usually sit on the roof ?
Strange times.
Good evening.
For me, any competition soon becomes like a game of Guess Who which is like a cross-section of most towns now down South.
Flip down the dark women; they all look like troublemakers.
Flip down the dark fellers; they all look a bit rapey.
Flip down the tanned men; they look like groomers outside their taxis.
Flip down the tanned women; they look like they smell like they’ve shat themselves..
You’re left with Honkies, some bald, some fat, some yellow-haired, some dodgy-looking. Mind you, they’re probably all East European cunts.
Here’s a bit of sexism the BBC will hate……
Wimminz World Cup qualifying
England 20 Latvia 0
Yes, that’s football not rugby.
Fuck off with this comedy shite.
I bet the Latvian team can’t wait for the half time whistle. ?
This is turning into a disturbing cunting.
Men baking. ?
Women playing football.??
It’s like Alice in Wonderland.
Get To Fuck.
Put that wimminz England team up against a county level under14’s boy’s team and tell the boys to go 100%.
Wimminz 0 : 25 Boys
Whaf is 90 divideb by 20? Well 80 divided by 20 is 4.. so that makes. About 4.5.
So there was a goal about every 4 and half minutes.
But you’ve got to get the ball out of the net and back to the cente spot. All the players have got to get back into position again and start again…waiting for the whistle …..maybe about a minute and half?
So that puts it at about a goal every 3 minutes.
Well at least the fans got a lot of goals to cheer.
when i used to go to an unfamiliar pub (fk covid) i would choose carefully where to stand or sit even when with friends who i would guide gracefully to the most appropriate position
i must have had isms for years without realising
This country is plagued by ‘isms’
Chap on the tube sounded Sarf Afrikaan. They don’t mince their words.
He should have bought a nice big hot sausage roll and chomped it in front of the chanting mudslime. I’m sure he would have been just as accepting.
I always carry an emergency pork pie in me pocket.
Be prepared.