To explain, in the last few weeks I have noticed certain posters appearing in public spaces, like the railway station and shopping centre. They seem to be giving someone a vague telling off about something or other.
There is one version that says it is sexual harassment to stare at somebody and therefore make them feel uncomfortable, the other one says that unsolicited and unwanted touching is sexual harassment.
I can’t say that any of the men I know would struggle with those concepts, and indeed the average British man must now be completely terrified of interacting in any way with females he doesn’t know, in case the full weight of the law falls upon him for having the temerity to hold a door open, or to say he likes someone’s hair.
I cannot help thinking that these posters are aimed at recent arrivals to the country but the authors of this artwork will not wish to have that discussion. Instead we all have to be chastened and must think about what we might have done, like three year olds who have wet ourselves, whilst the public information campaign goes right over the heads of those it is aimed at.
What a festering bag of old cunt.
Nominated by: Mary Hinge
Helpful Link provided by: MiddleEngland
In thd header that’s a womans hand on a man’s arse. That never happens to me on public transport. More’s the pity.
I’m assuming the red hand is probably brown underneath the blood of some poor unbeliever, maybe we need to make posters a bit more honest, by showing the demographic of cunts most likely to pursue such acts of sexual depravity!!!
‘Victim as well as offender may be a man or a woman’ it says at the top. I’ve been hoping to be sexually harassed by a woman for years. Never happens though. Now with this poster campaign I’ll have even less chance. Bastards.
Give me strength load of bin material
How about a warning poster depicting a sallow hand clutching a detonator or perhaps a darker hues hand brandishing a machete?
No? I thought not.
in the same way that the adverts on the TV always show any white bloke as a fat twerp, while all the sootays are clever and built like Adonis.
These should be put up in every mosque in the country and posted to every moose limb household.
Inside both permanently.
Removal brings immediate deportation.
The filthy savages.
Assuming they are the target for these posters, they will be completely impervious to it. They subscribe to a doctrine that unbelievres are infidels and kafirs to be treated or mistreated as chattels however they choose.
This was obvious in Rochdale.
Visual conduct? The fuck is that.
If you wear sexy clothing or reveal your figure, expect a gaze or two. To expect the opposite is retarđation.
I’ve been doing my own for a while. My favourite is in bogs where it’s hard to get more than two rough and shiny thin ply sheets before it breaks off.
“If you use more than two sheets Tojo wins!”
My favourite that never was released, was in the event of the Boche invading, “Take one with you!”
Sexual harassments is not a big problem for female Labour MPs. Ugly fat fuckpigs and chavs surrounded by weak soyboys.
Posters telling you how to be a “good citizen” sounds very Nazi Germany and Soviet Union to me. All very sinister.
How long before we get posters telling us to get the latest jabs or feeding us climate bullshit? I hear an advert on the radio all the time telling parents to persuade their 16 and 17 year olds to get jabbed. It makes it sound like you are an irresponsible cunt if you don’t do it. I don’t like the sound of it. A society with slogans on the walls sounds very Orwellian to me.
This: is it the advert with the line, “don’t let them miss out”-blatant fucking coercement???
This sounds like it could be another ‘initiative’ being pushed by the shadowy ‘Behavioural Insights Team’ (aka ‘The Nudge Unit’), that seems to have taken root at no. 10.
It’s all about subtle little psychological techniques that (and I quote) ‘help people to make better judgements for themselves’.
Such as frightening the population to make it more docile, so as it will accept unpopular policies on Covid and climate change?
Of course, it also begs the question of just who is the arbiter of what constitutes a
‘better’ judgement.
Fucking patronising at best, and potentially downright sinister if you ask me.
PS No I’m not condoning harassment, just pointing out the POSSIBLE source of this and other such ‘initiatives’.
Agree with you wholly RK. Some woke agenda is definitely being pushed government wise and this agenda is of no use to us as the “normal” inhabitants. Not one for conspiracy theories I have suffered a dramatic conversion over the last few years. I cannot see how the train of fucking disasters that have occurred due to government policies pointless meddling in hostile countries, massive immigration, the disappearance of justice from the legal system etc can not in some way be controlled and led. The only other thing that I can think of is that those in charge are complete fucking mongtards, thick as shit and basically useless. Having been out of the loop for a while (mental elf) I cannot really speak for those today but I can say many that I met twenty odd years ago were basically bloody smart people (not politicians they have always been cunts) political interference was the main cause of fuckups then. Like a bad horror movie
Simple lesson learned…don’t interact with birds you don’t know, especially if they need some help.
I’d love to see some Doris struggling with a couple of kids and tons of shopping up a flight of stairs.
Ten years ago, I’d have helped her out but now? Not a fucking chance.
Although I would hang back and hope she fell over or something.
Chivalry is (thankfully) dead and modern wimminz (together with their spineless male feminist allies) killed it.
LOL … and we need a poster for that?
Verbal, visual or physical … I can tell ya this …
Say something I don’t like and I’ll fuckin hit ya … like hard.
Look at me in a way I don’t like and I’ll hurt ya badly … like a lot.
Get physical with me and the chances are you ain’t goin’ home … like ever.
Just sayin’ … cunts!
If you are walking behind a woman with a tight little arse what else are you going to look at ?
= Stop Slime Immigration into the West.
Send all of the dinghy riders back to arsehole Africa.
It’s a long way from this………
That’ll teach him to offer to put the kettle on.
The soppy twat.
Get To Fuck.
This poster is sexist. It assumes the victims are people in skirts.
It could be Harry Styles, the dress-wearing p0nce…
It could be Harry Styles, the dress-wearing pøñce…
I’ve lost count of the amount of times that I’ve been groped whilst kilted. #beware of drunk horny Scotswomen and more than the usual expected amount of Scotsmen.
And for that matter drunken Sassenach.
Stating “man or woman” isn’t very inclusive in these ‘enlightened’ times. That seems to suggest there are only 2 genders which cannot possibly be the case. Last count there were about 100, right?
I wish the people who create these posters would display the names of their organisations more prominently on them as this will enable me to check if they are suitable beacons of righteousness with which to align my moral compass. Somehow i don’t think they would be, so I’ll just go on under my own steam knowing it’s wrong to attack women. Fucking cunts.
The day will come when it’ll be against the law to get a bone on. Just you wait. I remember my teenage years when my dick got hard over anything, the vibrations when riding on a bus, things like that. Excited men will become the scum of the Earth. You’ll need to have a wank before you go out to the corner shop to make sure you don’t get arrested.
Does this apply to Boris’s dad in 2003?
I remember a poster on a train train station a few years back. I think it had a bloke with a speech bubble (honky of course) saying ‘hello’ to a woman, and something about it being harassment.
No. Harrassment can be seen near those dinghy rider hotels, where they’ve been following, chatting up and surrounding and taking photos of 12 year old girls, as well as hanging around the school gates taking photos of them doing PE.
That’s fucking harrasment, you cunts.
But Mr Cunt Engine is right. Don’t fucking bother with the cunts unless they eye you up or start chatting first. Even then , be careful. Holding doors open? Fuck off. I’m saving the energy in my arms, I’m not getting any younger.
Glad I’m married, getting on and out of all that bollocks. Must be a fucking minefield for younger lads, but one younger relative says that there are loads of dirty bitches on Tinder, but no ‘keepers’ by the sounds of it.
Although Gillette were the worst with that advert showing honkies sexually harrasing women, while the dark keys came to the rescue.
Lol. What a load of fucking shite.
In fact, I can’t be arsed looking for it, but some lefty bitch in the colonies (Americashire) tried to prove how women are harassed by men by walking through the city in a short (ish) skirt and filming it with hidden cameras.
It was all fucking dark keys and sand naggers following and harrassing her lol.
The left ignored this glaringly obvious point and focused on ‘muh all men’.
Send these whining yeast ridden bints to Somalia for a month.
Our local flasher was considering retiring after seeing this poster but after a bit of a rethink, he’s decided to stick it out for another year….
If it involves 12-year old girls, and hanging around outside schools, it’s pee-dough filia, and the bastards need their goolies removing with a rusty kebab knife, the dirty bastards.
If, on the other hand, it involves hanging around outside schools in the hope of getting a glance at the comely figure of the PE mistress, I hope you’d view that differently, Belinda.
Related to this post, the constant announcements over bank and supermarket PA systems reminding shoppers to “treat staff and other customers with respect” boil my piss. I’m 58 fucking years old and learned that when I was a child thank you very much.
Soon to be blaring out in the streets and through your two-way 1984 style TV…
(Tesco are the biggest cunts for it btw…)
Agreed.In my local Tesco same old drivel blh blah blah smeg off bored now
The last time I was in Londstabistan, I was carrying 2 weekend cases-one for me and one for er indoors.
At a massive flight of stairs up to street level, two tiny Japanese wimminz were standing at the bottom, with those little suit cases with the extending handles.
Strong young men were walking past, completely ignoring them.
I politely asked if they would like me to carry them up the stairs for them. They were so grateful, thanking me profusely. Two cases in each hand, up I went.
Chivalry is not dead, for this Cunter?
I would have offered to help anyone? With the exception of a peaceful’s Rucksack, naturally?
*The fact that the two Japanese women were petite and fit-as-fuck, had no influence on my gallantry.
I’ll bet. – NA
There should be posters, radio and television adverts telling cunts to start using Common fucking Sense.
‘Give Common Sense This Christmas. Common Sense – The Useful Present’.
Phwoar! Ding-dong! Nudge, nudge! I say! Oo’er Missus! Drop ’em blossom!
Posters saying that if you can swim to France you will get 72 virgins should be put outside all mosques.
And afterwards boiled in bacon fat