”Octavian: BBC Sound of 2019 winner announces he’s quitting music”
Me neither, but he is described as a rapper.
What can we do? I am fucking bereft.
That such a multi talented (he won some BBC shite so he must be) musical genius has quit music is a body blow to us aficionados of utterly talentless, music free (unless it includes a ‘sample’) shite.
I hope and pray that Stormzy continues to entertain us with his musical genius.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Oh dear, cancelled because he beat up “me bitch innit?”
Don’t these cunts know that’s standard practice for a gangsta…..even a fake one.
Another embarrassment for the useless BBC.
Funny as fuck cunting made me smile on this dark cold November morning. Climate change achieving nothing round these parts.
Wasn’t Octavian the ostrich from Pipkins?
Anyway – what a load of fucking old shit. Who gives a tinker’s toss? I’ve never heard of the cunt.
Does anyone remember “Play School” from the 1970s, with kids presenters like Brian Cant and Floella Benjamin ?
All innocent fun, but imagine if that programme was updated for a more “diverse audience” and we had Stormzy and this here Octapus cunt presenting!
“Sup kids! Wass ‘appening through d’square windaz. Let’s throw some bricks through it and bag some shit b4 d’racist cops kick off. Remembers kids drugs is cool, get some on d’street corner via speed dial. Tell em Big Ted and d Hamble bitch sent ya!
It’s been real innit”
Give Octcuntian a week in the Playschool House:
-Big Ted wearing a black armband, because Little Ted has been stabbed, “For ”diissin’” Octa.
-Jemima will be working the streets outside television centre, now one of Octa’s “bitches”.
-Humpty will be in traction because, under the influence of “Fentanyl”, supplied by Octa, he had a great fall. And cracked.
-Hamble will be left at the mercy of social services, as the mother of a “Harvey” type mixed race monster, whilst the “father” has fucked off. Again.
The only hope is for PC Plum from Balamory to storm, okay, “to mince” into the house and kneel on the cunts neck??
fuck me – that benjamin woman is now a dame. why? Coz she is black innit.
Wasn’t that that weird ‘Frank Sidebottom’ hybrid in Scarface (‘Dance dance, dance; dance to the music’)? I think he got shot to bits in an assassination attempt on Tony ‘Am a pooleetikarl prisanhah from Cuva’ Montana.
I’d fucking leave the pub if that fucking thing started ‘dancing’ near me. I’m glad he got shot, the fucking cunt.
Never heard of him, but after reading the news link am surprised he hasn’t resorted to playing the usual cards!
Am also surprised this news didn’t make the front pages of the MSM so important is its content that we all should need to know about it.
Never fear, this cunt will “return” sooner or later. His adoring fans will be begging him to reconsider blah blah woof woof.
He’ll make a comeback but no more lyrics about shooting da Feds and beating up hos and fa**ots. It will have to be all about tranny social justice and climate change.
Fucking hell, rap goes woke! Who would have believed it? ?
After reading this I have immediately written to Adele and Ed Sherrin’s record companies claiming to be a sooty,mongified chariot-riding tranny who was beaten up by the pair of them while collecting for Black Lives Matter.
Even a day without their music while my claims are investigated will be a win.
Poor mentally stable Octavian.
Id quit music to if I was criticised for torturing my girlfriend!
The cheek of it.
The Babylon Broadcasting Company are nazis,
Why you cant even cook a missionary in a pot without sarcasm nowadays.
Poor luv.
I bet the feministaz threatened to cancel him if the allegations that he beat his ex were true.
Always good to see one wokey bunch of cunts (wimminz) threaten another wokey bunch of cunts (BAMEs) at their own game of Victim.
If record companies plan to cancel the contracts of people who punch their girlfriends, I fear we may never again hear “Goodbye,England’s Rose” considering Dame Elton’s long history of furiously fisting young men
…it’s the gerbils that I feel sorry for.
Lord Fiddler: I broke habit and put the radio on I’m the workshop yesterday-to have my ears assaulted by a “report” of Elton & David’s Halloween costumes for them and their “kids”?
Apparently, one of the “kids” was dressed as a character from something called “Squid games”, whilst David was dressed as a tube of Pringles. Dressed as a tube of KY jelly or a black rubber cock, more likely ?
Nearly threw up all over the rifle stock I was refinishing.
If Dame Eltton knocked on my door and shouted ” Trick or Treat” I’d have to accept a bumming was coming my way whatever the answer
Best to just take it Dick,
Wouldn’t take long.
His specs all steamed up,
Straw boater askew on his bald head,
Wheezing threw his gappy teeth,
His flabby arse going ten to the dozen as he greedily pounds you.
Stops him mithering.
He gave me a book token!
What fuckin use is that to me?!!
Funny how mincers always ‘adopt’ little boys.
Pure coincidence and nothing to see here.
Morning Lord F / evetybody?
superb! Splurted my granola all over the screen (literally, not a euphism).
Octavian (better known as Augustus Caesar) was a great man. Brought the Roman Empire out of three generations of civil war and created a governmental system that outlived him by nearly 200 years. If you type ‘Octavian’ into a search engine, he’s the first hit.
Don’t know who the nominee is and don’t care.
I think he originally called himself Octavian because he only had eight fingers. But, looking at the photo, I see he’s only got six now. That’s very careless. Must have got his hand trapped in somebody’s pockets.
Or maybe he subscribes to the Diane Abbott school of mathematics.
Industrial accident.
Octavian never concentrated while using the lathe or saw in the factory.
Cadburys Fingers all over the place.
Maybe he lost a couple stabbing an Aspiring Architect
Check your white privilege and get educated bruv…noone care bout dem old romans…they not suffer muh struggle.
The original Octavian was white so the woke mob can add cultural appropriation to his list of crimes.
It’s okay when they do it.
Perhaps a new career as an enabler of illicit narcotics awaits?
Then the inevitable falling out with other fine fellows and pistols at dawn.
Outside a KFC.
A less-than-2-year career? – even the amateur skiffle groups of the 1950s managed better than that. But then what can you expect in a racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic society like Britain, innit?
I’m sure he will have a top flight career dealing various substances while dangerous driving in a worn out old BMW / Audi.
Just when you think the photocopier salesman has arrived, it turns out to be an dealing architect or rapper in the thing.
Shouldn’t this nom photo have been in a nomination last night.
Something strange, in your nay-ber-hood! Admins.
Hes right that negativity is draining.
When not giving pitbulls piggyback rides, booting his bird in the guts and wearing hats back to front I wonder if he has a hobby to cope with the effects of negativity?
Maybe a challenging jigsaw?
Maybe model trains?
Maybe he knits balaclavas for his ‘homies’?
Statistics show that negativity kills more people than cancer
And that pneumatic lipped rappers are 84% more likely to fall victim to it.
Nom photo could be any one of thousands purporting to be the Next Big Thing.
Backwards baseball cap ✔️
Shiny, knock off 2nd hand plastic jacket from Brixton Market ✔️
Meaningless hand gestures ✔️
Dangling Neck bling ✔️
Stupid pouting visage ✔️
Couldn’t care less about the cunt. He’ll be serving a 20 stretch soon enough.
Tiny Tempah anyone?
Little tantrum.
But ok now.
In the words of veteran actor Stephen Toast;
Bye then.
Musics loss is small time weed sellings gain.
He may have only just quit music, but music quit him long ago.
Could any other musical genre where every fucker looks the same, sounds the same, dresses the same, uses the same beat with such a narrow lyrical subject range exist anywhere apart from dark key culture? Fuck me, if the Stones, Beatles, Who, Bowie etc had all stuck to the same look and sound for all eternity they’d have been rightly massacred by the music press. Yet any dark key who can dress like a gangsta and get two words to rhyme is feted as a pioneer.
Talentless sub criminal cunts.
Perhaps Boggs Recorded Music Productions (Taiwan) Ltd cpuld have helped rejig his floundering career. Little Richard was thinking of giving up till I did that concept album with him
“Little Richard Meets Sir John Barbirolli & The Halle Orchestra”
Though I boast, sales were even better for
“Sandie Shaw Sings With The Budapest String Quartet”
Just call me genius!
I heard a Mr Gadd of a certain 70s fame was looking to make a comeback. Maybe he should get in touch.
After RTC reminding me of Dusty’s sexuality, recently, i look forward to Boggs records release of:
“Dusty drinks from the furry cup with the lesbian orchestra of Vienna.”
Dusty could strum up a storm apparently.
‘Could any other musical genre where every fucker looks the same, sounds the same, dresses the same, uses the same beat with such a narrow lyrical subject range exist anywhere apart from dark key culture?’
Normally I’d agree, but you just had to ask that question after I’d spent several hours trawling through this s(h)ite
Don’t get me wrong, there are some good bands in there amongst the dreck, but there’s so much ‘sameness’ being churned out by so many more than competent musicians who can do better it’s fucking soul destroying…and there’s nary (or rarely) a schwartzer to be seen in their ranks.
‘..Talentless sub criminal cunts.’
Indeed, sums them up nicely, but as a phrase…now, that there’s a band name I could have happily gone and played power chords on a detuned guitar with…pity my muso days are now well over, otherwise I’d have nicked it.
The genre of Ed Sheeran/lLewis Capaldi/other ugly hobbit cunt with a guitar singing twee shite.
I guess he will revert to dealing init, assuming he ever stopped ?
Music? What fucking instruments does the ji99aboo play.?
Is it me, or does every (c)rap track that cunts of his ilk perform sound the same?
What are those smears of blek shit on his face?
What are his plans now? Presumably he’s going to resume his training to become a neurosurgeon.
Those “blek” smears on his top lip are the result of him going down on Ma Abbott.
A closer look at his fizog, reveals a row of numbers on his neck. Prison number?
As for playing an instrument, all good cunters know that our imported knee-grows are virtuosos at playing the fiddle.
My missus has just cracked a funny!
The news reports of the 11foot mechanical child refugee will end it’s journey today from Syria to Manchester.
Like the rest of them then!
Fuck me that will take a chunk out of the social services budget.
Return them all to Syria.Water rats
Quit music when the fuck did he start?! Haven’t heard of the cunt Rap is crap Course he has to steal a marvel villians name
I would say that I’ll be bereft and without a reason to carry on in life, but as I’ve never heard of the cunt I suppose I’ll get along pretty much as normal.
Morning all.
Peace out niggahhh!
Never fucking heard of the cunt.
The BBC are sucking him off cos he’s a jam jar lidder. No other fucking reason.
I bet every honky cunt inside BBC Television Centre would cross the fucking road if they saw him coming down the pavement.
Cannot understand the negativity the tortured soul is complaining about. My understanding of the rap culture is that misogynistic behaviour is encouraged likewise stabbing and shooting so called rivals innit. Appears odd that one blessed with an award by the bbc should retire from “music” I hope many others of this pox ridden ilk follow suit. What a total cunt. So many cunts so little time.
Piss off you untalented arse
Octavian? .. Oooh Romans!
So much about them there Romans ya gotta luv innit.
They brought us gladiatorial combat (to the death), decimation (now that’s a very practical solution to many of today’s li’l probs), crucifixion (without that I doubt we’d have hot cross buns), inside the donkey!!! WTF.
Loadsa real positive shit they gave us … unlike the POS that am da subject of this nom.
How much hate are we allowed to have these days … never remember. Any ol’ how … I hate rappers … like a lot!
Was he ever In music?
Now his music career is over he should join all those other Z List celebs that you have never heard of on Strictly Come Mincing, Big Bruv Innit, or I’m a Celeb, Get Me Outta Ere. The last one will probably suit him best being in da jungle an all.
Quitting music?
I wasn’t aware this incoherent chukka did any fucking music. So, what’s he turning hid hand to next? Hanging around KFC or Greggs? Crime? Woman beating? Or maybe he can join that other useless cunt, Eldridge Rashford, and do shitty ‘Wagwan’ adverts on Google.
Seen one of these cunts, seen ’em all…
Looks like he’s learning how to count using his fingers.
Ever noticed also, how it always seems to be dopey white middle class teenage kids who listen to that shite.