This story is appalling and will make your blood boil. It happened in the USA but it could just as easily happen here and probably will before long.
Scott Smith is a plumber and his 15 year old daughter was raped and sodomised by a boy in a skirt in the single sex toilets of her school.
Mr Smith protested at a school-board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia – an area known for its trendy wokeness. On the agenda was the board’s proposal to allow students to use the bathroom of either sex, according to their self-declared gender identity. In response to objections raised by parents, the school-district superintendent stated that ‘We don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our bathrooms’ and the “predator transgender student or person simply does not exist’.
Mr Smith expressed his anger about the assault of his daughter. Mr Smith was then taunted by activists and a woman who said she didn’t believe the rape of his daughter happened. Police intervened and arrested him. A video of Smith being tackled by the police, floundering on the floor as his t-shirt was ripped open, went viral. The woke mob on Twatter mocked and fat-shamed this father who was only trying to protect his daughter and other students.
Smith was then charged and prosecutor, Buta Biberaj, pressed to have him jailed. Ms Biberaj is known for her woke politics and for supporting the ‘decarceration’ of criminals. But she wanted to make an exception to put this father behind bars. Fortunately, she failed to do so and Mr Smith was released.
Mr Smith, whose daughter was the victim of a sexual assault, was shown zero sympathy by the woke elite. Instead he was ridiculed by trans activists, silenced by the school board, arrested by the police and used by the US government to justify a clampdown on “aggressive” parents.
However, Mr Smith’s claims were confirmed and a teen/tranny was found guilty of raping Mr Smith’s daughter in a school single sex toilet. Then, news broke that the Loudoun school superintendent had lied when he told parents that no sexual assaults had occurred in school toilets. He knew all about it and had connived in having the tranny-boy transferred to another school, where he raped another girl.
So, at a public meeting, they denied knowledge of it, had the police arrest Mr Smith, said nothing as Mr Smith’s reputation was dragged through the gutter, and covered all of it up for months. Why? Because they could not let anything stand in the way of imposing their transgender policy. They were on a moral mission, and a case of sexual assault in the school bathroom could not be allowed to derail it. A plumber and his young daughter were dispensable as long as the woke agenda is promoted.
Where does Smith go to get his reputation back? ‘I am not a domestic terrorist’, he says. ‘I am a concerned father who loves his family and will protect them at every turn.’
A massive, uneducated pile of cunt, coming your way soon.
Nominated by: MMCM
The school board are shameless cunts for attempting to bury the rape(s). In the same way that not offending prople from Paxtan is more important than British girls being groomed and sexually attacked, protecting a predatory male in a skirt in a girls’ toilet is more important than rape.
There are wider issues than just the rape(s) in this story. The oarents are also protesting what’s on the education schedule, namely Critical Race Theory.
Let’s hope these wankers get what they deserve.
To never be able to wank again CUNTS!
At least (I hope ) the rapist gets into general male population in prison. They will rip him a new one
Loudoun County used to be a fairly conservative area, but as the federal government metastasized and the number of employees and contractors grew, the formerly Republican areas south and west of Washington became infested with leftists. This is the result.
As is currently happening across metropolitan England.
Good to see you back on here?
That poor girl is now damaged for the rest of her life. Violent criminals, especially sex criminals need to be withdrawn from society for the rest of their lives. I may sound like a fascist for this, but the cost to the taxpayer for keeping this freak alive should be defrayed by leasing him/her/it/that? out for medical or weapons research. Either that or a running man style reality show. Being the US Alligators, Bears, Mountain Lions or Hillbillies first
The worst criminals should be used for medical testing, not poor innocent animals.
I would add that there should be a test for all people at 13 to 15 to find out if people are nastily deviated (non consentual shit) and given treatment before they wreck someones life., I’ve ordered my NKVD hat from eBay.
I am also proud to be a fascist!
Not when it turns on you though.
An agenda?
A conspiracy?
Try and hang every filthy cunt who had a hand in this depravity.
The ruling woke liberal left are turning the USA into a dystopian nightmare. As you rightly say, MMCM, coming our way soon.
The optimist In me hopes that the silver lining here is that the silent majority is waking up to what’s been going on by stealth for a long time. Evidence is the Virginia governors race could not be stolen due to heightened scrutiny of patriots watching them like hawks. For decades they were complacent and trusted the system. They no longer do.
Then again, the pessimist in me usually turns out to be right, the cunt.
This is very hard to imagine – why do these out and out cunts act as they do? Why? Why the fuck? It’s incomprehensible.
I’m only glad my kids are grown up. I wouldn’t want them schooled in the current climate. I think I’d have had to have them home schooled instead.
I heard about this from The Epoch Times. Utterly beyond belief, makes me relieved that I don’t have any kids, as the current agenda just seems to view kids as toys for the nontzes, who are inches away from being legalised.
Whilst it can never compensate the family for their ordeal, I do hope that a massive, George Floyd sum of damages is on the horizon.
Or are they the wrong colour?
Wasn’t it something 27 million his family got? His family that never bothered with the drug addicted criminal nutter when alive, by the way.
His brother ‘crying in court (Bryan Robson’s acting on Jossy’s Giants was more convincing) saying, ‘Mah bruddah made de best banana sandwiches you ever could taste’ was fucking laughable.
Banana sandwiches? I don’t think the cunt will be eating those anymore somehow. It’ll be friiiiiieed chiggun, chicklins and shortnin’ bread all washed down with Cristal while some hoes suck him off.
That family must thank god the cunt died every day.
Oh, and here’s Byran Robson’s acting performance for reference.
Robbo’s acting there, was superior to Stephen “one trick pony” Graham’s performance in “The Irishman”.
Try Mick Jagger’s bafta winning “acting” in the sci-fi film Freejack if you fancy a real toe curler…
One trick pony? Always thought he was pretty good for a Mickey Mouser.
You all know the answer to this one: “They should have shut their mouths for the sake of diversity.”
This is what progress means, once you let up on the rod, the cunts start with your ankles and work up until you find a noose around your neck.
Look what is happening in the channel, it used to a few boats a month now it’s 10 or more every day the weather allows.
It seems to be ignored by the big news outlets but today potentially 14 boats with up to 40/50 on each boat.
Back to the tranny and critical race bollocks, the only answer is fuck off, whatever happened with that fucking school that wanted boys to wear skirts, I hope they were told to fuck off.
These teen tranny fuckers need to be sent to a special school, they obviously have mental health problems!!
And once the fuckers are here they are near impossible to get rid of. How long will it be before reality dawns on the decision makers in Parliament?
The is a nomination under consideration regarding leech lawyers preventing the lawful return of shit to Jamaica; I look forward to you lot venting your spleen on that one.
If that was my daughter, I would have buried that fucking pervert in a field somewhere.
Every single official complicit in this, from top to bottom, need to be incarcerated.
Or their daughters treated in a similar manner?
A dreadful proposition I know but we are approaching the day when the decision makers have to face the consequences of their policies.
CG, I presume you meant to say incinerated.
The saddest tale I have ever read on this fine site.
My heart goes out to that father.
I hope they receive justice and as said above, financial compensation for loss of reputation. $10m at least.
What better way to corrupt the upcoming generations than to run the school boards and dictate the curriculum to promote degeneracy.
The lockdowns forced kids to homeschooling and that’s when the clueless parents saw what was being taught.
In all seriousness though, the fucking cunt governor should be in prison at least for this.
Deviants everywhere in positions of influence. Yes, cunts like this would mock a kid for being raped to protect an agenda.
The tranny should be hanged, actually…used for medical experiments for the rest of his miserable life.
Medical Trails and then Hung.
Sounds good to me.
I was left speechless at this.
Is this the world we live in now, where the rights of some animal are protected whereas the victim is brushed aside.
The more we pander to these degenerate nut jobs and their woke supporters the more this will happen.
I’m hoping it’s not too late to turn the tide.
Cap Mag hit the nail squarely, with his comparison to our own grooming gang cover-ups.
I had some lefty bitch laugh at me, when I called the “industrial scale grooming and abuse”, of white, working class girls, by Pakistani males, a “holocaust” against innocence.
Then I discovered this libtard, metropole cunt is married to a Pakistani male.
Who the fuck is pushing this agenda on humanity? Not one single person I know (both of them) understand or agrees with this shite, but every day there’s more and more of it heaped upon us like a steaming compost heap. I honestly can’t see who benefits, it can’t be the fucking weirdos raiding their mums wardrobe as it makes the general populace hate them even more. I think it proves just how powerful social media is in the world. The flak from supporters of this crap would be a lot to bear for the authorities. Look at how many people, normal sensible people, are ‘cancelled’ it’s just bizarre how we’ve ended up like this on no time at all. I hope that poor bloke use the tits off those bastards, there not fit to run a fucking bath let alone a school.
The people who benefit are those that want to see the eradication of the white European population. The promotion of mixed race couples in advertising leads to ethnic homogenization, the promotion of buttfuckery and trans serves to reduce the reproductive potential of this group. All part of the great replacement.
My own thoughts, BH?
If I had a daughter and was told this cunt had touched her, he would very much be a girl by the time I’d finished with him.
That shit happen in my sphere of operation … there’d be a small mound in a remote desolate spot with the smouldering remains of the tranny cunt and its parents.
Lady Fontlacunt heard about this via Graham Linehan from his The Glinner Update a few weeks ago. We crowdfunded the Smith family to help with their legal fees.
This sort of shit just shows how misogynistic, bullying and hateful the T community are. Forget about the LGBT+ lot, most of the rest of the alphabet don’t want anything to do with the T’s. They are just as homophones as well since the rook over Stonewall. They are now trying to coerce lesbians into having sex with chicks with dicks and saying that same gender attraction is normal and calling the transphobic if they get rejected. They are all fucking nuts but Governments are giving these fruit loops oxygen whilst treating people like the Smiths as complete cunts.
A glimmer of hope:
Puss leave for two fucking years?
? Fuck U
Send Kyle Rittenhouse round for a word..
Regarding Stonewall-I read that the BBC has dispensed with the tranny cunts services?
I simply cannot get my head around this.
If this was the storyline in a TV soap opera you’d dismiss it as unbelievable, but no, it’s only too real.
It’s every parents nightmare come true.
Each and every person involved, with the exception of the victim and her family should be tarred, feathered and jailed.
Jesus H fucking Christ.
What a story.
Evening Ron.
Will IsAC’s man on the spot, be bringing an exclusive interview with Me-again, in light of recent developments?
This is fucking unbelievable.
Good news, he’s been given a voice and support from the real conservative media, biden and the woke media and their sick agenda are getting crushed.
Dan bongino podcast, FMplayer
God bless Mr Smith and I hope his daughter becomes able to move on with her life.
As for the lying woke schoolboard cunts, if there was any justice in the world, they would be locked inside a ‘single sex’ toilet and set on fire.