A “get me the manager” cunting please for Karens.
Last Friday I was at the local doctors surgery bringing my elderly father (99 years old) to have a blood test, I was parked in the disabled bay outside the door, as I sat reading my copy of the Daily Malicious, I heard a tap on my car window as I turned to the side, there it was cunters, a member of the North Face light infantry’s soya latte division was stood there, I put the window down and said “yes”, to which she replied “this is a disabled space”, I said “I know my elderly father has gone in with my wife to have a blood test, so I’m entitled to be parked here”, Karen didn’t like my answer, she replied “I’m going to fetch ma hubby”, about a minute later this strange specimen of a cunt was walking towards me in the car, he strolled across to me like an anorexic plumber doing an impression of the Michelin man who’s just won the pools, he stood there shrieking like a whipped puppy, at this point I got out, now cunters when sat in the car “muh hubby” couldn’t tell I was 6’ 4”, the fucker soon pipped down when I told him to mind his own fucking business and take his Karen cunt of a wife with him, what makes these cunts think they have authority to question anyone going about their daily business, I hope Karen learnt her lesson, as not every citizen of this once great country is as calm and level headed as me, the pair of cunts need a damn good sjamboking!!!
Nominated by: Captain Quimson
I have nothing to say except I wish I was there.
and on the other foot, butt hurt cuntitude.
you lot is now racist. what next offensive lego bricks? racist tortoises.
fuck off you cunts
Perhaps the recent ISAC for butt hurtedness is where all these CUNTS can be diverted to. https://is-a-cunt.com/2021/10/the-permanently-offended/
A government department set up for it too; to send their complaints.
Then set up a simple return email folder stating, Shut up you fucking Karen. Subsequently, put them on a mailing list that sends loads and loads of examples of Karen’s being told to shut the fuck up.
Then these CUNTS will be subjected to the same relentless drivel the normals put up with on a daily basis yet don’t get to wear a great big bravery medal for it.
Me too
Excellent cunting. No matter how thoughtful and couteous you are, these self-appointed hall monitors will find some fault with you. I may just put together a routine where I go off on the cunt like a flamboyant drag queen who just got “dissed”. That way I play the gay card and that trumps whatever issue she has.
In other words out-cunt the cunt.
ironically they’re called hitlers.
You should have provoked him into attaching you?
Sometimes, in some circumstances, only releasing your inner animal will suffice:
“I’m counting to five, then I’m going to knock you the fuck out. One, two….”
He sounds like the wrong person to be attached too!
Dead right – then given him a thruppeny one in self defence?
Hehe, I wonder why the Karen had to bring her hubby, I thought Karens are scary enough on their own. Maybe she was an amateur Karen and needed some moral support
Excellent! I once had some cunts screaming at me from a car pulled up behind mine. All about 17 years old. I told my 6 foot 5 son, built like a brick shit house to get out of the car. He did. they ran a fucking mile and left their car there – I presume it was their car.
Excellent ?
I will presently be moving some heavy furniture, tell Attrix Jnr to pop round and give me hand?
Cunts come over here, take our disabled parking spaces and threaten our Welsh cunts.
Mugabe would know what to do.
A mate of mine pulled a classic on a chippy coffee coloured Karen last year. She was umming and ahhing in a shopping cue. The bitch was muttering and moaning about being in a ‘rush’ (why do they always say that?) and how is that the fault of the bloke on front of her?
Anyway, when she was pulled up about it, she started the ‘racist’ bit. Her face when my pal said to her ‘My wife is black and she’s blacker than you are (which she is)’. She expected a win and a Megain-esque wave of fake racism sympathy. But others who knew the lad told her that his missus was black and that she didn’t have a leg to stand on. She then resorted to ‘Fuck off! Fuck off!’ over and over. Pure class and totally hilarious.
Was it Ma Rashthoughts, doing the shopping between one of her numerous, domestic jobs??
I remember a while ago taking down a tree on the edge of a mobile home site…my hound had gone away into the long grass and had a shit…some old witch came flying out to demand that I pick it up…told her that it wasn’t my dog’s shit…she went off to get the site Warden. I saw the woman in the long grass pointing out the offending turd to him and pointing across at us so I wandered over with the Hound while the lads stopped the saws and chipper to listen to the screeching Harpie…obviously expecting me to blow a gasket and fire up….The 4 of us ( Trout,Warden,myself and Hound) examined the large pile to crap and I said to the Warden ” Way too big for a dog… fresh though…looks more like something a short,fat angry woman might lay” and walked off quickly while they mulled over that particular observation…Saw the Warden shovelling it up later.
Dick – please do a stage show with Alex Belfield. Your stories are comedic gold.
The son of an acquaintance was (still is) an arrogant little fat cunt.
He really is. Public school educated, spoilt rotten and totally self opinionated.
A couple of years ago, his mother related this to me:
He was driving along the M4 around 3.am-working a night shift.
He went past the only other car, a bloke in the inside lane, driving and chatting on his phone. Now, at 3.am, it was just these two on the road.
The young fatty, decided to slow down and allow the other driver to catch up, lower his window and start shouting and gesturing for the guy to stop using his phone.
Big mistake-the other driver lowered his window and basically said “ Your fucking dead, mate.”
Thus ensued a high speed chase-90mph-whilst fatty phoned the police, in tears ?
The police directed him to the nearest patrol who did intercept the other driver-but I can guarantee the little “Karen”, will not repeat his road warrior behaviour ?
*knowing what a cunt her son is, it took massive self composure not to burst out laughing, as she relayed the story with a look of horror on her face.
As I drove away, I was laughing like a Trump supporter when he beat Kilary ?
I had an irate Karen stop me in the street.
She said, “Somebody told me that you’ve admitted looking at my daughter’s holiday snaps that’s she’s posted on social media.”
I said, “Anyone can view them, what’s the problem.”
She said, “Do you really think it’s appropriate someone of your age looking at photos of a seventeen year old girl. Apparently’ you’ve even gave a ‘like’ to a picture of her in a bikini.”
I said, “Sorry about that, I must of hit the ‘like’ button accidentally while I was having a wank.”
Sorry, I can’t go along with this nomination. I have something of a soft spot for Karens, ever since a bird of that name gave me a hand job in her tent on a Scarborough campsite in 1974.
Don’t knock Karens. They’re okay are Karens.
LOL … love it when you get those ‘oh so fuckin’ righteous MFSOB’s’ gettin’ all lairy! It doesn’t really happen when I’m around cos my missus reckons I look like an axe murderer 95% of the time … the remaining 5% I’m just an out n out psycho. Helps being six foot three and built like a truck too. I’ve had a guy pee himself when I was asked to persuade him to move for a client … all I did was look at him with a bit of ‘intent’.
“The people will police themselves”
Said some anarchist idiot apparently…
Have you all noticed how it invariably seems to be the ugliest wimminz who resort to this particular brand of highly neurotic, illogical and shrieking, ‘look at me, I’m empowered!’ behaviour?
A fine cunting but you lost me at ‘once great country’ :p
Karen is offensive?
Nobody can say I’m not sensitive to such controversy.
I always avoid the term,instead I’ve found Fuck Off You Nosy Cunt causes much less offence.
A spot on cunting.
The wife and I got stuck behind a ‘get me the manager’ type in Morrison’s recently.
The fat cow was in meltdown because the checkout card reader refused to accept her credit card.
I was pissing myself because she was wearing a pair of black trousers stretched to bursting point, which had the word ‘juicy’ in big silver letters across her enormous arse.
I like the feckless trollops that say “I can’t walk to the ambulance”, when we attend for some shite they’ve deemed to be an emergency but have to go in as it’s something we can’t rule out on scene. I always say, with a straight face:
“Right, how did you get here, how do you wash and get to the toilet”?
Never fails.
A Karen thinks a white woman being called a Karen is worse than black people being called an Nee gah, thereby demonstrating the insane sense of victimhood, entitlement and delusion of The Karen.
Good job.
Karens are funny cunts, often trying to convince the world they hold higher social standing and are brighter than teenagers working in shops and burger restaurants, and usually failing
Bless them and their attendant brood.
The Karen is a middle aged subset of busy body /arrogant fucks. Seems to be a popular and accurate stereotype but I can tell you that I’ve also met the male equivalent; what’s he called, Keith?
I met a Keith a few months back, complete cunt and fat as a lord – bigger than the Blackford not. Moaned at me because my small Working Cocker bitch gave a slight woof at him as he closely approached us in the open countryside. One woof then she sat quietly whilst I put her on the slip lead. Keith ripped into me claiming it “could’ve given him a heart attack”, I said really sorry and he said I wasn’t and kept going on at me. Fat Keith the pie eating twat. Never seen him since.
Blackford bot!
Pity she didn’t give him a friendly nip in the bollocks.
Probably sex pest!
Probably a pee doh.
Anyway isn’t there some psychological stunt you can do to diffuse any escalating situation- you ask something daft to change their train of thought. Shame I can’t remember that technique in the moment!
Keith seems a good working class name, as most of the Keiths i’ve known have been good working blokes, as have the Steves, Petes, Pauls, Johns, Daves, Alans, Trevors and Brians
I gather the teenage male equivalent of a Karen is called ‘The Kyle’, prone to wearing his baseball cap backwards, drinking mountain dew, and punching his bedroom wall. Usually has a fetish for playing as ‘edgelord’ characters in computer games shouting at children through his headset. He often walks around his home town with a replica of Darth Vader’s lightsaber attached to his belt. Can often be seen snarling from the top deck of a bus while listening to Three Days Grace.
The anthem of The Kyle
In Starbucks a while back a mother and daughter were in front of me and the mother was getting quite irate about some non-issue when the daughter turned around and said “For goodness sakes, mother! Stop being such a Meghan”. Maybe ‘Karen’s’ have a new leader?