Woke ads need a cunting, this isn’t wayysist at all, but it’s really getting out of hand now, and what’s more they seem to be going with the ugly or gormless fuckers to boot.
Oil of Olay, have a talking coconut/gorilla, you looking skin is the least of her worries.
(Wasn’t this crap called Oil of Ulay at some point? Asking for a friend – NA)
Windows 11 have 3 gormless looking fuckers who look like rejects from the fresh Prince of bell air show, probably have a bag of origano in their pockets.
You get the idea it’s 90 percent of all ads, it’s like they bypass any talent so they can have someone coloured…. Marketing cunts
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
And here’s another one regarding John Lewis’ latest Christmas wokefest. This time from MiddleEngland (and Ron Knee)
Fellow cunters I give you the John Lewis Christmas advert 2021 for consideration.
Yes you’ve guessed it. A black family (why expect different) and a white “alien”.
What does this tell you about the brand I wonder. A celebration of diversity where white people are the aliens. This in a country where 95% of the population is white.
I for one will not but from JLP ever again.
Helpful Link supplied by Ruff Tuff Creampuff
Yep. Fuck John Lewis (and Waitrose). Never getting my custom again. Perhaps they can rely on the millions of middle-class blacks that obviously exist in their heads.
My understanding was that the seasonal John Lewis ads were designed to be hugely popular with the public and to promote their stores for the Christmas spend frenzy.
This ad is fucking way off target. People will talk about it – not because it is funny, wonderful or a tearjerker. They’ll talk about it because it is simply predictable, tiresome, woke wankery. I hope JL’s profits slide down the seasonal throne.
What a massive bunch of cunts. Great nom, Ruffers!
I think its racist.
Its how european explorers must of been viewed in darkest Africa.
White aliens vastly more advanced technologically,
Bringing the bangbang stick and stopping them eating each other.
If aliens landed and the first contact was sooties its more realistic hed be stabbed,
Bet he felt like Charlton Heston?
Get your stinking paws off me!
You dam dirty ape!
This John Lewis Xmas ad is a fucking disgrace! A fearful and compliant aspiring architect tries to appease the technologically superior whitey “alien” by bunging the cunt some cheap prezzies he’s nicked from John Lewis. A more blatant piece of raaaaaaay-sism it is hard to imagine! The “alien” might as well be wearing a pointy white hood with the eyes cut out and the architect saying “ooooh Massa, don’t whoop my Chicken George ass, please Massa.”
Pure white supremacy. I’m writing to Snowflake Weekly and getting this fascist shit cancelled!
To be honest I don’t think these big shopping corporations such as Waitrose, B&Js, Sainsbury’s or John Lewis, give two shits about what Boomers and Gen X punters think any more.
As far as they’re concerned, in commercial marketing terms, they see us as dead wood, and can therefore be cast-aside to make way for the more “diverse” generations – Millennials, Zs and As – that’s where the new pot of gold is, and they’ll bend over backwards to get their share of it.
Woke ads have been doing the rounds for 2-3 years now, and clearly it must be working otherwise they wouldn’t be continuing the campaign. Either that or they’re too shit scared of being cancelled by the fearsome Twatterarti if they go against their narrative!
John Lewis clearly don’t want my custom: so be it.
You are absolutely correct. It’s all about conditioning of young minds.
I think you are absolutely right here – I doubt they ever wanted “blue collar custom” though. I’d bet their average customers are the better off middle classes. The types who are all in favour of immigration, foreign aid, BLM, Net Zero, and definitely not in favour of Brexit. They love the Black and Asian communities but have never actually set foot in them or actually seen an Asian or Black person on their ABC1 communities.
Purveyors of cuntishness for cunts.
My personal take on it is that I don’t give a fuck because, if I hadn’t read about it here, I wouldn’t have known about it having given up “live TV”. Best thing I ever did. Fuck John Lewis, Waitrose, Live TV and more importantly the Black Broadcasting Company and all the customers of the aforesaid. All cunts!
While watching the telly the other night I had to shout through to the Mrs and asked her to quickly check our coordinates.
It was just to make sure we weren’t living in Zimbabwe.
imagine if you had never been to the U.K. before , off the plane and checked into your hotel room you put the TV on , a tsunami of woke bullshit explodes from your screen it would appear you’ve landed in a country where only a black man can have a white girlfriend/ wife , that a vast majority of people are of mixed race and virtually every other person is gay or trans and that white heterosexual people represent a tiny insignificant fraction of the population!! .
The corporations that spout this distortion of the truth don’t really believe it but they go which ever way the wind(money)blows! , do you think that BMW and co show adverts with obviously gay women failing over themselves, or men holding hands on a fucking cruise advert in Saudi Arabia? Of course they don’t , but here the the U.K., Europe and further afield we’re bombarded with this shitfest and anyone brave enough to saying anything gets crucified.
This isn’t going anywhere fast , it’s a tyranny of the minority aided and abetted by the cunty MSM …….
This advert is spot on. Whiteys are now aliens in their own country.
I just hope some advertising executive takes pity on convicted criminal Claudia Webbe MP, who, despite taking (I won’t say earning) an M.Ps wage is apparently penniless and can only pay her minor fine in installments:
How daft does this cunt think we are?. If she is genuinely short of money she is paying too much for her charlie. Put the whore in prison till she pays, racist or not.
I agree throw it in jail for life
She has no money but will spend money she hasn’t got on an appeal ?
It would seem that the adverts are no longer centered on ‘buy the shit we are selling’ but more ‘we will brow beat you into submission’.
It doesn’t seem to matter that the millions spent on the campaigns will not result in increased sales.
Virgin have several ads that only feature black actors.
Christmas ads will be unbearable, with Asian and blacks in every one.
I suppose that the thing to do is to have no actors at all. Have a meerkat with a Russian accent.
Unfortunately their new ads are a total mystery to me.
I have no idea what is being said or what they are trying to sell.
The Harder They Fall
I lasted 15 minutes into this film
I had a a feeling something was not right about what Netflix was offering when the opening introduction was “these people existed” but no names or reference was offered so you better believe the story
Cowboy gunslingers, bank robbers, and a saloon running wench ,all in the name of diversity
Who the fuck are they trying to convince and to what end
It’s fucking numbskulling for kids today, and no wonder why mental health is fucking all over the place
Make up more shit J Lewis and co and the rest , just don’t let facts get in the way as facts might offendy the sensitivities of the narrative
Notice how the whitey alien is deliberately androgynous. Looks like a bird to me but could just as easily be a little fa**ot boy so beloved by our education system. The confusion is not an accident, trust me.
Not seen the ads but does it include a black dude married to a white Ho ?
They usually do .
Total junk
Just a total misrepresentation of the generic make-up of this country’s population. If that fucking alien in the ad had been monitoring our television, they’d have been forgiven for thinking that the population of this country is 95% ethnic and everyone had to have a mixed-race relationship by law. It’s pushing people that normally wouldn’t give a fuck, to hold racist views, and, even the minorities I know are concerned.
That is the whole point of Soros’s funded Marxist shit-divide society.
Polarise every group. Black vs White vs Asian vs Gay etc.
Parents vs their children.
Divide & Rule.
That is the whole point of Soros’s funded Marxist shit-divide society.
Polarise every group. Black vs White vs Asian vs Gay etc.
Parents vs their children.
Divide & Rule.
If I was a Sooty youth who discovered an Alien, I’d ride her,stab her and steal her spaceship to sell for drugs before settling in with a nice chiggun dinner.
I preferred it when Sooties only appeared in episodes of “Crime Watch” and ” Tarzan”
PS..I wouldn’t be seen dead shopping in a John Lewis anyhow.
I think the dar quay to cork asian ratio was the real reason they cancelled Crimewatch, and the fact the amount of “people of colour from Kent” was on the rise too, diversity is our strength so the truth must not prevail, as for John Lewis i think they alienate every cunt on purpose just for the attention, the entire board needs a good sjamboking!!!
Apparently its exactly the same in the States, the MSM and advertising pushes the same agenda, but outside of the big cities and Deep South its an overwhelmingly white country and likely to stay that way. Also a Black person is 11 times more like to be murdered than a White person and are half the prison population for a group that makes up 12% of the population in total, So US Murder rates are totally skewed by Inner City black on black murders (if you are White in America you are just as safe as in the UK), but BLM and their crew prefer to ignore that and talk only about the racist honkey police, they are just simply mad and bad.
Expect to see sob stories about poor sales over Christmas come the new year. What kind of punter do John Lewis think they sell to? It certainly isn’t the ones portrayed in their ads. Do they really think that they’re existing customers believing in this shit? Of course they fucking don’t, but they simply cannot help themselves.
I pity the workers because it’s their jobs on the line when people like us say “fuck you” and boycott their products and services.
British Gas have given up even having a token whitey in their ads now. How “British” is that for fuck sake.
I’ve just watched it. There aren’t enough words to describe that pile of cack.
I imagine it’s what Whistle down the wind will be like come the remake
I stopped buying from John Lewis a long time ago … they’ve always had that ‘Holier than thou’ approach that I find abhorrent.
I actually stoped going shopping altogether over ten years ago … haven’t been in a shop of any type since then. I only ever buy online and I do not hold any allegiances to any brand. In fact my purchasing habits are now focused by my prejudices … I use the internet to determine the stance of the vendors and that process is simplified by the levels of woke fuckwittery that they apply to their products … I can now discriminate far more readily than ever before.
I have always maintained that you should take people out of adverts … just not needed.
Near enough same here Swag. We buy pretty well everything except food on the net. It’s cheaper, often very much cheaper and the shops just cannot compete for choice. Almost everything ordered gets delivered the following morning and sometimes even on the same day. You also avoid the sheer bloody hassle of hacking into town and paying for the privilege of parking the car. Paying to park is in effect an entrance fee to their shop which I won’t fucking pay! Same applies to “congestion ” and “low emission zone” charges. You must be joking! Every few weeks I go into town for a haircut. I park in a six-level multi-storey where I have to pay and in which there are usually a few score cars. Always several floors are entirely deserted. Local authorities, eh? Piss-ups and breweries.
Not only will I not be buying anything from the marxist collective store known as JLP, I will not be watching their fucking TV ad now that I have been warned by other, selfless, cunters. Trannies and black people need not worry that they might run into this privileged heterosexual whitey when shopping. I am sure they will be relieved, and feel a lot safer. Kiss my ass.
Good morning, everyone.
1: Lewis is a Jock name, that’s cultural appropriation, damnaigh do sùile fhaighean.
2: My dear evil late gran (Preussener) used oil of ulay, it didn’t appear to be particularly effective. Old Boche witch
Yep total cunts
I thoroughly enjoyed the blek panto propaganda advertisement fairytale.
I may even visit the excellent shop as a Black and White Minstrel just to fit in properly.
The stupid lying cunts.
TO the friend of NA as per nom
Oil of Ulay changed to Olay due to offence possibly caused to the Swahili speaking world.
Apparently Ulay is some vulgar term for female genitalia, many of whom on the Is-A-Ulay site would be immensely familiar
John Lewis have really lost the plot in recent years. Their staff, or ‘stakeholders’ soon found out their ‘stakes’ were worth jack shit and were swiftly fucked over at the first sign of trouble. Then they ditched the ‘never knowingly undersold’ policy, which means they now provide no reason to shop with them. And now this shenanigans whereby they give a swift ‘fuck you’ to the middle/upper middle classes that still shop with them.
Great marketing boys!
What have aliens got to do with Christmas? Jesus died for humanity.
John Lewis can fuck off.
“A spaceman came travelling on a ship from afar” Sorry C my infantile mind made me do it.
No that’s fine BB. The infantile minds are the ones who dreamt up and signed off on this agenda guff and then anyone who watches it and buys John Lewis shit.
They have actually hit their target audience, white middle class socialist fools. Savvy people won’t spend a penny in John Lewis. Behold the internet you fucking clowns. Hope you go bust.
I watch these brainwashing adverts with boring indifference. They show a reality so far removed from my daily experience that I class them as fairytales, likewise the majority of people in a 25 mile radius. They purveyors of such bollocks should only air their fucking dismal shit in areas that match the demographics for their particular right on/diverse/multicultuntural wank fantasies and leave those of us who inhabit the majority of this country to ads more suited.
I see many subtle and even not so subtle ads with homosexual couples or at least couples that look suspicious. They obviously want to present a new normal the box-ticking cunts.
A perfect example being a radio ad where a male poofter says: “I want to buy flowers for my boyfriend”. The company name escapes me.
Channel 4 are the worst with black bummers in bed.
The following program contains scenes of a white heterosexual male right from the start that some viewers may find offensive….
Did some cunty hokey wokey company recently start manufacturing bleck ‘or dark’ plasters for our international friends so they weren’t offended when they cut themselves?
I used to work for Waitrose in my early 20’s and their customer base is Middle income, Middle England.
The branch I used to work in is near where I work now and I still pop in there for odd speciality ingredients. The customer base has never changed in 30 years. All the dark keys and dooshkas shop in “their shops” on the shit hole side of town or Sports Direct.
Good luck John Lewis, you now join Sainsbury, Lush and Anne Summers as shops I will no longer visit because of woke/BLM/Marxists affiliation.
The Cardiff branch has good, clean loos.
That’s the only pennies they’re getting from me.
Same here where I live(Dooshkas shop in their own crap shops).Not interested bore off